Hello, who can help me with a time function in Pine Script? - time

In a strategy I want to avoid trading in several candles in a row. sell-buy-sell-buy,...
After a "strategy.close" I want to wait for at least 4 candles before a new "strategy.entry" takes place.
How can I create a pause between two strategies in Pine Script?

You could add this condition:
farEnough = barssince(change(strategy.closedtrades)) > 4


Using grafana counter to visualize weather data

I'm trying to visualize my weather data using grafana. I've already made the prometheus part and now I face an issue that hunts me for quite a while.
I created an counter that adds temperature indoor every five minutes.
var tempIn = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "tempin",
Help: "Temperature indoor",
for {
How can I now visualize this data that it shows current temperature and stores it for unlimited time so I can look at it even 1 year later like an normal graph?
tempin{instance="localhost:9999"} will only display added up temperature so its useless for me. I need the current temperature not the added up one. I also tried rate(tempin{instance="localhost:9999"}[5m])
How to solve this issue?
Although a counter is not the best solution for this use case, you can use the operator increase.
This will tell you how much the counter increased in the last five minutes

How do I create a strategy trigger for a daily trade at a certain time?

I want to test a simple strategy based on time: every day at fixed time check some conditions and go long. every day at fixed time exit.
Whatever I try to get timeOpenCondition I get syntax error.
Tried things similar to:
EntryTime = if hour=0800 and minute=0
ExitTime = if hour=1400 and minute=0
It feels like I don't get the concept of how this works. Appreciate any help!

Power Automate Recurrence Trigger : how to find last 5 working days of the month?

I need to create a recurrence in Power Automate so that it only runs in the last 5 working days of the month. I can't use a generic rule because months like February are different.
What I have done so far was using a similar recurrence that finds the last working day of the month but need help with optimising it for the last 5 working days instead.
The logic is that the flow runs every day and looks at the first day of the next month, then comes backwards to find the first working day and excludes Monday-Sunday. however, I need it to find the last 5 working days instead of 1.
Also the functions used are like this:
#and(not(equals(variables('DayOfWeek'), 0)), not(equals(variables('DayOfWeek'), 6)))
addDays(variables('DateCountDown'), -1)
disclaimer: I am not a pro user of power automate and found this flow in an old GitHub repository (written by Michael Ziemba) - thanks all for your help.
in response to teylin:
I get today (as before)
I get first day of next month (as before)
I go 7 days down now > addDays(variables('DateCountDown'),-7)
I initialize a variable to find week day > dayOfWeek(variables('DateCountDown'))
then varCounter variable as you said (varCounter > integer > 1)
then DO UNTIL loop until varCounter = 7
inside the loop I have 3 conditions: day of week <> 0 , dayof week <> 6 and formatDateTime(variables('DateCountDown'), 'dd-MM-yyyy') = formatDateTime(variables('Date'), 'dd-MM-yyyy') (to check today)
then trigger my stuff if yes,
increment varCounter by 1
Don't overthink this. Conceptually:
Get the first day of the next month (you already know how to do this)
get DayX by subtracting 7 from that date (you already do this with 1, now do it with 7)
By definition, 2 of the seven days between that DayX and the next month will be on a weekend. So, next, you start a loop that runs 7 times. Inside the loop, you have these actions:
add a condition with the following two checks
check if DayX is a weekday (you already know how to do this) AND
check if DayX is = today
In the Yes branch of the condition run the steps that you want to run on the last 5 weekdays, in the No branch do nothing
below the condition step, increment DayX by one day
For the loop, first initialise a counter variable to the value 1. Add a Do Until action and set it to run until the counter is greater than 7. Inside the loop, do your calculations and your condition etc. As the last step of the loop, increment the counter variable by 1.

Run bash script between time variables

I need to run some task at a dynamic time presented in the variable (which value is in HH.mm.ss format) + 2 minutes from its value and less than 5 minutes. Then I could add this job to crontab to schedule it for every minute and I hope that the script will run when the time variable syncs the current time + 2 (or a bit more) minutes (but no more than 5 minutes).
Thank you.
Thanks to l0b0, all that is left is to find a way to substract 2 minutes from HH.mm.ss variable to get for example 05:28:00 after substraction from var 05:30:00. I think it must be somehow simple. Thanks for help.
at should do the trick. Based on man at and an offset variable $offset you should be able to use this (untested):
echo 'some_command with arguments' | at "now + ${offset}"

Making an echo line stay on screen for a certain time

As I said in the title i have a batch file with echo lines. I want them to stay each on the screen for a certain period of time. Could you give me an exemple of such?
You can do this using sleep command. For example:
This will delay the execution for 5 seconds.
