I am looking for powershell code to send text to some putty windows (same as what putty command sender does).
I found a similar example below which send text to some notepad windows - it works.
However, I made 1 word change from notepad to putty, it does not work for putty.
How can I update the code to make it work for putty? Thank you.
Below is code for notepad (the line for putty is commented):
#requires -Version 2
function Out-Notepad
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
$sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$null = $sb.AppendLine($Text)
$text = $sb.ToString()
$processes = Get-Process notepad
# $processes = Get-Process putty
$sig = '
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindowEx")]public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow);
[DllImport("User32.dll")]public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, string lParam);
foreach ($process in $processes) {
$null = $process.WaitForInputIdle()
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $sig -Name APISendMessage -PassThru
Write-Output type: $type
$hwnd = $process.MainWindowHandle
Write-Output hwnd: $hwnd
[IntPtr]$child = $type::FindWindowEx($hwnd, [IntPtr]::Zero, "Edit", $null)
Write-Output child: $child
$null = $type::SendMessage($child, 0x000C, 0, $text)
Write-Output "---------------------"
Continuing from my comment.
There are many examples of automating putty command via command-line plink via PowerShell. Plink is just a putty command-line executable, and thus you'd run it via PowerShell like any other executable. As documented here:
• PowerShell: Running Executables
A quick web search using your favorite search engine will list them for you.
PowerShell using Plink
Example hit(s)
Powershell + Plink.exe (Putty) – Execute a command on a remote Linux Device
$plinkPath = "c:\Users\public\Downloads\plink.exe"
$OSun = "root" # User name required by PLINK (Putty) to SSH to Linux Primary Server
$OSpw = "rOoTpAsSwOrD" # Password required by PLINK (Putty) to SSH to Linux Primary Server
$LinuxServer = "myLinuxServer" # Server name, must resolve on your desktop machine
$remoteCommand = """ls"""
$localCommand = "$plinkPath $LinuxServer -l $OSun -pw $OSpw $remoteCommand"
$result = Invoke-Expression($localCommand)
Calling Putty via Powershell using Plink - how to auto answer the security key question
Write-Output "yes" |
PLINK.EXE -ssh $remoteserver -P 22 -pw $password -m $command
Powershell and Plink
$Params = #(
"-l $SwitchLogon"
"-pw $SwitchPsswd"
"-m . $SwitchCliCommand"
& C:\Scripts\Brocadeswitch\plink.exe $Params
Even the script you say you found is overkill for your use case. Again SendKeys has its issues, but you could do this. The delay is a requirement to allow the app to load. This is the issue. Different machines require different times.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$SendKeys = [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]
# Sending ot notepad
Start-Process -FilePath 'notepad.exe'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Sending ot wordpad
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Wordpad.lnk'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Sending powershell instance
Start-Process -FilePath 'powershell.exe' '-NoProfile', '-NoLogo'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
You could do this as a delay tactic as well.
# Using Do/Unitl
$MainWindowTitle = $null
Start-Process -FilePath 'notepad.exe'
$MainWindowTitle = (Get-Process -Name notepad).MainWindowTitle
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
until ($MainWindowTitle -ne '')
So, I hope you are getting that use Powershell for UI automation is not really a thing to do, since, though it can, it is not its strong suit. So, stick with real automation, or use purpose-built GUI automation tools like AutoIT, `Selenium, etc.
I am using below script to Verify checksum of a remote file against a local file. The server I installed on my machine is freeSSHd.
When I tried to execute the below script using PowerShell ISE I get an error message saying:
Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended)
I've granted shell access in the FreeSSHd Server User properties:
param (
# Use Generate URL function to obtain a value for -sessionUrl parameter.
$sessionUrl = "sftp://user:mypassword;fingerprint=ssh-rsa-xx-xx-xx#example.com/",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
$pause = $False
Write-Host $localPath -foregroundcolor Gray
# Calculate local file checksum
$localChecksum = ((CertUtil -hashfile $localPath SHA1)[1] -replace " ","")
# Write-Host "Local Checksum:"
Write-Host $localChecksum
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
#Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "WinSCPnet.dll")
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("\\c:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll") | Out-Null
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
Write-Host $remotePath -foregroundcolor Gray
# Calculate remote file checksum
$sha1Command = "bash sha1sum -b $remotePath | awk '{print `$1}'"
$result = $session.ExecuteCommand($sha1Command)
$remoteChecksum = $result.Output;
#$remoteChecksum =
[System.BitConverter]::ToString($session.CalculateFileChecksum("sha-1", $remotePath))
# Write-Host "Remote Checksum:"
Write-Host $remoteChecksum
# Disconnect, clean up
# Compare cheksums
if ($localChecksum -eq $remoteChecksum)
Write-Host "Match" -foregroundcolor "green"
$result = 0
Write-Host "Does NOT match" -foregroundcolor "red"
$result = 1
catch [Exception]
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
$result = 1
# Pause if -pause switch was used
if ($pause)
Write-Host "Press any key to exit..."
[System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null
exit $result
FreeSSHd server does not support any "bash". Its "shell" is Windows cmd.exe.
Your code cannot work. Windows cmd.exe is not compatible with WinSCP.
Moreover FreeSSHd is pretty buggy, do not use it.
You should use another Windows SSH server.
You can use Windows build of OpenSSH. It would allow you to execute a PowerShell script on the server to calculate the checksum.
If you install Windows Subsystem for Linux, you may even get the sha1sum (but I'm not sure).
You can use Cygwin, if you need to simulate *nix environment on Windows.
You can use Bitvise SSH Server for personal use for free. Its SFTP server supports checksum calculation on its own, so you would be able to use WinSCP Session.CalculateFileChecksum method directly.
There are lot of other options.
Now, when I know, that x32 is the problem I debugged into the script using powershell_ise_x32 and found out, that $Word.Documents is null.
So Powershell-API for Word has a different behaviour in x32 PowerShell, then in 64bit.
The error occurs, when using PowerShell x32 and occurs NOT on PowerShell 64bit. That was really it. Powershell x32 was executed because I started it from the Total Commander 32bit.
The question is now - why 32bit and 64bit PowerShell have different behaviour?
Initial Question:
I wrote a powershell script, to convert my WordDocuments and merge them to one.
I wrote a Batch script, to start this powershell script.
When I execute the script directly in "Powershell ISE" the script works fine.
When I execute the batch script as Administrator via context menu, the script reports errors. In this case the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\cmd.exe is executed.
When I execute another cmd.exe found on my system as Administrator - everything works fine:
Why do I have different behaviour in different cmd.exe? What are those different cmd.exe?
Batch Script:
cd /d "%~dp0"
powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "%~dp0%DocxToPdf.ps1"
Powershell Script
$FilePath = $PSScriptRoot
$Pdfsam = "D:\Programme\PDFsam\bin\run-console.bat"
$Files = Get-ChildItem "$FilePath\*.docx"
$Word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
if(-not $?){
throw "Failed to open Word"
# Convert all docx files to pdf
Foreach ($File in $Files) {
Write-Host "Word Object: " $Word
Write-Host "File Object: " $Word $File
Write-Host "FullName prop:" $File.FullName
# open a Word document, filename from the directory
$Doc = $Word.Documents.Open($File.FullName)
# Swap out DOCX with PDF in the Filename
# Save this File as a PDF in Word 2010/2013
$Doc.SaveAs([ref] $Name, [ref] 17)
# check errors
if(-not $?){
Write-Host("Stop because an error occurred")
exit 0
# wait until the conversion is done
Start-Sleep -s 15
# Now concat all pdfs to one single pdf
$Files = Get-ChildItem "$FilePath\*.pdf" | Sort-Object
Write-Host $Files.Count
if ($Files.Count -gt 0) {
$command = ""
Foreach ($File in $Files) {
$command += " -f "
$command += "`"" + $File.FullName + "`""
$command += " -o `"$FilePath\Letter of application.pdf`" -overwrite concat"
$command = $Pdfsam + $command
echo $command
$path = Split-Path -Path $Pdfsam -Parent
cd $path
cmd /c $command
Write-Host "No PDFs found for concatenation"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Press any key to continue...";
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown");
I've found $PSScriptRoot to be unreliable.
$FilePath = $PSScriptRoot;
$CurLocation = Get-Location;
$ScriptLocation = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Write-Host "FilePath = [$FilePath]";
Write-Host "CurLocation = [$CurLocation]";
Write-Host "ScriptLocation = [$ScriptLocation]";
O:\Data>powershell ..\Script\t.ps1
FilePath = []
CurLocation = [O:\Data]
ScriptLocation = [O:\Script]
As to the differences between the various cmd.exe implementations, I can't really answer that. I should have thought they'd be functionally identical, but maybe there's 32/64-bit differences that matter.
The error occurs, when using PowerShell x32 and occurs NOT on PowerShell 64bit.
I debugged into the script using powershell_ise_x32 and found out, that $Word.Documents is null.
This is because on my system Word 64bit is installed.
Thanks to Abbas, the following code enable us to call a cmd process and pass command to it using PowerShell script.
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
$psi.FileName = "cmd.exe"; #process file
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false; #start the process from it's own executable file
$psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true; #enable the process to read from standard input
$p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);
Start-Sleep -s 2 #wait 2 seconds so that the process can be up and running
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine("dir"); #StandardInput property of the Process is a .NET StreamWriter object
Now, How can I use a CMD process that already exists.
In better words, I want to use the PID of a cmd.exe process that is running and pass the command to it.
Based on #Falcon's comment:
I want to be sure that the CMD is running as SYSTEM
I think the code should work, which checks for a command shell running as SYSTEM. It will return true for each matching shell that's running as SYSTEM, with title=TEST:
Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'cmd.exe'" | ForEach-Object {
if ((Get-Process -Id $_.ProcessId).MainWindowTitle -eq 'TEST') {
(Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $_ -MethodName GetOwner).User -eq 'SYSTEM'
The above code needs running in an elevated shell
The code based on this article checks for the command prompt being elevated:
$p = Get-Process -Name cmd | where {$_.MainWindowTitle -eq 'TEST'} |
Select Name, #{Name="Elevated"; Expression={ if ($this.Name -notin #('Idle','System')) {-not $this.Path -and -not $this.Handle} } }
The code above needs running in a non-elevated PowerShell instance. It is testing for the absence of a path & handle - which the non-elevated shell can't see for an elevated command prompt. Change the eq 'TEST' condition to match your window.
Having an issue with some PowerShell. Basically I am trying to remove certain Taskbar shortcuts based on the shortcuts path/exe file.
The following code I have gets the pinned shortcuts and their name from the AppData folder:
Function Get-TaskbarShortcuts
$Path = "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar"
} # End of Begin
$TaskbarShortcuts = Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -Include *.lnk
ForEach($ShortCut in $TaskbarShortcuts)
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$Properties = #{
ShortcutName = $Shortcut.Name
LinkTarget = $Shell.CreateShortcut($Shortcut).targetpath
New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$x ++
Write-Host $ShortCut
} #End of ForEach
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Shell) | Out-Null
} # End of Process
I need to amend this code to remove certain shortcuts...say for example, a user has pinned 'C:\Windows\notepad.exe' but called the shortcut Name something odd. How would I remove the actual pin from the taskbar (not just delete the shortcut file)?
Deleting the shortcut from the "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar" leaves the icon on the taskbar but in an unusable state and clicking it pops up an error that it doesn't exist and asks if you want to remove it. I'm guessing that this is what you want to avoid.
There doesn't seem to be a simple way to do this, but there's a Module available in the TechNet Script Center that does the trick:
Pin and unpin applications from the taskbar and Start-menu
# NAME: PinnedApplications.psm1
# AUTHOR: Jan Egil Ring, Crayon
# DATE : 06.08.2010
# COMMENT: Module with the ability to pin and unpin programs from the taskbar and the Start-menu in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
# This module are based on the Add-PinnedApplication script created by Ragnar Harper and Kristian Svantorp:
# http://blogs.technet.com/kristian/archive/2009/04/24/nytt-script-pin-to-taskbar.aspx
# http://blog.crayon.no/blogs/ragnar/archive/2009/04/17/pin-applications-to-windows-7-taskbar.aspx
# Johan Akerstrom`s blog: http://cosmoskey.blogspot.com
# For more information, see the following blog post:
# http://blog.crayon.no/blogs/janegil/archive/2010/02/26/pin-and-unpin-applications-from-the-taskbar-and-start-menu-using-windows-powershell.aspx
# 1.0 17.04.2009 - Initial release by Ragnar Harper and Kristian Svantorp
# 1.1 26.02.2010 - Update by Jan Egil Ring. Added the capability to unpin applications.
# 1.2 06.08.2010 - Update by Johan Akerstrom. Added full MUI support.
function Set-PinnedApplication
This function are used to pin and unpin programs from the taskbar and Start-menu in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
The function have to parameteres which are mandatory:
Action: PinToTaskbar, PinToStartMenu, UnPinFromTaskbar, UnPinFromStartMenu
FilePath: The path to the program to perform the action on
Set-PinnedApplication -Action PinToTaskbar -FilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe"
Set-PinnedApplication -Action UnPinFromTaskbar -FilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe"
Set-PinnedApplication -Action PinToStartMenu -FilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe"
Set-PinnedApplication -Action UnPinFromStartMenu -FilePath "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe"
if(-not (test-path $FilePath)) {
throw "FilePath does not exist."
function InvokeVerb {
$verb = $verb.Replace("&","")
$path= split-path $FilePath
$shell=new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$item = $folder.Parsename((split-path $FilePath -leaf))
$itemVerb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name.Replace("&","") -eq $verb}
if($itemVerb -eq $null){
throw "Verb $verb not found."
} else {
function GetVerb {
try {
$t = [type]"CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper"
} catch {
$def = [Text.StringBuilder]""
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern int LoadString(IntPtr h,uint id, System.Text.StringBuilder sb,int maxBuffer);')
[void]$def.AppendLine('public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string s);')
add-type -MemberDefinition $def.ToString() -name MuiHelper -namespace CosmosKey.Util
if($global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 -eq $null){
$global:CosmosKey_Utils_MuiHelper_Shell32 = [CosmosKey.Util.MuiHelper]::LoadLibrary("shell32.dll")
$verbBuilder = new-object Text.StringBuilder "",$maxVerbLength
return $verbBuilder.ToString()
$verbs = #{
if($verbs.$Action -eq $null){
Throw "Action $action not supported`nSupported actions are:`n`tPintoStartMenu`n`tUnpinfromStartMenu`n`tPintoTaskbar`n`tUnpinfromTaskbar"
InvokeVerb -FilePath $FilePath -Verb $(GetVerb -VerbId $verbs.$action)
Export-ModuleMember Set-PinnedApplication
When I run a program on PowerShell it opens a new window and before I can see the output, the window closes. How do I make it so PowerShell keeps this window open?
Try doing:
start-process your.exe -NoNewWindow
Add a -Wait too if needed.
The OP seemed satisfied with the answer, but it doesn't keep the new window open after executing the program, which is what he seemed to be asking (and the answer I was looking for). So, after some more research, I came up with:
Start-Process cmd "/c `"your.exe & pause `""
I was solving a similar problem few weeks ago. If you don't want to use & (& '.\program.exe') then you can use start process and read the output by start process (where you read the output explicitly).
Just put this as separate PS1 file - for example (or to macro):
param (
$process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$proInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$proInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
$proInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$proInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$proInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$proInfo.FileName = $name
$proInfo.Arguments = $params
$process.StartInfo = $proInfo
#Register an Action for Error Output Data Received Event
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process -EventName ErrorDataReceived -action {
foreach ($s in $EventArgs.data) { Write-Host $s -ForegroundColor Red }
} | Out-Null
#Register an Action for Standard Output Data Received Event
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process -EventName OutputDataReceived -action {
foreach ($s in $EventArgs.data) { Write-Host $s -ForegroundColor Blue }
} | Out-Null
$process.Start() | Out-Null
And then call it like:
.\startprocess.ps1 "c:\program.exe" "params"
You can also easily redirect output or implement some kind of timeout in case your application can freeze...
If the program is a batch file (.cmd or .bat extension) being launched with cmd /c foo.cmd command, simply change it to cmd /k foo.cmd and the program executes, but the prompt stays open.
If the program is not a batch file, wrap it in a batch file and add the pause command at the end of it. To wrap the program in a batch file, simply place the command in a text file and give it the .cmd extension. Then execute that instead of the exe.
With Startprocess and in the $arguments scriptblock, you can put a Read-Host
$arguments = {
Read-Host "Wait for a key to be pressed"
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
pwsh -noe -c "echo 1"