rinohtype export to PDF - document header with chapter name and title - python-sphinx

I'd like to define and style header as shown on the picture - the light part contains chapter name, document title is in the dark one.
Now I can only have the light grey section with text aligned to the right.
How can I define header style to achieve this? Also how can I insert those squares into the layout?

I'd like to define and style header as shown on the picture - the light part contains chapter name, document title is in the dark one.
Unfortunately, this functionality is not yet documented well. Here are the steps necessary to obtain this:
Set a custom template configuration in conf.py if you haven't done so yet
rinoh_documents = [dict(doc='index', target='manual', template='my_template.rtt')]
Define the page header content in the template configuration (my_template.rtt)
name = My Template
template = article
stylesheet = my_stylesheet.rts
header_text = '\t' '{SECTION_TITLE(1)}' (header section title)
'\t' '{DOCUMENT_TITLE}' (header document title)
Style the header text and adjust the tab stop positions and alignment in the style sheet (my_stylesheet.rts)
name = My Style Sheet
base = sphinx_article
tab_stops=12cm RIGHT, 100% RIGHT
[header section title : StyledText('header section title')]
base = default
font_weight = bold
[header document title : StyledText('header document title')]
base = header section title
font_slant = italic
Also how can I insert those squares (in front of the text) into the layout?
For black squares, you can insert a unicode character, for example the aptly named BLACK SQUARE character using python-style escape sequences or simply pasting the character into the template configuration:
header_text = '\t' '\N{BLACK SQUARE} {SECTION_TITLE(1)}' (header section title)
'\t' '■' (header square) ' {DOCUMENT_TITLE}' (header document title)
As you can see, you an style the square differently (e.g. larger font).
You can also use inline images, if unicode (or the font) doesn't cover your needs:
header_text = '\t' IMAGE('img/square.png', scale=0.3) ' {SECTION_TITLE(1)}' (header section title)
'\t' IMAGE('img/circle.png', scale=0.3) '{DOCUMENT_TITLE}' (header document title)
Also how can I insert those squares into the layout? Adding a background for the page headers
You can set a background image on the page template in your template configuration. You can draw this in a vector drawing application such as Inkscape and export it to PDF.
background='img/contents_background.pdf' scale=fill
You can adjust the placement of the header text by adjusting the margins and header_footer_distance in the page template configuration and .


RinohType sphinx customize the styles in PDF

I am using RinohType for generating my RST files to PDF.
I am trying to understand how to provide custom styles in the PDF for my logo and other elements.
I somehow felt the explanation in the Default matcher doesn't provide examples on how to do this.
rinoh_documents = [dict(doc='index', # top-level file (index.rst)
name = my article configuration
template = article
stylesheet = my_stylesheet.rts
parts =
language = fr
abstract_location = title
contents = 'Contents'
caution = 'Careful!'
warning = 'Please be warned'
paper_size = A5
page_number_format = lowercase roman
end_at_page = left
page_number_format = number
top_margin = 2cm
Here I am trying to change the width of my logo in the PDF.
What is the correct way to give the css properties here.
width: 100px
The default matcher defines the title page logo style. To adjust the style of this element, you can create a style sheet that builds upon the default sphinx style sheet and tweak the title page logo style:
name=My Style Sheet
description=My tweaks to the Sphinx style sheet
[title page logo]
width = 4cm
This style accepts the FlowableStyle style attributes. In the linked documentation, you can see the width attribute supports a bunch of units but not px.
Please stay tuned for better documentation. Something is actually happening in that area!
P.S. If you want to make more changes to the styling of your document, the style log can be very useful to find out which style name corresponds to a particular document element.

PDFClown Copy annotations and then manipulate them

I have the need to copy annotations from one PDF File to another. I have used the excellent PDFClown library but unable to manipulate things like color,rotation etc. Is this possible? I can see the baseobject information but also unsure how to manipulate that directly.
I can copy the appearance via cloning appearance but can't "edit" it.
Thanks in advance.
P.S If Stephano the author is listeing ,is project dead?
On annotations in general and Callout annotations in particular
I looked into it a bit, and I'm afraid there is not much you can deterministically manipulate for arbitrary inputs using high level methods. The reason is that there are numerous alternative ways to set the appearance of a Callout annotation and PDF Clown only supports the less prioritized ways with explicit high level methods. From high priority downwards
An explicit appearance in an AP stream. If it is given, it is used, ignoring whether this appearance looks like a Callout annotation at all, let alone like one defined by the other Callout properties.
PDF Clown does not create an appearance for callout annotations from the other values yet, let alone update existing appearances to follow up to some specific attribute (e.g. Color) change. For ISO 32000-2 support, PDF Clown here will have to improve as appearance streams have become mandatory.
If it exists, you can retrieve the appearance using getAppearance() but you only get a FormXObject with its low level drawing instructions, nothing Callout specific.
One thing you can manipulate quite easily given a FormXObject, though, you can rotate or skew the appearance quite easily by setting its Matrix accordingly, e.g.
annotation.getAppearance().getNormal().get(null).setMatrix(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(100, 10));
A rich text string in the RC string or stream. Unless an appearance is given, the text in the Callout text box is generated from this rich text datum (rich text here uses a XHTML 1.0 subset for formatting).
PDF Clown does not create a rich text representation of the Callout text yet, let alone update existing ones to follow up to some specific attribute (e.g. Color) change..
If it exists, you can retrieve the rich text by low level access using getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.RC), change this string or stream, and set it again using getBaseDataObject().put(PdfName.RC, ...). Similarly you can retrieve, manipulate, and set the rich text default style string using its name PdfName.DS instead.
A number of different settings for separate aspects used to build the Callout from in the absence of appearance stream and (as far as the text content is concerned) rich text string.
PDF Clown supports (many of) these attributes, in particular if you cast the cloned annotation to StaticNote, e.g. the opacity CA using get/set/withAlpha, the border Border / BS using get/set/withBorder, the background color C using get/set/withColor, ...
It by the way has an error in its line ending style LE support: Apparently the code for the Line annotation LE property was copied without checking; unfortunately that attribute there follows a different syntax...
Your tasks
Concerning the attributes you stated you want to change, therefore,
Rotation: There is no rotation attribute in the Callout annotation per se (other than the flag whether or not to follow the page rotation). Thus, you cannot set a rotation as a simple annotation attribute. If the source annotation does have an appearance stream, though, you can manipulate its Matrix to rotate it inside the annotation rectangle, see above.
Border color and font: If your Callout has an appearance stream, you can try and parse its content using a ContentScanner and manipulate color and font setting operations. Otherwise, if rich text information is set, for the font you can try and parse the rich text using some XML parser and manipulate font style attributes. Otherwise, you can parse the default appearance DA string and manipulate its font and color setting instructions.
Some example code
I created a file with an example Callout annotation using Adobe Acrobat: Callout-Yellow.pdf. It contains an appearance stream, rich text, and simple attributes, so one can use this file for example manipulations at different levels.
The I applied this code to it with different values for keepAppearanceStream and keepRichText (you didn't mention whether you used PDF Clown for Java or .Net; so I chose Java; a port to .Net should be trivial, though...):
boolean keepAppearanceStream = ...;
boolean keepRichText = ...;
try ( InputStream sourceResource = GET_STREAM_FOR("Callout-Yellow.pdf");
InputStream targetResource = GET_STREAM_FOR("test123.pdf");
org.pdfclown.files.File sourceFile = new org.pdfclown.files.File(sourceResource);
org.pdfclown.files.File targetFile = new org.pdfclown.files.File(targetResource); ) {
Document sourceDoc = sourceFile.getDocument();
Page sourcePage = sourceDoc.getPages().get(0);
Annotation<?> sourceAnnotation = sourcePage.getAnnotations().get(0);
Document targetDoc = targetFile.getDocument();
Page targetPage = targetDoc.getPages().get(0);
StaticNote targetAnnotation = (StaticNote) sourceAnnotation.clone(targetDoc);
if (keepAppearanceStream) {
// changing properties of an appearance
// rotating the appearance in the appearance rectangle
targetAnnotation.getAppearance().getNormal().get(null).setMatrix(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(100, 10));
} else {
// removing the appearance to allow lower level properties changes
// changing text background color
targetAnnotation.setColor(new DeviceRGBColor(0, 0, 1));
if (keepRichText) {
// changing rich text properties
PdfString richText = (PdfString) targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.RC);
String richTextString = richText.getStringValue();
// replacing the font family
richTextString = richTextString.replaceAll("font-family:Helvetica", "font-family:Courier");
richText = new PdfString(richTextString);
targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().put(PdfName.RC, richText);
} else {
// changing default appearance properties
PdfString defaultAppearance = (PdfString) targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.DA);
String defaultAppearanceString = defaultAppearance.getStringValue();
// replacing the font
defaultAppearanceString = defaultAppearanceString.replaceFirst("Helv", "HeBo");
// replacing the text and line color
defaultAppearanceString = defaultAppearanceString.replaceFirst(". . . rg", ".5 g");
defaultAppearance = new PdfString(defaultAppearanceString);
targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().put(PdfName.DA, defaultAppearance);
// changing the text value
PdfString contents = (PdfString) targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.Contents);
String contentsString = contents.getStringValue();
contentsString = contentsString.replaceFirst("text", "text line");
contents = new PdfString(contentsString);
targetAnnotation.getBaseDataObject().put(PdfName.Contents, contents);
// change the line width and style
targetAnnotation.setBorder(new Border(0, new LineDash(new double[] {3, 2})));
targetFile.save(new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "test123-withCalloutCopy.pdf"), SerializationModeEnum.Standard);
(CopyCallOut test testCopyCallout)
Beware, the code only has proof-of-concept quality: For arbitrary PDFs you cannot simply expect a string replace of "font-family:Helvetica" by "font-family:Courier" or "Helv" by "HeBo" or ". . . rg" by ".5 g" to do the job: fonts can be given using different style attributes or names, and different coloring instructions may be used.
Screenshots in Adobe
The original file:
keepAppearanceStream = true:
keepAppearanceStream = false and keepRichText = true:
keepAppearanceStream = false and keepRichText = false:
As a post commment Mkl
Your great advice is really helpful for when creating new annotations. I did apply the following as a method of "copying" an existing annotation where note is the "cloned" annotation ad baseAnnotation the source
foreach (PdfName t in baseAnnotation.BaseDataObject.Keys)
if (t.Equals(PdfName.DA) || t.Equals(PdfName.DS) || t.Equals(PdfName.RC) || t.Equals(PdfName.Rotate))
note.BaseDataObject[t] = baseAnnotation.BaseDataObject[t];
Thanks again

Multi-line headers for TTabSheet?

I have a TPageControl with several tabs. On one page, the header is a bit too long and appears clipped on a single line. Is it possible to have the tab header be multi-line (ie. like the WordWrap property on buttons)?
In the image below the caption has been set to "This text is too long to fit onto one row". Ideally, this should appear on two rows:
This text is too long to fit
onto one row
For the example below I have set:
TabWidth := 185;
TabHeight := 60;
* EDIT *
The example above does not apply any theme. When a skin is applied (in this case the 3rd party product VCLSkin) and I insert a newline character at runtime, then it works:
Product_Sheet.Caption := (
'This text is too long' + #13#10 + 'to fit onto one row');
Based on the comments below, this suggests that in the absence of a skin, this will need to be custom-drawn.

Pango select multiples fonts

I have three fonts i want to use in my software with pango:
Font1: latin, Cryllic characters
Font2: Korean characters
Font3: Japanese characters
Pango render the text correctly but i want select a font
There any way to indicate this preference pango font?
I use: linux and pango 1.29
The simplest way is to use PangoMarkup to set the fonts you want:
// See documentation for Pango markup for details
char *pszMarkup = "<span face=\"{font family name goes here}\">"
"{text requiring font goes here}"
"</span>"; // Split for clarity
char *pszText; // Pointer for text without markup tags
PangoAttrList *pAttr; // Attribute list - will be populated with tag info
pango_parse_markup (pszMarkup, -1, 0, &attr_list, &pszText, NULL, NULL);
You now have a buffer of regular text and an attribute list. If you want to set these up by hand (without going through the parser), you will need one PangoAttribute per instance of the font and set PangoAttribute.start_index and PangoAttribute.end_index by hand.
However you get them, you now give them to a PangoLayout:
// pWidget is the windowed widget in which the text is displayed:
PangoContext *pCtxt = gtk_widget_get_pango_context (pWidget);
PangoLayout *pLayout = pango_layout_new (pCtxt);
pango_layout_set_attributes(pLayout, pAttr);
pango_layout_set_text (pLayout, pszText, -1);
That's it. Use pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, pLayout) to display the results. The setup only needs changing when the content changes - it maintains the values across draw signals.

Wrong paragraph order in PDF by iTextSharp

I am trying to generate a PDF using iTextSharp.
It will consists of a number of images, each with a heading preceding it. But when I generate the PDF, the order of the elements is not preserved - multiple headings are grouped together etc.
I am wrapping the header and image in a single paragraph as follows:
' Create paragraph and heading
Dim paragraph As New iTextSharp.text.Paragraph()
Dim heading As New iTextSharp.text.Chunk("Image title" & vbNewLine, pdfHeadingFont)
' Create image from Chart
Dim image = GetPdfImage(Me.chtMain)
Dim width = iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Width - pdfDocument.LeftMargin - pdfDocument.RightMargin
Dim height = iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Height - pdfDocument.TopMargin - pdfDocument.BottomMargin
image.Alignment = image.ALIGN_CENTER Or image.TEXTWRAP
image.ScaleToFit(width, height)
' Add heading and image to paragraph
' Add paragraph to document
Why are the image and heading not placed together in the PDF? Could I be doing this in some other way?
Thank you,
Figured it out, thanks to this question.
Apparently, setting PdfWriter.StrictImageSequence = true resolves this issue.
iTextSharp "optimizes" your document by trying to fit as many paragraphs as possible on every single page - regardless of order.
