Visual Studio Icon on bottom of web page in Dev mode - Why? And how to make it go away? - visual-studio

I'm running Visual Studio 16.9.3 This morning when doing web development, I noticed an odd change. On one of my web pages when running in debug mode, there was a Visual Studio icon in the lower left corner of the page that I have never seen before. See below:
Clicking the icon opens this context menu:
If I select the "Enable Inspector" menu choice then in the lower right corner of the Visual Studio window this is displayed:
However nothing else happens and that message never goes away.
What is this feature? What is it suppose to do? And how can I make it go away an not display and icon on my web page while doing development?

That menu is from the Web Live Preview extension, which is currently in preview. You can read a little more about it here or see a video with more recent details here.
I'm not sure how it suddenly became enabled for you in 16.9 (that should only happen if you install the extension from the marketplace), but you can disable it by clicking on Close from the menu and choosing the option appropriate for you.
That said, we'd also appreciate if you used the various feedback mechanisms mentioned in the links above or in VS itself to let us know some more details of your setup so we could get to the bottom of why it is stuck on Generating Logical Tree... for you. We'd rather it be useful so you don't want to turn it off!


Visual Studio 2013 navigation bar lost

I recently moved up from MSVS2010 to 2013.
Until now, I was loving 2013... However, I locked my PC and went to make coffee - upon my return, my navigation bar had randomly disappeared!
I'm not sure if what I mean is actually called the "Navigation bar" - by this, I mean the drop-down list in the top right corner that allows you to jump between functions/subroutines etc. really easily.
I saw this post which mentioned changing the setting in options (the navigation bar option is checked in my options). It also mentions that MSVS2013 has a bug that removes the bar when using an external monitor on the left of your native monitor, this is the case for me - but I have disconnected the monitor, restarted my PC and tried again - no joy!
The image below shows where the bar normally goes, forgive my crude censorship.
Any help is more than welcome, thanks.

Visual Studio 2013: How to send app to second monitor upon finishing build?

This question is solely about workflow in VS2013. In VS2012, when I would build my app, VS would display the app on the second monitor attached to my system. This was nice because I could see my IDE while I interacted with the app. However, in VS2013, the app always just displays over the IDE, so I have "move it out of the way" just to get back to the code. I would like VS2013 behavior to match that found in VS2012. Is there a setting in the IDE that I can switch on to ensure the app displays on the second monitor?
I did find another question on SO about this regarding VS2012, but the solution there does not work for Win8.1 using VS2013. Is there an option for this?
it's not exactly the answer to your question - garaber has already addressed that - but also useful in this context is that you can move a window to a different display using the keyboard -
windows-shift-left arrow
windows-shift-right arrow
fast, easy way to move a window to an adjacent display (either to the right or the left)
should have noted that this is not confined to visual studio - this is a feature introduced with windows 7 and works with any window.
Here's a couple of good links that will show you how to do what you're wanting:
Save and restore form position and size
Restoring window size and position with multiple monitors
You can also change your principal screen, and it works :
In, Screen Resolution : set your second screen as a principal screen.

How to make Firefox debugger run in a separate window/tab?

I do wonder if it's possible to open the Firefox's (I have 18.0.1) debugger in a new window/tab as right now the debugger's pane is too small at the bottom of the page.
Ok, I've made a few screenshots to show that Firefox does have a debugger on its own:
Current Firefox nightlies have a little two-window icon next to the 'x' in the debugger toolbar that tears it off into a separate window, but that might not be present in 18 yet...
If you mean Firebug, these directions should be sufficient.
Click on the Firebug launch icon so the hidden submenu appears.
Hover over "Firebug UI Location"
Select "Detached"
Ok I see... you are using the Firefox built in Developer Tools and not Firebug.
So as far as I understand, there seems to be no way to run the JavaScript Debugger on a separate window for non-remote work. Here is a statement directly from the JS Debugger docs:
The JavaScript debugger is available in two varieties: one for
debugging content running directly in Firefox, and another that lets
you debug code running on a Firefox OS device, or in Firefox on an
Android device. The main difference between the two is that the Remote
Debugger runs in its own window, while the web content debugger runs
in the same tab as the Web content you're debugging.
Also here is a link to the Debugger's docs:
Why do you think that the Debugger view is too small? If you hover over the top bar, you can drag it up/down as much as you need to. Aslo are you sure that the JavaScript Debugger is what you're trying to use? For example Firefox has other tools as well. The "More Tools" link shows other built in tools as well - all these tools together are called the "Developer Tools". Here is a link to all of their docs:
I hope this makes more sense now!

VS2010 editing XAML files is unresponsive to mouse clicks

I'm wondering whether other users of VS2010 are experiencing the same problems as me.
I find I have to restart VS several times a day after the XAML editor becomes unresponsive to mouse clicks. I've tried submitting a Connect issue but got nowhere with that.
My environment is:
Quad core machine runing Vista 64 with 8GB RAM.
VS2010 SP1 - had the same problems with VS2010.
ReSharper 5.1.3
Editing Silverlight XAML files - I have the split screen with preview at the top and the XAML at the bottom. After some time of working, if I click in the XAML the carret doesn't move to the clicked position. Other parts of VS are unresponsive to mouse clicks as well. Basically I have to shut down VS and restart.
Of course, this is difficult to reproduce - it generally only happens after several hours of running.
Anybody got any ideas on how to fix this, or better bring it to Microsoft's attention?
Here's the link the the Microsoft Connect item I entered.
This is a very common problem, you should check out some other references, but a few thigns you can do are;
Replace the XAML editor with something else (Blend maybe)
Right click on a XAML file, goto "Open With" then select an alternative editor and also select the set as default option.
Open the XAML editor in Full screen source mode by default. This will bypass a lot of the design time compilation's
Close other windows, in visual studio when your editing the XAML, perticularly the properties display. I've found that this window frequently queries the design time model of your code to display properties and such (if you dont want them triggering all the time, close the window and that thread will be idle).
Good Luck!
I've had similar issues where the mouse stops responding on certain windows when resharper is running. The only solutions I've found so far are:
Hit the ALT key (discovered the mouse becomes active after this, but you have to keep hitting it every time you switch windows)
Restart visual studio
Disable resharper
This is essentially a Vista 64 problem but ReSharper exacerbates the problem through large memory use. Upgrading to Windows 7 64 bit solves the problem.

Customizing dockable windows in Visual Studio

When developing on a system with dual monitors, I like to make the most of the extra space by stretching Visual Studio across both. It is fantastic to be able to see the Output, Breakpoints, Error List, Object Browser, and ReSharper windows at the same time without having to make them tiny and dock them in the main window, which leaves less space for code.
I place the main VS window on one monitor with the tabbed document and Solution Explorer windows. Any other windows I want to display are placed on the second monitor and docked together. The only problem I encounter with this method is that the main tabbed document window with the VS menu bar is the only window that can be maximized. The additional windows such as Solution Explorer, Breakpoints and Error List can only be stretched, docked or closed. I often go through the tedious work of selecting and laying out secondary windows only to have that layout be erased when I close VS.
Does anyone know of a VS add-in that gives you a window that (1) is maximizable, and (2) other windows can be docked in (ReSharper only does 2) ? Barring that, does anyone know of a good resource to learn how to develop VS add-ins? I am keen to do so myself if necessary.
I don't know of either of your suggestions, although I would also love to see better multiple-monitor support in VS. What I have done, though, is saved various window layouts (Tools > Import and Export Settings, and check only Window Layout) so that I can switch easily when I feel like it.
