Run an SSIS solution with a different account - visual-studio

I have two windows accounts, one is the default regular account (account 1) and the other account (account 2).
in many cases, i need to launch visual studio using the other account (to do this, click run with a different user) with no problem. My problem is, now i have a ssis solution saved in the file system, i'd like to open it with my account #2.
If i clicked to open the solution, it will be opened with account #1 automatically. I tried to first open visual studio with account#2, then wanted to loaded the solution file from there, but I can't find this solution file anywhere.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Going forward you'll want to save all your code in a central location that isn't the default (Something like C:\users...). Instead, you're want to have a folder say something like C:\MyCode...
Create that central folder, copy the solution and folder contents there, then your second account will be able to access that central location just like the first account.

I'm not sure how RunAs another user works from Windows Explorer extension but it likely has the solution in the "other you" Users folders.
Assuming you have a setup like domain\kay and domain\a-kay (former is your normal account, second is the admin version of "you")
Your normal account probably uses a path like
C:\Users\kay\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects
The admin version of yourself is going to use a pathing like
C:\Users\a-kay\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects
The only way to know is to hop onto the alternate account and open up the solution in Visual Studio. Right click on the Solution itself and pick "Open Folder in file explorer"
or go to Properties and then examine the Path
Copy that path and then open VS as yourself and if you have permissions to navigate to the path, you can open the solution.
Otherwise, you will need to switch to the Other account and move the solution to a shared space. For this reason, I home all my code from C:\src that way my normal and my admin self can access the code.


I can't remove the name of Team Foundation Server URL in Visual Studio 2017

I added a user to Team Foundation Server DevOps, but when the user entered the URL made a mistake, he entered an URL that does not exist.
I tried to remove this broken address, but does not let me delete it, there is no way to delete it in the graphical interface of Visual Studio, I tried to correct eliminating the cache of Team Foundation, I have tried to remove the workspaces, but it does not manage to eliminate this broken URL.
I have also tried to modify this URL that is misspelled but when editing the workspace, will not let me modify that address.
Here is a screenshot of the URL I want to delete, when I delete a workspace and click on Update or simply add the server to which the new user has permission to access for some reason the broken URL is not deleted, it seems that when you click on the download button and assign the existing server files if it appears as if you downloaded the solution's files but when checking in the file explorer there is nothing, and the broken URL is still there by default, I send a screenshot so you can view the problem, you will not find the local path where the files are saved because the entire Team Foundation Server cache is reset.
The broken URL
Ok, I found the solution, it turns out it was very simple, the problem was that when you add the user to the project by default is added to the stakeholder level, and that level does not allow changes in the source code, only at the administrative level, such as assigning Tasks, view assigned tasks, etc...
At the time of wanting to change the level within the project in the Web portal does not allow it to do because the change must be made at the organization level, so it is only necessary to enter the portal of the Organization then:
Click on Organization Settings--> Users--> Change access level (click on 3 dots in name of user) --> Change from Stakeholder to Basic
Ready... Problem fixed!
I'll add some screenshots of the process:
Click Organization Settings
Click on Users
Change access level
Change Stakeholder to Basic

TFS lets me do compare and checkout, but not checkin

I have been using TFS in my visual studio 2013 for some time now but now I have a problem.
When it was initially setup I logged into TFS from VS using the domain\Administrator.
But company policy has changed and now the password is changed and I dont know it anymore.
But my own domain user has been granted administrator rights so I think ok no problem next time I start VS and TFS asks me to login I provide my own account.
This did not work I got tons of errors so I had to go to Control Panel and remove this credential from credential manager.
So I started VS again and let someone type in the pass for Administrator again, and click on remember.
That seemed to work, I can do a compare of files and it is correct.
I am also able to checkout files for editing.
But when I want to check in than it displays an error for a split second and it shuts down my project in VS.
After numerous tries I was able to capture a screenshot of the error (it only displayed for a split second).
This is the error :
I have no clue what this thing is talking about and I am hoping someone here can push me into the right way to find a solution for this.
Where can I find this workspace and how can I give it permissions ?
I am using visual studio 13 on local computer, logged in to domain and my user account has administrator rights.
I found a screen in VS to edit the workspace. The permissions are currently on Private Workspace.
So set it to public and now I also cannot do Compare and Checkout anymore.
Setting it back to private does not helps I keep getting this error now.
Any suggestions ?
There seem to be 2 workspaces with the same name but I can only see on in manage workspaces. Maybe if I can get rid of one somehow.
In this screen I can see 2 workspaces :
How can I get rid of the second ?
IT seems that VS keeps searching for the wrong workspace.
See this screenshot :
I configured a new workspace PC_GUIDO_2 but if I do a compare it keeps searching for workspace PC_GUIDO even if the workspace combobox says PC_GUIDO_2.
How can I force it to stop searching for that workspace ?
Please try following below steps to fix the issue:
Make sure your account has the check in permission for the project.
(Administer Server > Version Control > Set the permissions)
Close VS
Delete the VS client caches
Start VS as administrator (Right click and run as administrator) and DO NOT LOGIN WITH VISUAL STUDIO
In team explorer connect TFS with your account
Manage Workspace to delete current workspace "PC_GUIDO"
Create a new workspace and map sources to new local folder
Then check the issue again.

Cannot open other member's project in Team Foundation Server?

I don't understand how it works. I'm new to Team Foundation Server and currently I have a small team. The co-worker can open my project file and run just fine (by double clicking the solution file right in the source control explorer window).
I can open my project file the same way but cannot open his project file. Clicking the solution file does load the solution but the files in there cannot be opened. It says something like this:
Cannot find the file "d:\....". It may have been moved or deleted.
The path "d:...." is actually the path on his machine. While in my machine it's mapped to a different path. But I don't understand why it cannot recognize it.
At first I thought the mapped path structure should be the same across all members' machines but if so my co-worker could have not opened my project file.
The status of the solution is Yes for Latest, meaning the files are loaded and copied to my local folder normally. Not sure if it matters but I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and my co-worker uses Visual Studio 2013.
I've tried searching around but could not find anything with the error message. It's so interesting that my co-worker does not have to do something special or self-aware so that he could tell me something to solve this. I hope you have some experience on this and give me some helpful suggestion. Thank you!
To clarify it more, if I browse the file directly inside the source control explorer window, the file can be opened (but if it such as is some designer-supported file like .xaml - the designer then is not shown up). What I'm having trouble with is opening the file loaded in the solution (inside the Solution Explorer window). As I said clicking the solution file in Source Control Explorer window does load the solution, but because there is something wrong with the files path, I cannot open them as well as build and run the solution.
Right-clicking on the file in the loaded solution, select Properties, I can see that the Full Path is actually the path on his machine, so weird.
It sounds like your workspace is all messed up. Are you trying to share a workspace?
If so you should not. Each developer should have their own workspace local to their computer that is unique to them.
Try creating a new workspace and using that...

Share a link to a location in code (source file / line number) in Visual Studio

I'm looking for a plugin (may be a TFS plugin) for Visual Studio 2010 that add a 'Copy uri' context menu entry in code editor and would make possible to copy paste a file/line number into an IM conversation (skype) or an email, and of course clicking the link would open the project/file at the correct line number (in an existing instance if VS if possible).
I'm working from home and that would be nice to be able to share easily a code location with team via skype (and sometimes email).
I googled and found nothing, but it's perhaps available in a big plugin like Resharper and not advertised.
I wrote an extension for this. It's called CodeLink:
I'm looking for testers and feedback. I only have so many solutions with which to test it :)
There's no such extension that exist from what I know.
However it wouldn't that hard to create a VSX that adds an entry in the Source Code context menu that will get the Source Control path from the Local Path using the TFS Api then putting the result in the clipboard.
In the meantime there's no easy way to come up with a workaround as I'm not aware of a way to get the Source Control path from the Local path in Visual Studio.
Its not a plugin, but you can now add a line parameter (eg &line=1234) to a TFS file browser url, and then email that link to a colleague, it will open the file in a browser with the specified line highlighted.

visual studio keeps asking to save project file as

I am using VS 2010 and recently I moved some files around and changed paths etc.
The solution still compiles correctly and all files are able to be loaded/compiled without error however just about every time I go to compile after a change it gives me the save as dialog and asks me to save one of the projects, if I try to give it a new name or something the dialog does not exist nothing I do can make it exit apart from pressing cancel.
If I do a build straight after cancelling it works fine and I'm not presented with the save as dialog. I have verified that the project file is not read only.
Any ideas as to whats going on here.
The solution is stored in TFS 2008
You need to do 2 things
1- remove the read-only tick from the project folder
2- when a save-as window prompts at build, just overwrite the project
next time you build, the window won't pop up
You need to run VS as administrator. (right click on VS Icon- Run as administrator)
I solved the issue. When I try to save as this time it gives the error that file is being used by another process. Google Sync prevents to save so it opens save as dialog.
You should put your project under a folder not sync while working.
Are the bindings in TFS set up correctly with the new location? TFS will mark files as read only unless they get checked in. It might have been marked as such before you moved everything around, and now, isn't being checked out properly.
Also, try closing sync. files tools like google backup and sync.
