Can't run Fuchsia components with shell - fuchsia

So I am trying to get started developing on Fuchsia and I wanted to get the hello world component to run. However, following these steps doesn't work for me. I'm using core.qemu-x64 running on an Ubuntu 20.04 VM with Virtual Box. I have gotten the emulator to run with fx qemu -N but fx vdl start -N hasn't worked for me.
I run fx serve-updates but it just outputs "Discovery..." and never changes. Then I try to run fx shell run fuchsia-pkg:// but it says "No devices found." It seem like this shouldn't be an issue because with Linux the device finder should automatically pick it up. Regardless I tried following the MAC instructions and setting the device with fx set-device That just makes the run command say "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused". I also tried to set it to the device to the nodename outputted by the fx qemu -N command which is "fuchsia-####-####-####" but that just makes the run command say no devices are found again.
I have verified that I actually have the hello-world packages with the fx list-packages hello-world which outputs all the hello-world packages as expected.
Is there any way I can get the device to be discoverable by the shell command? Alternatively, can I run components like the hello-world component from the qemu emulator directly?
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

I guess I just wasn't patient enough. I assumed the emulator was done getting setup because it stopped giving console output and it allowed me to input commands but it seems I just had to wait longer. After 50 minutes of the fx qemu -N command running, the terminal that had fx serve-updates going finally picked up the device. Then I was able to execute the hello world component. It would be nice if the documentation at least gave an idea of how long the different commands would take before they'd be usable.


Cannot start Fuchsia Emulator on Ubuntu

I am trying to build Fuchsia OS and run it on the Fuchsia Emulator femu, but after waiting for the emulator to start the fx command exists and displays the error below.
failed to create Fuchsia device device health check failed. Unable to ssh due to error:
Error: Cannot start Fuchsia Emulator. Exit status is 1
I have followed the instructions provided by Google at, the build completes successfully and the commands used to build the OS were
fx set core.qemu-x64 --with //examples/hello_world
fx build
Subsequently, I tried running in headless mode with fx vdl start -N --headless which results in the same error as above, I also tried build the OS without the --with argument but received the same error.
The log file gives us more details, the second last line of the log file may be of interest and it reads:
emu-system-x86_64-headless: network script /etc/qemu-ifdown failed with status 256
I am using Ubuntu 21.04 on my machine.
It seems that the network configuration scripts /etc/qemu-ifup and /etc/qemu-ifdown are missing. You can work around it by installing the qemu package:
$ sudo apt install qemu

stata-se, xstata-se command not found

I can't open the GUI of Stata running on local macOS machine from remote Ubuntu server.
I have installed stata-se on my local machine, I can open X11 apps like xclock and xeyes. I'm using the following command to connect to the server:
ssh -X username#servername -p XXXX
Is there any to resolve this issue?
Since the distinction is a little unclear in the question:
According to the documentation the command to launch the Stata SE GUI is:
launches the console version.
Since these are not working you can confirm the syntax diagram with:
stata -h
which will tell you the correct syntax, if Stata is actually installed.
If you are seeing something like:
$ command not found: Stata
then you may, similar to this, need to make sure that the path to Stata is properly set in your path file. Exactly how you do this depends on your terminal and operating system.

Gazebo stuck at loading your world
I am trying to set up ROS and Gazebo in a VM running Ubuntu.
The goal is that I want to simulate Turtlebot with the open manipulator.
I installed everything without any issues.
Though I am not able to launch the Turtlebot environment on Gazebo (like here:
$roslaunch turtlebot3_fake turtlebot3_fake.launch
results in Gazebo staying forever in the state loading your world. After some time, it stops responding.
Launching the empty world however works.
I am using ROS 1 with Gazebo 7.0
My hardware setup:
MacBook Pro 13" 2019 with 16 GB RAM
Parallels VM: 3D virtual. ON, no performance limit, 4 CPU kernels, 12 GB RAM enabled
Thank you so much for your help.
After every change you made source your bash and make sure to run :
catkin make
if you've done this already then check if ros is installed properly by running
on one terminal and let it stay running.
After that try to launch your turtlebot on another terminal.
If it doesnt work even you have installed all of the needed things, i think the problem is with your VM, id recommend you to run ROS on Ubuntu running USB Stick.
cd ~/.gazebo/
mkdir models
cd models/
wget -i gazebo_models.txt
ls model.tar.g* | xargs -n1 tar xzvf
try this gazebo try to download to packages that's why it waits u need internet for that this may take few mins

OSX X11 Error cannot open display

I am trying to run any GUI container I can on MacOS. With every container I try (firefox, chrome, tor, spotify, etc) I always get the error Error: cannot open display. And it's not specific to the docker run command where I pass the environment flag with my $DISPLAY. When I try to run xhost + I get the same error.
I have a fresh XQuartz installation. It is up and running. I have turned on "allow connections from network" under security. I've tried building my own images and pulling jessie frazelle's images. I do not suspect it is a docker issue or the Dockerfiles. It is something on the host, my laptop. I can't seem to figure out what it is.
MacOS Sierra 10.12.5
Docker 17.12.0 Stable
XQuartz 2.7.11 (xorg-server 1.18.4)
My local's $DISPLAY is set to :0.0
So I finally got this to work. And it seems it was pretty simple. I am not certain how this actually fixes the issue, but now the containers work.
How I fixed it was opening up XQuartz and then opening up the "Terminal" app from the "Applications" menu. Then running the command export DISPLAY=192.168.1.X:0, then xhost +. It outputted something like this "access control disabled, clients can connect from any host". After that I was able to run my docker run commands to launch the desired GUI containers.
I am still uncertain how this works and not running them from my laptops Terminal app, but it worked. It must be something I have set in my local env. Hopefully this helps someone else out who may be running into the same issues.
Based on #Byron's answer, I've found out that I could get it to work by running these 2 commands in the normal terminal:
export DISPLAY=:0
/opt/X11/bin/xhost +

Getting "Device offline" error even though emulator is running

I just installed the android sdk (3.0) on my Mac 10.6.3. I started the emulator successfully using
./emulator -avd my_android &
However, when I try and run a forward command using adb, I get the following error ...
davea-mbp2:platform-tools davea$ ./adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully
error: device offline
Does anyone know what the error means? My emulator is up and running ( when I run the above command, - Dave
This is an old question but anyway - just had the same issue.
I eventually fixed it by deleting the device and creating a similar one with another name. Recreating the device with the same name did not do the trick.
