Is there a way in ACE editor to turn off all completions for a given syntax Mode, but still display all the appropriate syntax coloring for the syntax?
For example: In markdown mode is there a way to not expand things like " and [ to complete the second quote/bracket, or bullet lists to the next line.
I know there are a few individual settings that do this like mode.$quotes and mode.getNextLineIndent but there are many others that are not easily tracked in one place.
Is there a switch to universally turn off all expansions of any kind?
Tried the following options settings with no luck:
te.editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/" + lang);
enableAutoIndent: false,
behaviorsEnabled: false,
enableBasicAutocompletion: false,
enableLiveAutocompletion: false,
enableSnippets: false
The closest thing is
editor.setOptions({enableAutoIndent: false, behavioursEnabled: false})
Looks like behavioursEnabled is the key to disabling quotes and bracket expansion
Is it possible to set the dropdown display style in apps script?
After checking the documentation it looks like the API only allows you to choose between "Arrow" and "Plain Text".
The Apps Script documentation explains how to create data validation rules with a DataValidationBuilder. Most of the methods just set different DataValidationCriteria. Among those, the methods requireValueInList() and requireValueInRange() are the only ones that have a showDropdown parameter to set a dropdown, and the parameter's values can only be true or false. The default is true, which is equivalent to "Arrow" and false is equivalent to "Plain Text". As a boolean there's no third option for "Chip". Example:
// Set the data validation for cell A1 to require "Yes" or "No", with a dropdown menu.
var cell = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange('A1');
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['Yes', 'No'], true).build();
Looking at the Sheets REST API, which Apps Script is built on, the DataValidationRule works in a similar way, but this uses showCustomUi instead of showDropDown. Still, the limitation is the same to show only the basic arrow and plain text.
It just seems like a feature that hasn't been implemented yet. Maybe the "Chip" was added a while after the basic dropdown. You can try to request it in Google's issue tracker.
I've been trying to add syntax highlighting to my web app and found ace. However, after working at the solution provided in the documentation, I am still unable to change the editor theme. Does anyone know how to go about this?
So far I've just initialized the element with the following code
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
In the build mode argument to setTheme() is not a path but an id of the theme so you need to call
.setTheme('ace/theme/tomorrow_night') instead
Note that you also can set all the options in one call using
useWrapMode: true,
highlightActiveLine: true,
showPrintMargin: false,
theme: 'ace/theme/tomorrow_night',
mode: 'ace/mode/javascript'
or in newer version of ace pass object with options to ace.edit
var editor = ace.edit("editor"{
useWrapMode: true,
If the source of something I write in my CKEDITOR looks like this:
This is my text. <strong>This part is bold.</strong> This part isn't.
I can highlight the bolded part and unbold it by pressing CTRL+B. However, if I add a class to that strong tag (due to another plugin I'm working on), I can only unbold clean strong tags - no attributes, styles, or classes. For example, consider this scenario:
This is my text. <strong>This part is bold.</strong> This part isn't. <strong class="whatever">This part is bolded AND has a custom class.</strong>
Only the first bolded segmented will be unbolded - the 2nd is pretty much stuck as is until I remove the ".whatever" class. Is there any way to get it to ignore strong tags with classes, and just do them regardless of what other attributes they have? I'm guessing it has to do with that "Advanced Content Filter" or something, but I can't figure out what.
After much hairpulling, I (think) I have the answer. In the CKEDITOR style definition, an applied style (ex, a strong tag) needs to have all of its attributes parsed through the content filter. If an attribute that is not dealt with by this filter remains when it comes time to actually remove the textNode from the style tags and replace it back into the parent element, the tags (and thus the style) will NOT be removed if there are any attributes remaining on the element. There is a (very poorly) documented workaround to this: the alwaysRemoveElement property can be set to true on the style DEFINITION (why the definition, and not the style itself, I have no idea).
Long story short, a little snippet of code that will force the removal of all style tags, even if their attributes don't match exactly with the filter. Hopefully it doesn't cause bugs somewhere else...
//this = Your Editor Instance 'instanceReady', function(){
//Filter through the existing contentRules, looking for styleCommands
$.each(this.activeFilter.allowedContent, function(i,v) {
var name = v.featureName, command = this.commands[v.featureName];
if (name && command && command.contentForms && { = true;
As the previous answer, just add this in the config:
CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_bold : { element: 'strong', overrides: 'b' ,alwaysRemoveElement: true},
It was also difficult for me to find this workaround, in my case I was adding an id to the strong element.
I have found a comment by zbacsi on jqgrids site under inline editing.
"zbacsi, 2010/08/02 20:23
There is an escaping bug with special characters. Try insert alert('hello') into a field. It should be displayed as common text, but its executed..."
I was able to reproduce this issue, on my own grid setup, using the below versions of jqGrid and jQuery.
jqGrid version - > 4.4.4, jQuery version - > 1.7.1.
This can also be reproduced on the inline editing demo pages for jqGrid, located at:
Once there navigate to:
Functionality -> Formatter Actions and begin editing a row.
Inside of the column labeled 'Notes' insert the value: <script>alert('hi')</script>
Hit enter or click the 'Save' icon.
The alert('hi') gets executed rather than 'Notes' containing <script>alert('hi')</script>
Any additional information would be much appreciated, thank you.
It's not a bug. You can fix the problem by usage option
autoencode: true
which I personally strictly recommend you to use the option in all grids.
jqGrid have many options. I personally find default values of some options (see values in "Default" column on the page documentation) not optimal. One from such options is autoencode which default value is false. It means that all data used to fill the grid cells will be interpreted as HTML code fragments. Scripts are the only problem which one have, but inserting the text like a>b, </tr> or <-- could really break the page.
jqGrid allow to overwrite the default by extending $.jgrid.defaults. So I include on every HTML page JS file with my own default preferences. In the file there are lines like
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
autoencode: true,
gridview: true,
height: "auto"
datatype: "json",
loadui: 'block',
In the search_config documentation page, I see that there's something that looks like it would allow me to specify a default value (defaultValue) to populate the search field with, but I can't get it to work. I specified a default value, but when I pull up the search box, nothing is filled. Also, I'm using multipleGroup: true, so it's the advanced advanced search module, if that makes any difference.
I figured this out by looking through the source code, and since I can't seem to find the feature documented on the wiki or anywhere else, I'll answer my own question. jqGrid DOES have a way of creating default search templates to use, and it's pretty useful. Hopefully my explanation will be useful for someone else.
When creating the searchGrid part of jqGrid $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('searchGrid', options); (or in the searchGrid options section when creating the navGrid part $('#gridDiv').jqGrid('navGrid', '#navDiv', {}, {}, {}, {}, searchOptions); ) there are two options that we care about, tmplNames and tmplFilters.
tmplNames is simply an array of strings of what the template names should be. These will appear as the text in the template select box that will show up. Something like ["Bob's Template", "Joe's Template"].
tmplFilters is also an array of strings, but these strings are the JSON encoded string that jqGrid sends to the php script when searching for something. (tmplFilters may also work as an array of the objects themselves, but I haven't tried) So something like this.
So all of this is pretty easy actually, except that this still doesn't cover setting a default template. This is only good for setting additional templates to choose from. jqGrid has a predefined default template, which is what appears when you initially open the search. To change this, after creating the jqGrid, you need to use setGridParam and change the postdata property
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
where defaultFilter is the same type of JSON'ed query string as before. Additionally, if the 'reset' button is clicked, this default template goes away, so you'll need to set it again when this happens, which is easy enough to accomplish by adding an onReset function to the initial jqGrid call:
onReset: function () {
postData: {
filters: defaultFilter
And that's it! With some use of AJAX and some new buttons, I was also able to read templates from a local file rather than having them defined in the javascript and was also able to take the current query and create/overwrite templates in the file. Then they became really useful.