for loop value semantic in golang - go

First question about Go in SO. The code below shows, n has the same address in each iteration. I am aware that such a for loop is called value semantic by some people and what's actually ranged over is a copy of the slice not the actual slice itself. Why does n in each iteration has the same address? Is it because each element in the slice is copied rather than the whole slice is copied once beforehand. If only each element from the original slice is copied, then a single memory address can be reused in each iteration?
package main
import (
func main() {
numbers := []int{1, 2}
for i, n := range numbers {
fmt.Println(&n, &numbers[i])
A sample result from go playground:
0xc000122030 0xc000122020
0xc000122030 0xc000122028

You are slightly wrong in your question, it is not a copy of the slice that is being iterated over. In Go when you pass a slice you really pass a pointer to memory and the size and capacity of that memory, this is called a slice header. The header is copied, but the copy points to the same underlying memory, meaning that when you pass a []int to a function, change the values in that function, the values will be changed in the original []int in the outer code as well.
This is in contrast to an array like [5]int which is passed by value, meaninig this would really be copied when you pass it around. In Go structs, strings, numbers and arrays are passed by value. Slices are really also passed by value but as described above, the value in this case contains a pointer to memory. Passing a copy of a pointer still lets you change the memory pointed to.
Now to your experiment:
for i, n := range numbers
will create two variables before the loop starts: integers i and n. In each loop iteration i will be incremented by 1 and n will be assigned the value (a copy of the integer value that is) of numbers[i].
This means there really are only two variables i and n. They are the same which is what you see in your output.
The addresses of numbers[i] are different of course, they are the memory addresses of the items in the array.

The Go Wiki has a Common Mistakes page talking about this exact issue. It also provides an explanation of how to avoid this issue in real code. The quick answer is that this is done for efficiency, and has little to do with the slice. n is a single variable / memory location that gets assigned a new value on each iteration.
If you want additional insight into why this happens under the hood, take a look at this post.


What happens to pointer to element when Go moves slice to another place in memory?

I have the following code
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := []int{1}
b := &a[0]
fmt.Println(a, &a[0], b, *b) // prints [1] 0xc00001c030 0xc00001c030 1
a = append(a, 1, 2, 3)
fmt.Println(a, &a[0], b, *b) // prints [1 1 2 3] 0xc000100020 0xc00001c030 1
First it creates a slice of 1 int. Its len is 1 and cap is also 1. Then I take a pointer to its first element and get the underlying pointer value in print. It works fine, as expected.
Than I add 3 more elements to the slice making go expand the capacity of the slice, thus copying it to another place in memory. After that I print the address (by taking a pointer) of the slice's first element which is now different from address stored in b.
However, when I then print the underlying value of b it also works fine. I don't understand why does it work. As far as I know the slice to which first element b points to was copied to another place in memory, so its previous memory must have been released. However, it seems to still be there.
If we look on maps, golang doesn't even allow us to create pointers on element by key because of the exact same problem - underlying data can be moved to another place in memory. However, it works perfectly fine with slices. Why is it so? How does it really works? Is the memory not being freed because there still is a variable which points to this memory? How is it different from maps?
What happens to pointer to element when Go moves slice to another place in memory?
[W]hen I then print the underlying value of b it also works fine. I don't understand why does it work.
Why wouldn't it work?
The memory location originally pointed to is still there, unaltered. And as long as anything (such as b) still references it, it will remain usable. Once all references to that memory are removed (i.e. go out of scope), then the garbage collector may allow it to be used by something else.
What happens to pointer to element when Go moves slice to another
place in memory?
I believe the current GC implementation do not move such objects at all, although the specifications allow for this to happen. Unless you use the "unsafe" package, you are unlikely to encounter any problems even if it did move the underlying data structure.

Is it correct to use slice as *[]Item, because Slice is by default pointer

What is the right way to use slice in Go. As per Go documentation slice is by default pointer, so is creating slice as *[]Item is the right way?. Since slice are by default pointer isn't this way of creating the slice making it pointer to a pointer.
I feel the right way to create slice is []Item or []*item (slice holding pointers of items)
A bit of theory
Your question has no sense: there's no "right" or "wrong" or "correct" and "incorrect": you can have a pointer to a slice, and you can have a pointer to a pointer to a slice, and you can add levels of such indirection endlessly.
What to do depends on what you need in a particular case.
To help you with the reasoning, I'll try to provide a couple of facts and draw some conclusions.
The first two things to understand about types and values in Go are:
Everything in Go, ever, always, is passed by value.
This means variable assignments (= and :=), passing values to function and method calls, and copying memory which happens internally such as when reallocating backing arrays of slices or rebalancing maps.
Passing by value means that actual bits of the value which is assigned are physically copied into the variable which "receives" the value.
Types in Go—both built-in and user-defined (including those defined in the standard library)—can have value semantics and reference semantics when it comes to assignment.
This one is a bit tricky, and often leads to novices incorrectly assuming that the first rule explained above does not hold.
"The trick" is that if a type contains a pointer (an adderss of a variable) or consists of a single pointer, the value of this pointer is copied when the value of the type is copied.
What does this mean?
Pretty simple: if you assign the value of a variable of type int to another variable of type int, both variables contain identical bits but they are completely independent: change the content of any of them, and another will be unaffected.
If you assign a variable containing a pointer (or consisting of a single pointer) to another one, they both, again, will contain identical bits and are independent in the sense that changing those bits in any of them will not affect the other.
But since the pointer in both these variables contains the address of the same memory location, using those pointers to modify the contents of the memory location they point at will modify the same memory.
In other words, the difference is that an int does not reference anything while a pointer naturally references another memory location—because it contains its address.
Hence, if a type contains at least a single pointer (it may do so by containing a field of another type which itself contains a pointer, and so on—to any nesting level), values of this type will have reference assignment semantics: if you assign a value to another variable, you end up with two values referencing the same memory location.
That is why maps, slices and strings have reference semantics: when you assign variables of these types both variables point to the same underlying memory location.
Let's move on to slices.
Slices vs pointers to slices
A slice, logically, is a struct of three fields: a pointer to the slice's backing array which actually contains the slice's elements, and two ints: the capacity of the slice and its length.
When you pass around and assign a slice value, these struct values are copied: a pointer and two integers.
As you can see, when you pass a slice value around the backing array is not copied—only a pointer to it.
Now let's consider when you want to use a plain slice or a pointer to a slice.
If you're concerned with performance (memory allocation and/or CPU cycles needed to copy memory), these concerns are unfounded: copying three integers when passing around a slice is dirt-cheap on today's hardware.
Using a pointer to a slice would make copying a tiny bit faster—a single integer rather than three—but these savings will be easily offset by two facts:
The slice's value will almost certainly end up being allocated on the heap so that the compiler can be sure its value will survive crossing boundaries of the function calls—so you will pay for using the memory manager and the garbage collector will have more work.
Using a level of indirection reduces data locality: accessing RAM is slow so CPUs have caches which prefetch data at the addresses following the one at which the data is being read. If the control flow immediately reads memory at another location, the prefetched data is thrown away: cache trashing.
OK, so is there a case when you would want a pointer to a slice?
Yes. For instance, the built-in append function could have been defined as
func append(*[]T, T...)
instead of
func append([]T, T...) []T
(N.B. the T here actually means "any type" because append is not a library fuction and cannot be sensibly defined in plain Go; so it's sort of pseudocode.)
That is, it could accept a pointer to a slice and possibly replace the slice pointed to by the pointer, so you'd call it as append(&slice, element) and not as slice = append(slice, element).
But honestly, in real-world Go projects I have dealt with, the only case of using pointers to slices which I can remember was about pooling slices which are heavily reused—to save on memory reallocations. And that sole case was only due to sync.Pool keeping elements of type interface{} which may be more effective when using pointers¹.
Slices of values vs slices of pointers to values
Exactly the same logic described above applies to the reasoning about this case.
When you put a value in a slice that value is copied. When the slice needs to grow its backing array, the array will be reallocated, and reallocation means physically copying all existing elements into the new memory location.
So, two considerations:
Are elements reasonably small so that copying them is not going to press on memory and CPU resources?
(Note that "small" vs "big" also heavily depens on the frequency of such copying in a working program: copying a couple of megabytes once in a while is not a big deal; copying even tens of kilobytes in a tight time-critical loop can be a big deal.)
Are you program OK with multiple copies of the same data (for instance, values of certain types like sync.Mutex must not be copied after first use)?
If the answer to either question is "no", you should consider keeping pointers in the slice. But when you consider keeping pointers, also think about data locality explained above: if a slice contains data intended for time-critical number-crunching, it's better not have the CPU to chase pointers.
To recap: when you ask about a "correct" or "right" way of doing something, the question has no sense without specifying the set of criteria according to which we could classify all possible solutions to a problem. Still, there are considerations which must be performed when designing the way you're going to store and manipulate data, and I have tried to explain these considerations.
In general, a rule of thumb regarding slices could be:
Slices are designed to be passed around "as is"—as values, not pointers to variables containing their values.
There are legitimate reasons to have pointers to slices, though.
Most of the time you keep values in the slice's elements, not pointers to variables with these values.
Exceptions to this general rule:
Values you intend to store in a slice occupy too much space so that it looks like the envisioned pattern of using slices of them would involve excessive memory pressure.
Types of values you intend to store in a slice require they must not be copied but rather only referenced, existing as a single instance each. A good example are types containing/embedding a field of type sync.Mutex (or, actually, a variable of any other type from the sync package except those which itself have reference semantics such as sync.Pool): if you lock a mutex, copy its value and then unlock the copy, the initially locked copy won't notice, which means you have a grave bug in your code.
A note of caution on correctness vs performance
The text above contains a lot of performance considerations.
I've presented them because Go is a reasonably low-level language: not that low-level as C and C++ and Rust but still providing the programmer with plenty of wiggle-room to use when performance is at stake.
Still, you should very well understand that at this point on your learning curve, correctness must be your top—if not the sole—objective: please take no offence, but if you were after tuning some Go code to shave off some CPU time to execute it, you weren't asking your question in the first place.
In other words, please consider all of the above as a set of facts and considerations to guilde you in your learning and exploration of the subject but do not fall into the trap of trying to think about performance first. Make your programs correct and easy to read and modify.
¹ An interface value is a pair of pointers: to the variable containing the value you have put into the interface value and to a special data structure inside the Go runtime which describes the type of that variable.
So while you can put a slice value into a variable of type interface{} directly—in the sense that it's perfectly fine in the language—if the value's type is not itself a single pointer, the compiler will have to allocate on the heap a variable to contain a copy of your value there, and store a pointer to that new variable into the value of type interface{}.
This is needed to hold that "everything is always passed by value" semantics of the Go assignments.
Consequently, if you put a slice value into a variable of type interface{}, you will end up with a copy of that value on the heap.
Because of this, keeping pointers to slices in data structures such as sync.Map makes code uglier but results in lesser memory churn.

Why big.NewInt(0).Bytes() returns [] instead of [0] in Go?

I find it weird that running big.NewInt(0).Bytes() returns [] instead of [0]. Is it really supposed to work that way?
big.Int is a struct. It's idiomatic to make the zero value useful whenever possible. big.Int is no exception: The zero value for an Int represents the value 0.
It's an implementation detail, but the data of the Int is stored in a slice. The zero value for slices is nil, that is: no elements.
So this is very convenient, and very efficient. 0 is probably the most frequent value, and there may be cases where an initial big.Int won't get changed, and so no slice for the internal representation will be allocated.
See related: Is there another way of testing if a big.Int is 0?
From the documentation:
Bytes returns the absolute value of x as a big-endian byte slice.
The package API doesn't define how many bytes long the slice will be. In this case, it's using the smallest number of bytes needed to convey the whole number.
The more likely reason why this happens is an implementation detail: The big.Int maintains the bytes of the number in a slice. nil slices in Go (the zero value of a slice) have length 0. When a big.Int value is initially created, we'd expect it to also have a value of 0. Therefore, it simplifies the implementation if an empty slice internally corresponds to a numerical value of 0, without needing to perform extra checks or padding.

Ignoring values in Go's range

I have a question about Go's range and the way in which ignoring return values work.
As the documentations stands, each iteration, range produces two values - an index and a copy of the current element, so if during an iteration we want to change a field in the current elmenet, or the element itself we have to reference it via elements[index], because elment is just a copy (assuming that the loop looks something like this for index, element := range elements).
Go also allows to ignore some of the return values using _, so we can write for index, _ := elements.
But it got me thinking. Is Go smart enough to actually don't make a copy when using the _ in range? If it isn't, then if elements in elements are quite big and we have multiple processes/go-routines running our code, we are wasting memory, and it would be better to use looping based on len(elements).
Am I right?
We can also use
for index := range elements
which seems like a good alternative.
The for range construct may produce up to 2 values, but not necessarily 2 (it can also be a single index value or map key or value sent on channel, or even none at all).
Quoting from Spec: For statements:
If the range expression is a channel, at most one iteration variable is permitted, otherwise there may be up to two.
Continuing the quote:
If the last iteration variable is the blank identifier, the range clause is equivalent to the same clause without that identifier.
What this means is that:
for i, _ := range something {}
Is equivalent to:
for i := range something {}
And another quote from Spec: For statements, a little bit down the road:
For an array, pointer to array, or slice value a, the index iteration values are produced in increasing order, starting at element index 0. If at most one iteration variable is present, the range loop produces iteration values from 0 up to len(a)-1 and does not index into the array or slice itself.
So the extra blank identifier in the first case does not cause extra allocations or copying, and it's completely unnecessary and useless.

Why adding items to map during its iteration produce inconsistent result?

From Go Spec:
If map entries are created during iteration, that entry may be produced during the iteration or may be skipped.
So what I expect from that statement is that the following code should at least print number 1, and how many more numbers which are going to be printed is not predictable and is different each time you run the program:
package main
import (
func main() {
test := make(map[int]int)
test[1] = 1
j := 2
for i, v := range test {
fmt.Println(i, v)
test[j] = j
Go playground link
On my own laptop (Go version 1.8) at maximum it prints till 8, in playground (still version 1.8) it prints exactly till 3!
I don't care much about the result from playground since its go is not vanilla but I wonder why on my local it never prints more than 8? even I tried to add more items in each iteration to make the possibility of going over 8 higher but there's no difference.
EDIT: my own explanation based on #Schwern 's answer
when the map is created with make function and without any size parameter only 1 bucket is assigned and in go each bucket has a size of 8 elements, so when the range starts it sees that the map has only 1 bucket and it will iterate at maximum 8 times. If I use a size parameter bigger than 7 like make(map[int]int, 8) two buckets is created and there would be possibility that I get more than 8 iterations over the added items.
This is an issue inherent in the design of most hash tables. Here's a simple explanation hand waving a lot of unnecessary detail.
Under the hood, a hash table is an array. Each key is mapped onto an element in the array using a hash function. For example, "foo" might map to element 8, "bar" might map to element 4, and so on. Some elements are empty.
for k,v := range hash iterates through this array in whatever order they happen to appear. The ordering is unpredictable to avoid a collision attack.
When you add to a hash, it adds to the underlying array. It might even have to allocate a new, larger array. It's unpredictable where that new key will land in the hash's array.
So if you add more pairs while you're iterating through the hash, any pair that gets put into the array before the current index won't be seen; the iteration has already past that point. Anything that gets put after might be seen; the iteration has yet to reach that point, but the array might get reallocated and the pairs possibly rehashed.
but I wonder why on my local it never prints more than 8
Because the underlying array is probably of length 8. Go likely allocates the underlying array in powers of 2 and probably starts at 8. The range hash probably starts by checking the length of the underlying array and will not go further, even if it's grown.
Long story short: don't add keys to a hash while iterating through it.
