discord.py moving people to different voice channels - discord.py

channel_a = bot.get_channel(780743421442260993)
async def Movee(ctx):
i = 0
while i < len(participant):
if type(participant[i]) != str:
await participant[i].move_to(channel_a)
i += 1
I want to move people to another voice chat room,
but using this code, people are just disconnected from voice chat room.
I've already checked if the channel ID is correct...
If you know the solution, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

channel = []
async def on_ready():
channel_a = bot.get_channel(780743421442260993)
async def setChA(ctx):
channel[0] = bot.get_channel(ctx.message.author.voice.channel.id)
await ctx.send("Done")
async def Move(ctx):
i = 0
while i < len(participant):
if type(participant[i]) != str:
await participant[i].move_to(channel[0])
i += 1
It work very well change as above.
I think it's caused by the way the async function works.
It will probably work well without using list.
I post it for someone who will have the same problem as me.
Also I always welcome anyone who knows a better way :D


I want to my discord bot to forward the message to another channel after a user reacts to it Discord.py

I know next to nothing about coding in Python but I created this bot from tutorials I found online and it does little things in my private server.
One thing we'd love to do is to react to certain messages so they will be collected in a specific channel. I've seen a few servers do this, like a highlights kind of thing.
I found something promising here in Stackoverflow but it's in javascript :<
Edit: 2023-01-19 08:53 GMT+8
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, member):
if str(reaction.emoji) == "⭐":
channel = await bot.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send(reaction.message.content)
Final code
edited: 2023-01-20 17:14 GMT+8
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if reaction.emoji == "⭐":
astrometrics = bot.get_channel(channel id here)
embed = discord.Embed(color = 0xFEE75C)
embed.set_author(name = reaction.message.author.name, icon_url = reaction.message.author.display_avatar)
embed.add_field(name = "Message Content", value = reaction.message.content)
if len(reaction.message.attachments) > 0:
embed.set_image(url = reaction.message.attachments[0].url)
embed.add_field(name = "Go to message", value = reaction.message.jump_url, inline = False)
await astrometrics.send(embed = embed)
You can check certain messages in on_message event. And for getting a specific channel in your server, you need to have the channel id. link
Something like this:
async def on_message(message):
if message.content == 'the certain message':
specific_channel = await bot.get_channel(channel_id)
await specific_channel.send(message.content)
But this might have some rate-limited consequence if the 'certain message' was too much and sent at a high rate. (If yes, then there's nothing you can do since rate-limited is a discord limitation).

Discord sniping edited messages not working

I've scrolled through other people's posts about this, ive tried reworking their code to mine, but it doesnt seem to work
snipe_message_author = {}
async def on_message_edit(message_before, message_after):
snipe_message_author = message_before.author
guild = message_before.guild.name
async def snipeedit(ctx):
channel = ctx.channel
snipeEmbed = discord.Embed(colour = discord.Colour.orange(),title=f"{snipe_message_author[channel.id]}", description = f"""Original message : {message_before.content}
Updated message : {message_after.content}""")
await ctx.send(embed = snipeEmbed)
await ctx.send(f"There are no edited messages in #{channel.name}")
Every time i try the code, it returns "There are no edited messages in #*channel*"
I think its because of the snipe_message_author
thanks to anyone who helps.
As Łukasz Kwieciński's comment says:
You never add anything to snipe_message_author = {}, it can't work at all. Based on other posts, you can easily come up with a solution.
Take a look at the following code:
edited_messages = {}
async def on_message_edit(message_before, message_after):
edited_messages[message_before.guild.id] = (message_before.content, message_after.content, message_before.author)
async def snipeedit(ctx):
content_before, content_after, message_author = edited_messages[ctx.guild.id]
snipeEmbed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Colour.orange(), title=f"{message_author}",
description=f"Original message : {content_before}
Updated message : {content_after}")
await ctx.send(embed=snipeEmbed)
await ctx.send(f"There are no edited messages in #{ctx.channel.name}")
In our on_message_edit event, we first define what should be "saved" for our guild or what exactly applies.
After we define these things, they are saved in the order specified. So now we have 3 "data" stored. We query or redefine these in our try statement and then read them from edited_messages for the corresponding ctx.guild.

is there another command should i use?

So, I can't use the "?roast" command and "?roast #(user)" at the same time...
async def on_ready():
await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.dnd, activity=discord.Game(' "?" Booe'))
print('Bot is ready to play!')
async def roast(ctx, member:discord.Member):
roast_messages = [
f'{ctx.message.author.mention}You are useless as the UEUE in Queue {member.mention}',
await ctx.send(random.choice(roast_messages))
There is always a way to solve that , discord gives us a way like this
async def roast(ctx, member:discord.Member=None):#None is if nothing is given then its None
if member == None:
member = ctx.author
roast_messages = [
f'{ctx.message.author.mention}You are useless as the UEUE in Queue {member.mention}',]
await ctx.send("imagine roasting yourself")#Your Choice Absolutely :)
await ctx.send(random.choice(roast_messages))
here if the member isnt specified , the function is called taking member as none , later gives the none value to the ctx.author itself (dont try to write ctx.author instead of none in the async def roast it gives error as ctx aint defined. also i forgot your roast messages wont make sense then so make sure to edit them too TY :)

Command to spam something discord-bot

so basically I am trying to make a spam command for my discord bot, which takes in a custom message to spam. Here's the code:
async def spam(ctx):
global stop
stop = 0
content = ctx.message.content[11:]
if ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator or ctx.author.id in admins:
if lock == 1:
await ctx.send('Jesus bot is currently locked.')
elif lock == 0:
await ctx.send('Beginning spam..')
while not stop:
await ctx.send(content)
await ctx.send('Sorry, but you do not have admin permissions in this server, or you are not a verified admin.')
For some reason, whenever I try to use this command, the bot doesn't respond. I'm not sure why this happens, and could use some help please.
Picture of bot not responding:
I have a spam command, but I only use it to mess around with my friends. I would not recommend using this as a public command, as you may get rate limited or banned for abuse or something like that. Anyway here is the code I have used for it.
# If you want to use admin only, use this below
# #commands.has_permissions(administrator=True)
async def spam(self, ctx, amount, *, word):
await asyncio.sleep(2)
print(f"Starting to spam {word} in {ctx.guild.name}")
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention}\nPlease note that this will clog up the bot's reaction time")
await asyncio.sleep(3)
count = 0
while counting:
await ctx.send(word)
count = count + 1
if count == amount:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await ctx.send("Spam complete")
print(Fore.GREEN + "Spam complete")
counting = False
At the top of your code, make sure you import asyncio as time.sleep will cause the whole bot to pause. Also the Fore.GREEN stuff is just colorama (import colorama).
Try using tasks instead of asyncio. It is made for such repetetive operations and it is easier and nicer because it is made by discord and is included in discord.ext. Something like this:
from discord.ext import tasks
async def spam(ctx):
#get message and do all the ifs that you have there
async def spamStop(ctx):
# stop the loop
async def spamLoop():
print("The message")
Actually quite a simple way of adding spam
import asyncio
#bot.command(name='spam', help= "Spam to your heart's delight")
async def spam(ctx, thing, amount):
count = 0
while count < int(amount):
await ctx.send(thing)
count += 1
if count < amount:
await asyncio.sleep(1)

Discord Bot sending more than one message

So I am creating a simple bot that detects when somebody joins a server and when somebody leaves the server.
I added a command to show people's avatars, but any time I do it, or when somebody joins or leaves, it sends the message more than once.
I've searched and I can't find the problem.
Can you guys help me?
Here's my code
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix="?")
async def on_ready():
async def on_member_join(member):
channel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.text_channels, name="entradas")
await channel.send(f"{member} is new on the server, everyone say hi")
show_avatar = discord.Embed(color = discord.Color.blue())
await channel.send(embed=show_avatar)
async def on_member_remove(member):
channel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.text_channels, name="saidas")
await channel.send(f"{member} left the server, press F to pay respects")
async def avatar(ctx, member: discord.Member):
show_avatar = discord.Embed(color = discord.Color.blue())
await ctx.send(embed=show_avatar)
You should check if you are running 2 bots.
If you are running your bot on Linux with screen, simply check with
screen -ls
on windows, just check the task-manager and look under something like Python.
It's btw possible to have the same bot running twice.
