enter image description here
why my menustrip doesnt show text or uneditable
when I try Visual Basic Studio or dnspy it's only open on the taskbar and not showing up on display [image from problem1
any style like Visual Basic Studio not opening like that,
there anyone got like this problem before
I've freshly installed Visual Studio 2019 Community to do some mobile development (Xamarin.Forms)
The problem is that the collection editor is shown as a black window as demonstrating in the image below :
Visual Studio 2019 - Collection Editor
I've restarted VS so many times, and changed the Theme hoping it's a problem with the theme, but no luck.
I have noticed that my Visual Studio Tool box is missing most of the tools I need. At this moment I am trying to add a GridView from under the Data tab but this is greyed out. I only found this out by showing all files on my toolbox.
Recently I have migrated my source code from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2013.
After building in Visual Studio 2013, controls are displayed with an offset (see image by clicking on the link below).
Link to image
Does anybody know what happens?
I Think issue was with the border frame thickness of dialog box. I changed the following property in project settings & that worked for me.
Project Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Platefortoolset, set it to Visual Studio 2013 - Windows XP (v120_xp) And it worked. Thanks everyone for help
How can I recover/extract image from Button (BackgroundImage Property) in Visual Basic 2010 Express/Visual Studio 2010? I can not found Save As button
There is no feature in Visual Studio 2010/2008.
You can solve it with alt Print-Screen in Select resource windows and Paint.