Content-Range header not set by webflux Webclient - spring-boot

Using the flux Webclient, I'm trying to stream a file I downloaded from another webclient to a new endpoint.
This endpoint (which I do not control) requires 2 headers to be set on the upload: Content-Length and Content-Range.
If I set them manually as per the hard coded test below it all goes well. I'm unsure where to get started to have these set dynamically as the Flux databuffer gets uploaded.
public Mono<ResourceResponse>uploadFile(URI destination, Flux<DataBuffer> inputFile){
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
return webClient.put()
// .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, "12")
// .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE, "bytes 0-11/12")
Should I be doing more on the client to extract these headers?
public Flux<DataBuffer> downloadFile(URI uri) {
return botClient.get().uri(uri)


Spring Webflux: how to manually write headers and body?

I'm using Spring WebFlux for my project that is intended to work as pub/sub service: http clients connect to it and wait for events (like PUSH or SSE).
I need to manually write headers and body to the response without using ServerResponse.
I need to do it manually because I'm implementing an SSE server and I must send custom headers into the response before any event actually arrives.
I'm trying to do it this way:
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> getStuff() {
return route(GET("/stuff"),
request -> {
final ServerWebExchange exchange =;
final byte[] bytes = "data".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
final DataBuffer buffer =exchange.getResponse().bufferFactory().wrap(bytes);
return exchange.getResponse().writeWith(Flux.just(buffer));
But it does not work because writeWith() returns Mono<Void> and getStuff() must return RouterFunction. Can anybody help me find a way around this?

webclient set header reactive way

I am new to WebFlux and reactive way of programming. I am using WebClient to call a REST service, when making the call, I need to set a HTTP header, the value for the HTTP header comes from a reactive stream, but the header method on the WebClient only takes String value...
Mono<String> getHeader() {
The above line won't compile, since header method takes an String for second argument. How can I set a header if the value comes from a reactive stream?
You just need to chain getHeader and web client request using flatMap to create reactive flow
return getHeader()
.flatMap(header ->
.header("myHeader", header)

Is there a change to return a png file like response.png instead of response.bin

The aim of my code is to retrieve an image from a third-party service.
I struggled a little for endpoint of download to work and only partially succeeded. When I call the endpoint via postman the answer is a .bin file, but what I need is to have a .png file. The greatest success is being able to get a .png file being able to customize the name as well. But personalization of the is not strictly necessary.
The project is built with the initializer and has the following dependencies:
Below is the source code of my endpoint:
public Mono<byte[]> retrieveImage(ImageRequest request) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
queryParams.add("attribute", request.getAttribute()); // fake for query string setting.
Mono<byte[]> image = webClient
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
.flatMap(clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono(byte[].class)
.doOnSuccess(body -> {
if (clientResponse.statusCode().isError()) {
log.error("HttpStatusCode = {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
log.error("HttpHeaders = {}", clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders());
log.error("ResponseBody = {}", body);
return image;
You can also add the mime type of the file to the produces section of the #GetMapping annotation, it should look something like this:
#GetMapping(path = "/retrieve-image",
produces = "image/png")
Additionally, instead of returning a Mono<byte[]>, you can wrap your response in a ResponseEntity<Resource>. This gives you the possibility to add Headers and tell the browser the name of your file. For example:
HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();
"attachment; filename=image.png");
header.add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
return ResponseEntity.ok().
One last thought: If you add both spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-webflux to your dependencies, the app will work, but it doesn't use Netty from Webflux, instead the usual Tomcat. So you don't benefit from the reactive features.

How can SOAP be used with Spring Reactor's WebClient?

I've managed to build an SSL connection to the sandbox server and to send the object as a serialised XML object by applying the content type MediaType.APPLICATION_XML. However, this is not enough as the target service only supports SOAP and expects the message properly wrapped in an envelope.
final var webClient = WebClient.builder()
return webClient
This is the response from the service:
Unable to create envelope from given source because the root element is not named "Envelope"
Unfortunately the the WebClient doesn't support the media type application/soap+xml. When I try to use it, then the WebClient throws the following error:
org.springframework.web.reactive.function.UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Content type 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8' not supported for bodyType=eu.nmvs.SinglePackPingRequest
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyInserters.unsupportedError(
I use:
private void acceptedCodecs(ClientCodecConfigurer clientCodecConfigurer) {
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().encoder(new Jackson2JsonEncoder(new ObjectMapper(), TEXT_XML));
clientCodecConfigurer.customCodecs().decoder(new Jackson2JsonDecoder(new ObjectMapper(), TEXT_XML));
webClient = webClientBuilder

Missing Content-Length header sending POST request with WebClient (SpringBoot 2.0.2.RELEASE)

I'm using WebClient (SpringBoot 2.0.2.RELEASE) to send a POST with SOAP request, but it is missing "Content-Length" header required by the legacy API.
Is it possible to configure WebClient to include "Content-Length" header?
There is an Spring Framework Issue resolved and introduced for EncoderHttpMessageWriter in SpringBoot 2.0.1, but it seems not to work for JAXB.
I tried to use BodyInserters:;
and syncBody:;
None of them worked for WebClient. Though, when RestTemplate is used, Content-Length is set and API responds with success
I am struggling with the same problem, as an ugly work-around I am manually serializing the request (JSON in my case) and setting the length (Kotlin code):
open class PostRetrieverWith411ErrorFix(
private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper
) {
protected fun <T : Any> post(webClient: WebClient, body: Any, responseClass: Class<T>): Mono<T> {
val bodyJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(body)
If you apply Sven's colleague(Max) solution like we did you can also adapt it for cases like your body being a custom obj but you have to serialize it once:
String req = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(requestObject)
and passed that to
Keep in mind that with SpringBoot 2.0.3.RELEASE, if you'll pass a String to webClient as a request, it will put as ContentType header MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN and that made our integration with other service to fail. We fixed that by setting specifically content type header like this:
WebClient is a streaming client and it's kind of difficult to set the content length until the stream has finished. By then the headers are long gone. If you work with legacy, you can re-use your mono (Mono/Flux can be reused, Java streams not) and check the length.
public void post() {
Mono<String> mono = Mono.just("HELLO WORLDZ");
final String response = WebClient.create("")
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, -> String.valueOf(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length)).block())
.body(BodyInserters.fromPublisher(mono, String.class))
A colleague (well done Max!) of mine came up with cleaner solution, I added some wrapping code so it can be tested:
Mono<String> my = Mono.just("HELLO WORLDZZ")
.flatMap(body -> WebClient.create("")
