MS Teams: how should we tell if an activity event comes from a bot? - botframework

we have a chat bot that seems to be receiving messages from another bot. we'd like to ignore these messages, as responding to them leads to an infinite loop of ping pong between the two bots.
we were hoping to rely on activity.from.role as documented here, but it seems like that field is never set. looks something like 28:app:00000000-dfae-4fe1-a068-80fe8fc61f2b_62b732f7-fc71-40bc-b27d-35efcb000000, and we are thinking that the only way to identify the account as a bot is by detecting the :app: in these IDs. this is sub-optimal, as this ID format is not part of the official API and could change at any time.
that said, how should we detect if an activity event is coming from a bot?

If you've to deal with potential bots from outside your organisation, a simple way could be to keep a dictionary of few last text exchanges indexed by userId or UserName in the Activity object. Then, at each POST received by your bot, check if the received text match fully one of the precedent message entries in this dictionary. If it is the case, then mark the related userId/UserName as a candidate for the bot role but continue to check further text exchanges in case a non bot user just said hi twice.
If the few following further exchanges doesn't meet anymore the full match requirement, unmark the userId/UserName as a potential bot. If there is marked UserId/UserName as candidate for bot role, apply the bot role to them if there's no more further exchanges past the full match entry or after a delay of your choice. For the latter, it might be useful to provoke a last text exchange after the delay to decide.
For the Watson/Eliza kind of bots, i recommended to check the speed of the exchanges, as far as i know, no human being can exchange more than twenty messages per second.


Multiple Intents in DialogFlow CX

I want to have the user respond with a longish response, like talk about their education and family background. In this, I would like to identify multiple intents and then go back to the user with multiple questions (one by one) as a follow-on to the intents detected. Can I do this in DialogFlow CX and how?
Note that your desired use case is currently not feasible in Dialogflow CX. By default, Dialogflow matches a user query to only one intent route. Intents are matched based on the confidence value in the detectIntent Response’s queryResult.match field.
Moreover, the maximum detect intent text input length is 256 characters. If you are using an integration, the integration platform may have a smaller limit. However, you can use the sys.long-utterance built-in event to handle user queries that exceed the 256-character limit. Note that the long user query will still only get matched to only one intent route.
If you want to ask the user multiple questions, you can design your agent to have a conversation flow that asks the user one question at a time. You can utilize State Handlers to control the conversation flow. You may refer to the Voice agent design documentation for best practices for designing your agent.
You could do several intents with no response that has several follow up intents with your questions, u are going to need to change the number of context to match the amount of intents that you are going to use.

How to find message's file unique IDs with Telegram bot API?

i'm experimenting with Golang Telegram bot APIs and I have a problem with the ID of the message's file that i send to the bot.
I forwarded a message of type VOICE to the bot and in the code I read the unique ID of this file to understand if the bot received that voice message yet (... maybe forwarded by another user).
The problem is that when I read the ID with this code msg.Voice.FileID I get always a different string. But not completely different, the first and last part of the string is always the same, but the middle part changes, like this:
id first time i forward the message: aaaaaa_abc_zzzzz
id second time i forward the message: aaaaaa_def_zzzzz
The doc does not say anything about it... (
Do you guys know how to deal with file ids? My goal is to be able to say "ok, I received this photo (or voice, or audio, or video) yet from this or another user"
Thank you for your time
As a reddit user pointed out here, it is possibile to have the unique id of a file as per v4.5 of the Telegram API
I couldn'd find that out because a was reading the Golang implementation godoc and the "unique id" feature is not yet implemented.
I'm going to add it and make a PR.

Fire Message Event Only when These other Messages have been sent

I'm working on architecting a micro-service solution where most code will be C# and most likely Angular for any front end. My question is about message chaining. I am still figuring out what message broker to use; Azure Service Bus , RabbitMQ, etc.. There is a concept which I haven't found much about.
How do I handle cases when I want to fire a message when a specific set of messages have fired. An example but not part of my actual solution: I want to say Notify someone when pays a bill. We send a message "PAIDBILL"
which will fire off microservices which will be processed independently:
FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
EmailService: email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill
DiscountService: Check if they get a discount for paying on time then send
If all three messages have fired for the Same PAIDBILL: Message "PaymentPosted", "CustomerPaymentEmailSent", "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
then I want to email the customer that they will get a discount on their next bill. It Must be done AFTER all three have tiggered and the order doesn't matter. How do I Schedule a new message to be sent "EmailNextTimeDiscount" message, without having to poll for what messages have fired every minute, hour, day?
All I can think of is to have a SQL table which marks that each one is complete (by locking the table) and when the last one is filled then send off the message. Would this be a good solution? I find it an anti-pattern for the micro-service & message queue design.
If you're using messages (e.g. Service Bus / RabbitMQ), then I think the solution you have described is the best one. This type of design - where services have knowledge about the other domains in the system - is typically known as choreography.
You'll want to pick a service which will be responsible for this business logic. That service will need to receive all the preceding types of messages so that it can determine when (if) all have been met, which it probably wants to do by recording which of the gates have already passed in a database.
One alternative you could consider is chaining the business processes instead of doing them in parallel. So...
PAYBILL causes FinanceService to Debit the ledger and fire "PaymentPosted"
"PayentPosted" causes EmailService to email Customer Saying thank you for paying the bill and broadcasts "CustomerPaymentEmailSent"
"CustomerPaymentEmailSent" causes DicsountService to check if they get a discount for paying on Time then sends "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount"
The email you want to send is just triggered by "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount".
If I'm honest, I would switch around the dependency model you're using at this last stage. So, instead of some component listening for "CustomerCanGetPaymentDiscount" events from DiscountService and sending an email, I think I would instead have the DiscountService tell some other component to send an email. It seems natural to me for something that calculates discounts to know that an email should be sent. It seems less natural for something that sends emails to know about discounts (and everything else that needs emails sent). This is why I don't like architectures where the assumption is that every message should be an event and every action should be triggered by an event: it removes a lot of decisions about where domain logic can live, because the message receiver always has to know about the domain of the message sender, never vice versa.

Microsoft Graph API Mail: updating whole conversations? (mark as read or delete)

I am developing using the Microsoft Mail Graph API I'd like to provide conversation actions.
For example, if a conversation has several unread messages, marking as read the last one doesn't mark the whole conversation as read (like I'd want).
I didn't see any conversation-level API to mark as read / mark as unread or delete whole conversations.
What would be the best way to achieve conversation updates?
I'm afraid there are not APIs specific to email conversations. In order to process a batch of emails within a conversation, you'll need to update each message individually.
You can determine which messages belong in the conversation using the conversationId. Keep in mind however that a "conversation" is a somewhat loosely defined entity. Exchange generally gets good results but it isn't foolproof by a long shot (for example, a conversation with 10 participants, forward it to an 11th and you often end up with two threads in a single "conversation").
I would suggest using JSON batching for something like this. Batching allows you to bundle multiple Graph commands into a single call. Using batching you could update up to 20 messages at a time.

Simple techniques for preventing spamming of a web chat application

I have a simple, custom rolled chat here: ( - essentially: ajax chat, php backend, javascript listing of chat messages, logged-in user input only ) that suffers from being able to be spammed. What are some simple systems to prevent spamming of a chat?
One thing (lowest level of protection) that I have already implemented:
Ignore consecutive duplicate messages from the same user.
Other ideas that I have:
Add consecutive messages from the same user together, instead of creating a separate message line. (relatively simple to implement, decreases the effect of spam but doesn't prevent it)
Prevent continued messages after a certain number of consecutive messages from one user, for new users. (relatively simple to implement)
Chat moderation by trusted users (complex to implement).
Are there any simple systems/algorithms to prevent chat message spamming that I should know about?
Put an increasing delay on how fast a user can reply. So after each message post store next_reply_time as a timestamp of NOW + 1 second. If they reply before the time has reached, ignore it and give a "Reply too fast" warning and set the next_reply_time to NOW + 2 seconds, and so on. This way if they stack up messages too fast, you'll ignore them for longer periods of time. This delay can of course be based on reputation.
