I can easily define a matrix type of fixed lines number and undefined columns number :
typedef Matrix<double, 6, Dynamic> dMat6rowsNCols;
dMat6rowsNCols M1;
But I couldn't figure out how to instanciate it, those attempts don't compile :
M1 = dMat6rowsNCols::Zero(4);
May I ask you some hints ?
From the documentation of DenseBase::Zero(Index):
This is only for vectors (either row-vectors or column-vectors), i.e. matrices which are known at compile-time to have either one row or one column.
You have to use DenseBase::Zero(Index, Index):
M1 = dMat6rowsNCols::Zero(6, 4);
If you are using the current Eigen trunk you can use Eigen::NoChange for some functions, e.g.
M1.setZero(Eigen::NoChange, 4);
As a side note: Calling M1.Zero does not call the member function that sets all coefficients to 0 but is a less common way of calling the static function DenseBase::::Zero. You are probably looking for M1.setZero.
When casting a vector integers (i.e. Eigen::VectorXi) to a vector of doubles, and then operating on that vector of doubles, the generated assembly is dramatically different if the return type of the cast is auto.
In other words, using:
Eigen::VectorXi int_vec(3);
int_vec << 1, 2, 3;
Eigen::VectorXd dbl_vec = int_vec.cast<double>();
Compared to:
Eigen::VectorXi int_vec(3);
int_vec << 1, 2, 3;
auto dbl_vec = int_vec.cast<double>();
Here are two examples on godbolt:
VectorXd return type: https://godbolt.org/z/0FLC4r
auto return type: https://godbolt.org/z/MGxCaL
What are the ramifications of using auto for the return here? I thought it would be more efficient by avoiding a copy, but now I'm not sure.
Indeed, in your code in the question you avoid a copy (indeed, until dbl_vec is used, it's essentially a noop). However, in the code on godbolt, you traverse the original int_vec and evaluate dbl_vec at least twice, possibly thrice:
max + std::log((dbl_vec.array() - max)
^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^
I'm not sure if the two calls to max are collapsed into a temporary or not. I'd hope so.
In any case, kmdreko is right and you should avoid using auto with Eigen unless you know exactly what you're doing. In this case, the auto is an expression template that does not get evaluated until used. If you use it more than once, then it gets evaluated more than once. If the evaluation is expensive, then the savings from not using a copy are lost (with interest) to the additional evaluation times.
To solve a rectangular sparse linear system of equations I would like to use Eigen's LeastSquaresConjugateGradient. Aside from the default Jacobi and Identity preconditioner I was wondering though if it is possible to also use Incomplete Cholesky as a preconditioner within LeastSquaresConjugateGradient?
The Rcpp code I have and which uses the default Jacobi ([LeastSquareDiagonalPreconditioner) preconditioner is:
solve_sparse_lsconjgrad <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list"), '
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::Lower;
using Eigen::Map;
using Eigen::SparseMatrix;
using Eigen::IdentityPreconditioner;
// using Eigen::IncompleteCholesky;
using Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient;
List input(input_);
const Map<SparseMatrix<double> > m1 = input[0]; // X
const Map<VectorXd> v1 = input[1]; // y
const Map<VectorXd> x = input[2]; // initial coefficient guess
SparseMatrix<double> m2(m1.cols(), m1.cols());
Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient<SparseMatrix<double> > solver;
VectorXd res = solver.solveWithGuess(v1, x);
return List::create(_["res"] = res,
_["rows"] = double(solver.rows()),
_["cols"] = double(solver.cols()));
plugin = "RcppEigen")
Usage is
solve_sparse_lsconjgrad(list(X, y, coefficient_starting_values))
But how should I modify this to use IncompleteCholesky as a preconditioner instead? In another stack overflow question I saw that one needs to define
typedef LeastSquaresConjugateGradient<SparseMatrix<double>, IncompleteCholesky<double> > ICCG;
but I was unsure then how to use that in the code above. Any thoughts? I was also wondering if I am passing my initial coefficient estimates correctly, because I notice that if I solve my problem once and use the obtained coefficients as starting values in a new fit that I am hardly getting any speed benefits, which I thought is strange...
I'm trying to translate the following Matlab code to C/C++.
indl = find(dlamu1 < 0); indu = find(dlamu2 < 0);
s = min([1; -lamu1(indl)./dlamu1(indl); -lamu2(indu)./dlamu2(indu)]);
I've read on another thread that there's yet no equivalent in the Eigen library to the find() function and I'm at peace with that and have brute-forced around it.
Now, if I wanted to do the coefficient-wise division of lamu1 and dlamu1, I'd go for lamu1.cwiseQuotient(dlamu1) but how do I go about doing that but only for some of their coefficients, which indexes are specified by the coefficients of indl? I haven't found anything about this in the documentation, but maybe I'm not using the right search terms.
With the default branch you can just write lamu1(indl) with indl a std::vector<int> or a Eigen::VectorXi or whatever you like that supports random access through operator[].
There is no equivalent of find (yet) even in the default branch. Your function can however be expressed using the select method (also works with Eigen 3.3.x):
double ret1 = (dlamu1.array()<0).select(-lamu1.cwiseQuotient(dlamu1), 1.0).minCoeff();
return std::min(1.0,ret1); // not necessary, if dlamu1.array()<0 at least once
select evaluates lazily, i.e., only if the condition is true, the quotient will be calculated. On the other hand, a lot of unnecessary comparisons with 1.0 will happen with the code above.
If [d]lamu are stored in Eigen::ArrayXd instead of Eigen::VectorXd, you can write:
double ret1 = (dlamu1<0).select(-lamu1/dlamu1, 1.0).minCoeff();
If you brute-forced indl anyway, you can as ggael suggested write:
(this is undefined/crashes if indl.size()==0)
Code as below:
// Generate the returns matrix
boost::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> returns_m = boost::make_shared<Eigen::MatrixXd>(factor_size, num_of_obs_per_simulation);
//Generate covariance matrix
boost::shared_ptr<MatrixXd> corMatrix = boost::make_shared<MatrixXd>(factor_size, factor_size);
(*corMatrix) = (*returns_m) * (*returns_m).transpose() / (num_of_obs_per_simulation - 1);
The point is that I want to return the corMatrx as a pointer, not as an object, to be stored as a member of a result class for later use. Above code seems to make a copy of the big matrix, is there any better way to do it?
Thank you and best wishes...
Slight improvement to #ggael's answer, you can directly construct your corMatrix shared pointer from the expression:
boost::shared_ptr<MatrixXd> corMatrix
= boost::make_shared<MatrixXd>((*returns_m) * (*returns_m).transpose() * (1./(num_of_obs_per_simulation - 1));
Or, you can exploit the symmetry of the product using rankUpdate:
boost::shared_ptr<MatrixXd> corMatrix = boost::make_shared<MatrixXd>(MatrixXd::Zero(factor_size, factor_size));
corMatrix->selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().rankUpdate(*returns_m, 1.0 / (num_of_obs_per_simulation - 1));
// optionally copy upper half to lower half as well:
corMatrix->triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>() = corMatrix->adjoint();
I don't understand your question as returning corMatrix as a shared_ptr will do exactly what you want, but regarding your product, you can save one temporary using noalias and * (1./x):
(*corMatrix).noalias() = (*returns_m) * (*returns_m).transpose() * (1./(num_of_obs_per_simulation - 1));
The whole expression will be turned as a single call to a gemm-like routine.
To complete the explanation:
Recall that Eigen is an expression template library, so when you do A = 2*B + C.transpose(); with A,B,C matrices, then everything happen in operator=, that is the right-hand-side expression is directly evaluated within A. For products, the story is slightly different because 1) to be efficient it needs to be directly evaluated within something, and 2) it is not possible to directly write to the destination if there is aliasing, e.g.: A = A*B. The noalias tells Eigen that the destination does not not alias and the product can be directly evaluated within it.
In Stata, after a regression I know it is possible to call the elements of stored results by name. For example, if I want to manipulate the coefficient on the variable precip, I just type _b[precip]. My question is how do I do the same after the tabstat command? For example, say I want to multiply the coefficient on precip by the sample mean of precip:
reg --variables in regression--
tabstat --variables in regression--
mat X=r(StatTotal)
mat Y=_b[precip]*X[1,precip]
Ah, if only it were that simple. But alas, in the last line X[1, precip] is invalid syntax. Oddly, Stata does recognize display X[1, precip]. And Stata would know what I'm trying to do if instead of precip I used the column number where precip appears in the X vector. If I were just doing this operation once, no problem. But I need to do this operation several times (for several different model specifications) and for several variables which change position in the vector from one model to the next, so I cannot just use the column number.
I am not yet sure I understand exactly what you want to do, but here's my attempt to reproduce what you are doing:
sysuse auto, clear
regress price mpg foreign weight
tabstat mpg foreign weight, save
matrix X = r(StatTotal)
matrix Y = _b[mpg]*X[1, colnumb(X, "mpg") ]
If you need to put this into a cycle, that's doable, too:
matrix bb = e(b)
local explvar : colnames bb
foreach x in `explvar' {
if "`x'" != "_cons" {
matrix Y_`x' = _b[`x'] * X[1, colnumb(X, "`x'")]
else {
matrix Y_`x' = _b[`x']
You'd probably want to put this into a program that you will call after each regression model estimation call, e.g.:
program define reg2mat , prefix( name )
if "`e(cmd)'" != "regress" {
// this will intentionally produce an error
tempname bb
matrix `bb' = e(b)
local explvar : colnames `bb'
foreach x in `explvar' {
if "`x'" != "_cons" {
matrix `prefix'_`x' = _b[`x'] * X[1, colnumb(X, "`x'")]
else {
matrix `prefix'_`x' = _b[`x']
end // of reg2mat
At many levels, it is not ideal, as it manipulates with the (global) matrices in Stata memory; most of the time, it is a bad idea, as the programs should only manipulate with objects local to them.
I suspect that what you want to do is addressed, in one way or another, by either omnipowerful margins command, or by an appropriate predict, or by matrix score (which is the low level version of predict). Attributing the effects to a variable only makes sense when your regressors are orthogonal, which only happens in carefully designed and conducted experiments.