core RazorComponent working with dynamic <li></li> -

I am creating a RazorComponent in my core mvc application.
The component has a html list in it which is dynamically generated according to the number of item fetched from the model.
foreach (var prod in newProductList)
if (prod.Brand.Equals("1") && prod.Class.Equals("2"))
<li #onclick="(() => AddToSaleList(prod.Product, prod.ProductId, prod.SellRate))">
<div class="posSelected-item">
<span class="posFoodname inline-block"> #prod.Product </span>
<span class="inline-block posSeletedPrice">#prod.SellRate</span>
<span class="posFoodtotal-item inline-block">
<i class="inline-block fas fa-minus" #onclick="() => Quantity(2)"></i>
<span class="posincrementItem">#changeQuaitity</span>
<i class="inline-block fas fa-plus" #onclick="() => Quantity(1)"></i>
The UI looks like this (as expected)
The Problem
The Plus and Minus buttons on the UI are supposed to increment or decrement the quantity of each item on the list.
The function I have written is
int changeQuaitity = 0;
public void Quantity(int e)
if (e == 1)
else if (e == 2)
However, as you can see since the increment is bound with the parameter changeQuantity so clicking on any of the Plus or Minus button changes the quantity of each list item simultaneously.
How do I modify the code to identify one list item and change quantity of only that item when the button on the list is clicked.

You need a separate counter for each entry, so I recommend making what I call a "carrier class" to carry quantity info along with each item:
class countableProducts {
Product prod {get; set;}
int quantity;
In your initialization:
foreach (var item in newProductList)
countableProductsList.Add( new countableProduct() { prod = item });
Then in your loop
foreach (var item in countableProductsList){
// everything looks like
<i class="inline-block fas fa-minus" #onclick="() => item.quantity--;"></i>
<span class="posincrementItem">#item.quantity</span>
<i class="inline-block fas fa-plus" #onclick="() => item.quantity++;"></i>
I don't have enough of your code to make a working example without basically writing the whole program, but hopefully you can see my idea.


Livewire nestable is resetting order on drop

using the following library to add sorting and nesting, I'm also using the pre-rendered list option to populate the items (
Now my html structure looks like the following:
<div x-data class="pageContent__content__components mb10">
<span class="subTitle">Menu items</span>
<ol x-init="initSort($refs.draggable)" x-ref='draggable' id="draggable"
class='nested-sort nested-sort--enabled'>
#foreach($navigation->navigation_items as $item)
<li wire:key='{{ $item->id }}' draggable='true'
data-id="{{ $item->id }}"> {{ $item->navigatable->page_name ?? $item->navigatable->blog_title }}
<i wire:click="showAlert('{{ $item->id }}')"
class="fa-solid fa-trash-can"></i>
#if($item->children->count() > 0)
<ol data-id="{{ $item->id }}">
#foreach($item->children as $child)
<li draggable='true'
data-id="{{ $child->navigatable->id }}"> {{ $child->navigatable->page_name ?? $child->navigatable->blog_title }}
<i wire:click="showAlert('{{ $child->navigatable->id }}')"
class="fa-solid fa-trash-can"></i>
With the scripts being included at the bottom of the page
<script src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function initSort(ref) {
return {
nested: new NestedSort({
el: ref,
actions: {
onDrop: function(data) {
call('saveMenuOrder', data);
Now, adding and removing items to the list works as intended, but reordering or nesting any item causes livewire to reset the list to it's initial state.
If I where to add a wire:ignore to the <ol> that technically fixes the issue of livewire updating the DOM, but that also means that, when adding or removing items it no longer updates the list without manually refreshing the page.
My backend component looks like this:
// the model containing the items to be displayed (via a HasMany relation)
public NavigationModel $navigation;
// the method that is called everytime the onDrop action fires (the $data array contains the new order of elements)
public function saveMenuOrder(array $data): void
foreach ($data as $menuItem) {
$menuItemObject = $this->navigation->navigation_items->find(
$menuItemObject->order = $menuItem['order'];
if (isset($menuItem['parent'])) {
$menuItemObject->parent_id = $menuItem['parent'];
} else {
$menuItemObject->parent_id = null;
And that's basically it for the component, all I want is for livewire to update the list without messing up the DOM elements created by the library.
any ideas?
alpineJS is also installed, if that's a better solution that's also accepted.
--- Edit
What I currenly have:
I converted the laravel foreach to an alpine x-for:
<div class="pageContent__content" style="grid-area: unset">
<div x-data='initSort($refs.draggable)'
class="pageContent__content__components mb10">
<span class="subTitle">Menu items</span>
<ol class='nested-sort' x-ref='draggable' id="draggable">
<template x-for="item in items">
<li draggable="true" :data-id=''>
<div class='nested-sort-item'>
<div class='nested-sort-item__text' x-text='item.text' />
<div class='nested-sort-item__actions'>
<button type='button' class='nested-sort-item__actions__button'
<i class='fas fa-trash-alt'></i>
and rewrote the init function:
function initSort(ref) {
return {
navigation_items: #js($this->navigation_items),
get items() {
return this.navigation_items;
init() {
new NestedSort({
el: ref,
actions: {
onDrop: function(data) {
Now I can't seem to figure out how to access the navigation_items inside of my onDrop action, simply using this.navigation_items or this.items console.logs undefined.

Spring Boot + Thymeleaf: combine filtering and pagination for list

Good evening all,
I'm learning Thymeleaf and web applications in general right now, and for starters, I'm trying to implement a web service with a page where you can view all registered users and filter them.
Since I want some pagination, I have two forms on this page:
a group of buttons linking to the first, previous, next, and last page
a form with various options for filtering, e.g. "username contains" or "min / max age"
My controller looks like this:
String showSearchPage(#RequestParam(value="page", required=false, defaultValue = "0") int page,
#CurrentSecurityContext(expression="authentication?.name") String username,
Model model) {
Page<User> userPage = userService.filterUsers(username, "", 0, 100, PageRequest.of(page, 10));
model.addAttribute("userPage", userPage);
model.addAttribute("pageNr", page);
return "users.html";
As you can see, I only implemented the buttons yet and always filter for some default values. (The username parameter makes sure that the currently logged in user isn't finding themself in the list.) My button form looks like that:
<form class="button" th:action="#{/users/all}" method="POST">
<button th:disabled="${pageNr == 0}" type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary"
name="page" th:value="0"><<</button>
<button th:disabled="${pageNr == 0}" type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary"
name="page" th:value="${pageNr - 1}"><</button>
<button th:disabled="${pageNr == userPage.getTotalPages - 1}" type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary"
name="page" th:value="${pageNr + 1}">></button>
<button th:disabled="${pageNr == userPage.getTotalPages - 1}" type="submit"
class="btn btn-primary"
name="page" th:value="${userPage.getTotalPages - 1}">>></button>
So I'm using the request parameter page to only show the requested page.
Now that I'm about to implement the filtering, my first approach would be adding the form to my HTML, and adding some #ModelAttribute FilterForm filterForm to my controller to be able to get the submitted filter values and use them to retrieve the filtered user list. However, when thinking about it, I found the problem that both forms would only submit their own content, and the controller would only get one of both. Therefore, after filtering users, I would inadvertedly revert back to the full user list when changing pages.
What would be the best approach here to make sure that both functions, filtering and pagination, work together properly?
Thanks in advance!
I'd go with HTTP GET method instead of POST. Why so? Reading users is an idempotent and safe operation. The applied filter and page number can be easily bookmarked in that case.
For filters, you can just add more params. Nothing bad about that.
Make it a bit more RESTful. "/users/all" is unnecessary. "/users" should be enough.
String showSearchPage(#RequestParam(value="page", required=false, defaultValue = "0") int page,
#RequestParam("minAge") Optional<Integer> minAge,
#RequestParam("maxAge") Optional<Integer> maxAge,
#CurrentSecurityContext(expression="authentication?.name") String username,
Model model) {
// Apply filters too...
Page<User> userPage = userService.filterUsers(username, "", 0, 100, PageRequest.of(page, 10));
model.addAttribute("userPage", userPage);
model.addAttribute("pageNr", page);
model.addAttribute("nextPage", getPageWithFilterUrl(page + 1, minAge, maxAge));
model.addAttribute("previousPage", getPageWithFilterUrl(page - 1, minAge, maxAge));
return "users.html";
To preserve filter while moving back and forth:
private String getPageWithFilterUrl(int page, Optional<Integer> minAge, Optional<Integer> maxAge) {
String defaultNextPageUrl = "/users?page=" + page;
String withMinAge = -> defaultNextPageUrl + "&minAge=" + ma).orElse(defaultNextPageUrl);
String withMaxAge = -> withMinAge + "&maxAge=" + ma).orElse(withMinAge);
return withMaxAge;
I think the answer is not given here yet. I have the same problem now. I am trying in my project with redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("searchProductItemDTO", searchProductItemDTO);
But the problem comes when clicking on the Next/Previous buttons - clicking them does not take into account the search criteria.
Here is my total solution:
1) Pay attention here to the JpaSpecificationExecutor<ItemEntity>
public interface AllItemsRepository extends
PagingAndSortingRepository<ItemEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<ItemEntity>{
2) Pay attention here to the CriteriaBuilder
public class ProductItemSpecification implements Specification<ItemEntity> {
private final SearchProductItemDTO searchProductItemDTO;
private final String type;
public ProductItemSpecification(SearchProductItemDTO searchProductItemDTO, String type) {
this.searchProductItemDTO = searchProductItemDTO;
this.type = type;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<ItemEntity> root,
CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Predicate predicate = cb.conjunction();
predicate.getExpressions().add(cb.equal(root.get("type"), type));
if (searchProductItemDTO.getModel() != null && !searchProductItemDTO.getModel().isBlank()) {
Path<Object> model = root.get("model");
//!!!!! when we have two relationally connected tables
// cb.and(cb.equal(root.join("model").get("name"), searchProductItemDTO.getModel()));
//when all fields are from the same table ItemEntity:::: the like works case insensitive
cb.and("model").as(String.class), "%" + searchProductItemDTO.getModel() + "%"))
if (searchProductItemDTO.getMinPrice() != null) {
if (searchProductItemDTO.getMaxPrice() != null) {
return predicate;
3) Pay attention here to the this.allItemsRepository.findAll default usage
//Complicated use
public Page<ComputerViewGeneralModel> getAllComputersPageableAndSearched(
Pageable pageable, SearchProductItemDTO searchProductItemDTO, String type) {
Page<ComputerViewGeneralModel> allComputers = this.allItemsRepository
.findAll(new ProductItemSpecification(searchProductItemDTO, type), pageable)
.map(comp -> this.structMapper
.computerEntityToComputerSalesViewGeneralModel((ComputerEntity) comp));
return allComputers;
4) Pay attention here to the redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute
public class ViewItemsController {
private final ComputerService computerService;
public String viewAllComputers(Model model,
#Valid SearchProductItemDTO searchProductItemDTO,
#PageableDefault(page = 0,
size = 3,
sort = "sellingPrice",
direction = Sort.Direction.ASC) Pageable pageable,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
if (!model.containsAttribute("searchProductItemDTO")) {
model.addAttribute("searchProductItemDTO", searchProductItemDTO);
Page<ComputerViewGeneralModel> computers = this.computerService
.getAllComputersPageableAndSearched(pageable, searchProductItemDTO, "computer");
model.addAttribute("computers", computers);
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("searchProductItemDTO", searchProductItemDTO);
return "/viewItems/all-computers";
5) Pay attention here to all the search params that we add in the html file, in the 4 sections where pagination navigation
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="text-center text-white">Search for offers</h2>
style="justify-content: center; margin-top: 50px;"
<div style="position: relative">
class="form-control mr-sm-2"
style="width: 280px;"
placeholder="Model name case Insensitive..."
class="form-control mr-sm-2"
style="width: 280px;"
placeholder="Min price..."
class="form-control mr-sm-2"
style="width: 280px;"
placeholder="Max price..."
<button class="btn btn-outline-info my-2 my-sm-0" type="submit">Search</button>
<h2 class="text-center text-white mt-5 greybg" th:text="#{view_all_computers}">.........All
<div class="offers row mx-auto d-flex flex-row justify-content-center .row-cols-auto">
th:each="c : ${computers}" th:object="${c}"
class="offer card col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3 m-2 p-0">
<div class="card-img-top-wrapper" style="height: 20rem">
alt="Computer image"
<div class="card-body pb-1">
<h5 class="card-title"
th:text="' Model: ' + *{model}">
Model name</h5>
<ul class="offer-details list-group list-group-flush">
<li class="list-group-item">
<div class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{processor}">Processor</span></div>
<div class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{videoCard}">Video card</span></div>
<div class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{ram}">Ram</span></div>
<div class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{disk}">Disk</span></div>
<div th:if="*{!ssd.isBlank()}" class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{ssd}">SSD</span></div>
<div th:if="*{!moreInfo.isBlank()}" class="card-text"><span th:text="'* ' + *{moreInfo}">More info</span>
<div class="card-text"><span th:text="'We sell at: ' + *{sellingPrice} + ' лв'"
style="font-weight: bold">Selling price</span></div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
<a class="btn btn-link"
th:href="#{/items/all/computer/details/{id} (id=*{itemId})}">Details</a>
<th:block sec:authorize="hasRole('ADMIN') || hasRole('EMPLOYEE_PURCHASES')">
<a class="btn btn-link alert-danger"
th:href="#{/pages/purchases/computers/{id}/edit (id=*{itemId})}">Update</a>
<form th:action="#{/pages/purchases/computers/delete/{id} (id=*{itemId})}"
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-link alert-danger" value="Delete"></input>
<div class="container-fluid row justify-content-center">
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item" th:classappend="${computers.isFirst()} ? 'disabled' : ''">
<a th:unless="${computers.isFirst()}"
th:href="#{/items/all/computer(size=${computers.getSize()},page=0,model=${searchProductItemDTO.getModel()}, minPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMinPrice()},maxPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMaxPrice()})}">First</a>
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item" th:classappend="${computers.hasPrevious() ? '' : 'disabled'}">
<a th:if="${computers.hasPrevious()}"
th:href="#{/items/all/computer(size=${computers.getSize()},page=${computers.getNumber() - 1},model=${searchProductItemDTO.getModel()}, minPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMinPrice()},maxPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMaxPrice()})}">Previous</a>
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item" th:classappend="${computers.hasNext() ? '' : 'disabled'}">
<a th:if="${computers.hasNext()}"
th:href="#{/items/all/computer(size=${computers.getSize()},page=${computers.getNumber() + 1},model=${searchProductItemDTO.getModel()}, minPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMinPrice()},maxPrice=${searchProductItemDTO.getMaxPrice()})}">Next</a>
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item" th:classappend="${computers.isLast()} ? 'disabled' : ''">
<a th:unless="${computers.isLast()}"
</nav>`enter code here`

radio button groups nested inside checkbox list with angularjs ng-repeat

In this example I'm nesting radio buttons inside checkboxes:
<div ng-app ng-controller="Controller">
<div name="myForm">
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model='item.selected' />{{}}</label>
<li ng-repeat="format in item.formats">
<input type="radio" ng-model='format.selected' name='what name ?'/>{{format.title}}</label>
<button ng-click='onClick()'>Go</button>
function Controller($scope) {
$scope.items = [{
name: 'cb1',
formats: [{
title: 'rb1a',
selected: false
}, {
title: 'rb1b ',
selected: false
}, {
name: 'cb2 ',
formats: [{
title: 'rb2a ',
selected: false
}, {
title: 'rb2b',
selected: false
$scope.onClick = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) {
if ($scope.items[i].selected) {
console.log('Controller item selected', $scope.items[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < $scope.items[i].formats.length; j++) {
if ($scope.items[i].formats[j].selected)
console.log('Controller format selected', $scope.items[i].formats[j]);
I have two questions:
when I select an rb in one group the selected rb in the other group gets unselected. So they are not groups yet. How can I make real groups? I thought by using the name directive, but how?
when I click the Go button I'd like to have set the selected properties in $scope.items correctly, both for checkboxes and radio buttons.
I tried a lot already, that's why I'm now just providing stripped down code.
1) You need to set the name to be unique for each group of radio buttons. You can do it with the $index argument angular provides with ng-repeat.
2) You misplaced single quotes and this is why it doesn't work. HTML accepts only double quotes or single quotes as attribute values but not mixed.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Controller">
<div name="myForm">
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model='item.selected' />{{}}</label>
<li ng-repeat="format in item.formats">
<input type="radio" ng-value="format.title" ng-model="item.selectedRadio" name="myName{{$parent.$index}}"/>{{format.title}}</label>
<button ng-click='onClick()'>Go</button>
Fixed version is here:
EDIT: Fixed the answer based on the comments

Is't possible to get access to <ul> and <li> during submiting form

I have view with controller. I would like to know if it is possible to get access to ul and li? I don't want to do ajax call and pass these elements as parameters. Li elements are added on client side dynamically. this.Request.Form show me only 'name' variable without 'list'. Any advices?
<form action="#Url.Action("Filter")" method="POST">
<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-filter="false" name="list">
#foreach (var item in #Model.Items)
<li value="#item">#item</li>
<input type="text" name="name"/>
<inpu type="submit" value="Filter"/>
and controller:
public ActionResult Filter(string name, List<string> list)
// working with list
return RedirectToAction("Index");
It is not possible to access <ul> and <li> on post back.
BTW, the following code is generates <li> on server not on client
#foreach (var item in #Model.Items)
<li value="#item">#item</li>
If you wish to access Items (#item) on server, there are other ways to get those that do not require access to <ul> or <li>
For instance, you can emit a hidden (#Html.HiddenFor) element in each <li> in your loop.
You can try the following.
I'm not sure what your view model looks like, but it seems like a list of string values? So then it will look like this in your view model:
public class YourViewModel
public List<string> Items { get; set; }
In your view try the following:
#for (int i = 0; i < Model.Items.Count(); i++)
#Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Items[i])
#Html.HiddenFor(x => x.Items[i])
When you post then these items should still be in the list.
It might not be a perfect solution but it can guide you on the right track.
I hope this helps.

Razor Syntax Not working the way I expected

having some trouble with my razor syntax
gives a Parsor error saying that
The foreach block is missing a closing "}" character
#{var client = "null";}
#foreach (var instance in Model)
if (instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName != client)
client = instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName;
#instance.tbl_Policy.txt_policyNumber -
Assigned to : #instance.aspnet_Membership.aspnet_User.UserName
<button type="button" rel="<%:instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()%>">DelFiled</button>
<button type="button" rel="<%:instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()%>">DelLineItem</button>
Razor cannot handle imbalanced HTML tags in code blocks.
Change your if block to treat the imbalanced tags as plain text:
if (instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName != client)
client = instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName;
The code should be refactored to correctly support balanced tags
#foreach (var groupedClient in Model.GroupBy(i => i.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName))
foreach(var instance in groupedClient)
#instance.tbl_Policy.txt_policyNumber -
Assigned to : #instance.aspnet_Membership.aspnet_User.UserName
<button type="button" rel="#instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()">DelFiled</button>
<button type="button" rel="#instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()">DelLineItem</button>
What's with all of the <%: %> stuff in there? You need to use the # syntax.
#{var client = "null";}
#foreach (var instance in Model)
if (instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName != client)
client = instance.tbl_Policy.tbl_Client.txt_clientName;
#instance.tbl_Policy.txt_policyNumber -
Assigned to : #instance.aspnet_Membership.aspnet_User.UserName
<button type="button" rel="#instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()">DelFiled</button>
<button type="button" rel="#instance.ATLCheckInstanceId.ToString()">DelLineItem</button>
