Given a number n of x digits. How to remove y digits in a way the remaining digits results in the greater possible number?
1)x=7 y=3
2)x=4 y=2
3)x=3 y=1
Just to state: x > y > 0.
For each digit to remove: iterate through the digits left to right; if you find a digit that's less than the one to its right, remove it and stop, otherwise remove the last digit.
If the number of digits x is greater than the actual length of the number, it means there are leading zeros. Since those will be the first to go, you can simply reduce the count y by a corresponding amount.
Here's a working version in Python:
def remove_digits(n, x, y):
s = str(n)
if len(s) > x:
raise ValueError
elif len(s) < x:
y -= x - len(s)
if y <= 0:
return n
for r in range(y):
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] < s[i+1:i+2]:
s = s[:i] + s[i+1:]
return int(s)
>>> remove_digits(7816295, 7, 3)
>>> remove_digits(4213, 4, 2)
>>> remove_digits(888, 3, 1)
I hesitated to submit this, because it seems too simple. But I wasn't able to think of a case where it wouldn't work.
if x = y we have to remove all the digits.
Otherwise, you need to find maximum digit in first y + 1 digits. Then remove all the y0 elements before this maximum digit. Then you need to add that maximum to the answer and then repeat that task again, but you need now to remove y - y0 elements now.
Straight forward implementation will work in O(x^2) time in the worst case.
But finding maximum in the given range can be done effectively using Segment Tree data structure. Time complexity will be O(x * log(x)) in the worst case.
P. S. I just realized, that it possible to solve in O(x) also, using the fact, that exists only 10 digits (but the algorithm maybe a little bit complicated). We need to find the minimum in the given range [L, R], but the ranges in this task will "change" from left to the right (L and R always increase). And we just need to store 10 pointers to the digits (1 per digit) to the first position in the number such that position >= L. Then to find the minimum, we need to check only 10 pointers. To update the pointers, we will try to move them right.
So the time complexity will be O(10 * x) = O(x)
Here's an O(x) solution. It builds an index that maps (i, d) to j, the smallest number > i such that the j'th digit of n is d. With this index, one can easily find the largest possible next digit in the solution in O(1) time.
def index(digits):
next = [len(digits)+1] * 10
for i in xrange(len(digits), 0, -1):
next[ord(digits[i-1])-ord('0')] = i-1
yield next[::-1]
def minseq(n, y):
n = str(n)
idx = list(index(n))[::-1]
i, r = 0, []
for ry in xrange(len(n)-y):
i = next(j for j in idx[i] if j <= y+ry) + 1
r.append(n[i - 1])
return ''.join(r)
print minseq(7816295, 3)
print minseq(4213, 2)
Number.toDigits().filter (sortedSet (Number.toDigits()). take (y))
Imho you don't need to know x.
For efficiency, Number.toDigits () could be precalculated
digits = Number.toDigits()
digits.filter (sortedSet (digits).take (y))
Depending on language and context, you either output the digits and are done or have to convert the result into a number again.
Working Scala-Code for example:
def toDigits (l: Long) : List [Long] = if (l < 10) l :: Nil else (toDigits (l /10)) :+ (l % 10)
val num = 734529L
val dig = toDigits (num)
dig.filter (_ > ((dig.sorted).take(2).last))
A sorted set is a set which is sorted, which means, every element is only contained once and then the resulting collection is sorted by some criteria, for example numerical ascending. => 234579.
We take two of them (23) and from that subset the last (3) and filter the number by the criteria, that the digits have to be greater than that value (3).
Your question does not explicitly say, that each digit is only contained once in the original number, but since you didn't give a criterion, which one to remove in doubt, I took it as an implicit assumption.
Other languages may of course have other expressions (x.sorted, x.toSortedSet, new SortedSet (num), ...) or lack certain classes, functions, which you would have to build on your own.
You might need to write your own filter method, which takes a pedicate P, and a collection C, and returns a new collection of all elements which satisfy P, P being a Method which takes one T and returns a Boolean. Very useful stuff.
You have given a array and You have to give number of continuous subarray which the sum is zero.
1) 0 ,1,-1,0 => 6 {{0},{1,-1},{0,1,-1},{1,-1,0},{0}};
2) 5, 2, -2, 5 ,-5, 9 => 3.
With O(n^2) it can be done.I am trying to find the solution below this complexity.
Consider S[0..N] - prefix sums of your array, i.e. S[k] = A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[k-1] for k from 0 to N.
Now sum of elements from L to R-1 is zero if and only if S[R] = S[L]. It means that you have to find number of indices 0 <= L < R <= N such that S[L] = S[R].
This problem can be solved with a hash table. Iterate over elements of S[] while maintaining for each value X number of times it was met in the already processed part of S[]. These counts should be stored in a hash map, where the number X is a key, and the count H[X] is the value. When you meet a new elements S[i], add H[S[i]] to your answer (these account for substrings ending with (i-1)-st element), then increment H[S[i]] by one.
Note that if sum of absolute values of array elements is small, you can use a simple array instead of hash table. The complexity is linear on average.
Here is the code:
long long CountZeroSubstrings(vector<int> A) {
int n = A.size();
vector<long long> S(n+1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
S[i+1] = S[i] + A[i];
long long answer = 0;
unordered_map<long long, int> H;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
if (H.count(S[i]))
answer += H[S[i]];
return answer;
This can be solved in linear time by keeping a hash table of sums reached during the array traversal. The number of subsets can then be directly calculated from the counts of revisited sums.
Haskell version:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (foldl')
f = foldl' (\b a -> b + div (a * (a + 1)) 2) 0 . M.elems . snd
. foldl' (\(s,m) x -> let s' = s + x in case M.lookup s' m of
Nothing -> (s',M.insert s' 0 m)
otherwise -> (s',M.adjust (+1) s' m)) (0,M.fromList[(0,0)])
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0]
*Main> f [5,2,-2,5,-5,9]
*Main> f [0,0,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0]
*Main> f [0,1,0,0,2,3,-3]
*Main> f [0,1,-1,0,0,2,3,-3]
C# version of #stgatilov answer with readable variables:
int[] sums = new int[arr.Count() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count(); i++)
sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + arr[i];
int numberOfFragments = 0;
Dictionary<int, int> sumToNumberOfRepetitions = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (int item in sums)
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(item))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[item];
sumToNumberOfRepetitions.Add(item, 0);
return numberOfFragments;
If you want to have sum not only zero but any number k, here is the hint:
int numToFind = currentSum - k;
if (sumToNumberOfRepetitions.ContainsKey(numToFind))
numberOfFragments += sumToNumberOfRepetitions[numToFind];
I feel it can be solved using DP:
Let the state be :
DP[i][j] represents the number of ways j can be formed using all the subarrays ending at i!
for every element in the initial step ,
Increase the number of ways to form Element[i] using i elements by 1 i.e. using the subarray of length 1 starting from i and ending with i i.e
then for every j in Range [ -Mod(highest Magnitude of any element ) , Mod(highest Magnitude of any element) ]
Then your answer will be the sum of all the DP[i][0] (Number of ways to form 0 using subarrays ending at i ) where i varies from 1 to Number of elements
Complexity is O(MOD highest magnitude of any element * Number of Elements)
This would be an exact solution.
# Utility function to insert <key, value> into the dict
def insert(dict, key, value):
# if the key is seen for the first time, initialize the list
dict.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
# Function to print all sub-lists with 0 sum present
# in the given list
def printallSublists(A):
# create an empty -dict to store ending index of all
# sub-lists having same sum
dict = {}
# insert (0, -1) pair into the dict to handle the case when
# sub-list with 0 sum starts from index 0
insert(dict, 0, -1)
result = 0
sum = 0
# traverse the given list
for i in range(len(A)):
# sum of elements so far
sum += A[i]
# if sum is seen before, there exists at-least one
# sub-list with 0 sum
if sum in dict:
list = dict.get(sum)
result += len(list)
# find all sub-lists with same sum
for value in list:
print("Sublist is", (value + 1, i))
# insert (sum so far, current index) pair into the -dict
insert(dict, sum, i)
print("length :", result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = [0, 1, 2, -3, 0, 2, -2]
I don't know what the complexity of my suggestion would be but i have an idea :)
What you can do is try to reduce element from main array which are not able to contribute for you solution
suppose elements are -10, 5, 2, -2, 5,7 ,-5, 9,11,19
so you can see that -10,9,11 and 19 are element
that are never gone be useful to make sum 0 in your case
so try to remove -10,9,11, and 19 from your main array
to do this what you can do is
1) create two sub array from your main array
`positive {5,7,2,9,11,19}` and `negative {-10,-2,-5}`
2) remove element from positive array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from negative arrays element
or sum of its elements
5 = -5 //so keep it //don't consider the sign
7 = (-5 + -2 ) // keep
2 = -2 // keep
9 // cannot be construct using -10,-2,-5
same for all 11 and 19
3) remove element form negative array which does not satisfy condition
condition -> value should be construct from positive arrays element
or sum of its elements
i.e. -10 // cannot be construct so discard
-2 = 2 // keep
-5 = 5 // keep
so finally you got an array which contains -2,-5,5,7,2 create all possible sub array form it and check for sum = 0
(Note if your input array contains 0 add all 0's in final array)
I'm stuck as to how to make an algorithm to find a combination of elements from a list where the sum of those factors is the lowest possible where the factor of those numbers is a predetermined target value.
For instance a list:
And a target value:
Would result in these factors:
(2,2,3) and (2,6)
But the optimal combination would be:
As it has a lower sum
First erase from the list all numbers that aren't factors of n. So in your example your list would reduce to (2, 6, 2, 3). Then I would sort the list. So you have (2, 2, 3, 6). Start multiplying the elements from the left to right if you reach n stop. If you exceed n find the next smallest permutation of your numbers and repeat. This will be (2, 2, 6, 3) (for a C++ function that finds the next permutation see this link). This will guarantee to find the multiplication with the smallest sum because the we are checking the products in order from smallest sum to largest. This runs in the size of your list factorial but I think that is as good as you're going to get. This problem sounds NP hard.
You can do slightly better by pruning the permutations. Lets say you were looking for 24 and your list is (2, 4, 8, 12). The only subset is (2, 12). But the next permutation will be (2, 4, 12, 8) which you don't even need to generate because you knew that 2*4 was too small and 2*4*8 was too big and swapping 12 with 8 only increased 2*4*8. This way you didn't have to test that permutation.
You should be able to break the problem down recursively. You have a multiset of potential factors S = {n_1, n_2, ..., n_k}. Let f(S,n) be the maximum sum n_i_1 + n_i_2 + ... + n_i_j where n_i_l are distinct elements of the multiset and n_i_1 * ... * n_i_j = n. Then f(S,n) = max_i { (n_i + f(S-{n_i},n/n_i)) where n_i divides n }. In other words, f(S,n) can be computed recursively. With a little more work you can get the algorithm to spit out the actual n_is that work. The time complexity could be bad, but you don't say what your goals are in that regard.
def primes(n):
primfac = []
d = 2
while d*d <= n:
while (n % d) == 0:
primfac.append(d) # supposing you want multiple factors repeated
n //= d
d += 1
if n > 1:
return primfac
def get_factors_list(dividend, ceiling = float('infinity')):
""" Yield all lists of factors where the largest is no larger than ceiling """
for divisor in range(min(ceiling, dividend - 1), 1, -1):
quotient, mod = divmod(dividend, divisor)
if mod == 0:
if quotient <= divisor:
yield [divisor, quotient]
for factors in get_factors_list(quotient, divisor):
yield [divisor] + factors
def print_factors(x):
factorList = []
if x > 0:
for factors in get_factors_list(x):
factorList.append(list(map(int, factors)))
return factorList
Here's is how you could do it in Haskell:
import Data.List(sortBy, subsequences)
import Data.Function(on)
lowestSumTargetFactor :: (Ord b, Num b) => [b] -> b -> [b]
lowestSumTargetFactor xs target = do
let l = filter (/= []) $ sortBy (compare `on` sum)
[x | x <- subsequences xs, product x == target]
if l == []
then error $ "lowestSumTargetFactor: " ++
"no subsequence product equals target."
else head l
Here's what is happening:
[x | x <- subsequences xs, product x == target] builds a list made of all subsequences of the list xs whose product equals target. In your example, it would build the list [[2,6],[6,2],[2,2,3]].
Then the sortBy (compareonsum) part sorts that list of list by the sum of it's list elements. It would return the list [[2,2,3],[2,6],[6,2]].
I then filter that list, removing any [] elements because product [] returns 1 (don't know the reasoning for this, yet). This was done because lowestSumTargetFactor [1, 1, 1] 1 would return [] instead of the expected [1].
Then I ask if the list we built is []. If no, I use the function head to return the first element of that list ([2,2,3] in your case). If yes, it returns the error as written.
Obs1: where it appears above, the $ just means that everything after it is enclosed in parentheses.
Obs2: the lowestSumTargetFactor :: (Ord b, Num b) => [b] -> b -> [b] part is just the function's type signature. It means that the function takes a list made of bs, a second argument b and returns another list made of bs, b being a member of both the Ord class of totally ordered datatypes, and the Num class, the basic numeric class.
Obs3: I'm still a beginner. A more experienced programmer would probably do this much more efficiently and elegantly.
Let's say we have an array of age groups and an array of the number of people in each age group
For example:
Ages = ("1-13", "14-20", "21-30", "31-40", "41-50", "51+")
People = (1, 10, 21, 3, 2, 1)
I want to have an algorithm that combines these age groups with the following logic if there are fewer than 5 people in each group. The algorithm that I have so far does the following:
Start from the last element (e.g., "51+") can you combine it with the next group? (here "41-50") if yes add the numbers 1+2 and combine their labels. So we get the following
Ages = ("1-13", "14-20", "21-30", "31-40", "41+")
People = (1, 10, 21, 3, 3)
Take the last one again (here is "41+"). Can you combine it with the next group (31-40)? the answer is yes so we get:
Ages = ("1-13", "14-20", "21-30", "31+")
People = (1, 10, 21, 6)
since the group 31+ now has 6 members we cannot collapse it into the next group.
we cannot collapse "21-30" into the next one "14-20" either
"14-20" also has 10 people (>5) so we don't do anything on this either
for the first one ("1-13") since we have only one person and it is the last group we combine it with the next group "14-20" and get the following
Ages = ("1-20", "21-30", "31+")
People = (11, 21, 6)
I have an implementation of this algorithm that uses many flags to keep track of whether or not any data is changed and it makes a number of passes on the two arrays to finish this task.
My question is if you know any efficient way of doing the same thing? any data structure that can help? any algorithm that can help me do the same thing without doing too much bookkeeping would be great.
A radical example would be (5,1,5)
in the first pass it becomes (5,6) [collapsing the one on the right into the one in the middle]
then we have (5,6). We cannot touch 6 since it is larger than our threshold:5. so we go to the next one (which is element on the very left 5) since it is less than or equal to 5 and since it is the last one on the left we group it with the one on its right. so we finally get (11)
Here is an OCaml solution of a left-to-right merge algorithm:
let close_group acc cur_count cur_names =
(List.rev cur_names, cur_count) :: acc
let merge_small_groups mini l =
let acc, cur_count, cur_names =
List.fold_left (
fun (acc, cur_count, cur_names) (name, count) ->
if cur_count <= mini || count <= mini then
(acc, cur_count + count, name :: cur_names)
(close_group acc cur_count cur_names, count, [name])
) ([], 0, []) l
List.rev (close_group acc cur_count cur_names)
let input = [
"1-13", 1;
"14-20", 10;
"21-30", 21;
"31-40", 3;
"41-50", 2;
"51+", 1
let output = merge_small_groups 5 input
(* output = [(["1-13"; "14-20"], 11); (["21-30"; "31-40"; "41-50"; "51+"], 27)] *)
As you can see, the result of merging from left to right may not be what you want.
Depending on the goal, it may make more sense to merge the pair of consecutive elements whose sum is smallest and iterate until all counts are above the minimum of 5.
Here is my scala approach.
We start with two lists:
val people = List (1, 10, 21, 3, 2, 1)
val ages = List ("1-13", "14-20", "21-30", "31-40", "41-50", "51+")
and combine them to a kind of mapping:
val agegroup = (people)
define a method to merge two Strings, describing an (open ended) interval. The first parameter is, if any, the one with the + in "51+".
combine age-strings
a+ b-c => b+
a-b c-d => c-b
def merge (xs: String, ys: String) = {
val xab = xs.split ("[+-]")
val yab = ys.split ("-")
if (xs.contains ("+")) yab(0) + "+" else
yab (0) + "-" + xab (1)
Here is the real work:
reverse the list, combine groups < threshold.
def remap (map: List [(String, Int)], threshold : Int) = {
def remap (mappings: List [(String, Int)]) : List [(String, Int)] = mappings match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: Nil => x :: Nil
case x :: y :: xs => if (x._2 > threshold) x :: remap (y :: xs) else
remap ((merge (x._1, y._1), x._2 + y._2) :: xs) }
val nearly = (remap (map.reverse)).reverse
// check for first element
if (! nearly.isEmpty && nearly.length > 1 && nearly (0)._2 < threshold) {
val a = nearly (0)
val b = nearly (1)
val rest = nearly.tail.tail
(merge (b._1, a._1), a._2 + b._2) :: rest
} else nearly
and invocation
println (remap (agegroup, 5))
with result:
scala> println (remap (agegroup, 5))
List((1-20,11), (21-30,21), (31+,6))
The result is a list of pairs, age-group and membercount.
I guess the main part is easy to understand: There are 3 basic cases: an empty list, which can't be grouped, a list of one group, which is the solution itself, and more than one element.
If the first element (I reverse the list in the beginning, to start with the end) is bigger than 5 (6, whatever), yield it, and procede with the rest - if not, combine it with the second, and take this combined element and call it with the rest in a recursive way.
If 2 elements get combined, the merge-method for the strings is called.
The map is remapped, after reverting it, and the result reverted again. Now the first element has to be inspected and eventually combined.
We're done.
I think a good data structure would be a linked list of pairs, where each pair contains the age span and the count. Using that, you can easily walk the list, and join two pairs in O(1).
I have the following list:
I am randomly extracting an element from the list. But the element I extract should be of size 3 only not lesser than 3.
I am trying to do this as follows:
let randomnum = ( (list)));;
let rec code c =
if (String.length c) = 3 then c
else (code ((List.nth (list) (randomnum)))) ;;
print_string (code ( (List.nth (list) (randomnum)))) ;;
This works fine if randomly a string of length 3 is picked out from the list.
But the program does not terminate if a string of length < 3 is picked up.
I am trying to do a recursive call so that new code keeps getting picked up till we get one of length = 3.
I am unable to figure out why this is does not terminate. Nothing gets output by the print statement.
What you probably want to write is
let rec code list =
let n = (List.length list) in
let s = List.nth list in
if String.length s < 3 then code list else s
Note that, depending on the size of the list and the number of strings of size greater than 3, you might want to work directly on a list with only strings greater than 3:
let code list =
let list = List.filter (fun s -> String.length s >= 3) list in
match list with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| _ -> List.nth list ( (List.length list))
This second function is better, as it always terminate, especially when there are no strings greater than 3.
You only pick a random number once. Say you pick 5. You just keep recursing with 5 over and over and over. You need to get a new random number.
For your code to terminate, it would be better to first filter the list for suitable elements, then take your random number:
let code list =
let suitables = List.filter (fun x -> String.length x = 3) list in
match List.length suitables with
| 0 -> raise Not_found (* no suitable elements at all! *)
| len -> List.nth suitables ( len)
Otherwise your code would take very long to terminate on a large list of elements with size <> 3; or worse on a list with no element of size 3, it would not terminate at all!