Kotlin + Spring Boot + SQLite save object instead of statement.executeUpdate("...") - spring

I'm working on a project that uses Kotlin, Spring Boot and SQLite, the dependency I'm using is:
In this implementation Spring automatically scans for #Entity classes and creates the appropriate DB tables.
Right now I'm saving entries in the Db as follows:
var person= Person(0,"Bob")
var connection: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:test/sqlitesample.db")
var statement: Statement = connection.createStatement()
statement.executeUpdate("insert into person values(${person.id},'${person.name}')")
This woks fine, but: since the table is automatically created wouldn't be posible something like:
var person= Person(0,"Bob")
var connection: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:test/sqlitesample.db")
connection.save(person)//this is made up code, this method doesn't exist.
So the question is:
Can you ask the DB manager to Save an instance of a data object, since it used the object to create the table instead of using a query?

Take a look on Spring Boot Data JPA which does exactly what you need. It provides CrudRepository interface which you can use to Create/Read/Update/Delete entities.
There are lot of resources on this subject. E.g. This guide.The guide is in Java but it doesn't make much difference.


GraphQL SPQR fetches all fields on the server side

I'm new to Spring Boot and I just started using graphql-spqr for Spring Boot since it allows for easy bootstrapping of Java projects.
However, as per my understanding, GraphQL basically allows the fetching of selected fields from the database. As per the examples, I've seen, this type of selection in the graphql-spqr library happens on the client side. Is there a way to do selection both client-side and server-side so as to speed up the queries?
I've looked into EntityGraph examples for GraphQL but they are mostly implemented for complex queries that involve JOINs. However, nothing exists for simple queries like findAll(), findById() etc.
I would like to use findAll() with the server fetching only the fields as requested by the client. How can I do that?
What was said in the comments is correct: GraphQL (and hence SPQR, as it's merely a tool to hook the schema up) does not know anything about SQL, databases, JOINs or anything else. It's a communication protocol, the rest is up to you.
As for your situation, you'd have to inject the subselection into the resolver and pass it down to SQL. In the simplest case, it can look like this (in pseudo code):
public List<Book> books(#GraphQLEnvironment Set<String> fields) {
//pass the requested field names further
return database.query("SELECT " + fields + " FROM book");
You can inject ResolutionEnvironment using the same annotation, in case you need the full context.

IdentityServer3: Dependency Injection with RegistrationMode.InstancePerHttpRequest

I am implementing a IdentityServer3 and want to use a custom IUserService to check against our user table in our database.
Our server handles more than one database (or "tenants"), so the database context is always different per HttpRequest.
var factory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory();
factory.UserService = new Registration<IUserService>(resolver => new MyUserService(resolver.Resolve<IDatabaseInstance>()));
So i want to use a dependency registation per HTTP-request.
I think this is the desired setting:
But how can I use this?
The neccessary database is not known on boot-time in the StartUp-class.
I know the database within the ApiController. So I would like to requester the IDatabaseInstance there.
Can I do this? How can I do this?
Is there an example?
This is not helping, because it covers only simple scenarios...

spring transaction of JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport

How transaction is controlled while using JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplateand HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport? I used to check source code and didn't find where the transaction is controlled by JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport.
And In source code HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport is using JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate, what's the role of HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport and what's the role of JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate?
Why do we use JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport? It seems all sample code is using them. What should I use if I don't want to use them, such as only using spring + hibernate?
If I'm using JdbcTemplate/HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport/JdbcDaoSupport, do I still need to config transaction proxy in xml? If I still need to config transaction proxy in xml, it means it's ok for me to put both getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(user)and getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(order) together, and they're invoked in the same transaction, is this right?
First off all please forget about HibernateTemplate and HibernateDaoSupport these classes should be considered deprecated since the release of hibernate 3.0.1 (which was somewhere in 2006!). You should be creating daos/repositories based on a plain hibernate API, as explained in the Spring Reference Guide. (The same goes for JpaTemplate and JpaDaoSupport).
JdbcTemplate (and all other *Template classes) intend is to make it easier to work with the underlying technology. Once upon a time this was also needed for Hibernate (< 3.0.1), now it isn't.
JdbcTemplate makes it easier to work with plain JDBC code. You don't have to get a connection, create a (Prepared)Statement, add the parameters, execute the query, iterate over the resultset and convert the ResultSet. With the JdbcTemplate much of this is hidden and most of it can be written in 1 to 3 lines of code, whereas plain JDBC would require a lot more.
The *Support classes make it easier to gain access to a template but aren't a must to use. Creating a JdbcTemplate is quite easy and you don't really need to extend JdbcDaoSupport. But you can if you want. For more information a lot is explained in the reference guide.

Java Spring, JPA - like expression with wildcard

I am struggling with creation of JPQL statement using Like expression in Java Spring application. My aim is to implement simple case insensitive search function.
My code, which should return a list of companies containing a keyWord in their name looks like this:
List<Company> companies = em.createQuery("select cmp from JI_COMPANIES as companies where UPPER(cmp.name) LIKE :keyWord", Company.class)
.setParameter("keyWord","%" + keyWord.toUpperCase() + "%").getResultList();
return companies;
However, this query only works when my keyWord matches the name of company (Like statement is not used).
When testing the function above, I see in my console message from Hibernate:
Hibernate: select ... /* all my parameters */ ... where company0_.CMPN_NAME=?
It seems that my query is translated to cmpn_name='name' instead of using like expression.
You can look about Hibernate batch processing best pratices and Stateless session.
It was my fault due to not understanding how Spring Data JPA library works.
I have tried to create a custom implementation of myCompanyRepository (myCompanyRepository extends JpaRepository, CompanyRepositoryCustom).
The code which I mentioned above was located in my CompanyRepositoryCustomImpl class which implements CompanyRepositoryCustom interface. However I used method name "findCompaniesByName(String name)". JPA automatically creates a query from this method name and my implementation is not used.
Here is the link for Spring Data JPA reference

Play Framework, Hibernate and too slow insertation

I have two models: User and Base.
User model:
Base model:
At first I want to put your mind on this notation in Base model:
It doesn't work (in SQL Debug shown that Hibernate generated queries with using unnecessary columns which in MySQL are configured as nullable). Tell me please why? What am I doing wrong?
And the main problem is there (method in which user uploads base and string in this base inserts in the MySQL table after parsing):
Insertation is VERY SLOW. I have file with 70000 string per line and I can't wait until Hibernate insert this string into DB. Maximum I was waiting for 30 minutes and that wasn't the end.
If I'll use raw queries like that:
DB.execute("INSERT INTO bases (user_id,email,password) VALUES (1,'" + email.replaceAll("'", "\'") + "','" + password.replaceAll("'", "\'") + "')");
instead of
After that insertation of 70000 strings to DB completes after ~10-20 seconds.
So I can't understand where is the problem and how to fix it?
Also you can see this code above method declaration:
If I uncomment it then I'll recieve this exception:
Internal Server Error (500) for request POST /checker/uploadnewbase
JPA error
A JPA error occurred (The JPA context is not initialized. JPA Entity Manager automatically start when one or more classes annotated with the #javax.persistence.Entity annotation are found in the application.):
play.exceptions.JPAException: The JPA context is not initialized. JPA Entity Manager automatically start when one or more classes annotated with the #javax.persistence.Entity annotation are found in the application.
at play.db.jpa.JPA.get(JPA.java:22)
at play.db.jpa.JPA.em(JPA.java:51)
at play.db.jpa.JPQL.em(JPQL.java:16)
at play.db.jpa.JPQL.find(JPQL.java:44)
at models.User.find(User.java)
at controllers.Security.getUser(Security.java:30)
at controllers.GlobalController.userStat(GlobalController.java:21)
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invoke(ActionInvoker.java:502)
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeControllerMethod(ActionInvoker.java:476)
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeControllerMethod(ActionInvoker.java:471)
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.handleBefores(ActionInvoker.java:320)
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invoke(ActionInvoker.java:140)
at Invocation.HTTP Request(Play!)
But in Play manual we can see that:
"If you want to prevent Play from starting any transaction at all, you can annotate the method with #play.db.jpa.NoTransaction.
To prevent transactions for all methods, you can annotate the Controller-class with #play.db.jpa.NoTransaction."
So I have three problems which I described:
About exception in NoTransaction.
About using dynamicInsert = true.
About improving perfomance for Hibernate like if I'll use raw queries.
The problem is the hibernate session, which must be cleared. Otherwise you get problems with memory and performance. You can found some information in http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.3/reference/en/html/batch.html. Unfortunately I don't know how to get the HibernateSession. Perhaps you can get the EntityManager and work with it. But my experiences with Hibernate and Batch are really frustrating, so I would recommend to use your raw-solution.
