Checking if the files were downloaded correctly with rclone - rclone

I'm looking for a way to check if the files were downloaded correctly by using rclone. Maybe the option -i is able to do that?
rclone sync -i SOURCE remote:DESTINATION

Option --checksum is able to do that.
When rclone has finished copying a file, it compares checksums. Add option -vv to see hashes.


How to rclone copy only .png files under a directory?

I have lots of files under dir1/ in the server.
I want to copy all the png files under dir1/*.png to google drive.
rclone copy dir1/*.png gdrive:dir2/
gives error.
rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags]
--create-empty-src-dirs Create empty source dirs on destination after copy
-h, --help help for copy
Use "rclone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "rclone help flags" for to see the global flags.
Use "rclone help backends" for a list of supported services.
Command copy needs 2 arguments maximum: you provided 66 non flag arguments:
Is there a way to solve this issue?
"perfect" with --include :-)
rclone copy dir1/ gdrive:dir2/ --include "*.png"
Ok, I have found a way to resolve this issue in another way around.
I used the "exclude" flag.
In this way, I exclude the "directory_I_do_not_want_to_copy_under_dir1" and all of its content.
Therefore I copied the remaining under dir1/ including *.png files.
Not the perfect but an approximate solution :)
rclone copy dir1/ gdrive:dir2/ --exclude==/directory_I_do_not_want_to_copy_under_dir1/**

Copy files from source to destination but deleting any files in destination but NOT in source

So I am cloning one folder to another using Bash. Currently my script is recursive and noclobber. Works great.
!cp -r -n /content/gdrive/Shared\ drives/Source/. /content/gdrive/Shared\ drives/Destination
This copies just fine. I just am looking for a way to delete any files if NOT on the Source drive but IS on the Destination drive. Maybe I need an entirely different script method?
Edit. I ended up using
!rsync -v -r --ignore-existing /gdrive/Shared\ drives/Source/. /gdrive/Shared\ drives/Destination --delete
Seems to be working for now. I was using -u but it seemed to be re-copying files just because the date changed, not the file itself. Thanks 1218985 for the help!
You can do it like this with rsync:
rsync --delete "/content/gdrive/Shared\ drives/Source/" "/content/gdrive/Shared\ drives/Destination/"

Correct LFTP command to upload only updated files

I am using to upload files in a code repository to a shared hosting without SSH.
This is the original command, it tooks two hours to complete:
lftp -c "open -u $FTP_USER,$FTP_PASSWORD; set ssl:verify-certificate no; mirror -R ${HOME}/clone/ /public_html/targetfolder"
I tried to add -n, which is supposed to upload only newer files. But I can still see from the streaming logs that some unchanged files are being uploaded:
lftp -c "open -u $FTP_USER,$FTP_PASSWORD; set ssl:verify-certificate no; mirror -R -n ${HOME}/clone/ /public_html/targetfolder"
What is the correct command to correctly upload only updated files?
The command is correct.
The question is why lftp considers the files "changed". It uploads a file if it is missing, has different size of has different modification time.
You can try to do "ls" on the directory where lftp uploads the files to and see if the files are really present, have the same size and the same or newer modification time.
If for some reason the modification time is older, add --ignore-time to the mirror command.
Codeship builds the code first before deployment.
This means that the code in Codeship's temporary server is newer than anything else in your pipeline, even though the code itself may not have changed.
This is why when you use lftp's option of "only newer files", it simply means everything.
As far as I know, you can't upload only the actual newer files.

wget: delete incomplete files

I'm currently using a bash script to download several images using wget.
Unfortunately the server I am downloading from is less than reliable and therefore sometimes when I'm downloading a file, the server will disconnect and the script will move onto the next file, leaving the previous one incomplete.
In order to remedy this I've tried to add a second line after the script fetches all incomplete files using:
wget -c{1..3}.png
This seems to work as wget goes back and completes download of the files, but the problem then comes from this: ImageMagick which I use to stich the images in a pdf, claims there are errors with the headers of the images.
My thought of what to with deleting the incomplete files is:
wget -rmincompletefiles
wget -N{1..3}.png
convert *.png mypdf.pdf
So the question is, what can I use in place of -rmincompletefiles that actually exists, or is there a better I should be approaching this issue?
I made surprising discovery when attempting to implement tvm's suggestion.
It turns out, and this something I didn't realize, that when you run wget -N, wget actually checks file sizes and verifies they are the same. If they are not, the files are deleted and then downloaded again.
So cool tip if you're having the same issue I am!
I've found this solution to work for my use case.
From the answer:
wget -O || rm -f
This way, the file will only be deleted if an error or cancellation occurred.
Well, I would try hard to download the files with wget (you can specify extra parameters like larger --timeout to give the server some extra time). wget assumes certain things about the partial downloads and even with proper resume, they can sometimes end up mangled (unless you check their eg. MD5 sums by other means).
Since you are using convert and bash, there will be most likely another tool available from the Imagemagick package - namely identify.
While certain features are surely poorly documented, it has one awesome functionality - it can identify broken (or partially downloaded images).
➜ ~ identify b.jpg; echo $?
identify.im6: Invalid JPEG file structure: ...
It will return exit status 1 if you call it on the inconsistent image. You can remove these inconsistent images using simple loop such as:
for i in *.png;
do identify "$i" || rm -f "$i";
Then I would try to download again the files that are broken.

Untar multipart tarball on Windows

I have a series of files named filename.part0.tar, filename.part1.tar, … filename.part8.tar.
I guess tar can create multiple volumes when archiving, but I can't seem to find a way to unarchive them on Windows. I've tried to untar them using 7zip (GUI & commandline), WinRAR, tar114 (which doesn't run on 64-bit Windows), WinZip, and ZenTar (a little utility I found).
All programs run through the part0 file, extracting 3 rar files, then quit reporting an error. None of the other part files are recognized as .tar, .rar, .zip, or .gz.
I've tried concatenating them using the DOS copy command, but that doesn't work, possibly because part0 thru part6 and part8 are each 100Mb, while part7 is 53Mb and therefore likely the last part. I've tried several different logical orders for the files in concatenation, but no joy.
Other than installing Linux, finding a live distro, or tracking down the guy who left these files for me, how can I untar these files?
Install 7-zip. Right click on the first tar. In the context menu, go to "7zip -> Extract Here".
Works like a charm, no command-line kung-fu needed:)
I only now noticed that you mention already having tried 7zip. It might have balked if you tried to "open" the tar by going "open with" -> 7zip - Their command-line for opening files is a little unorthodox, so you have to associate via 7zip instead of via the file association system built-in to windows. If you try the right click -> "7-zip" -> "extract here", though, that should work- I tested the solution myself (albeit on a 32-bit Windows box- Don't have a 64 available)
1) download gzip for windows and unpack it
2) gzip -c filename.part0.tar > foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part1.tar >> foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part8.tar >> foo.gz
3) unpack foo.gz
worked for me
As above, I had the same issue and ran into this old thread. For me it was a severe case of RTFM when installing a Siebel VM . These instructions were straight from the manual:
cat \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.1of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.2of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.3of3 \
| tar xzf –
Worked for me!
The tar -M switch should it for you on windows (I'm using tar.exe).
tar --help says:
-M, --multi-volume create/list/extract multi-volume archive
I found this thread because I had the same problem with these files. Yes, the same exact files you have. Here's the correct order: 042358617 (i.e. start with part0, then part4, etc.)
Concatenate in that order and you'll get a tarball you can unarchive. (I'm not on Windows, so I can't advise on what app to use.) Note that of the 19 items contained therein, 3 are zip files that some unarchive utilities will report as being corrupted. Other apps will allow you to extract 99% of their contents. Again, I'm not on Windows, so you'll have to experiment for yourself.
Enjoy! ;)
This works well for me with multivolume tar archives (numbered .tar.1, .tar.2 and so on) and even allows to --list or --get specific folders or files in them:
mkdir -p $RDEST
$TAR vf $ARCHIVE.tar.1 -F 'echo '$ARCHIVE'.tar.${TAR_VOLUME} >&${TAR_FD}' -C $RDEST --get $RPATH --exclude "$EXCLUDE"
Copy to a script file, then just change the parameters:
TAR=location of tar binary
ARCHIVE=Archive base name (without .tar.multivolumenumber)
RPATH=path to restore (leave empty for full restore)
RDEST=restore destination folder (relative or absolute path)
EXCLUDE=files to exclude (with pattern matching)
Interesting thing for me is you really DON'T use the -M option, as this would only ask you questions (insert next volume etc.)
Hello perhaps would help.
I had the same problems ...
a save on my web site made automaticaly in Centos at 4 am create multiple file in multivolume tar format (saveblabla.tar, saveblabla.tar1.tar, saveblabla.tar2.tar,etc..)
after downloading this file on my PC (windows) i can't extract them with both windows cmd or 7zip (unknow error).
I thirst binary copy file to reassemble tar files. (above in that thread)
copy /b file1+file2+file3 destination
after that, 7zip worked !!! Thanks for you help
