Connect to MongoDb using Spring Boot - spring

I want to connect a Spring Boot REST Api project to a MongoDb via file. Why? Because it seems easier to me.
I know how to do this connection with a MySQL db. I have downloaded MongoDb Compass GUI. file
I use uri because I have found that if the MongoDb version is > 3.x.x you should use that. My MongoDb version is 4.4.4
Users collection: link
pom file:
UserRepository file:
public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<Users, String> {
Main application file:
public class AdServicesApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I get the following error trance:
Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.
Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class
Consider the following:
If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath.
If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to activate it (no profiles are currently active).
Process finished with exit code 0
From my research I found that the problem might be because of the configuration provided in the file but I don't really know how to write it properly for MongoDb.
For instance if I change the content to:
It works perfectly fine.

Try removing the dependency
And use the configuration
When you add the dependency it requires a datasource url that you not provide

remove the spring-data-jpa
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-jpa</artifactId> </dependency>
because you're using a no-relational database (MongoDB) jpa is used only for relational database
and it will work.


Google cloud App engine Spring deploy error

Im trying to deploy a springboot rest api to google cloud's app engine, following this recent tutorial:
However i'm getting this error:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean.
The app runs normally in localhost, from what I can see trying to debug, on localhost springboot launches a tomcat web server, and it doesn't in the logs form google app run deployment. Does this mean I have to use google's web server instead of tomcat? i'm really lost as to what i'm doing wrong right now.
POM xml:
<description>owl backend server</description>
public class OwlServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Ok, so after a lot of reading i think it might be because google app engine doesnt support tomcat as a webserver, and instead only supports jetty? so i tried the following:
added to pom xml:
but this does nothing, same exact error. I then tried to add jetty as well, which runs locally great as a jetty web server, but gives the same error on app engine. So we know the error is due to google app engine not supporting tomcat or jetty, but what do i use now? Anyone have any idea on whats going wrong?
So after a lot of debugging, the problem here lies in spring security. If you have a class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, spring will automatically attempt to use apply it to the embedded tomcat web server. Which is not supported on google app engine, which broke it. Just remove the class and the app will work.

Failed to load driver class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver in either of HikariConfig class loader or Thread context

I'm working with Spring for the first time and trying to set it up so that my code can access an Oracle database. I have the following configuration in my
My pom.xml contains the following dependencies:
Yet I get the following error and am not sure how to solve it, I"ve found similar ones from searching but none that have solved my problem:
Failed to bind properties under '' to com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource:
Property: driverclassname
Value: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Origin: "driverClassName" from property source "source"
Reason: Failed to load driver class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver in either of HikariConfig class loader or Thread context classloader
Update your application's configuration
Thanks for any tips to solve this.
As its mentioned in your error the problem is with your configuration.
Following line,
should change as,
Note that its not driver.class-name, instead its driver-class-name
Add below dependency and repository in the pom
Also add the following properties in the
Try on the project directory pom.xml file in in command promt or your ide.
mvn clean install
I have the same probleme
Add this dependence to POM.xml file
Below dependency to POM should work.
<!-- -->

Spring Boot annotation #GetMapping can not be resolved to a type

I tried creating a Spring Project from Spring Initializr for the first time in my local computer. But I am getting these errors #GetMapping cannot be resolved to a type.
My pom.xml file-
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Can someone help me with this? Is there some dependency I am missing?
You have all dependenices which required for spring boot to run and I used your same pom and its worked, few points:
If you have
then not required:
you can delete these dependencies as starter includes it.
Also add maven plugin
and after this from command line: run mvn clean install
3. then try to rebuild project
4. if still do not work then move your starter-web as first dependency and again check.
Under file -> Invalidate caches->check(Clear file system cache and Local History, Cleared downloaded shared indexes)
enter image description here
I recommend you to start with for Spring Initalizr project. You're missing this dependency

Is it possible to configure the spring boot server explicitly?

I've a Spring Boot application where one of the dependencies is using spring and a embedded jetty to start an ad-hoc web server. This causes my spring boot app to start in a jetty instead of a tomcat.
My spring-boot-starter-web:
The dependencies pom:
Is there a possibility to configure the server to use by spring boot explicitly instead of being inferred by the dependency tree?
I investigated the issue a little bit further and created a repo to reproduce the issue:
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket:javax-websocket-server-impl causes spring to start with jetty without any other config required.
The issue is not present anymore in Spring Boot 2.x
I'll deleted the repo mentioned earlier, but here is the dependency setup that caused the issue:
<!-- Comment that in to start spring with jetty-->
Normally, if you have the spring-boot-starter-tomcat on your classpath (through spring-boot-starter-web), it should always select Tomcat since it has priority over other servlet containers. Even if you have the following dependencies, Spring boot will start with Tomcat:
You can programmatically override the chosen servlet container by registering your own ServletWebServerFactory, for example:
public ServletWebServerFactory factory() {
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
You can choose the predefined TomcatServletWebServerFactory, JettyServletWebServerFactory or the UndertowServletWebServerFactory.
This guide may help you:
If you run an mvn dependency:tree and search for jetty you might find that you need to exclude it, e.g:
excluded like in the example:
<!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency -->
<!-- Use Jetty instead -->
which is favouring jetty over tomcat - but you get the idea hopefully...
Hope this helps.

Is Spring-Boot (still) not working with JSR310Converters for Java 8 LocalDate by default?

I am using Java 8 along with Spring-Boot 1.5.10.RELEASE.
I still seem to need #EntityScan(basePackageClasses = { Application.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class }) in my Application class.
I thought Spring-Boot supports Jsr310/Java8 LocalDate API starting 1.4 (according to I am asking this, because in the 4th reply on that issue mentioned above it is mentioned, that using #EntityScan switches off the default behavior. I think
I should not need this - or do I?
Here are the relevant parts of my pom.xml:
<!-- <scope>runtime</scope> -->
<!-- some other libraries, that do not contain anything hibernate/JPA -->
In my effective POM I do have both hazelcast-hibernate4 and hazelcast-hibernate5. Is this correct? Or is something wrong with my pom.xml?
Related SO-Q&A: New Spring Data JDK8 Jsr310JpaConverters not working automatically?
Note: this question is not related to the jackson-part (JSON) of the JSR310 problem as I did solve it by properly declaring com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310 as a dependency.
According to mvn depedency:tree I only use hibernate-core 5.0.12.Final, hibernate-entitymanager 5.0.12.Final and hibernate-validator 5.3.6.Final. All of them are parts of some spring-boot packages.
This leaves me puzzled: if JSR310Convverters for LocalDate were implemented in hibernate 5 - why do I still have to use #EntityScan-annotation?
You have to add dependency:
and you won't need to specify #EntityScan(basePackageClasses = {Application.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class}) on your Application class anymore
I found an "okay"-solution for myself. There are 2 aspects to cover in this context:
For JSON-conversion I set this property in the file:
In order to have the database (I am using H2) contain TIMESTAMP-type columns with values rather than VARBINARY-type columns with values one cannot read right away nor properly sort, one currently seems to have to include:
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = { Application.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class })
I wish it would automatically use those converters since I am on Java 8 anyway, but unfortunately it does not seem to do that.
Please note the following:
This isn't quite as straightforward as I thought. Using #EntityScan on
one of our configuration classes has the unwanted side-effect of
switching off the default which is retrieved from
(Comment from Spring Issue 2721 by wilkinsona, 13. August, 2015)
