Nativescript and SignalR? - nativescript

I’m developing an app using NativeScript + Angular and need it to have a SignalR connection. I'm using nativescript-signalr-core plugin to connect my app with the signalR. The server side project is written by core 3.1 (this link).
According to the instructions of plugin, I want to connect to the server, it connects the first moment but it is disconnected immediately.
This is my typescript code:
connectToServer_Core() {
this.signalrCore.start(this.hubUrl).then((isConnected: boolean) => {
console.log('isConnected? ', isConnected);
console.log('status: ' + JSON.stringify(this.signalrCore.getStatus()));
.catch(error => {
This is the output of the function execution:
JS: isConnected? true
JS: status: {"id":2,"name":"Socket Opened"}
JS: disconnected
JS: Unhandled Promise rejection: Error - Connection already close! ; Zone: <root> ;
Task: setTimeout ; Value: Error - Connection already close! undefined
This is the output after invoke():
JS: status: {"id":2,"name":"Socket Opened"}
JS: ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error - socket is not connected
Please help me how to solve this problem?


Svelte/Sveltekit and not working in dev (works in preview)

I'm trying to make work in a svelte front end app to talk to an existing API server that already uses After a number of challenges, I managed to make this work but I can only get this to work with sveltekit's preview and not in dev mode. Wondered if someone with some knowledge of those could explain why or suggest what I need to do to get it connecting in dev?
svelte 3.34.0
sveltekit next-169 4.2.0
basic code as follows, currently within a file $lib/db.js where I define a few stores that are pulled into the layout for general use..
import { io } from "";
import { browser } from '$app/env';
const initSocket = async () => {
console.log('creating socket...');
let socket = io('', { 'connect timeout': 5000 });
socket.on("connect", () => {
// always works in preview...
console.log('socket created with ID:',;
socket.on("connect_error", (error) => {
// permanently fired in dev...
console.error('Failed to connect', error);
socket.on("error", (error) => {
console.error('Error on socket', error);
socket.on("foo", data => {
// works in preview when server emits a message of type 'foo'..
console.log("FOO:", data);
if (browser) {
// stores setup and exports omitted..
with svelte-kit preview --host I see the socket creation log message with the socket ID and the same can be seen on the api server where it logs the same ID. The socket works and data is received as expected.
with svelte-kit dev --host however, the log message from socket.on("connect").. is never output and I just see an endless stream of error messages in the browser console from the socket.on("connect_error").. call..
Failed to connect Error: xhr poll error
at XHR.onError (transport.js:31)
at Request.<anonymous> (polling-xhr.js:93)
at Request.Emitter.emit (index.js:145)
at Request.onError (polling-xhr.js:242)
at polling-xhr.js:205
Importantly, there is no attempt to actually contact the server at all. The server never receives a connection request and wireshark/tcpdump confirm that no packet is ever transmitted to
Obviously having to rebuild and re-run preview mode on each code change makes development pretty painful, does anyone have insight as to what the issue is here or suggestions on how to proceed?
I've had a similar problem, I solved it by adding this code to svelte.config.js:
const config = {
kit: {
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
"xmlhttprequest-ssl": "./node_modules/",
The solution was provided by this comment from the vite issues.

Coinbase-pro for Node.js - Websocket connection breaking with error: read ECONNRESET

I'm currently stuck with an issue I'm getting with the coinbase-pro-node npm package ( I'm connecting to the matches channel and listening for messages there but the connection with the Websocket breaks after a few hours without telling me much. I can't trace back the problem and it doesn't happen on the same intervals. Sometimes it breaks just minutes after I run the script. Thanks for the help.
The code:
const CoinbasePro = require('coinbase-pro');
var coinbaseWs = '';
function connect() {
coinbaseWs = new CoinbasePro.WebsocketClient(
key: 'xxxx',
secret: 'xxxx',
passphrase: 'xxxx',
{ channels: ['matches'] }
coinbaseWs.on('message', async data => {
coinbaseWs.on('error', err => {
console.error("Connection with Coinbase websocket failed with error: " + err);
console.log("Error stack trace: " + err.stack);
coinbaseWs.on('close', () => {
console.error("Connection with Coinbase websocket closed!");
Error stack:
Error: read ECONNRESET
File "internal/stream_base_commons.js", line 167, in TLSWrap.onStreamRead
it does break from time to time for no apparent reason. All you can do is listen for the heartbeat messages and use those to decide whether to re-initiate a new websocket feed. I raised a similar query directly with the coinbase pro/gdax customer support.

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException When Initiating pushManager.subscribe

I'm trying to add push messaging to my service worker and facing issue that is eluding me since last night.
In my main HTML file, I have the following -
if('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js', {scope: '/pwa/'}).then(registration => {
console.log('Service Worker Registered: ', registration);
I do get "Service Worker Registered" message on the console. Which means the registration is successful. Chrome however follows it with following line that doesn't say anything about the error -
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException (index):1
Clicking on the (index):1 takes me to the top of corresponding page /pwa/, and highlights the <!DOCTYPE html>.
It does not give me any meaningful information to investigate the issue further.
Would appreciate if you could guide me in fixing this issue. I'll paste the rest of my code and setup below.
Backend framework: Laravel.
Entry in my webpack.mix.js
const workboxPlugin = require('workbox-webpack-plugin');
plugins: [
new workboxPlugin.InjectManifest({
swSrc: 'public/service-worker-offline.js', // more control over the caching
swDest: 'service-worker.js', // the service-worker file name
importsDirectory: 'service-worker-assets' // have a dedicated folder for sw files
output: {
publicPath: '' // Refer:
Entry in my service-worker-offline.js -
// some other entries, followed by
self.addEventListener('push', (event) => {
const title = 'Aha! Push Notifications with Service Worker';
const options = {
'body' :
event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(title, options))
I look forward to your responses and thank you in advance for your help.
I did further investigation and found out that if I do -
Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {
registration.pushManager.subscribe({userVisibleOnly: true});
then the push notification works; but the error still remains. However, the error now points to registration.pushManager.subscribe({userVisibleOnly: true}); line in the JS. What could be the reason?
The DOMException has details that are not always visible. Catch your DOMException, and make sure to log the message to the console. It will generally be much more informative. In my case, the "Registration failed - permission denied" message reminded me that I had blocked all notifications in my chrome settings.
If you are using react, fix serviceWorker.unregister () with serviceWorker.register () in index.js. I solved it like this

PLEASE help me with meteor method

I have revised many times but I don't see the problem.
I get this error:
errorClass {error: 500, reason: "Internal server error", details: undefined, message: "Internal server error [500]", errorType: "Meteor.Error"…}
Here's my code:'addToBasket',
And here the meteor method:
addToBasket: function(){
alert('inside meteor method');
When I call the method I get the message from console.log(error)
I have other methods that work perfectly.
Do I have to subscribe a meteor the collection or something ??
You can't use alert function in method because alert is not defined on the server. If your method is shared for the client and server, you can use if Meteor.isClient:
addToBasket: function(){
if (Meteor.isClient)
alert('inside meteor method');
If your method is defined just on the server, use console.log instead of alert and see server console for the log.
alert() will only work in the browser.
Here's an answer explaining why alert doesn't work in node.js.

Autobahn 0.9.5 (AMD) - Error during WebSocket handshake

I'm trying to implement autobahn 0.9.5 on my SPA project using DurandalJS.
var ab = require('autobahn');
live = new ab.Connection(
url: 'ws://localhost:8080',
realm: 'realm1'
live.onopen = function(session, details)
console.log('Autobahn open successfully!', session);
live.onclose = function(reason, details)
console.log('Autobahn connection lost', reason + ' - ' + details);
i received an error on firefox and chrome browser
InvalidAccessError: A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object
websocket.close(code, reason);
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8080/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Sent non-empty 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' header but no response was received
I have no idea what happened..
BEFORE I STARTED WITH - autobahn 0.9.5
I have write simple test on test.html to see if everything setup in backend is correct.
But on this test i currently used autobahn 0.8.2
<script src=""></script>
var conn = new ab.Session(
// Websocket host
// Callback on connection established
function() {
// Once connect, subscribe to channel
conn.subscribe('3', function(topic, data) {
console.log(topic, data);
// Callback on connection close
function() {
console.warn('WebSocket connection closed');
// Additional AB parameters
{'skipSubprotocolCheck': true}
This test working perfectly as what i need, but after I try to implement it inside real project, I can't make autobahn 0.8.2 loaded using requireJS, It keep give me an error ab not defined.
I don't really understand what is happening, according of autobahn getting started, it should work.
and here is how I define it on main.js (requirejs paths and shim config)
paths: {
'autobahn' : '',
'when' : ''
shim: {
'autobahn': {
deps: ['when']
Hopefully somebody can help me, I really love to make it working !
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Probably late, but for further reference.
This is probably not a complete answer to SO question.
First of all, everything should be written either for AutobahnJS v0.8.2 (which supports WAMPv1) or for AutobahnJS v0.9.5 (WAMPv2).
Check API documentation.
AutobahnJS v0.8.2 API -
it loads from
global variable for autobahn is ab
connecting with var conn = new ab.Session(wuri, onOpenCallback, onCloseCallback, options);
AutobahnJS v0.9.5 API -
it loads from
global variable for autobahn is autobahn
connecting with new autobahn.Connection({url: wuri, realm: yourRealm});
