Linq to sql, query many-to-many with count of other - linq

I have a many-to-many relation and I'm trying to create the query which will fetch me the left side and a property which counts the number of records which are refferecend by it.
following is my query
var dbSet = await (from user in _dbContext.Users
where (from courseUsers in _dbContext.CourseUsers select courseUsers.UserId).Contains(user.Id)
select new
Name = user.Name,
Id = user.Id,
CourseUsersCount = _dbContext.CourseUsers.Where(item => item.UserId == user.Id).Count()
What I don't like is how CourseUsersCount is computed. I would also like to include the total count property and the way I would do it is to add another property on the select which would just do a count over the _dbContext.CourseUsers and after that do another in-memory transformation.
I the end I would like a result with this structure to be created
count: 1000,
data: [{
Id: 1,
Name: "c",
CourseUsersCount: 2
and I want to know how can I do this directly using linq-to-sql.

As mentioned in comments you have to use GroupBy for such calculation:
var query
from user in _dbContext.Users
from courseUsers in user.Courses
group user by new { user.Id, user.Name } into g
select new
CourseUsersCount = g.Count()

You need a Group By to merge all the CourseUsers into a single set, followed by a Join to attach the Users to it.
from course in _dbContext.CourseUsers // outer sequence
group course by course.UserId into courseGrp
join user in _dbContext.Users //inner sequence
on courseGrp.Key equals user.UserId// key selector
select new { // result selector
CourseUsersCount = courseGrp.Count(),


How to order items within the group of anonymous type?

I would like to get a result of Linq query as groups of anonymous objects. The items within the groups should be ordered by ID field. I can reach this partly by lambda syntax, but can't get an anonymous objects as result. So I need part of each example.
Executable code:
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
lambda syntax
var res_g = list
.GroupBy(x => x.IDOperation)
.Select(x => x.OrderBy(x => x.ID)); // order dg by ID asc within group
Alas, you didn't describe exactly your requirements where, only that you want some anonymous type and that they should be ordered by Id. Your query syntax makes different groups than your method syntax. So I can only give an example to create your sequence of anonymous objects
So you have a sequence of similar items, where every item has at least properties Id and IdOperation. You want to make groups of items where every item in each group has the same value for IdOperation. You want to order the elements in each group by ascending Id, and create some anonymous type.
You didn't specify what you want in your anonymous object (after all: your code doesn't do what you want, so I can't deduct it from your code)
Whenever I use GroupBy, and I want to specify the elements of each group, I use the overload of GroupBy that has a parameter resultSelector. With the resultSelector I can precisely define the elements of the group. (The link refers to IQueryable, there is also an IEnumerable version)
IEnumerable<Operations> operations = ... // = your list
// Make Groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => operation.IdOperation,
// parameter resultSelector: take the key (=idOperation) and all Operations that have
// this idOperation, to make one new.
(idOperation, operationsWithThisId) => new
// do you need the common idOperation?
IdOperation = idOperation,
// Order the elements in each group by Id:
Operations = operationsWithThisId.OrderBy(operation => operation.Id)
.Select(operation => new
// Select only the operation properties that you plan to use
Id = operation.Id,
Name = operation.Name,
StartDate = operation.StartDate,
In words: from your sequence of Operations, make groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation. Then take this common IdOperation, and all Operations that are in this group, to make one anonymous object: this is the anonymous object that you were talking about. So per group, you make one anonymous object.
IdOperation is the value that all Operations in this group have in common
Operations is a list. All Operations in this group are ordered by ascending Id. Several properties are Selected and the result is put in a List.
If you want to group differently, like in you query syntax, simply change parameter keySelector:
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => new
Id = operation.ID,
IdOperation = operation.IDOperation,
IdDiagnosis = operation.IDDiagnosis
Although this corresponds with what you did in your query syntax, you will have groups of Operations that have same value for Id / IdOperation / IDDiagnosis. It will be useless to sort the elements in the group by Id, because all Ids in this group will be equal.
With parameter resultSelector you can define the result exactly as you want: the result is not an IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tkey, TElement>>, but an IEnumerable<TResult>.
The TResult is one object created from all elements in one group and the common group value.
you can update GetDict function inner loop to use orderby on group elements
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.OrderBy(o=>o.ID))
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;
I hope this solve the issue.
Depending on your Requirements EDIT but I'm Tuning the result set
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
IDOperation = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
Edit full version
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select new
Key = dg_group.Key,
Records = dg_group.OrderBy(g => g.ID)
}) ;
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
Key = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
// you can use either res_g or res_g_2 both give the same results
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.Records)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;

showing multiple rows from database in datagridview using entity framework

I am trying to show multiple records from database in datagridview but I'm having only a single record all the time.
2 tables are involved in this query, from 1st table I acquire all the id's those fulfill the condition and from 2nd table I am getting the user information.
1st table is tblUsers_Roles and 2nd is tblUsers.
These tables have primary/foriegn key relationship.
Here is my code:
IEnumerable<tblUsers_Role> id = db.tblUsers_Role.Where(a => a.User_Role == selectRole);
foreach (var user in id)
var userinfo = from b in db.tblUsers
where b.User_Id == user.User_Id
select new { b.First_Name, b.Last_Name, b.Status, b.Authenticated };
dgvResults.DataSource = userinfo.ToList();
You are assigning the grid in the loop. That is not going to work. Maybe something like this will work:
var userinfo =(from ur in db.tblUsers_Role
join u in db.tblUsers
on ur.User_Id equals u.User_Id
where ur.User_Role == selectRole
select new
dgvResults.DataSource = userinfo;
Or a alteretive would be like this:
var roles=db.tblUsers_Role
.Where(a => a.User_Role == selectRole)
.Select (a =>a.User_Id).ToList();
var userinfo=
from u in db.tblUsers
where roles.Contains(u.User_Id)
select new
dgvResults.DataSource = userinfo;
Not as nice as the first one. But maybe you understand the concept.

grouping a linq statement, doesnt seem to group

I am having a problem trying to group a small linq query.
The query excutes ok however no grouping happens. I assume its due to having 3 different fields I am trying to group.
var data = (from d in All()
group d by new { d.CustomerNumber, d.TransactionAmount, d.CustomerName }
into g
orderby g.Key.CustomerName
select new TransactionViewModel
CustomerNumber = g.Key.CustomerNumber,
TransactionAmount = g.Sum(s=>s.TransactionAmount),
CustomerName = g.Key.CustomerName
Ideally I would like to be able to return the grouped data with access to the 3 fields.
What do I need to modify?
Are you sure you have to do group d by new { d.CustomerNumber, d.TransactionAmount, d.CustomerName }
I just removed TransactionAmount from group by as it is diffrent for each row.
TRy this.
(from d in All() group d by new { d.CustomerNumber, d.CustomerName } into g orderby g.Key.CustomerName select new Test { CustomerNumber = g.Key.CustomerNumber, TransactionAmount = g.Sum(s => s.TransactionAmount), CustomerName = g.Key.CustomerName });

Access any data that is not contained in grouped element

from teamBudget in TeamBudgets
where teamBudget.TeamID == 71002
join teamBroker in TeamBrokers on 71002 equals teamBroker.TeamID
join goal in Goals on teamBroker.GlobalBrokerID equals goal.GlobalBrokerID
group goal by goal.GlobalBrokerID into g
select new
// TeamID=teamBroker.TeamID,
// MTDGoal=teamBudget.Sum(t => t.Budget),
RevenueMTDCurrent = g.Sum(x => x.RevenueMTDCurrent)
Commented part is a problem. How to access any data that is not contained in grouped element?
you need to Group multiple fields then only you can access that data.
var result = from i in
(from uh in db.UserHistories
where uh.User.UserID == UserID && uh.CRMEntityID == (int)entity
select new { uh.ActionID, uh.ActionType, uh.ObjectID })
group i by new { i.ActionID, i.ActionType, i.ObjectID } into g
select new { g.ActionID, g.ActionType, g.ObjectID };
Hope this will help

Linq To Entities - how to filter on child entities

I have entities Group and User.
the Group entity has Users property which is a list of Users.
User has a property named IsEnabled.
I want to write a linq query that returns a list of Groups, which only consists of Users whose IsEnabled is true.
so for example, for data like below
Group A
User 1 (IsEnabled = true)
User 2 (IsEnabled = true)
User 3 (IsEnabled = false)
Group B
User 4 (IsEnabled = true)
User 5 (IsEnabled = false)
User 6 (IsEnabled = false)
I want to get
Group A
User 1 (IsEnabled = true)
User 2 (IsEnabled = true)
Group B
User 4 (IsEnabled = true)
I tried the following query, but Visual Studio tells me that
[Property or indexer 'Users' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only]
FilteredGroups = AllGroups.Select(g => new Group()
ID = g.ID,
Name = g.Name,
Users = g.Users.Where(u => u.IsInactive == false)
thank you for your help!
There is no "nice" way of doing this, but you could try this - project both, Group and filtered Users onto an anonymous object, and then Select just the Groups:
var resultObjectList = AllGroups.
Select(g => new
GroupItem = g,
UserItems = g.Users.Where(u => !u.IsInactive)
FilteredGroups = resultObjectList.Select(i => i.GroupItem).ToList();
This isn't a documented feature and has to do with the way EF constructs SQL queries - in this case it should filter out the child collection, so your FilteredGroups list will only contain active users.
If this works, you can try merging the code:
FilteredGroups = AllGroups.
Select(g => new
GroupItem = g,
UserItems = g.Users.Where(u => !u.IsInactive)
Select(r => r.GroupItem).
(This is untested and the outcome depends on how EF will process the second Select, so it would be nice if you let us know which method works after you've tried it).
I managed to do this by turning the query upside down:
var users = (from user in Users.Include("Group")
where user.IsEnabled
select user).ToList().AsQueryable()
from (user in users
select user.Group).Distinct()
By using the ToList() you force a roundtrip to the database which is required because otherwise the deferred execution comes in the way. The second query only re-orders the retrieved data.
Note: You might not be able to udpate your entities afterwards!
try something like this and you'll still have your entities:
FilteredGroups = AllGroups.Select(g => new
Group = g,
Users = g.Users.Where(u => u.IsInactive == false)
}).AsEnumerable().Select(i => i.Group);
That way you should still be able to use Group.Users
If you want to retain your entity structure, try this:
var userGroups = context.Users.Where(u => !u.IsInactive).GroupBy(u => u.Group);
foreach (var userGroup in userGroups)
// Do group stuff, e.g.:
foreach (var user in userGroup)
And you certainly can modify your entities!
Use inner linq query
var FilteredGroups = (from g in AllGroups
select new Group()
ID = g.ID,
Name = g.Name,
Users = (from user in g.Users
where user.IsInactive == false
select user).ToList()
