Including Nuget Content Files to Target Projects Publish on .net Core Project - visual-studio

before i start i must state that i pretty new to this nuget package things, so come basic at me.
My app has a core project to carry some .dll and .sql files and an api project. I have made the core project a nuget package with dotnet pack and automated it on github action so it creates a new version at all prs and pushes it to my private nuget server and it is all fine till here.
When i install this core package to my api project, there is no problem either. It installs successfully and my sql files shows up on the target project as i expected(but as linked sources).
But when i try to publish this project with dotnet pack, the .sql files are not copied to output folder. I looked to the properties of the files and saw that their copy to output directory prop has been reset to do not copy and the file path was absolute.
My goal is to build and deploy this api with github actions so absolute paths are not acceptable and besides i don't want to arrange something in the target project manually.
I'm packing the core project with dotnet pack
I don't have any
.nuspec file
package config xml
nuget config
package metadata
or other things like than and i don't know how to use them.
I have tried adding to csproj file <CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies> and <RestoreProjectStyle>PackageReference</RestoreProjectStyle> things and they did not work.
I have tried adding to csproj file
and it did not work too.
Can anyone help me?

The only thing you need to do is that you should write this node <PackageCopyToOutput>true</PackageCopyToOutput> to every content file of the nuget net core project:
<Content Include="Queries\Account\CheckAccountRef.sql">
Then, re-pack your nuget project with dotnet pack and then reinstall this new version into your main project. Before you install, you should delete the old caches under C:\Users\xxx\.nuget\packages.
There is a similar issue about this.

You can use .nuspec file to configure all your dependencies. Please refer


Specify PackageFlatten for content files in Nuget package using Visual Studio 2017

I'm trying to get content files in a C#.Net project that is being packed into a Nuget package to flatten the containing folders. Based on this page it seems that this is possible with the flatten attribute.
But I want to use the new MSBuild Nuget packaging built into VS2017. Based on this page, I should be able to achieve the same thing with the <PackageFlatten> tag, but I cannot get it to work.
Here is a basic project file which demonstrates the problem. I'm expecting the single content file under the folder hierarchy .\RemoveMe\ContentFile.txt to end up in the Nuget package under .\content\ContentFile.txt - i.e. without the folder RemoveMe. But I still get this subfolder.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Content Include="RemoveMe\ContentFile.txt">
Specify PackageFlatten for content files in Nuget package using Visual Studio 2017
It should be a issue about argument flatten="true" for me. According to the document NuGet ContentFiles Demystified:
flatten - Should the files be all delivered to the root folder of the project or should they keep the folder structure that they were packaged in. The default value is false, which indicates they should create (if necessary) and keep the same structure they have after the TFM folder in the pacakge.
So if we set this argument flatten="true" in the .nuspec file, then pack this .nuspec, install the generate nuget package to the project, the file should be delivered to the root folder of the project. But after install this package to project, still got the that file in the sub-folder RemoveMe not in the root folder.
I also test other arguments buildAction="content" copyToOutput="false", both of them works fine.
So it should be a issue for the argument flatten="true", I submit this issue on GitHub, you can track this issue.

nuget creating two package folders?

So i recently reinstalled windows 10 and upgraded vs2013 -> vs2015. At this point i tried to grab a couple of nuget packages.
The problem i am having is that i have a .nuget/packages folder at the same level as my solution file (set via NuGet.config) but i also have exactly the same folder getting created in the root of my user folder.
the packages folder for my solution contains the packages installed for that solution, while the one i don't want in my user directory contains all the packages for all the projects and solutions i am working on.
Is there a way i can prevent this .nuget folder being created in my user directory? it seems useless when i already have package folders for my solutions
You can clear the .nuget\packages directory under your user profile however the packages will be downloaded again if you install them again.
Package retrieval
%USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages is the local machine cache used by NuGet v3 when installing NuGet packages for new project types, such as Universal Windows projects.
For a C# console project NuGet will use the %LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\Cache directory which is also what NuGet v2 uses.
ASP.NET Core projects currently use their own %USERPROFILE%\.dnx\packages directory for NuGet packages.
Specifying a custom NuGet package location
To prevent NuGet from copying the packages to your user profile you can create a new %NUGET_PACKAGES% environment variable pointing to the location where you want NuGet to copy the files e.g. C:\git-repositories\.nuget\packages.
To prevent NuGet from copy the packages to the solution folder too you can create a new NuGet.config file either in the solution folder or at any higher level up to the root. As content you can specify following XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="repositoryPath" value="C:\git-repositories\.nuget\packages" />
As help for configuration inheritance please follow this link: NuGet Configuration Inheritance

How can I fix missing nuget references after moving project in Visual Studio 2015

I had a project structure like this:
-- WebApp
-- WebApp.sln
-- WebApp.Tests.csproj
I moved WebApp.Tests into WebApp using a move (simple click & drag into the WebApp folder). I edited WebApp.sln to fix the project reference so that it will load.
When I build, Nuget complains that packages are missing and to do a restore.
I downloaded and used nuget.exe restore on my solution and it reported everything was there.
Based on other Stack Overflow answers, I have tried the following:
Edit the test project reference hint paths. I changed from ..\WebApp\packages\PACKAGE to ..\packages\PACKAGE
Reload Visual Studio (multiple times)
Delete contents of packages folder and bin/obj folders of the projects
Use the package manager console to reinstall packages on the Test Project
All of these failed to fix the problem. When I used the package manager to try to reinstall the packages with the command, it gave me the same error that project building does - I must restore the packages first.
Is there any quick way to fix my project? I really don't want to go through each package and uninstall/reinstall manually. Also, how could I have prevented this problem in the first place? Is there a built-in way to move project locations?
There was XML similar to this at the end of my project file:
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\WebApp\packages\SPECIFICPACKAGE')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\WebApp\packages\SPECIFICPACKAGE'))" />
By changing the ..\Webapp\packages to ..\packages like the rest of the file, my solution compiles just fine now.
I had the same issue where I physically moved a project folder into the src folder and got the missing packages error. My fix was to open up the .csproj file in notepad and replace every instance of
with this:
It solved the issue...

How do I set Visual Studio to build a NuGet package?

How can I get Visual Studio to build a NuGet package for my library component on build?
I’m using a Portable Class Library as the example project.
Ensure the NuGet.exe file in .nuget folder is latest.
Default values come from AssemblyInfo.cs, so clean that up.
Add a NuGet package reference if you do not reference any, preferably something simple like JSON.NET. Often, PCL projects have no external dependencies, in which case no NuGet refs and without any NuGet refs, the required MSBuild config won't get set properly, so we need to add a 'dummy'.
Enable NuGet Package Restore.
Edit the NuGet.targets file and ensure BuildPackage is true.
<!-- Property that enables building a package from a project -->
<BuildPackage Condition=" '$(BuildPackage)' == '' ">true</BuildPackage>
Edit your .csproj file and add this to the first, default PropertyGroup
Rebuild your project and then search in the Output for nupkg and confirm creation and location of the package file.
Remove the dummy NuGet package reference and build again and check the Output.
To further customize the package creation, you can stick a MyProjectName.nuspec file next to your .csproj file.
See for more on the NuSpec format. You can also pull one from an existing package (its just a zip file) and have a nose around, see how it was done.
Add a post-build event like this:
$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.exe pack "$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)" -p Configuration=Release -o "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Release" -symbols"
And download and place nuget.exe in the .nuget folder alongside your solution file.
You can use nuget update -self to keep the .exe fresh.
nuget.exe pack has a bug currently where it'll see a packages.config file and try to look for the packages it mentions in your solution but it fails to find them if the packages folder is in a strange place, e.g. if your solution file isn't a level up from the project.
To workaround this, add another post build event to copy the packages folder into the project folder.
The repositorypath config setting seems to do nothing for me.
See GitHub reports:
So funny. I was having problems with my usual way of auto-building a package on build when I arrived at this new way. So I looked for a suitable SO question to answer with my new post-build method when I came across my own question here!

Build NuGet Package automatically including referenced dependencies

I want to run a local/internal NuGet repository. I think I've figured out how to "reuse" existing NuGet packages by including them in a dummy project using NuGet and scanning the package file to grab my locally-cached .nupkg files, but...
How do you create a nuget package (.nupkg) from a project, automatically including all dll dependencies and not just those grabbed via NuGet?
Create a solution
Add a new Project
Add references to various .dll files/other projects <-- this is the missing part
Add NuGet packages via package manager / cmdline / whatever
something automatically creates the .nupkg
From what I've found, you're supposed to do things like
manually edit your .csproj file to add <BuildPackage>true</BuildPackage> to include dependencies
manually create a .nuspec file and manually list your dependencies (similar ?)
manually run nuget pack on your .nuspec file
But everything is manual, which is stupid. Even the semi-automatic solutions are still awkward or half-manual:
Create .nuspec templates - doesn't seem to include dependencies, just metadata
nuget pack via build-event (step #5), which you need to add manually to every project, and it has its own quirks:
"$(SolutionDir).nuget\NuGet.exe" pack "$(ProjectPath)" -Properties Configuration=Release
move /Y *.nupkg "$(TargetDir)"
I'll settle for something that automatically creates a .nuspec manifest from project references. Then theoretically that + the nuget build-event can be rolled up into a build-project/nuget package, which is what I really want to see.
Your point #3 (Add references to various .dll files/other projects <-- this is the missing part) really contains two different issues: (1) add references to various dll files, and (2) add references to other projects in the same solution.
Number (2) here has gotten some added support as of NuGet 2.5. You can add an option to include references to other projects in the same solution when creating a NuGet package for a project:
nuget pack projectfile.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects
If projectfile.csproj references any other projects in your solution that also is exposed as NuGet packages, these projects' NuGet packages will be added as dependencies.
If it references projects in your solution that doesn't expose themselves as NuGet packages, their dlls will be included in this NuGet package.
As for (1), if you find yourself often adding dlls to your projects that aren't available as NuGet packages, you could just create your own (internal) NuGet packages with these files. If you then add these dlls as a NuGet package instead of the files directly, this NuGet package will be a dependency in your project's NuGet package.
I found a well-written article on this topic. I have the same issue with certain packages that have a hierarchy of dependencies and up until now I've been uploading each as a separate NuGet package (what. a. waste. of. time)
I've just tested the solution found here:
And after examining the NuGet package using NuGet Package Explorer, the DLLs produced by referenced projects are indeed present. I'm going to test by actually submitting this package to NuGet and testing it.
Here's my source in case it is helpful to you:
And the test NuGet package:
The solution appears to work well. I don't know what it's going to look like when there are layers of references, I'm sure it could get really hairy and really fast.
.csproj from NuGetPackTest library which references project TestLibrary (portions removed for brevity)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<!-- added this line -->
<!-- modified this ProjectReference to include the children ReferenceOutputAssembly and IncludeAssets -->
<ProjectReference Include="..\TestLibrary\TestLibrary.csproj">
<!-- added this section -->
<Target DependsOnTargets="ResolveReferences" Name="CopyProjectReferencesToPackage">
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="#(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths->WithMetadataValue('ReferenceSourceTarget', 'ProjectReference'))"/>
For other Googlers, you can use this if you are using the NuGet.targets file to run NuGet Pack:
<Target Name="PrePackage" BeforeTargets="BuildPackage">
<BuildCommand>$(BuildCommand) -IncludeReferencedProjects</BuildCommand>
Check this out!
The solution which I found is an extension for Visual Studio:
You simply add new project called NuGet Package:
Then you are adding interesting you projects to references and BOOOM !!
All dependencies and file directories are automatically added.
If you want to modify NuSpec data you click right at project and go to Properties,
then modify what you want.
Generated NuSpec and nupkg will be in folder obj of your new project.
I hope it helps ;).
I solved this for my case by adding the whole TargetDir to the nuget package.
Just add this to the .csproj :
<Target Name="IncludeAllFilesInTargetDir" AfterTargets="Build">
<None Include="$(TargetDir)\**">
