When To Use #SessionAttribute Over #ModelAttribute - spring

I'm having a hard time figuring out a specific time in which one would use #SessionAttribute over #ModelAttribute.
This question arose because after making a web application I realised that I have got a lot of methods that I passed in Principal principal to. In these methods, I use principal.getName() to get the username of the logged-in user and then retrieve the relevant data from the database using that username. In short, a lot of my methods needed access to the current user data and I resolved this in what I believe to be an inefficient manner.
To rectify this I was going to create a model attribute in a class annotated with #ControllerAdvice, in which I get the principal and get the user data from the database and add it to the model.
E.g model.addAttribute("currentUser", currentUser);
so that in the parameter list of these methods I can have (#ModelAttribute("currentUser") UserAccount currentUser)
saving unnecessary work by getting the principal and then proceeding to get the user from the database.
While I don't know a whole lot about #SessionAttribute, I feel like this sort of data(UserAccount currentUser) is more relevant to the session as opposed to the model. Am I Wrong?
I also heard that #SessionAttribute doesn't make its data available across multiple controllers which in this case I need. Hence why I'm using #ControllerAdvice.
My questions are as follows:
What is the best practice for implementing the above where I need to
repeatedly access the current users data. Maybe I can further increase efficiency by adding a current user bean on login and then use #Autowired so that I wouldn't even need to have currentUser in the parameter list. But I don't know if that's even possible. Is it?
Is it true that the method annotated with #ModelAttribute is called
prior to every #RequestMapping, #GetMapping, #PostMapping etc. call?
and that an object specific to #SessionAttribute remains in the
model for the duration of the session?
Also In what situation should I user #SessionAttribute over

The #SessionAttrributes annotation is for the use-case where you need to have a model attribute that you need to access over multiple screens. Like doing a checkout for a shopping cart, you would store the Order in the session, screen 1, confirm, screen 2 payment details, screen 3, delivery details, screen 4 OK. After screen 4 you would then call SessionStatus.setComplete() and it will clean that attribute.
That is the use case for #SessionAttributes and should be used in conjunction with #ModelAttribute. It is not intended to be used to store a, for instance, the user in the session for the duration of the HttpSession.
The #SessionAttribute (a different annotation!) is to retrieve an attribute from the HttpSession that was placed there earlier. In your case after authentication, you would place the User in the HttpSession with HttpSession.setAttribute("currentUser", user);. In a controller method, you could use #SessionAttribute("currentUser") User user to retrieve and use it. No need for an #ControllerAdvice or model attribute anymore.
However I would strongly to ditch your custom security implementation and use something like Spring Security instead. That way all that, and more, is already provided out of the box. In a controller method you can then use the #AuthenticationPrincipal annotation to retrieve the current user.


Spring #SessionAttribute and session.getAttribute clash

I am experiencing a weird issue using spring mvc and session items.
We have a controller class annotated as follows:
according to the Spring doc, if I put into the model an object with the key customerPosition it gets automatically put into the session.
When I "manually" set the item with session.setAttribute("customerPosition",customerPosition) I exepect the item to be saved in session. if I get this item from the session by means of session.getAttribute("customerPosition") I get a different Item, not the one I expect. Actually what I get is data from previous iterations of the software flow.
It looks like that session.setAttribute("customerPosition",customerPosition) is not overwriting the object in session.
Does using #SessionAttributes prevents the possibility to manually control the session by means of session.setAttribute("customerPosition", customerPosition)

Spring Security - how to provide additional parameter to UserDetailsService

I have a need to provide an optional additional parameter to my implementation of Spring Security's UserDetailsService.
As a simple example, let's say I need to pass a Pet ID for the pet that belongs to the User.
Not all Users have pets, but if they do, my Person class that implements UserDetails has a Pet that needs to be retrieved upon login.
Here's what I tried thus far:
How to pass an additional parameter with spring security login page
The problem with the accepted answer is it feels wrong/leaky for UserDetailsService implementation to couple in awareness of HttpRequest and HttpSession.
Other approaches I've looked at involve custom AuthenticationDetails and AuthenticationDetailsSource, but this feels wrong also, since the UserDetailsService seems like it should be responsible for a single thing (loading User Details), and the Pet would be part of those User Details.
I know I can get one of these approaches to work, but they don't feel clean. Has anyone come up with a good approach on solving this problem? Not looking for anyone to write code for me, just looking for a general approach.
Thank you very much!
I think there maybe a misunderstanding as to the purpose of UserDetails. Looking at the Javadoc UserDetails is about how the user relates to the security apparatus of your application/system. As the method summary shows; getPassword, getUsername, getAuthorities, etc, essentially who is this person (authC) and what can they do (authZ). The loading of a user's pet information would be more of a business concern and should be handled in a separate service, PetService.doesUserHavePet(User) PerService.loadPet(User), not within your implementation of UseDetailsService which should be loading an users info from your organizations directory service and/or user store. I think the reason why you are finding every approach less then clean is you are trying to incorporate two concepts/responsibilities into a single class.

Should we perform db operation using #PathVariable in Spring?

GET should be used for viewing something, without changing it, while POST should be used for changing something. For example, a search page should use GET, while a form that changes your password should use POST.
So in Spring we have #PathVariable annotation and we can access it in our controller.
My questions is:
1)Should we use path variable in our controller to perform any DB operation like delete or update as it seems clearly in the URL.If yes then it can be a hole in our application that anyone can make that request again.
I know that we can use #RequestParam with POST method in spring as well as with GET method but I just want to know that if it is okay to use PathVariable to change our database.
It is not a matter of #RequestParam, #RequestBody, or #PathVariable. You should check for correct user ROLES to do the database operation as long as these three methods can be automated using tools. Pure case of logic!
There is no matter if you use #PathVariable or #RequestParam.
I think the important part you have to think about is, that you can use hidden input fields. And they can be catched with the #RequestParam annotation.
So I would say it depends on what you want to show in your url and what you want to "hide".

Spring #ModelAttribute and #SessionAttribute behaviour

What is the best way to use SessionAttributes and ModelAttributes together? When I use, for example, a tagged ModelAttribute method and the SessionAttribute on the class, then the POJO is added to session, but in other controller that uses the same name for this kind of ModelAttribute then it does not retrieve the one I want but takes the one present in the session.
Then, what is the best way to manage the behaviour of ModelAttributes with SessionAttributes?
When you have done with the model in the session (I assume you just want to use that 'model in session' in specific Controller only) you have to set mySessionStat.setComplete() where in the parameter you declare SessionStatus mySessionStat
SessionStatus api docs

Best practice for using #SessionAttributes

I am trying to share data between two controllers in a Spring mvc application.
In Controller A I have annotated the class with #SessionAttributes({"mymodel1"}) and in the method which receives the first GET request I add it to the ModelMap:
model.addAttribute("mymodel1", MyModel1);
I now want to read myModel1 from Controller B.
In this Controller I have the following method which intercepts the POST requests and already has a different model in its parameters:
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("mymodel2") MyModel2 mymodel2, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status, HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
Up to this point everything works fine and I am able to read mymodel2 from processSubmit however if I now want to add another #ModelAttribute("mymodel1") MyModel1 mymodel1 to this method signature I would have expected to be able to read the value I was setting in Controller A however I'm getting exceptions that the first model is no longer recognised.
So my question is: how can I read mymodel2 from Controller B?
You can't do that with #SessionAttributes :
Session attributes as indicated using this annotation correspond to a specific handlers model attributes, getting transparently stored in a conversational session. Those attributes will be removed once the handler indicates completion of its conversational session. Therefore, use this facility for such conversational attributes which are supposed to be stored in the session temporarily during the course of a specific handlers conversation.
For example I use this annotation when I want to validate elements with Hibernate validation, and after I submit the page and SOME elements are invalid I want the rest to be still on the page, but this is not your case. I think that the only way to do it would be with:
The javadoc excerpt above is the most typical way #SessionAttributes is used. However, what Joly is describing should also work. Session attributes are stored via DefaultSessionAttributeStore, which by default does not prefix attribute names when it stores them in the session. That means if ControllerA and ControllerB both list an attribute called "mymodel1", they're actually referring to the same session attribute. You'll need to provide a little more information on the error you're getting and the actual controller code.
