How to normalize Recharts ComposedChart with one dataKey significantly greater than other - recharts

I'm wondering if it's possible to "normalize" dataset value for multiple rechart instances (let's say Area and Bar).
The problem is that my dataset is a monthly Stats chart for orders income and amount. And one value is significantly greater than the other.
Example data looks:
income: 5050,
amount: 3,
income: 8600,
amount: 5,
Component (simplified)
<ComposedChart data={daysData}>
<Area dataKey="income" />
<Bar dataKey="amount" />
This results in Bar chart barely visible on charts.
I would like bars to be for example half of the container height despite the original value is low.
I could manually multiple amount by 1000 and somehow transform tooltip values, but this is not a stable solution, because amounts could be measured in hundreds of thousands or even millions

As a temporary solution, I wrote simple normalizing functions. It works but doesn't seem right.
Is it anything similar in functionality I could do with native recharts params?
const daysDataNormalized = useMemo(() => {
const greatestIncome = daysData.reduce((acc, x) => (acc.income > x.income ? acc : x)).income;
const greatestAmount = daysData.reduce((acc, x) => (acc.amount > x.amount ? acc : x)).amount;
const multiplier = greatestIncome / greatestAmount / 2;
return => ({
income: stat.income,
amount: stat.amount * multiplier,
amountTooltip: stat.amount,
}, [daysData]);
const TooltipFormater = (value, name, props) => {
if (name === 'amount') {
return value;
if (name === 'income') {
return props.payload.amountTooltip;


dc.js charting nested data arrays

Problem description
I have a large data array with a structure similar to the following and seek to create a chart that will display the timerecords' changesets by hour that the changeset was created.
[ // array of records
id: 1,
name: 'some record',
in_datetime: '2019-10-24T08:15:00.000000',
out_datetime: '2019-10-24T10:15:00.000000',
hours: 2,
tasks: ["some task name", "another task"],
changesets: [ //array of changesets within a record
id: 1001,
created_at: '2019-10-24T09:37:00.000000'
No matter how I have tried to create the dimension/write reduction functions I can't get the correct values out of the data table.
const changeReduceAdd = (p, v) => {
v.changesets.forEach(change => {
let cHour = timeBand[change.created_hour]
if (showByChanges) {
p[cHour] = (p[cHour] || 0) + (change.num_changes || 0)
} else {
p[cHour] = (p[cHour] || 0) + 1 //this is 1 changeset
return p
const changeReduceRemove = (p, v) => {
v.changesets.forEach(change => {
let cHour = timeBand[change.created_hour]
if (showByChanges) {
p[cHour] = (p[cHour] || 0) - (change.num_changes || 0)
} else {
p[cHour] = (p[cHour] || 0) - 1 //this is 1 changeset
return p
const changeReduceInit = () => {
return {}
//next create the array dimension of changesets by hour
//goal: show changesets or num_changes grouped by their created_hour
let changeDim = ndx.dimension(r => => timeBand[c.created_hour]), true)
let changeGroup =, changeReduceRemove, changeReduceInit)
let changeChart = dc.barChart('#changeset-hour-chart')
.keyAccessor(d => d.key)
.valueAccessor(d => d.value[d.key])
jsfiddle and debugging notes
The main problem I'm having is I want the changesets/created_hour chart, but in every dimension I have tried, where the keys appear correct, the values are significantly higher than the expected.
The values in the "8AM" category give value 5, when there are really only 3 changesets which I marked created_hour: 8:
There are a lot of solutions to the "tag dimension" problem, and you happen to have chosen two of the best.
the custom reduction, or
the array/tag flag parameter to the dimension constructor
would do the trick.
Combining the two techniques is what got you into trouble. I didn't try to figure what exactly was going on, but you were somehow summing the counts of the hours.
Simple solution: use the built-in tag dimension feature
Use the tag/dimension flag and default reduceCount:
let changeDim = ndx.dimension(r => => timeBand[c.created_hour]), true)
let changeGroup =; // no reduce, defaults to reduceCount
let changeChart = dc.barChart('#changeset-hour-chart')
.keyAccessor(d => d.key)
.valueAccessor(d => d.value) // no [d.key], value is count
fork of your fiddle
Manual, pre-1.4 groupAll version
You also have a groupAll solution in your code. This solution was necessary before array/tag dimensions were introduced in crossfilter 1.4.
Out of curiosity, I tried enabling it, and it also works once you transform from the groupAll result into group results:
function groupall_map_to_group(groupall) {
return {
all: () => Object.entries(groupall.value())
let changeGroup = ndx.groupAll().reduce(changeReduceAdd, changeReduceRemove, changeReduceInit)
let changeChart = dc.barChart('#changeset-hour-chart')
.dimension({}) // filtering not implemented
.keyAccessor(d => d.key)
.valueAccessor(d => d.value) // [d.key]
crossfilter 1.3 version

Updating react-table values after Dragging and Dropping a row in React Redux

I´ve accomplished the react drag and drop functionality into my project so i can reorder a row in a react table´s list. The problem is i have a column named 'Sequence', witch shows me the order of the elements, that i can´t update its values.
before (the rows are draggable):
Sequence | Name
1 Jack
2 Angel
after ( i need to update the values of Sequence wherea i change their position after dropping a specific draggable row, in this case i dragged Jack at the first position and dropped it at the second position) :
Sequence | Name
1 Angel
2 Jack
React/Redux it´s allowing me to change the index order of this array of elements, without getting the 'A state mutation was detected between dispatches' error message, but is not allowing me to update the Sequence values with a new order values.
This is what i have tried so far:
// within the parent class component
// item is an array of objects from child
UpdateSequence(startIndex, endIndex, item) {
// the state.Data is already an array of object
const result = this.state.Data;
const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1);
result.splice(endIndex, 0, removed);
// this is working without the mutation state error
this.setState({ Data: result })
let positionDiff = 0;
let direction = null;
let newIndex = 0;
positionDiff = endIndex - startIndex;
if (startIndex > endIndex) {
direction = "up";
else if (startIndex < endIndex) {
direction = "down";
if (positionDiff !== 0) {
for (var x = 0; x <= Math.abs(positionDiff); x++) {
if (x === 0) {
newIndex = startIndex + positionDiff - x;
this.setState(prevState => ({
Data: {
[prevState.Data[newIndex].Sequence]: Data[newIndex].Sequence + positionDiff
else {
if (direction === "down") {
newIndex = startIndex + positionDiff - x;
this.setState(prevState => ({
Data: {
[prevState.Data[newIndex].Sequence]: Data[newIndex].Sequence - 1
else if (direction === "up") {
Data= startIndex + positionDiff + x;
this.setState(prevState => ({
Data: {
[prevState.Data[newIndex].Sequence]: Data[newIndex].Sequence + 1
// so when i call save action i am stepping into the 'A state mutation was detected between dispatches' error message.
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
toastr['error'](error, 'error....');
Calling the action 'saveSequence' whenever i try to update the element of the array, 'Sequence', i am getting the 'A state mutation was detected between dispatches' error message.
Any help will be greatfull! Thank you!
note: The logic applied to reorder the Sequence is ok.
While I don't know redux particularly well, I am noticing that you are directly modifying state, which seems like a likely culprit.
const result = this.state.Data;
const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1);
splice is a destructive method that modifies its input, and its input is a reference to something in this.state.
To demonstrate:
> state = {Data: [1,2,3]}
{ Data: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
> result = state.Data.splice(0,1)
[ 1 ]
> state
{ Data: [ 2, 3 ] }
Notice that state has been modified. This might be what Redux is detecting, and a general React no-no.
To avoid modifying state, the easy way out is to clone the data you are looking to modify
const result = this.state.Data.slice()
Note that this does a shallow copy, so if Data has non-primitive values, you have to watch out for doing destructive edits on those values too. (Look up deep vs shallow copy if you want to find out more.) However, since you are only reordering things, I believe you're safe.
Well, i figured it out changing this part of code:
const result = item;
const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1);
// i created a new empty copy of the const 'removed', called 'copy' and update the Sequence property of the array like this below. (this code with the sequence number is just a sample of what i came up to fix it )
let copy;
copy = {
Sequence: 1000,
result.splice(endIndex, 0, copy);
After i didn´t setState for it, so i commented this line:
// this.setState({ Data: result })
and the end of it was putting the result to the save action as a parameter , and not the state.
Works and now i have i fully drag and drop functionality saving the new order sequence into the database with no more 'A state mutation was detected between dispatches' error message!

How to wrap a group with a top method

I have a map display and would like to total all electoral votes of the states that have been selected and display it in a number display. I was given the advice in a previous thread to wrap my group with an object with a top method. I'm not sure how to do this, so far I have:
var stateDim4 = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.state; }),
group = {return d.elecVote }),
count =;
Please could someone help me on how to do this?
Previous Thread: Summing a column and displaying percentage in a number chart
Building on your previous example, here is a fake group with a top method that sums up all the electoral votes for the selected states.
var fakeGroup = {
top: function() {
return [,b) {
if(b.value > 0) {
a.value += elecVotesMap.get(b.key)
return a
}, {
key: "",
value: 0
Here is a working JSFiddle:
There are a bunch of other fake group examples in the dc.js FAQ, but I don't think any of them do exactly what you want here.

Using Custom reduce function with Fake Groups

I have line chart where I need to show frequency of order executions over the course of a day. These orders are grouped by time interval, for example every hour, using custom reduce functions. There could be an hour interval when there were no order executions, but I need to show that as a zero point on the line. I create a 'fake group' containing all the bins with a zero count...and the initial load of the page is correct.
However the line chart is one of 11 charts on the page, and needs to be updated when filters are applied to other charts. When I filter on another chart, the effects on this particular frequency line chart are incorrect. The dimension and the 'fake group' are used for the dc.chart.
I put console.log messages in the reduceRemove function and can see that there is something wrong...but not sure why.
Any thoughts on where I could be going wrong.
FrequencyVsTimeDimension = crossfilterData.dimension(function (d) { return d.execution_datetime; });
FrequencyVsTimeGroup =;
function (p, d) { //reduceAdd
if (d.execution_datetime in p.order_list) {
p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] += 1;
else {
p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] = 1;
if (d.execution_type !== FILL) p.order_count++;
return p;
function (p, d) { //reduceRemove
if (d.execution_type !== FILL) p.order_count--;
if (p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] === 0) {
delete p.order_list[d.execution_datetime];
return p;
function () { //reduceInitial
return { order_list: {}, order_count: 0 };
var FrequencyVsTimeFakeGroup = ensure_group_bins(FrequencyVsTimeGroup, interval); // function that returns bins for all the intervals, even those without data.

Dimensional Charting with Non-Exclusive Attributes

The following is a schematic, simplified, table, showing HTTP transactions. I'd like to build a DC analysis for it using dc, but some of the columns don't map well to crossfilter.
In the settings of this question, all HTTP transactions have the fields time, host, requestHeaders, responseHeaders, and numBytes. However, different transactions have different specific HTTP request and response headers. In the table above, 0 and 1 represent the absence and presence, respectively, of a specific header in a specific transaction. The sub-columns of requestHeaders and responseHeaders represent the unions of the headers present in transactions. Different HTTP transaction datasets will almost surely generate different sub-columns.
For this question, a row in this chart is represented in code like this:
"time": 0,
"host": "",
"requestHeaders": {"foo": 0, "bar": 1, "baz": 1},
"responseHeaders": {"shmip": 0, "shmap": 1, "shmoop": 0},
"numBytes": 12
The time, host, and numBytes all translate easily into crossfilter, and so it's possible to build charts answering things like what was the total number of bytes seen for transactions between 2 and 4 for host E.g.,
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var hostDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) {
var hostBytes = {
return d.numBytes;
The problem is that, for all slices of time and host, I'd like to show (capped) bar charts of the (leading) request and response headers by bytes. E.g. (see the first row), for time 0 and host, the request headers bar chart should show that bar and baz each have 12.
There are two problems, a minor one and a major one.
Minor Problem
This doesn't fit quite naturally into dc, as it's one-directional. These bar charts should be updated for the other slices, but they can't be used for slicing themselves. E.g., you shouldn't be able to select bar and deselect baz, and look for a resulting breakdown of hosts by bytes, because what would this mean: hosts in the transactions that have bar but don't have baz? hosts in the the transactions that have bar and either do or don't have baz? It's too unintuitive.
How can I make some dc charts one directional. Is it through some hack of disabling mouse inputs?
Major Problem
As opposed to host, foo and bar are non-exclusive. Each transaction's host is either something or the other, but a transaction's headers might include any combination of foo and bar.
How can I define crossfilter dimensions for requestHeaders, then, and how can I use dc? That is
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var requestHeadersDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) {
// What should go here?
The way I usually deal with the major problem you state is to transform my data so that there is a separate record for each header (all other fields in these duplicate records are the same). Then I use custom group aggregations to avoid double-counting. These custom aggregations are a bit hard to manage so I built Reductio to help with this using the 'exception' function -
Hacked it (efficiently, but very inelegantly) by looking at the source code of dc. It's possible to distort the meaning of crossfilter to achieve the desired effect.
The final result is in this fiddle. It is slightly more limited than the question, as the fields of responseHeaders are hardcoded to foo, bar, and baz. Removing this restriction is more in the domain of simple Javascript.
Minor Problem
Using a simple css hack, I simply defined
.avoid-clicks {
pointer-events: none;
and gave the div this class. Inelegant but effective.
Major Problem
The major problem is solved by distorting the meaning of crossfilter concepts, and "fooling" dc.
Let's say the data looks like this:
var transactions = [
"time": 0,
"host": "",
"requestHeaders": {"foo": 0, "bar": 1, "baz": 1},
"responseHeaders": {"shmip": 0, "shmap": 1, "shmoop": 0},
"numBytes": 12
"time": 1,
"host": "",
"requestHeaders": {"foo": 0, "bar": 1, "baz": 1},
"responseHeaders": {"shmip": 0, "shmap": 1, "shmoop": 1},
"numBytes": 3
We can define a "dummy" dimension, which ignores the data:
var transactionsNdx = crossfilter(transactions);
var dummyDim = transactionsNdx
.dimension(function(d) {
return 0;
Using this dimension, we can define a group that counts the total foo, bar, and baz bytes of the filtered rows:
var requestHeadersGroup = dummyDim
/* callback for when data is added to the current filter results */
function (p, v) {
return {
"foo": + * v.numBytes,
"bar": + * v.numBytes,
"baz": p.baz + v.requestHeaders.baz * v.numBytes,
/* callback for when data is removed from the current filter results */
function (p, v) {
return {
"foo": - * v.numBytes,
"bar": - * v.numBytes,
"baz": p.baz - v.requestHeaders.baz * v.numBytes,
/* initialize p */
function () {
return {
"foo": 0,
"bar": 0,
"baz": 0
Note that this isn't a proper crossfilter group at all. It will not map the dimensions to their values. Rather, it maps 0 to a value which itself maps the dimensions to their values (ugly!). We therefore need to transform this group into something that actually looks like a crossfilter group:
var getSortedFromGroup = function() {
var all = requestHeadersGroup.all()[0].value;
all = [
"key": "foo",
"key": "bar",
"key": "foo",
"value": all.baz
return all.sort(function(lhs, rhs) {
return lhs.value - rhs.value;
var requestHeadersDisplayGroup = {
"top": function(k) {
return getSortedFromGroup();
"all": function() {
return getSortedFromGroup();
We now can create a regular dc chart, and pass the adaptor group
requestHeadersDisplayGroup to it. It works normally from this point on.
