gpg claiming "No secret key" while it is available - gnupg

I am trying to sign another public key using gpg --sign-key which then errors with signing failed: No secret key
Full output:
❯ gpg --ask-cert-level --sign-with --sign-key 0x9303B33A305224CB
pub rsa4096/0x9303B33A305224CB
created: 2017-10-05 expires: never usage: C
trust: unknown validity: unknown
sub rsa4096/0x9B79B45691DB4173
created: 2017-10-05 expires: 2021-07-27 usage: S
sub rsa4096/0xDAB71C6FBCD75257
created: 2017-10-05 expires: 2021-07-27 usage: E
sub rsa4096/0x7651CCCB55BC4D56
created: 2017-10-05 expires: 2021-07-27 usage: A
[ unknown] (1). --------------) <----------------->
pub rsa4096/0x9303B33A305224CB
created: 2017-10-05 expires: never usage: C
trust: unknown validity: unknown
Primary key fingerprint: A8FC 55F3 B04B A314 6F34 92E7 9303 B33A 3052 24CB
----- (-----) <-------->
How carefully have you verified the key you are about to sign actually belongs
to the person named above? If you don't know what to answer, enter "0".
(0) I will not answer. (default)
(1) I have not checked at all.
(2) I have done casual checking.
(3) I have done very careful checking.
Your selection? (enter '?' for more information): 3
Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your
key "Tino Heuberger (Personal MasterKey) <>" (0xB4B88025927E502D)
I have checked this key very carefully.
Really sign? (y/N) y
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
Key not changed so no update needed.
This command work without issues though:
echo "test message string" | gpg --armor --clearsign > signed.txt
Output of gpg -K
sec# rsa4096/0xB4B88025927E502D 2021-04-05 [C]
Key fingerprint = 90BD 307D 847F 7524 EA22 2F27 B4B8 8025 927E 502D
uid [ultimate] Tino Heuberger (Personal MasterKey) <>
ssb> rsa4096/0x4AE34056E26AE417 2021-04-05 [S] [expires: 2022-04-05]
ssb> rsa4096/0x1F0B2D0F39B5549D 2021-04-05 [E] [expires: 2022-04-05]
ssb> rsa4096/0x3659102D72DF0E6C 2021-04-05 [A] [expires: 2022-04-05]
and output of gpg --card-status ( I am using a yubikey):
❯ gpg --card-status
Reader ...........: 1050:0407:X:0
Application ID ...: D2760001240103040006111828330000
Application type .: OpenPGP
Version ..........: 3.4
Manufacturer .....: Yubico
Serial number ....: 11182833
Name of cardholder: Tino Heuberger
Language prefs ...: [not set]
Salutation .......:
URL of public key : [not set]
Login data .......:
Signature PIN ....: not forced
Key attributes ...: rsa4096 rsa4096 rsa4096
Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127
PIN retry counter : 3 3 3
Signature counter : 28
KDF setting ......: off
Signature key ....: 7C2C E04B 91AE 02D5 1935 F438 4AE3 4056 E26A E417
created ....: 2021-04-05 16:31:24
Encryption key....: 6408 7413 4AEC F845 E176 D6C9 1F0B 2D0F 39B5 549D
created ....: 2021-04-05 16:32:46
Authentication key: 45E1 05AD 16FA F864 16BB CC75 3659 102D 72DF 0E6C
created ....: 2021-04-05 16:33:35
General key info..: sub rsa4096/0x4AE34056E26AE417 2021-04-05 Tino Heuberger (Personal MasterKey) <>
sec# rsa4096/0xB4B88025927E502D created: 2021-04-05 expires: never
ssb> rsa4096/0x4AE34056E26AE417 created: 2021-04-05 expires: 2022-04-05
card-no: 0006 11182833
ssb> rsa4096/0x1F0B2D0F39B5549D created: 2021-04-05 expires: 2022-04-05
card-no: 0006 11182833
ssb> rsa4096/0x3659102D72DF0E6C created: 2021-04-05 expires: 2022-04-05
card-no: 0006 11182833
I can't figure out with I cannot use gpg --sign-key while all other gpg commands work without issues

After some time I was able to figure it out.
gpg --sign-key only work if you have the private key of the masterkey, meaning I had to sign the public key on my offline machine with the master private key. Subkeys don't work with gpg --sign-key


How to transfer tokens using a multisig authority on Solana v1.10.25

I am trying to transfer tokens using a multisig authority on Solana v1.10.25. I have written a script which creates all necessary dependencies for this process and runs it against a local validator. Unfortunately, when I attempt to run the transfer SPL command, I get an error error: invalid account data. You can view the script here.
The sequence of commands:
# # Usage
# "./"
set -e
function gen_kp {
# Generates a keypair and returns its path to stdout
local name="${1}"
local path="${dir}/${name}-kp.json"
solana-keygen new --no-passphrase -o "${path}" &> /dev/null
pubkey=$(solana-keygen pubkey ${path})
echo "${name}: ${pubkey}" 1>&2
echo "${path}"
# random prefix for all files
dir=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | fold -w ${1:-5} | head -n 1)
mkdir -p "${dir}"
printf "\n\n----- pin solana -----\n\n"
solana --version 2>&1 1>/dev/null || sh -c "$(curl -sSfL${SOLANA_VERSION}/install)"
solana --version | grep "${SOLANA_VERSION}" || solana-install init "${SOLANA_VERSION}"
printf "\n\n----- point CLI to local validator -----\n\n"
solana config set --url
printf "\n\n----- create a fee payer -----\n\n"
fp=$(gen_kp "fee-payer")
solana airdrop 100 -k "${fp}"
printf "\n\n----- prepare multisig authorities -----\n\n"
auth1_kp=$(gen_kp "auth1")
auth2_kp=$(gen_kp "auth2")
auth3_kp=$(gen_kp "auth3")
printf "\n\n----- create multisig -----\n\n"
multisig_kp=$(gen_kp "multisig")
spl-token create-multisig 2 "${auth1_kp}" "${auth2_kp}" "${auth3_kp}" \
--fee-payer "${fp}" \
--address-keypair "${multisig_kp}"
printf "\n\n----- create mint -----\n\n"
mint_kp=$(gen_kp "mint")
mint_auth_kp=$(gen_kp "mint-auth")
spl-token create-token "${mint_kp}" \
--mint-authority "${mint_auth_kp}" \
--fee-payer "${fp}"
printf "\n\n----- create source token account -----\n\n"
source_acc_kp=$(gen_kp "source-acc")
spl-token create-account "${mint_kp}" "${source_acc_kp}" \
--owner "${multisig_kp}" \
--fee-payer "${fp}"
printf "\n\n----- create target token account -----\n\n"
target_acc_kp=$(gen_kp "target-acc")
target_acc_owner=$(gen_kp "target-acc-owner")
spl-token create-account "${mint_kp}" "${target_acc_kp}" \
--owner "${target_acc_owner}" \
--fee-payer "${fp}"
printf "\n\n----- mint to source token account -----\n\n"
spl-token mint "${mint_kp}" 10 "${source_acc_kp}" \
--mint-authority "${mint_auth_kp}" \
--fee-payer "${fp}"
printf "\n\n----- create a nonce account -----\n\n"
nonce_kp=$(gen_kp "nonce")
nonce_auth_kp=$(gen_kp "nonce-auth")
solana create-nonce-account "${nonce_kp}" 1 \
--nonce-authority "${nonce_auth_kp}" \
-k "${fp}"
blockhash=$(solana nonce "${nonce_kp}")
printf "\n\n----- spl accounts info -----\n\n"
spl-token multisig-info "${multisig_kp}"
spl-token account-info --address "${source_acc_kp}"
spl-token account-info --address "${target_acc_kp}"
printf "\n\n----- multisig transfer -----\n\n"
transfer_cmd="spl-token transfer ${mint_kp} 10 ${target_acc_kp} \
--from ${source_acc_kp} \
--owner ${multisig_kp} \
--multisig-signer ${auth1_kp} \
--multisig-signer ${auth2_kp} \
--multisig-signer ${auth3_kp} \
--blockhash ${blockhash} \
--fee-payer ${fp} \
--nonce ${nonce_kp} \
--nonce-authority ${nonce_auth_kp}"
# skip first 3 lines to get the list of signers in format
# pubkey1=signhash1
# pubkey2=signhash2
# ...
transfer_signers_lines=$( eval "${transfer_cmd} --mint-decimals 9 --sign-only" | tail -n +4 )
while IFS= read -r line; do
signers_flags="${signers_flags} --signer ${line}"
done <<< "$transfer_signers_lines"
eval "${transfer_cmd} ${signers_flags}"
And here's an output of with the error mentioned above:
----- pin solana -----
solana-cli 1.10.25 (src:d64f6808; feat:965221688)
----- point CLI to local validator to it -----
Config File: /home/xxx/.config/solana/cli/config.yml
WebSocket URL: ws:// (computed)
Keypair Path: /home/xxx/.config/solana/id.json
Commitment: confirmed
----- create a fee payer -----
fee-payer: 4UihfiAJFJbkzcvqbCxhf2UyDCKYKDaEPYsmQMHW6UoK
Requesting airdrop of 100 SOL
Signature: 5QtszEFNNcAqTToPbS3HaVXoPtTgjBKNaWY7oaoYDZRmVof31euzAhZvhYQ2TveZ7EzBD4B4Zmb4ue1qgX1yfytm
100 SOL
----- prepare multisig authorities -----
auth1: 1WdKMVYxeSc3bFQyUaC726EHiEHkT8xdxK6Tju9WyrK
auth3: 46VhbvYvNaFZ6QyGaB8asvAZw2WxxmrZb8Fvx9ibL5ir
----- create multisig -----
multisig: FxJi77UjbeQH6wMqBgpJr93Y6Y8Kq5WMom9svHupBGHV
Creating 2/3 multisig FxJi77UjbeQH6wMqBgpJr93Y6Y8Kq5WMom9svHupBGHV
Signature: CjyFBA7Yh7eoxksvFr3UwAonjsBj6EtpRkbbKYeSvZUi5cb3u8ukCJTFDkJFdRCQRj9fy1TCXVBekd7TnDXHa6Z
----- create mint -----
mint: DukyrQsNTPED4mhoxwAoiegCaknqzM4x7hB1UPnuAnYG
mint-auth: J4xzof5UjNGD2VvwjbdTNLwBWsvHpJCMH3VNTNKX2Bpw
Creating token DukyrQsNTPED4mhoxwAoiegCaknqzM4x7hB1UPnuAnYG
Signature: 3WMLSHVGGDounFFgGR6C21qdKjezaiavnzfaHRiK9hdSVczCDgThZ2jkyHVSwjEDgHhCzC2MYvCTYV2DxRcx2bL2
----- create source token account -----
source-acc: 56TeLuYYyevRDEBkYgFZg3BaSU7ovoo7B9E2QrZtro4Z
Creating account 56TeLuYYyevRDEBkYgFZg3BaSU7ovoo7B9E2QrZtro4Z
Signature: 3qtgQgeJCPy7N9xYq5iTafVMWYfoBX5PyY5AWAEC5ybX7auyPmTzRNACJBCib7qyoN5BjWgwhRURB6hfoFD22i5i
----- create target token account -----
target-acc: G2moZysTkpEtwPjQGbUFTXMc8N7BEWcjhh6yYpvuhnCW
target-acc-owner: 49ethEAs8j3Lssgx9kfEDEXZd5KabyABzxHYBEWxSwpS
Creating account G2moZysTkpEtwPjQGbUFTXMc8N7BEWcjhh6yYpvuhnCW
Signature: 63vS5AdX6HtTRxWZD5nxbsVqNwGCoATDYLeLKUoEjygZEr7fEpFzKW4bva6utpAA4psZuyuvDwsj2hTK29SsvHAq
----- mint to source token account -----
Minting 10 tokens
Token: DukyrQsNTPED4mhoxwAoiegCaknqzM4x7hB1UPnuAnYG
Recipient: 56TeLuYYyevRDEBkYgFZg3BaSU7ovoo7B9E2QrZtro4Z
Signature: 2c2ttnZxe2Qi6T6s123L5MPdEovbwCxf9VCECQ9v84CzMvbcRyPRfGvoVAVAZenR2VpuzAgc2LHRPds5yVq2itBe
----- create a nonce account -----
nonce: AjVABrmzMtnzwFiggfNLGbuXpAfUWV9opAXrXpTfcseN
nonce-auth: GYNQE8RQyo5C3Ejj945FQhPaqUGxytRt7yVGbGyn2qZN
Signature: CPnr8nnrRRk93wtciQ2LboHL8EnFGYqsn2znprZoTWFAgfFzBN68jQTzr7hxR8Y9WbwdLb9E9aYTTyyMVeQF1Ay
----- spl accounts info -----
Address: FxJi77UjbeQH6wMqBgpJr93Y6Y8Kq5WMom9svHupBGHV
M/N: 2/3
1: 1WdKMVYxeSc3bFQyUaC726EHiEHkT8xdxK6Tju9WyrK
3: 46VhbvYvNaFZ6QyGaB8asvAZw2WxxmrZb8Fvx9ibL5ir
Address: 56TeLuYYyevRDEBkYgFZg3BaSU7ovoo7B9E2QrZtro4Z (Aux*)
Balance: 10
Mint: DukyrQsNTPED4mhoxwAoiegCaknqzM4x7hB1UPnuAnYG
Owner: FxJi77UjbeQH6wMqBgpJr93Y6Y8Kq5WMom9svHupBGHV
State: Initialized
Delegation: (not set)
Close authority: (not set)
* Please run `spl-token gc` to clean up Aux accounts
Address: G2moZysTkpEtwPjQGbUFTXMc8N7BEWcjhh6yYpvuhnCW (Aux*)
Balance: 0
Mint: DukyrQsNTPED4mhoxwAoiegCaknqzM4x7hB1UPnuAnYG
Owner: 49ethEAs8j3Lssgx9kfEDEXZd5KabyABzxHYBEWxSwpS
State: Initialized
Delegation: (not set)
Close authority: (not set)
* Please run `spl-token gc` to clean up Aux accounts
----- multisig transfer -----
Transfer 10 tokens
Sender: 56TeLuYYyevRDEBkYgFZg3BaSU7ovoo7B9E2QrZtro4Z
Recipient: G2moZysTkpEtwPjQGbUFTXMc8N7BEWcjhh6yYpvuhnCW
error: invalid account data

Tutorials about start a private substrate network, Where the suri come from?

The tutorials about start a private substrate network.
It says:
This example uses the secret seed generated from the key subcommand
into the keystore. In this tutorial, the secret seed generated was
0x563d22ef5f00e589e07445a3ad88bb92efaa897d7f73a4543d9ac87476434e65, so
the --suri command-line option specifies that string to insert the key
into the keystore:
My wondering is where the suri come from? the article doesn't demo very clearly.
I log what I did:
$ ./target/release/node-template key generate --scheme Sr25519 --password-interactive
Key password: 123456
Secret phrase `raw glory squeeze allow demand erase ensure car hair dry tobacco mule` is account:
Secret seed: 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044 # use the string as next step's input, import to node01
Public key (hex): 0x780a4cd1e018e5433c061da3c28ad1ff33a59da6cd8b750a5a37f3e7fb69fc62
Public key (SS58): 5En6fQsu3ju9zo2PvwptfnZZWrrWWs9zsBt1WuF9U8TGNWFj
Account ID: 0x780a4cd1e018e5433c061da3c28ad1ff33a59da6cd8b750a5a37f3e7fb69fc62
SS58 Address: 5En6fQsu3ju9zo2PvwptfnZZWrrWWs9zsBt1WuF9U8TGNWFj #put this in the chain-spec file, aura.authorities
$ ./target/release/node-template key inspect --password-interactive --scheme Ed25519 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044
Key password: 123456
Secret Key URI `0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044` is account:
Secret seed: 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044
Public key (hex): 0x9c1726a7a0cca51dc506a06789b0781260e999ccafd687799c275a52916b1b01
Public key (SS58): 5FbNCp3ZHWzFGQkS1PRt9SPUs16zAHk1WhC2CWTQ97nsE2yk
Account ID: 0x9c1726a7a0cca51dc506a06789b0781260e999ccafd687799c275a52916b1b01
SS58 Address: 5FbNCp3ZHWzFGQkS1PRt9SPUs16zAHk1WhC2CWTQ97nsE2yk #put this in the chain-spec file, grandpa.authorities
$ ./target/release/node-template key generate --scheme Sr25519 --password-interactive
Key password: 123456
Secret phrase `caution evil word live concert suit cousin crisp tobacco lizard wheat banner` is account:
Secret seed: 0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8 # use the string as next step's input, import to node02
Public key (hex): 0xced1d44c697e75fd3c51096e869d204f9aec8620ab3422d3e81ec6870fe81c41
Public key (SS58): 5Gjt44znWzR8eu7fDH7cRey8KavbHQuoraD1a3ttYPsVpn75
Account ID: 0xced1d44c697e75fd3c51096e869d204f9aec8620ab3422d3e81ec6870fe81c41
SS58 Address: 5Gjt44znWzR8eu7fDH7cRey8KavbHQuoraD1a3ttYPsVpn75 #put this in the chain-spec file, aura.authorities
$ ./target/release/node-template key inspect --password-interactive --scheme Ed25519 0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8
Key password: 123456
Secret Key URI `0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8` is account:
Secret seed: 0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8
Public key (hex): 0x1d2259132f8ad2d6cb92ce397c97dfe86226708130c94ca3fa10651276de514f
Public key (SS58): 5CiuT1fKfVZGeok2T68g4zx1RCMCmZbHD7zFUrguLeiuCZ1g
Account ID: 0x1d2259132f8ad2d6cb92ce397c97dfe86226708130c94ca3fa10651276de514f
SS58 Address: 5CiuT1fKfVZGeok2T68g4zx1RCMCmZbHD7zFUrguLeiuCZ1g #put this in the chain-spec file, grandpa.authorities
./target/release/node-template key insert --base-path /tmp/node01 \
--chain customSpecRaw.json \
--suri 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044 \ # Secret seed
--password-interactive \
--key-type aura
./target/release/node-template key insert --base-path /tmp/node01 \
--chain customSpecRaw.json \
--suri 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044 \
--password-interactive \
--key-type gran
./target/release/node-template key insert --base-path /tmp/node02 \
--chain customSpecRaw.json \
--suri 0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8 \
--password-interactive \
--key-type aura
./target/release/node-template key insert --base-path /tmp/node02 \
--chain customSpecRaw.json \
--suri 0x52e547fc68fed1d7e97be6232434ccc51d9cfe1cc237820d9cf3a559dd2be6e8 \
--password-interactive \
--key-type gran
After import key to keystore
$ ls /tmp/node01/chains/local_testnet/keystore
61757261780a4cd1e018e5433c061da3c28ad1ff33a59da6cd8b750a5a37f3e7fb69fc62 6772616e780a4cd1e018e5433c061da3c28ad1ff33a59da6cd8b750a5a37f3e7fb69fc62
$ ls /tmp/node02/chains/local_testnet/keystore
61757261ced1d44c697e75fd3c51096e869d204f9aec8620ab3422d3e81ec6870fe81c41 6772616eced1d44c697e75fd3c51096e869d204f9aec8620ab3422d3e81ec6870fe81c41
I restart node1,node2, but The result is :
Idle (1 peers), best: #94 (0x8634…b5c9), finalized #0 (0x4f9a…68f0), ⬇ 40 B/s ⬆ 0.1kiB/s
finalized block number is always 0
I tried the old version of the topic start a private network, it use the subkey to generate the keys. It worked. but I failed when reference the new tutorial.
Where am I wrong?
Let me to post a correct answer:
$./target/release/node-template key insert --base-path /tmp/node01 \
--chain customSpecRaw.json \
--scheme ed25519 \
--suri 0xa80c9a2c2c96ac61a548a358c81aa07a519af00e7b3fc25f06761e2a5af42044 \
--password-interactive \
--key-type gran
when import grandpa key, add this: --scheme ed25519 .
after do this, It works.
Idle (1 peers), best: #95 (0xf51f…65a8), finalized #93 (0x072b…192a), ⬇ 0.5kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
please reference:
There are a section called Generate your own keys.
The Secret Seed is your suri
And here some nice script to insert the keys easily

Trying to set variable from while read loop header to var

I am trying to set a variable from my while loop to itself. I've looked around a lot and tested various methods but haven't been able to get anything to work.
while read ip port srv ban
rm -f certificate.crt #sterilizing
echo -e "$ban" | base64 -d | dos2unix | openssl x509 -inform d > certificate.crt
sleep .5
cert=$(openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout)
echo "$cert"
$ban = $cert
done < outfiles.txt
Here's what outfiles.txt looks like with a one line snippet. 443 X509 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
I'm trying to decode the cert, which I can do but I'm trying to replace (overwrite) the encoded certificate with the decoded certificate from the file I'm reading from on each line I go though by setting the $ban variable from while read ip port srv ban to the $cert variable.
So when looking at the outfiles.txt you should se 443 Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 1372799044 (0x51d34044) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., is incorporated by reference, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority Validity Not Before: Sep 22 17:14:57 2014 GMT Not After : Sep 23 01:31:53 2024 GMT Subject: C=US, O=Entrust, Inc., OU=See, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:ba:84:b6:72:db:9e:0c:6b:e2:99:e9:30:01:a7: 76:ea:32:b8:95:41:1a:c9:da:61:4e:58:72:cf:fe: f6:82:79:bf:73:61:06:0a:a5:27:d8:b3:5f:d3:45: 4e:1c:72:d6:4e:32:f2:72:8a:0f:f7:83:19:d0:6a: 80:80:00:45:1e:b0:c7:e7:9a:bf:12:57:27:1c:a3: 68:2f:0a:87:bd:6a:6b:0e:5e:65:f3:1c:77:d5:d4: 85:8d:70:21:b4:b3:32:e7:8b:a2:d5:86:39:02:b1: b8:d2:47:ce:e4:c9:49:c4:3b:a7:de:fb:54:7d:57: be:f0:e8:6e:c2:79:b2:3a:0b:55:e2:50:98:16:32: 13:5c:2f:78:56:c1:c2:94:b3:f2:5a:e4:27:9a:9f: 24:d7:c6:ec:d0:9b:25:82:e3:cc:c2:c4:45:c5:8c: 97:7a:06:6b:2a:11:9f:a9:0a:6e:48:3b:6f:db:d4: 11:19:42:f7:8f:07:bf:f5:53:5f:9c:3e:f4:17:2c: e6:69:ac:4e:32:4c:62:77:ea:b7:e8:e5:bb:34:bc: 19:8b:ae:9c:51:e7:b7:7e:b5:53:b1:33:22:e5:6d: cf:70:3c:1a:fa:e2:9b:67:b6:83:f4:8d:a5:af:62: 4c:4d:e0:58:ac:64:34:12:03:f8:b6:8d:94:63:24: a4:71 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: critical Certificate Sign, CRL Sign X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA:TRUE, pathlen:1 Authority Information Access: OCSP - URI: X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: Full Name: URI: X509v3 Certificate Policies: Policy: X509v3 Any Policy CPS: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 6A:72:26:7A:D0:1E:EF:7D:E7:3B:69:51:D4:6C:8D:9F:90:12:66:AB X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:68:90:E4:67:A4:A6:53:80:C7:86:66:A4:F1:F7:4B:43:FB:84:BD:6D Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 69:33:83:fc:28:7a:6f:7d:ef:9d:55:eb:c5:3e:7a:9d:75:b3: cc:c3:38:36:d9:34:a2:28:68:18:ea:1e:69:d3:bd:e7:d0:77: da:b8:00:83:4e:4a:cf:6f:d1:f1:c1:22:3f:74:e4:f7:98:49: 9e:9b:b6:9e:e1:db:98:77:2d:56:34:b1:a8:3c:d9:fd:c0:cd: c7:bf:05:03:d4:02:c5:f1:e5:c6:da:08:a5:13:c7:62:23:11: d1:61:30:1d:60:84:45:ef:79:a8:c6:26:93:a4:b7:cd:34:b8: 69:c5:13:f6:91:b3:c9:45:73:76:b6:92:f6:76:0a:5b:e1:03: 47:b7:e9:29:4c:91:32:23:37:4a:9c:35:d8:78:fd:1d:1f:e4: 83:89:24:80:ad:b7:f9:cf:e4:5d:a5:d4:71:c4:85:5b:70:1f: db:3f:1c:01:eb:1a:45:26:31:14:cc:65:bf:67:de:ca:cc:33: 65:e5:41:91:d7:37:be:41:1a:96:9d:e6:8a:97:9d:a7:ce:ac: 4e:9a:3d:bd:01:a0:6a:d9:4f:22:00:8b:44:d5:69:62:7b:2e: eb:cc:ba:e7:92:7d:69:67:3d:fc:b8:7c:de:41:87:d0:69:ea: ba:0a:18:7a:1a:95:43:b3:79:71:28:76:6d:a1:fb:57:4a:ec:
$ban = $cert
$ is only used to retrieve the value of a variable, not to set a variable.

Ansible keytool: command not found

I developed a task to simply execute a command on remote host:
- name: generate ssl
shell: ./
chdir: /tmp/example-pki-scripts
The file execute some scripts in order:
then when I deploy this task on a remote host the following error appears:
fatal: [efk1]: FAILED! => {
"changed": true,
"cmd": "./",
"delta": "0:00:00.213500",
"end": "2017-01-20 12:02:10.703895",
"failed": true,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"_raw_params": "./",
"_uses_shell": true,
"chdir": "/tmp/example-pki-scripts",
"creates": null,
"executable": null,
"removes": null,
"warn": true
"module_name": "command"
"rc": 127,
"start": "2017-01-20 12:02:10.490395",
"stderr": "Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key\n.+++\n.......+++\nwriting new private key to 'ca/root-ca/private/root-ca.key'\n-----\nUsing configuration from etc/root-ca.conf\nCheck that the request matches the signature\nSignature ok\nCertificate Details:\n Serial Number: 1 (0x1)\n Validity\n Not Before: Jan 20 11:02:10 2017 GMT\n Not After : Jan 20 11:02:10 2027 GMT\n Subject:\n domainComponent = com\n domainComponent = example\n organizationName = Example Com Inc.\n organizationalUnitName = Example Com Inc. Root CA\n commonName = Example Com Inc. Root CA\n X509v3 extensions:\n X509v3 Key Usage: critical\n Certificate Sign, CRL Sign\n X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical\n CA:TRUE\n X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: \n EB:DC:70:FA:90:59:4A:C3:09:E3:73:80:92:E0:EE:70:9A:77:48:62\n X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: \n keyid:EB:DC:70:FA:90:59:4A:C3:09:E3:73:80:92:E0:EE:70:9A:77:48:62\n\nCertificate is to be certified until Jan 20 11:02:10 2027 GMT (3652 days)\n\nWrite out database with 1 new entries\nData Base Updated\nGenerating a 2048 bit RSA private key\n..............................................................................+++\n......................+++\nwriting new private key to 'ca/signing-ca/private/signing-ca.key'\n-----\nUsing configuration from etc/root-ca.conf\nCheck that the request matches the signature\nSignature ok\nCertificate Details:\n Serial Number: 2 (0x2)\n Validity\n Not Before: Jan 20 11:02:10 2017 GMT\n Not After : Jan 20 11:02:10 2027 GMT\n Subject:\n domainComponent = com\n domainComponent = example\n organizationName = Example Com Inc.\n organizationalUnitName = Example Com Inc. Signing CA\n commonName = Example Com Inc. Signing CA\n X509v3 extensions:\n X509v3 Key Usage: critical\n Certificate Sign, CRL Sign\n X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical\n CA:TRUE, pathlen:0\n X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: \n 19:19:0A:28:78:33:A8:04:A9:5F:62:81:CA:3D:9F:8A:1F:97:00:6F\n X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: \n keyid:EB:DC:70:FA:90:59:4A:C3:09:E3:73:80:92:E0:EE:70:9A:77:48:62\n\nCertificate is to be certified until Jan 20 11:02:10 2027 GMT (3652 days)\n\nWrite out database with 1 new entries\nData Base Updated\n./ line 72: keytool: command not found",
"stdout": "Root CA generated\nSigning CA generated",
"stdout_lines": [
"Root CA generated",
"Signing CA generated"
"warnings": []
so as you cam see the problem is line 72: keytool: command not found, but when I execute the same script on the machine locally it generates ssl keys with no problem.
The exact line where ansible stucks is:
cat ca/root-ca.pem | keytool \
-import \
-v \
-keystore truststore.jks \
-storepass $TS_PASS \
-noprompt -alias root-ca-chain
Use full path to the keytool executable in your script.
Ansible uses non-interactive, non-login shell session and shells do not source the same rc files as for interactive/login sessions thus the value of PATH differs.
Other solutions include: specifying PATH manually in the environment delaraction, or wrapping the command in a call to bash.

GPG: secret key & check passphrase

How to check that GPG secret key does not contain passphrase?
I wouldn't like import this key.
I found solution:
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3("echo '\n\n\n\n\nsave' | gpg --command-fd 0 --homedir #{dir} --edit-key #{secret_key[:keyid]} passwd")
output =
if output =~ /.../
