Configuring near cache with Hazelcast - caching

good day everyone
Im trying to use Hazelcast as a local cache in SpringBoot app, following tutorial:
Hazelcast gradle version:
com.hazelcast:hazelcast-client:3.12.11 -> 3.12.10 \
In my version I see no method to set up max timeout for connection to cluster
HazelcastInstance member = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
NearCacheConfig nearCacheConfig = new NearCacheConfig("map");
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
.. and withought it it falls with
com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClientOfflineException: Client
connecting to cluster
Any alternative to set up it by java config in my Hazelcast version ?

Alternatives to client near-cache setup is using declarative in hazelcast-client.xml or yaml files. Near Cache can also be configured for members using their xml or yaml file.
Also docs...


Server unable to join Hazelcast cluster via multicast enabled?

I have same Hazelcast server project running at 3 different server's, two of them are able to form the cluster but the third server does not join. I have created Hazelcast server project using spring-boot. Here are my Spring Boot Hazelcast config.
public Config hazelCastConfig() {
Config config = new Config();
NetworkConfig network = config.getNetworkConfig();
JoinConfig join = network.getJoin();
return config;
public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance(Config hazelCastConfig) {
return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(hazelCastConfig);
public Map<String, EmployeeAccount> employeeMap(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
return hazelcastInstance.getMap("employeeMap");
I am using latest stable version of Hazelcast IMDG v4.2.2. I have enabled multicast in Hazelcast config. My IP for three server's are:
Here two are in same series and one is different. Is this the reason. Or is there any limitation in free edition of Hazelcast as only 2 server's can form the cluster?
There is no limitation in Hazelcast Open Source (free) version. You can create as big a cluster as you want.
Concerning your issue, Multicast should work correctly. If it does not, I would check the following parts:
Try to use static TCP/IP configuration (if it does not work, then it's a connectivity issue, not a discoverability issue).
If TCP/IP works, then the next thing to check is if Multicast packets work in your network (sometimes they may be blocked).
If you still have an issue, could you attach Hazeclast logs?

Apache Ignite, Spring data and mysql does not work together

I have published project
with Spring data JPA, Mysql and Apache Ignite configuration.
This is Ignite cache configuration
public Ignite igniteInstance() {
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
// Setting some custom name for the node.
// Enabling peer-class loading feature.
// Defining and creating a new cache to be used by Ignite Spring Data
// repository.
CacheConfiguration ccfg = new CacheConfiguration("FlightCache");
// Setting SQL schema for the cache.
ccfg.setIndexedTypes(Long.class, Flight.class);
return Ignition.start(cfg);
Project has 2 API, one works without Ignite, but repository which is configured with Ignite does not work. I do not understand reason.
You need to configure a CacheStore that will operate on top of the MySQL data source.
You need to enable write-through and read-through behavior as well.

Neo4J ogm testing create temporary database

i'm using spring and at the moment running my tests create new objects in my "real" embedded database. I want to create a new one or a temporary db just for testing. I'm new with spring and neo4j so could anyone please help?
thanks a lot
If you are using the embedded driver with SDN/OGM you just need to configure it without providing a path. Then it will create embedded database in /tmp/.. which gets deleted on jvm exit.
E.g. if you are using java configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
Configuration config = new Configuration();
return config;
See docs for full documentation

GemFire - Spring Boot Configuration

I am working on a project that has a requirement of Pivotal GemFire.
I am unable to find a proper tutorial about how to configure gemFire with Spring Boot.
I have created a partitioned Region and I want to configure Locators as well, but I need only server-side configuration as client is handled by someone else.
I am totally new to Pivotal GemFire and really confused. I have tried creating a cache.xml but then somehow a cache.out.xml gets created and there are many issues.
Best place to start is with the Guides on Specifically, have a look at...
"Accessing Data with GemFire"
There is also...
"Cache Data with GemFire", and...
"Accessing GemFire Data with REST"
However, these guides focus mostly on "client-side" application concerns, "data access" (over REST), "caching", etc.
Still, you can use Spring Data GemFire (in a Spring Boot application even) to configure a GemFire Server. I have many examples of this. One in particular...
"Spring Boot GemFire Server Example"
This example demonstrates how to bootstrap a Spring Boot application as a GemFire Server (technically, a peer node in the cluster). Additionally, the GemFire properties are specified Spring config and can use Spring's normal conventions (property placeholders, SpEL expression) to configure these properties, like so...
This particular configuration makes the GemFire Server a "GemFire Manager", possibly with an embedded "Locator" (indicated by the start-locator GemFie property, not to be confused with the "locators" GemFire property which allows our node to join and "existing" cluster) as well as a GemFire CacheServer to serve GemFire cache clients (with a ClientCache).
This example creates a "Factorials" Region, with a CacheLoader (definition here) to populate the "Factorials" Region on cache misses.
Since this example starts an embedded GemFire Manager in the Spring Boot GemFire Server application process, you can even connect to it using Gfsh, like so...
gfsh> connect --jmx-manager=localhost[1099]
Then you can run "gets" on the "Factorial" Region to see it compute factorials of the numeric keys you give it.
To see more advanced configuration, have a look at my other repos, in particular the Contacts Application RI (here).
Hope this helps!
Well, I had the same problem, let me share with you what worked for me, in this case I'm using Spring Boot and Pivotal GemFire as cache client.
Install and run GemFire
Read the 15 minutes quick start guide
Create a locator(let's call it locator1) and a server(server1) and a region(region1)
Go to the folder where you started the 'Gee Fish'(gfsh) and then go to the locator's folder and open the log file, in that file you can get the port your locator is using.
Now let's see the Spring boot side:
In you Application with the main method add the #EnablegemFireCaching annotation
In the method(wherever it is) you want to cache, add the #Cacheable("region1") annotation.
Now let's create a configuration file for the caching:
//this is my working class
public class CacheConfiguration {
ClientCacheFactoryBean gemfireCacheClient() {
return new ClientCacheFactoryBean();
#Bean(name = GemfireConstants.DEFAULT_GEMFIRE_POOL_NAME)
PoolFactoryBean gemfirePool() {
PoolFactoryBean gemfirePool = new PoolFactoryBean();
gemfirePool.addLocators(Collections.singletonList(new ConnectionEndpoint("localhost", HERE_GOES_THE_PORT_NUMBER_FROM_STEP_4)));
return gemfirePool;
ClientRegionFactoryBean<Long, Long> getRegion(ClientCache gemfireCache, Pool gemfirePool) {
ClientRegionFactoryBean<Long, Long> region = new ClientRegionFactoryBean<>();
return region;
That's all!, also do not forget to serialize(implements Serializable) the class is being cached(The class your cached method is returning)

Can I use the JCache API for distributed caches in Apache Ignite?

I would like to configure a distributed cache with Apache Ignite using the JCache API (JSR107, javax.cache). Is this possible?
The examples I have found either create a local cache with the JCache API or create a distributed cache (or datagrid) using the Apache Ignite API.
JCache allows to provide provider-specific configuration when creating a cache. I.e., you can do this:
// Get or create a cache manager.
CacheManager cacheMgr = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
// This is an Ignite configuration object (org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration).
CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>();
// Specify cache mode and/or any other Ignite-specific configuration properties.
// Create a cache based on configuration create above.
Cache<Integer, String> cache = cacheMgr.createCache("a", cfg);
Also note that partitioned mode is actually the default one in Ignite, so you are not required to specify it explicitly.
UPD. In addition, CachingProvider.getCacheManager(..) method accepts a provider-specific URI that in case of Ignite should point to XML configuration file. Discovery, communication and other parameters can be provided there.
Please note that JCache specification does not specify all the configurations that apply to individual cache providers in terms of configuring via CacheManager for creating a Grid. The requirement for creating a CacheManager is standard but not everything relevant to how the manager itself is configured.
Following code will demonstrate how to create a grid using Apache Ignite in SpringBoot
public org.apache.ignite.cache.spring.SpringCacheManager cacheManager() {
IgniteConfiguration igniteConfiguration = new IgniteConfiguration();
SpringCacheManager springCacheManager = new SpringCacheManager();
return springCacheManager;
private org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration createDefaultCache(String name) {
org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = new org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration();
return cacheConfiguration;
If we were to create another instance of this service and have it register to the same grid as igniteConfiguration.setGridName("petclinic-ignite-grid"), an IMDG will be created. Please note that the 2 service instances with this version of partitioned, embedded distributed cache should be able to talk to each other via required PORTS. Please refer to Apache Ignite - Data Grid for more details.
Hope this helps.
