Open NativeScript project in Android Studio - nativescript

I have a robust app, created with NativeScript + Angular.
I would like to drop NativeScript and be able to continue working on the project in Android Studio.
We need to stop the development with NativeScript, without starting the app from scratch. Is this possible?
I've been trying to Google for it, but the docs are disappeared every link shows up 404.


Issue while integrating unity as library into ios native project, while unity project contains Admob SDK

I'm following this example to embed my Unity game (with admob ads integrated inside Unity) on a host Native app:
The ads were working just fine when running the Unity project directly, but after imbedding it, the ads didn't show anymore!
Do you have any idea about the possible reason for this issue? Knowing that when running the app in my device, no error is showing on the console.

UWP store build with Xamarin Forms

We are having trouble publishing our x86/x64 UWP Xamarin Forms app to the Microsoft Store.
The app got rejected because the certification team cannot test the .appxupload package because it crashes on startup.
The app only crashes when installed from the store built .appxupload package. The .appxbundle in _Test works fine and we are using it for in-house distribution and sideloading via HockeyApp.
At first we assumed that the crash was due to faulty packaging as our app uses the desktop-bridge feature to bundle a small WPF executable with it. Our first instinct was to remove the desktop bridge part and test the packaging again. After removing it, we had the same issue, the .appxupload crashed on start.
We took it one step forward and just created a new solution with a new Xamarin Forms Template project (VS 15.7.1). Without changing a single line of code we packaged the visual studio xamarin forms uwp template project for store upload. The surprise here is that the generated .appxupload also crashes exactly the same way on startup.
We decided to find out more by experimenting on the Visual Studio XF uwp template:
Update XF to 3.1 -> still crashes
Update .NETCore.UniversalWindows to 6.1.5 -? still crashes
Remove XF from the project completely (including Xamarin.Forms.Init(..)) -> no more crash, but also no more content without Xamarin forms ... :(
We have researched the following posts which seem to be related to this issue:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Private.CoreLib...'
Some of the above posts were explaining that even though the .appxupload crashes when installed locally the when downloaded and installed from the Microsoft store the package will run without a problem. Our problem with this part is that our .appxupload package needs to be tested by Microsoft before the store publish because of the desktop bridge permission. Because it crashes when locally testing it cannot be published.
Based on our experiments with the Visual Studio Xamarin forms uwp template project this seems to be an issue of UWP and Xamarin Forms together.
We are not sure how to proceed. We need to get the app running from the .appxupload package so that it can be tested by the store team. Do you have any ideas/solutions for this issue?

Multiple errors after updating Xamarin Forms

I'm using Visual Studio 2017, and I stared a new Xamarin Forms app:
Create New project - Cross Platform App (Xamarin)
Blank App, and I chose Portable Class Library (PCL)
The app compiles and runs.
Now I right click the solution and choose Manage Nuget packages for solution, and it tells me I'm running version 23.3.0 and I should update to
After the update and 3 VS reboots, it gives me a host of errors I have been trying to solve for an hour including googling.
All theme related.
I tried removing the styles.xml file all together. I removed the theme from the reference to the theme from the manafest and it keeps putting it back.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have not written any code.
Xamarin Forms requires a specific version of the Android Support libraries. Do not update them.
Delete your project and create a new one.
It is possible to get round this limitation by ensuring you are using a specific version of Android and by updating all Android SDK's, but for a beginner I would recommend just using the support libraries that are installed alongside Xamarin Forms.

Adding PhoneGap onto Xcode Project Without Using XCode

I was running Windows 7 desktop only. My next project is about a social network app created from my fellow programmer. Check out his XCode project at GitHUB repository right here.
He asked me to convert this iOS compatibile into an Android compatible app so that his created app can now run on Android.
I discovered PhoneGap Build, an online app converter that requires to copy the URL of a GitHub repository and in order to make the conversion successful, I have to implement some kind of PhoneGap engine (Cordova.jar, HTML5 [index.html], and a simple Javascript).
It's preferred to do this in Xcode, but Xcode requires Mac OS X. Is there another way, if it's possible, to add a PhoneGap engine without Xcode?
Here's the reason why I have to update and added the PhoneGap without using XCode since I'm running on Windows 7 before taking a second attempt to convert it using PhoneGap Build. Here's the picture:
PhoneGap allows a developer to build a native application using HTML5 - essentially, the web application is packaged into a native application container that simply renders a webview then loads the index.html from the web app into that webview and passes control to the web app.
There is no conversion of a native iOS application into an Android application.
You do not need Xcode to package PhoneGap apps using PhoneGap Build - all you need is the web content for your app. When you initiate the build process, the Build service packages your web app into native apps for Android, BlackBerry, iOS, webOS, Windows Phone.
You can learn a lot about PhoneGap in my book PhoneGap Essentials -

Porting an iPhone PhoneGap project to Windows Phone

I have an app made using jquerymobile+phonegap, and running under iOS. The surpise arrived when I tried to port the app to phoneGap for WP7: I created a new phonegap project using its template for visual studio 2010, and then replaced the content of the WWW folder, and included it into the project.
The project compiled, but when I run the app on the emulator, none of the images is displayed, and the javascript also is not working.
Any idea why is this happening? Thanks!
Right click your image and go to properties and set it as Content instead of a Resource. I bet that is your problem, at least for your images not displaying.
