Given an array A with all elements appearing twice except one element which appears only once. How do we find the element which appears only once in O(logn) time? Let's discuss two cases.
Array is always sorted and elements are in sequential order. Let's assume A = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6], we want to find 3 in log n time because it appears only once.
When the array is not sorted and the elements are not in sequential order.
I can only come up with a solution of using the XOR operator on the binary representation of the integers as explained Here, and at the end, the binary string will represent the element which appears only once because duplicates will cancel out. But it takes O(n) time. How can we do better than that?
using Haroon S' comment this is the solution which I think is correct, given the constraints for time.
class Solution:
def singleNonDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
low = 0
high = len(nums)-1
mid = (low+high)//2
# answer in second half
high = mid-1
# answer in first half
low = mid+1
return nums[low]
If the elements are sorted (i.e., the first case you mentioned) then I believe a strategy not unlike binary search could work in O(logN) time.
Starting from the left endpoint in a sorted array, until we encounter the unique element, all the index pairs (2i, 2i + 1) we encounter along the way will have the same value. (i.e., due to the array being sorted) However, as we go towards the right endpoint of the array, as soon as we consider an array that includes the unique element, that structure of "same values within (2i, 2i+1) index pairs" will be invalid.
Using that information, a search algorithm similar to binary search can find out in which half of the array the unique element is. Basically, you can deduce that, "in the left half of the array, if the values in the rightmost index pair (2i, 2i+1) are the same, then the unique value is in the right half". (i.e., with the exception of the last index on the left half-array being even; but you can overcome that case with various O(1) time operations)
The overall complexity then becomes O(logN), due to the halving of the array size at each step.
For the demonstration of the index notion I mentioned above, see your own example. In the left of the unique element(i.e. 3) all index pairs (2i, 2i+1) have the same values. And all subarrays starting from index 0 and ending with an index that is to the right of the unique element, all index pairs (2i, 2i+1) have a correspond to cells that contain different values.
Unless the array is sorted, though, since you'd have to investigate each and every element, I believe any algorithm you may come up with would take at least O(n) time. This is what I think will happen in the second case you mention in your question.
In the general case this is impossible, as to make sure an element doesn't repeat you need to check every other element.
From your example, it seems the array might be a sorted sequence of integers with no "gaps" (or some other clearly defined sequence, like all even numbers, etc). In this case it is possible with a modified binary search.
You have the array [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6].
You check the middle element and the element following it and see 3 and 4. Now you know there are only 5 elements from the set {1, 2, 3}, while there are 6 elements from the set {4, 5, 6}. Which means, the missing elements is in {1, 2, 3}.
Then you recurse on [1,1,2,2,3]. You see 2,2. Now you know there are 2 "1" elements and 1 "3" element, so 3 is the answer.
The reason you check 2 elements in each step is that if you see just "3", you don't know whether you hit the first 3 in "3,3" or the second one. But if you read 2 elements you always find a "boundary" between 2 different elements.
The condition for this to be viable is that, given the value of an element, you need to be able to calculate in O(1) how many different elements come before this element. In your case this is trivial, but it is also possible for any arithmetic series, geometric series (with fixed size numbers)...
This is not a O(log n) solution. I have no idea how to solve it in logarithmic time without the constraints that the array is sorted and we have a known difference between consecutive numbers so we can recognise when we are to the left or right of the singleton. The other solutions already deal with that special case and I couldn’t do better there either.
I have a suggestion that might solve the general case in O(n), rather than O(n log n) when you first sort the array. It’s not as fast as the xor solution, but it will also work for non-integers. The elements must have an order, so it is not completely general, but it will work anywhere you can sort the elements.
The idea is the same as the k’th order element algorithm based on Quicksort. You partition and recurse on one half of the array. The time recurrence is T(n) = T(n/2) + O(n) = O(n).
Given array x and indices i,j, representing sub-array x[i:j], partition with quicksort’s partitioning method. You want a variant that partitions x[i:j] into three segments, x[i:k] x[k:l], x[l:j] where all elements in the first part are smaller than the pivot (whatever it is) all elements in x[k:l] are equal to the pivot, and all elements in the last segment are greater than the pivot.
(you might be able to use a version that only partitions in two, or explicitly count the number of pivots, but with this version is easier to work with here)
Now, if the middle segment has length one, you have your singleton. It is the pivot.
If not, the length of the segment that has the singleton is odd while the other is even. So recurse on the segment with the odd length.
It doesn’t give you worst case linear time, for the same reason that Quicksort isn’t worst case log-linear, but you get an expected linear time algorithm and likely a fast one at that.
Not, of course, as fast as those solutions based on binary search, but here the elements do not need to be sorted and we can handle elements with arbitrary gaps between them. We are also not restricted to data where we can easily manipulate their bit-patterns. So it is more general. If you can compare the elements, this approach will find the singleton in O(n).
This solution will find the element in the array that appeared only once but there should not be more than one element of that type and the array should be sorted. This is Binary Search and will return the element in O(log n) time.
var singleNonDuplicate = function(nums) {
let s=0,e= nums.length-1
while(s < e){
let mid = Math.trunc(s+(e-s)/2)
if((mid%2 == 0&& nums[mid] ==nums[mid+1])||(mid%2==1 && nums[mid] == nums[mid-1]) ){
s= mid+1
e = mid
return nums[s] // can return nums[e] also
I don't believe there is a O(log n) solution for that. The reason is that in order to find which element is appearing only once, you at least need to iterate over the elements of that array once.
/ \
/ \
2(40) 5(10)
/ \ \
/ \ \
3(60) 4(80) 6(20)
/ \
/ \
7(30) 8(50)
This is for an online challenge (not live contest). I don't need someone to solve for me, just to push in right direction. Trying to learn.
Each node has a unique ID, no two people have same salary. Person #1 has salary $70, person #7 has $30 salary, for example. Tree structure denotes who supervises who. Question is who has kth lowest salary on a person's subordinates.
For example I choose person #2. Who is 2nd lowest among subordinates? #2's subordinates are 3, 4, 7, 8. 2nd lowest salary is $50 belonging to person #8.
There are many queries so structure to must be efficient.
I thought about this problem and researched data structures. Binary tree seems like a good idea but I need help.
For example I think ideal structure look like, for person #2:
/ \
/ \
7(30) 3(60)
/ \
/ \
8(50) 4(80)
Every child node is subordinate of #2, every left branch has lower salary than on right. If I store how many children at each node I can get kth lowest.
For example: From #2, left branch 1 node, right branch 3 nodes. So 2nd lowest - 1 means I now want 1st lowest in right branch.
Move to #3, 1st lowest points to #8 with $50 which is correct.
My question:
Is this approach as I describe it a good one? Is it a valid approach?
I am having trouble figuring out how to construct this kind of tree. I think I can make them recursively. But hard to figure out how to make all children into new tree sorted by salary. Need some light help.
Here's a solution that uses O(n log^2 n + q log n) time and O(n log^2 n) space (not the best on the latter count, but probably good enough given the limits).
Implement a purely functional sorted list (as an augmented binary search tree) with the following operations and some way to iterate.
EmptyList() -> returns the empty list
Insert(list, key) -> returns the list where |key| has been inserted into |list|
Length(list) -> returns the length of the list
Get(list, k) -> returns the element at index |k| in |list|
On top of these operations, implement an operation
Merge(list1, list2) -> returns the union of |list1| and |list2|
by inserting the elements of the shorter list into the longer.
Now do the obvious thing: traverse the employee hierarchy from leaves to root, setting the ordered list for each employee to the appropriate merge of her subordinate lists, and answer the queries.
Analysis (sketch)
Each query takes O(log n) time. The interesting part of the analysis pertains to the preprocessing.
The cost of preprocessing is dominated by the cost of calling Insert(), specifically from Merge(), since there are n other insertions. Each insertion takes O(log n) time and costs O(log n) space (measuring in words).
What keeps the preprocessing from being quadratic is an implicit heavy path decomposition. Every time we merge two lists, neither list is merged subsequently. Since the shorter list is inserted into the longer, every time a key is inserted into a list, that list is at least twice as long as the list into which that key was previously inserted. It follows that each key is the subject of at most lg n insertions, which suffices to establish a bound of O(n log n) insertions overall and thus the claimed resource bounds.
Here is one possible solution. For each node, we will construct an array of all children's values of that node and keep this in sorted order. The result we are looking for is a dictionary of the form
{ 1 : [10, 20, 30, 40, 60 80],
2 : [30, 50, 60, 80]
Once we have this, to query for any node for the ith lowest salary, just take the ith element of the array. The total time to do all the queries is O( q ) where q is the number of queries.
How do we construct this? Assuming you have a pointer to the root node, you can recursively construct the sorted salaries for each child. Store those values in the result. Make a copy of each child's array, and insert each child's salary into the child's copied array. Use binary search to find the position, since each array is sorted. Now you have k sorted arrays, you merge them to get a sorted array. If you are merging two arrays, this can be done in linear time. Simply loop, picking the first element of the array that is smaller each time.
For the case where each node has 2 children, merging the two children's arrays is O(n) tine. Inserting the salaries of each node to its corresponding array is O(log(n)) per node since we use binary search. Copying the children array is O(n), and there are n nodes, so we have O(n^2) total time for pre-processing.
Total run time is O(n^2 + q)
What if we can not assume each node has at most 2 children? Then to merge the arrays, use this algorithm. This runs in O(nlog(k)) where k is the number of arrays to merge, since we pop from the heap once per element, and resizing the heap takes O(log(k)) when there are k arrays. k<=n so we can simplify this to O(nlog(n)). So the total running time is unchanged.
The space complexity of this solution is O(n^2).
The question has two parts: first, finding the specified person, and then finding the kth subordinate.
Since the tree is not ordered by id, to find the specified perspn by id requires walking the whole tree until the specified id is found. To speed up this part, we can builda hash map that would allow us to find the person node by id in O(1) time and require O(n) space and set-up time.
Then, to find the subordinate with the kth lowest salary, we need to search the subtree. Since its not ordered by salary, we would have to scan the whole subtree and find the kth lowest salary. This could be done using an array or a heap (putting the subtree nodes into array or heap). This second part would O(m log k) time using the heap to keep the lowest k items, where m is the number of sub-ordinates, and require O(k) space. This should be acceptable if m (number of subordinates of specified person), and k are small.
I came across an algorithmic puzzle as following:
Given an array of events in the form of (name, start time, end time)
(a, 1, 6)
(b, 2, 4)
(c, 7, 8)
The events are sorted based on their start time. I was asked to transform the event into another form (name, time),
(a, 1)
(b, 2)
(b, 4)
(a, 6)
(c, 7)
(c, 8)
Notice that each event is now broken into two events, and they are required to be sorted by time.
The most naive way is O(n log n), and I thought of several other ways, but non of them is faster than O(n log n).
Anybody know the most time and space efficient way of solving this?
Sweep time from beginning to end, maintaining a priority queue of the end times of active events, whose top element is compared repeatedly to the begin time of the next event. This is O(n log k), where k is the maximum number of simultaneous events, with extra space usage of O(k) on top of the input and output. I implemented something similar in C++ for this answer: .
This can be proven to be just as time consuming as regular sorting.
For example, suppose I want to sort N positive numbers. I could convert that to this problem of sorting N tuples of the form (a1, 0, num1), (a2, 0, num2), ..., (aN, 0, numN). This would yield a sorted result (a1, 0), (a2, 0), ..., (aN, 0), (aSorted1, numSorted1), ..., (aSortedN, numSortedN). Hence we would get {numSorted1, ..., numSortedN}. It is proven that the last sort should take at least O(N*Log(N)), so you can't get any better than that in the general case.
However, if you say that the start times are unique, there may be some other optimizations to the problem.
EDIT: We are using additional space of O(N) here but I think there can be an argument made with that case. However it is not as rigorous an answer though.
Really efficient implementation depends on some limitation, applied to your data.
But, in general, following method can sort your list for O(N), and memory 2N:
1. Create struct like:
struct data {
int timestamp; // Event timestamp
int orig_index; // Index of original event in the input array
2. Copy data from the input array into array of structures [1].
Each original event is copied into two structs "data". This is O(N).
3. Sort resulting array with RadixSort, by field "timestamp".
This is again O(N):
4. Create output array, and restore names from original array by
index "orig_index", if needed. Again O(N).
No algorithm is more time efficient, since the sorting problem, which has a tight lower bound of omega(nlogn) is reducible to this problem (to sort an array, pick any group of start times etc.)
As for space complexity, Heapsort, which uses O(1) auxillary space and O(nlogn) time, is probably the best worst-case algorithm.
Suppose I have a list of elements like [5, 3, 1, 2, 4], and I want to compare two elements by position. Whichever comes first in the list is greater, or true. So:
compare(5, 3) # true
compare(2, 1) # false
compare(3, 4) # true
How can I do that in constant time? One way I thought of doing this was using maps, where the key is the element and the value is the position in the list:
order = {5: 0, 3: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 4: 4}
Then we have amortized O(1) time, but this will be O(N) space. Does anyone have a more elegant solution?
Your map idea looks pretty good. The fact that a map is O(N) for memory shouldn't be a problem, because you can't get less than O(N) unless you use compression techniques (a list is O(N) as well).
Also, since the map stores the indices of each element, you could forget about the original list, and just use the map. That is, unless you need the list for some reason. Even if you need to insert an element into the middle (say at position 3), you can update the map in linear time just by iterating over the element and incrementing the necessary indices.
So, the map looks to be just as efficient a solution as the list for basic operations, with the added awesomeness of an O(1) compare function. As for elegance, the map is pretty hard to beat since it doens't require any extra work beyond what's described here.
If you have to start from a list and you are only doing the operation a few times, use:
def compare(ls, n1, n2):
return ls.index(n1) > ls.index(n2)
If you can choose the representation beforehand, or if you will need to do this many times with the same list, do what you did with the dictionary.
Remember also that the list uses O(N) space, so the addition of O(N) space of the dictionary is no big deal.
correction: the compare function above will take O(1) time, because accesses in python take O(1) time, see
I have n sorted lists (5 < n < 300). These lists are quite long (300000+ tuples). Selecting the top k of the individual lists is of course trivial - they are right at the head of the lists.
Example for k = 2:
top2 (L1: [ 'a': 10, 'b': 4, 'c':3 ]) = ['a':10 'b':4]
top2 (L2: [ 'c': 5, 'b': 2, 'a':0 ]) = ['c':5 'b':2]
Where it gets more interesting is when I want the combined top k across all the sorted lists.
top2(L1+L2) = ['a':10, 'c':8]
Just combining of the top k of the individual list would not necessarily gives the correct results:
top2(top2(L1)+top2(L2)) = ['a':10, 'b':6]
The goal is to reduce the required space and keep the sorted lists small.
top2(topX(L1)+topX(L2)) = ['a':10, 'c':8]
The question is whether there is an algorithm to calculate the combined top k having the correct order while cutting off the long tail of the lists at a certain position. And if there is: How does one find the limit X where is is safe to cut?
Note: Correct counts are not important. Only the order is.
top2(magic([L1,L2])) = ['a', 'c']
This algorithm uses O(U) memory where U is the number of unique keys. I doubt a lower memory bounds can be achieved because it is impossible to tell which keys can be discarded until all the keys have been summed.
Make a master list of (key:total_count) tuples. Simply run through each list one item at a time, keeping a tally of how many times each key has been seen.
Use any top-k selection algorithm on the master list that does not use additional memory. One simple solution is to sort the list in place.
If I understand your question correctly, the correct output is the top 10 items, irrespective of the list from which each came. If that's correct, then start with the first 10 items in each list will allow you to generate the correct output (if you only want unique items in the output, but the inputs might contain duplicates, then you need 10 unique items in each list).
In the most extreme case, all the top items come from one list, and all items from the other lists are ignored. In this case, having 10 items in the one list will be sufficient to produce the correct result.
Associate an index with each of your n lists. Set it to point to the first element in each case.
Create a list-of-lists, and sort it by the indexed elements.
The indexed item on the top list in your list-of-lists is your first element.
Increment the index for the topmost list and remove that list from the list-of-lists and re-insert it based on the new value of its indexed element.
The indexed item on the top list in your list-of-lists is your next element
Goto 4 and repeat until done.
You didn't specify how many lists you have. If n is small, then step 4 can be done very simply (just re-sort the lists). As n grows you may want to think about more efficient ways to resort and almost-sorted list-of-lists.
I did not understand if an 'a' appears in two lists, their counts must be combined. Here is a new memory-efficient algorithm:
(New) Algorithm:
(Re-)sort each list by ID (not by count). To release memory, the list can be written back to disk. Only enough memory for the longest list is required.
Get the next lowest unprocessed ID and find the total count across all lists.
Insert the ID into a priority queue of k nodes. Use the total count as the node's priority (not the ID). This priority queue drops the lowest node if more than k nodes are inserted.
Go to step 2 until all ID's have been exhausted.
Analysis: This algorithm can be implemented using only O(k) additional memory to store the min-heap. It makes several trade-offs to accomplish this:
The lists are sorted by ID in place; the original orderings by counts are lost. Otherwise O(U) additional memory is required to make a master list with ID: total_count tuples where U is number of unique ID's.
The next lowest ID is found in O(n) time by checking the first tuple of each list. This is repeated U times where U is the number of unique ID's. This might be improved by using a min-heap to track the next lowest ID. This would require O(n) additional memory (and may not be faster in all cases).
Note: This algorithm assumes ID's can be quickly compared. String comparisons are not trivial. I suggest hashing string ID's to integers. They do not have to be unique hashes, but collisions must be checked so all ID's are properly sorted/compared. Of course, this would add to the memory/time complexity.
The perfect solution requires all tuples to be inspected at least once.
However, it is possible to get close to the perfect solution without inspecting every tuple. Discarding the "long tail" introduces a margin of error. You can use some type of heuristic to calculate when the margin of error is acceptable.
For example, if there are n=100 sorted lists and you have inspected down each list until the count is 2, the most the total count for a key could increase by is 200.
I suggest taking an iterative approach:
Tally each list until a certain lower count threshold L is reached.
Lower L to include more tuples.
Add the new tuples to the counts tallied so far.
Go to step 2 until lowering L does not change the top k counts by more than a certain percentage.
This algorithm assumes the counts for the top k keys will approach a certain value the further long tail is traversed. You can use other heuristics instead of the certain percentage like number of new keys in the top k, how much the top k keys were shuffled, etc...
There is a sane way to implement this through mapreduce:
In general, I think you are in trouble. Imagine the following lists:
['a':100, 'b':99, ...]
['c':90, 'd':89, ..., 'b':2]
and you have k=1 (i.e. you want only the top one). 'b' is the right answer, but you need to look all the way down to the end of the second list to realize that 'b' beats 'a'.
If you have the right distribution (long, low count tails), you might be able to do better. Let's keep with k=1 for now to make our lives easier.
The basic algorithm is to keep a hash map of the keys you've seen so far and their associated totals. Walk down the lists processing elements and updating your map.
The key observation is that a key can gain in count by at most the sum of the counts at the current processing point of each list (call that sum S). So on each step, you can prune from your hash map any keys whose total is more than S below your current maximum count element. (I'm not sure what data structure you would need to prune as you need to look up keys given a range of counts - maybe a priority queue?)
When your hash map has only one element in it, and its count is at least S, then you can stop processing the lists and return that element as the answer. If your count distribution plays nice, this early exit may actually trigger so you don't have to process all of the lists.