Count palindromic permutations ("mirrors") of an array - algorithm

I've been trying to find a solution for this question:
Given an array of integers, count the distinct permutations that are palindromes ("mirrors"); that is, find the number of distinct ways that the array's elements can be rearranged so that they read the same way backward as forward. For example:
If the array is [1,1,2], then there is only one distinct palindromic permutation (namely [1,2,1]), so the desired result is 1.
If the array is [1,1,2,2], then there are two distinct palindromic permutations (namely [1,2,2,1] and [2,1,1,2]), so the desired result is 2.
If the array is [2,2,2,3,3], then there are two distinct palindromic permutations (namely [3,2,2,2,3] and [2,3,2,3,2]), so the desired result is 2.
I've been trying to solve this and been stuck for quite a while, and can't find any solution online. Any help will be appreciated (just starting out on algo & ds stuff)
My idea is to find the index of the median of that array (e.g., in example #1, the median is at index 1) and move all numbers after it to before it (so, [1,2,1]), and check using two pointers (one at end, one at start) if all numbers are equal.
However, this won't work if, let's say, #1 is arr = [1,2,2], as doing the above would be equal to 1,2,2. What I should've done in this case is then to move the 1 in between the 2s (sort of median from the end, if that makes sense). Sort of like the above method but the reverse (?)

Here is the general idea:
Count the frequency of each unique value.
If the array's length is odd, then exactly one frequency should be odd. If not, there are no mirrors. If so, that value will have to be placed in the center. The number of mirrors is then equal to what you would get for an array with one value less -- that value removed.
Now the array length is even. No frequencies should be odd, or else there are no mirrors. Now halve all those frequencies.
Determine how many permutations can be formed with those values and their (halved) frequencies. The formula is:
𝑛! / (𝑛1!𝑛2!𝑛3!...π‘›π‘˜!)
where 𝑛 is the sum of all (halved) frequencies (i.e. half the size of the array), and the 𝑛𝑖 is the list of (halved) frequencies.


Algorithms for dividing an array into n parts

In a recent campus Facebook interview i have asked to divide an array into 3 equal parts such that the sum in each array is roughly equal to sum/3.My Approach1. Sort The Array2. Fill the array[k] (k=0) uptil (array[k]<=sum/3)3. After that increment k and repeat the above step for array[k]Is there any better algorithm for this or it is NP Hard Problem
This is a variant of the partition problem (see for details). In fact a solution to this can solve that one (take an array, pad with 0s, and then solve this problem) so this problem is NP hard.
There is a dynamic programming approach that is pseudo-polynomial. For each i from 0 to the size of the array, you keep track of all possible combinations of current sizes for the sub arrays, and their current sums. As long as there are a limited number possible sums of subsets of the array, this runs acceptably fast.
The solution that I would have suggested is to just go for "good enough" closeness. First let's consider the simpler problem with all values positive. Then sort by value descending. Take that array in threes. Build up the three subsets by always adding the largest of the triple to the one with the smallest sum, the smallest to the one with the largest, and the middle to the middle. You will end up dividing the array evenly, and the difference will be no more than the value of the third smallest element.
For the general case you can divide into positive and negative, use the above approach on each, and then brute force all combinations of a group of positives, a group of negatives, and the few leftover values in the middle that did not divide evenly.
Here are details on a dynamic programming solution if you are interested. The running time and memory usage is O(n*(sum)^2) where n is the size of your array and sum is the sum of absolute values of your array values. For each array index j from 1 to n, store all the possible values you can get for your 3 subset sums when you split the array from index 1 to j into 3 subsets. Also for each possibility, store one possible way to split the array to get the 3 sums. Then to extend this information for 1 to (j+1) given the information from 1 to j, simply take each possible combination of 3 sums for splitting 1 to j and form the 3 combinations of 3 sums you get when you choose to add the (j+1)th array element to any one of the 3 subsets. Finally, when you are done and reach j = n, go through the set of all combinations of 3 subset sums you can get when you split array positions 1 to n into 3 sets, and choose the one whose maximum deviation from sum/3 is minimized. At first this may seem like O(n*(sum)^3) complexity, but for each j and each combination of the first 2 subset sums, the 3rd subset sum is uniquely determined. (because you are not allowed to omit any elements of the array). Thus the complexity really is O(n*(sum)^2).

Algorithm to generate a 'nearly sorted' or 'k sorted' list?

I want to generate some test data to test a function that merges 'k sorted' lists (lists where each element is at most k positions away from it's correct sorted position) into a single fully sorted list. I have an approach that works but I'm not sure how well randomized it is and I feel there should be a simpler / more elegant way to do this. My current approach:
Generate n random elements paired with an integer index.
Sort random elements.
Set paired index for each element to its sorted position.
Work backwards through the elements, swapping each element with an element a random distance between 1 and k positions behind it in the list. Only swap with the target element if its paired index is its current index (this avoids swapping an element that is already out of place and moving it further than k positions away from where it should be).
Copy the perturbed elements out into another list.
Like I say, this works but I'm interested in alternative / better approaches.
I think you could just fill an array with random integers and then run quicksort on it with a custom stopping condition.
If in a particular quicksort recursion your start and end indexes are less than k apart, then just return instead of continuing to recur.
Because of how quicksort works, every number in the start..end interval belongs somewhere in that region; worst case is that array[start] might really belong at array[end] (or vice versa) in truly sorted order. So, assuring that start and end are no more than k apart should be sufficient.
You can generate array of random numbers and then h-sort it like in shellsort, but without fiew last sorting steps when h is less then k.
Step 1: Randomly permute disjoint segments of length k. (Eg. 1 to K, k+1 to 2k ...)
Step 2: Permute conditionally again by swapping (that they don't break k-sorted assumption (1+t yo k+t, k+1+t to 1+2k+t ...) where t is a number between 1 and k (most preferably k/2)
Probably repeat step 2 multiple times with different t.
If I understand the problem, you want an algorithm to randomly pick a single k-sorted list of length n, uniformly selected from the universe U of all k-sorted lists of length n. (You will then run this algorithm m times to produce m lists as input test data.)
The first step is to count them. What is the size of U? |U|
The next step is to enumerate them. Create any one-to-one mapping F between the integers (1,2,...,|U|) and k-sorted lists of length n.
Then randomly select an integer x between 1 and |U| inclusive, and then apply F(x) to get the list.

Maximum number of equal elements in array

I was solving the problems from codeforces practice problem achieve.
I am not able to find efficient solution.
How to solve the following problem?
I can only think of a brute force solution
Polycarpus has an array, consisting of n integers a1, a2, ..., an. Polycarpus likes it when numbers in an array match. That's why he wants the array to have as many equal numbers as possible. For that Polycarpus performs the following operation multiple times:
he chooses two elements of the array ai, aj (i ≠ j);
he simultaneously increases number ai by 1 and decreases number aj by 1, that is, executes ai = ai + 1 and aj = aj - 1.
The given operation changes exactly two distinct array elements. Polycarpus can apply the described operation an infinite number of times.
Now he wants to know what maximum number of equal array elements he can get if he performs an arbitrary number of such operation. Help Polycarpus.
The first line contains integer n (1 ≀ n ≀ 105) β€” the array size. The second line contains space-separated integers a1, a2, ..., an (|ai| ≀ 104) β€” the original array.
Print a single integer β€” the maximum number of equal array elements he can get if he performs an arbitrary number of the given operation.
Sample test(s)
2 1
1 4 1
find the sum of all the elements.
If the sum%n==0 then n else n-1
EDIT: Explanations :
First of all it is very easy to spot that the answer is minimum n-1.It cannot be lesser .
Proof: Choose any number that you wish to make as your target.And suppose the last index n.Now you make a1=target by applying operation on a1 and an.Similarly on a2 and an and so on.So all numbers except the last one are equal to target.
Now we need to see that if sum%n==0 then all numbers are possible.Clearly you can choose your target as the mean of all the numbers here.You can apply operation by choosing a index with value less than mean and other with value greater than mean and make one of them (possibly both) equal to mean.

sum property of consecutive numbers

Suppose we have a list of numbers like [6,5,4,7,3]. How can we tell that the array contains consecutive numbers? One way is ofcourse to sort them or we can find the minimum and maximum. But can we determine based on the sum of the elements ? E.g. in the example above, it is 25. Could anyone help me with this?
The sum of elements by itself is not enough.
Instead you could check for:
All elements being unique.
and either:
Difference between min and max being right
Sum of all elements being right.
Approach 1
Sort the list and check the first element and last element.
In general this is O( n log(n) ), but if you have a limited data set you can sort in O( n ) time using counting sort or radix sort.
Approach 2
Pass over the data to get the highest and lowest elements.
As you pass through, add each element into a hash table and see if that element has now been added twice. This is more or less O( n ).
Approach 3
To save storage space (hash table), use an approximate approach.
Pass over the data to get the highest and lowest elements.
As you do, implement an algorithm which will with high (read User defined) probability determine that each element is distinct. Many such algorithms exist, and are in use in Data Mining. Here's a link to a paper describing different approaches.
The numbers in the array would be consecutive if the difference between the max and the minimum number of the array is equal to n-1 provided numbers are unique ( where n is the size of the array ). And ofcourse minimum and maximum number can be calculated in O(n).

How to find the lowest value possible of a serie of ints?

I have a sequence of integers (positive and negative) like this one:
And I need to find the worst result (smaller sum of values) possible taking any sub sequence of this sequence (and of course the start index and end index of that sub sequence).
Is there a way of doing this that is not 2^n (computing all the possible sequences one by one)?
For example, with this simple sequence:
The smaller sum of values would be the subsequence:
-6,4,-10 (with start index 4 and end index 6)
The issue of finding the minimum can be transformed into a maximum search by changing sign of each item.
For the maximum subsequence there exist well-known algorithms, see e.g. here.
You can either transform your list and apply said algorithm or slightly modify the algorithm itself (min instead of max or minus instead of plus) in order to work with your original list.
