Maven release plugin executes tests twice - maven

When release:clean release:prepare release:perform is executed , the tests are executed twice
Once at release:prepare , stage run-preparation-goals , task clean verify
And another time on release:perform ,stage run-perform-goals , task deploy
Is there any configuration option to make tests run only on first one and not being executed on perform?
Yulian Oifa

That's because 2 full builds are run as part of the commands you issue.
The release:prepare section performs lots of checks on the code & repository, and does a full build to ensure all tests pass.
The release:perform section tags the repo, then pulls that tag. It performs a build based on that tag and the releases that build to your artefact store of choice (Nexus/Artifactory/wherever).
These steps are designed this way to ensure you don't pollute your repo with a tag on code that doesn't build, and tests are an integral part of your build. Once maven is happy your code is good to go, it creates the tag, and pulls it so it knows for sure that the code being released is the code referenced by the tag, and nothing else. Building that tag for release requires a full build, including the tests.
You can skip the tests on one or other of the steps, or on both, but you're missing the point of tests, and of the release plugin, if you do that.

You can override the goals parameter and add -DskipTests=true.
This parameter will skip the tests only on the perform part.

Eventually i had to change a logic.
I have executed mvn clean install release:clean release:prepare release:perform -Pmaven-release
and create a maven-release. As result the tests are executed only at install
Yulian Oifa

You can skip running the tests (managed by surefire plugin) with an explicitly specified parameter -DskipTests:
Something like this:
mvn release:perform -DskipTests
For intergration tests (managed by failsafe plugin) you can use a similar flag: -DskipITs
If you don't want even compile the tests you can use -Dmaven.test.skip=true (for both unit and integration tests)


Maven skip specific test [duplicate]

In my maven project I have a number of modules. Is it possible to turn off running unit test for some modules via command line options?
My project takes about 15 mins to run through all unit tests. I would like to speed up the overall build by running just the unit tests in the module I am working on. I do not want to go in and edit each individual pom.xml to achieve this.
I have tried a solution outlined here: Can I run a specific testng test group via maven? However the result is a lot of test failures in modules that I want to skip. I suppose 'group' is not the same concept of module?
To toggle unit tests on and off for an entire project use Maven Surefire Plugin's capability of skipping tests. There is a drawback with using skipTests from the command line. In a multi-module build scenario, this would disable all tests across all modules.
If you need more fine grain control of running a subset of tests for a module, look into using the Maven Surefire Plugin's test inclusion and exclusion capabilities.
To allow for command-line overrides, make use of POM properties when configuring the Surefire Plugin. Take for example the following POM segment:
With a POM like the above you can execute tests in a variety of ways.
Run all tests (the above configuration includes all **/* test source files)
mvn test
Skip all tests across all modules
mvn -DskipTests=true test
Skip all tests for a particular module
mvn -DsomeModule.skip.tests=true test
Only run certain tests for a particular module (this example includes all **/* test source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.includes="**/*" test
Exclude certain tests for a particular module (this example excludes all **/* source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.excludes="**/*" test
Found a way to exclude on command line:
# Exclude one test class, by using the explanation mark (!)
mvn test -Dtest=!LegacyTest
# Exclude one test method
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo
# Exclude two test methods
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo+testBar
# Exclude a package with a wildcard (*)
mvn test -Dtest=!*
This is from:
…and if you like to pass the parameter to maven release plugin in Hudson/Jenkins you have to use
to get it work.
If you want to use Maven profiles:
you might want to make it work doing something like this:
Skipping tests in some modules in Maven
I don't know if there is a supported command line option that does the same.
You also might try using environment properties directly, something as per this doc page:
i.e. something like:
then using mvn -DmoduleA.skipTests=false test to test that one module.

Make maven run one task before another when running a single plugin

I've got a project set up using the Maven Cargo plugin to launch Tomcat with my webapp deployed in it, along with some other webapps that are needed for support. This works great. Unfortunately, when I run "mvn cargo:run" it doesn't do a build first, but instead just actually starts Tomcat running the code the last time I did do a build.
Previously I used the tomcat7 plugin instead, and that did do a build first and always ran the current version of the source code. As such, I could change my code and run "mvn tomcat7:run" and know that the code changes had been built and were running.
I can't find any way with the Cargo plugin to make it do this, but is there some way with Maven to make it at least run the Package phase when I run a specific plugin so that it will build the WAR file correctly first?
The Tomcat plugin automatically invokes the compile phase prior to executing itself. The Cargo plugin won't do that. In order to compile your code before executing the plugin, you need to run
mvn clean compile cargo:run
If you want to start and stop the container automatically before and after your integration tests, you can also bind cargo:start and cargo:stop to Maven's lifecycle phases. See Automatically executing and stopping the container when running mvn install for details.
Here is a full example how to integrate the start via Cargo in the usual build. You can start the integration tests via mvn -Prun-its clean verify which might be better
A completely different approach would be to use the exec-maven-plugin to execute multiple goals with one command:
<!-- more plugins... -->
This way, you would only have to call
mvn exec:exec
to clean, compile and run your application.

Maven: Let "mvn -Pjenkins" be the same as "mvn clean install pmd:pmd javadoc:aggregate"

We have a number of Maven jobs in our Jenkins instance, each with their own particular invocation string specified in the build configuration similar to
mvn clean install -DDISABLED="javadoc:aggregate" checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd findbugs:findbugs
I would like to consolidate this so that the invocation string is stored somewhere in the POM along with suitable profile information so we can replace the invocation strings of all these slightly different jobs with a
mvn -Pjenkins
standard invocation. To my understanding the defaultGoal entry only supports a single goal which on first glance seems to be insufficient for representing our multiple goals, but might be enough if we can make it correspond to multiple entries instead. If at all possible I would like avoid setting up profile specific bindings to standard lifecycle phases if a simple invocation string will do.
You can configure additional mojos ina profile, and you can bind mojos to life cycle phases. These two things combined will allow you to run additional mojos when a certain profile is given.
This is a standard techniqued used throughout in Maven. For example, when you run "mvn release:perform", it runs a nested Maven session with "-Prelease" that does additional things, such as GPG-signing binaries.
... other mojos ...
The findbugs mojo is bound by default to the compile phase, so this gets invoked automatically at the compilation phase. If you want to use a mojo that doesn't bind to any lifecycle phase by default, you add <phase>...</phase>.
See our POM in the Jenkins core for a complete example where we invoke FindBugs. The other mojos are the basically the same.
Note that for this to work, your default goal needs to invoke the life cycle phase to the certain point (say package or install.)
I don't think there's a direct way to give Maven an invocation string. As you say, you can add a custom 'jenkins' profile in which you configure the checkstyle, pmd, and findbugs plugins to be bound to a build phase (e.g. their default phase). You would still need to run mvn -Pjenkins clean install though. However this has the advantage that you can also add custom config to those plugins (e.g. to include test code in the PMD coverage).
I think you can add the settings for the checkstyle, pmd, findbugs and javadoc plugins in a profile's <build><plugins/></build> section along with a <properties> bit where you can define the javadoc property. Also, add an explicit invocation of the maven-clean-plugin attached to the clean phase. Then just invoke the build like:
mvn -Pjenkins site:site
You could even set the defaultGoal to site, if you like.

Skip tests on checkout during maven release:perform

During the maven release:perform goal, the prepared tag is being checked out from SCM and a build seems to be attempted in a forked maven instance.
I'd like the tests to be skipped at that point, because for whatever reason, they fail (the build involves running a test web-application via cargo, and I believe this just doesn't work well in this environment).
Is there any way to instruct maven to do this?
You can specify arguments to the forked maven instance on the command line:
mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-DskipTests"
mvn release:perform -Darguments="-DskipTests"
or specify a maven-release-plugin configuration in your pom, perhaps under pluginManagement:

how to make a jar in maven? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Actuality when i run tests they fails but i need to run them to get some .class files which are very important for my jar.
By default when test results fails , the jar is not build , could i add a setting in pom.xml which ignore that, so I can build the jar ignoring results from tests ?
I read something about "Maven Surefire Plugin" but I don't know how to use it...
Please refer to surefire:test for details, but the most useful properties are:
-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true (or -DtestFailureIgnore=true) - will ignore any failures occurred during test execution
-Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true ( deprecated ) - will ignore any errors occurred during test execution
-DskipTests - would compile the test classes but skip test execution entirely
-Dmaven.test.skip=true - would not even compile the tests
I believe that in your case where you want to compile test classes but not fail the build due to any tests errors and still create the jar.
You should use the first option to ignore any test failures which you can still review once the build has finished.
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package skips the surefire test mojo.
to ignore test failures and keep maven from stopping you can add this to the section of the pom.xml:
The solution is:
mvn -fn clean install
execute mvn --help for advanced options
Here's the excerpt for -fn
-fn,--fail-never NEVER fail the build, regardless
of project result
Or from command line
maven.test.error.ignore Yes Set
this to true to ignore errors during
testing. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED,
but quite convenient on occasion
Use -DskipTests=true instead of -Dmaven.test.skip=true in order to skip tests but compile them.
Using -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true will also work but is not very nice.
Use the maven option -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
