I am trying to build a macOS application from scratch that makes use of the new File Provider API shipped with macOS Big Sur. Luckily, the latest version of Xcode, version 12.5 beta 3, comes with a File Provider Extension that I can easily add to my macOS app (via File, New..., Target..., File Provider Extension).
What is unclear to me is how and where to initialize this file provider API. I've tried to do this in AppDelegate.swift based on some code I've found on the Internet. But when I start the app, I get the following code logged to the debug console in Xcode:
2021-04-13 17:19:57.760716+0200 GiraffeApp[30325:1559029] GiraffeApp starting
2021-04-13 17:19:57.854440+0200 GiraffeApp[30325:1559463] Successfully removed all domains
2021-04-13 17:19:57.893298+0200 GiraffeApp[30325:1559458] signalEnumerator failed: No valid file provider found with identifier com.foo.GiraffeApp.GiraffeFileProvider/GiraffeDomain.
2021-04-13 17:19:57.906521+0200 GiraffeApp[30325:1559458] Unable to add file provider domain: The file couldn’t be saved because a file with the same name already exists.
I do not understand why the file provider cannot be found, as it is (or at least should be) embedded in the project. The extension is sandboxed (seems to be a requirement too) and the app is codesigned with my dev certificate. I can also not see anything shown in the Finder Locations section.
In order to not have to post multiple pages of source code here, I have put the code to GitHub . Thanks for having a look! Any help on this is highly appreciated.
Please Help Me Fix this issue.
Recently when I updated my application(OXOO movies streaming app) I receive this email from Play Console:
Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the Device and Network Abuse policy. We found your app is using a non-compliant version of an SDK which contains code to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play.
The SDK can be identified using the classname com.dcastalia.localappupdate.DownloadApk.
Affected Version(s):
App Bundle:3, App Bundle:3, App Bundle:3
But I have checked everything but have not found anything like this in the application.
Please give me some advice to fix this.
It is really important for me to release an update.
implementation 'com.github.Piashsarker:AndroidAppUpdateLibrary:1.0.3'
from your build.gradle
I have a build server setup with Xcode 7.2 and Server 5.0.15 so we can have CI. I'm able to create an Xcode Bot that creates an archive, but it's not able to finish the last step, which is exporting the ipa archive to the Server so it can be downloaded via ad hoc builds.
I'm able to create an archive from a local machine, but whenever I run a build bot using Distribution as the scheme, I get this error...
Bot Issue for TEST-BUILD-BOT-3 (build service warning)
Integration #8 of TEST-BUILD-BOT-3
Open in Xcode: xcbot://(null)/botID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01843e862/integrationID/fa5f2ef869edbde2181109e01847dbb0
Assertion: exportArchive: ipatool failed with an exception: #<Errno::EEXIST: File exists - /var/folders/3x/8t3j9vnj48530fxd4g4djp14000087/T/ipatool20160318-45875-5xq2zz/MachOs/iphoneos/armv7/(dylibs)/libswiftContacts.dylib>
File: (null):(null)
Full logs for this integration are attached.
For one thing, I'm not sure where the full logs are attached (this error is shown in the Xcode build bot window).
Some information on my project:
The project consists of an app with three extensions (share photo, share safari and watch).
I'm using Cocoapods with some swift frameworks, so I'm using the use_frameworks! keyword in my podfile.
I've tried the following:
Made sure all targets (including pods) were using the Distribution certificate.
Tried w/ and w/o Bitcode enabled.
The worst part about trying to fix this issue is that the build bot takes 20-30 minutes each time I want to test some changes I made.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I had the same error, in the watchapp and watchapp extension targets, i changed the setting, under Build Settings
Embedded Content Contains Swift Code No
And the error was gone
I found this technical post from apple that says any embedded content needs to be set to No to prevent multiple copies of the swift library being added. I interpreted that as a watch target would be embedded content, (not sure if thats what they meant)
I submmited my app for Mac to iTunes and after that I received an email from iTunes.
Basically it says this:
"Unable to Sign - This package doesn't meet the current code signing requirements. For more information, see the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide and Technical Note 2206.
Specifically, codesign generated the following error:
.../Payload/myApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/Dropbox.framework/Dropbox: bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)
Malformed Framework - The framework bundle Dropbox (myApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/Dropbox.framework) must contain a symbolic link 'Dropbox' -> 'Versions/Current/Dropbox'. Refer to the Anatomy of Framework Bundles for more information."
This is my framework structure:
My app uses the Dropbox framework. I installed it following the Dropbox instructions. How can I solve this?
Need help please. Thanks in advance.
I tried doing this https://stackoverflow.com/a/24418689/3065901 but I get the following error:
I have implemented cross platform application using Titanium 3.2.0 but when i try archiving the build for iOS AdHoc distribution, it does not get compiled. It keeps giving error with developer name as mentioned below - Invalid "--distribution-name" value ""
I tried building from XCode, Titanium UI and over Terminal as well but same error everywhere. I have referred https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-5642 and it says that issue is fixed but i still face this issue over every machine updated to 3.2.0 or even when 3.2.0 is installed fresh.
Please help and provide information.
Sounds like your Application IDs don't match from your project to your Provisioning Profile.
In your Tiapp.xml file, you may have and application id like com.mycompname.THISappname, but you told the Apple Provisioning Profile that your app id was called com.mycompname.OTHERappname. So they don't match. Change your Tiapp.xml file to match the what the Apple Provisioning Profile expects or creating another profile matching your application id in Titanium Studio.
this worked for me: create a new production certificate AND create a new provisioning profile with the same bundle ID. (Yes, this will work if you are updating an app that is already live). Download the cert and prov. profile and run both (double click). Now repeat step 6 and archive. This should work.
I have error when uploading mac app on app store. This error in below:
Invalid Executable or Signature - Your app could not be re-signed by
the App Store for distribution, because of an issue with the app's
executable (MyApp.app/Contents/Resources/file.o) or its
signature. The app may have been built or signed with non-compliant or
pre-release tools.
Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to
make you aware of them:
Invalid Signature - the executable at path MyApp.app/Contents/Resources/file.o is not
signed. Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide for
more information.
I use xcode tool validate this package and it's successful. But when uploading this package on appstore, it notices "Invalid binary".
Do you know what the error is? I checked the provisioning profile and bundle id are valid.
The file mentioned in the error message (Contente/Resources/file.o) probably doesn't belong in your application bundle. Unless it's something important, you should remove it, as it's unlikely to be doing anything useful for you. (It's probably only in your project by mistake.)