How to index bulk json file to elasticsearch in spring boot - spring-boot

I have a JSON file and I want to know how to index it to the elasticsearch in spring boot

You could use the Spring Data Elasticsearch component and index the JSON using the bulk API.
You have to convert the JSON into a relevant Java Object using libraries like GSon.
It uses the Elasticsearch High-level REST Client and the _bulk underlying.


Getting Started with Prometheus and Grafana with Spring Boot

I am constructing an application on Spring Boot that consumes a REST API endpoint as nested JSON. Then I want to extract my recommendation results based on that data, as graphic dashboards using Grafana and Prometheus.
I want your recommendations about where to start with the fundamentals since I am totally new to this.

How to store a JSON object in couchbase using springboot

I am new to spring boot and I am developing a simple spring boot API to store data to a couchbase db. Storing JSON objects have different formats.Is there any suitable method to achieve this?
Couchbase has given support for the JAVA SDK's that can help you easily integrate the couchbase api's and access the couchbase server to perform CRUD operation's here is the tutorial available : JAVA SDK
And also please take a look at this blog couchbase with Spring Boot sample example

Is it possible use _update_by_query in spring elasticsearch

is it possible using Spring Elasticsearch send
"_update_by_query" api method
No, the Update by Query API is not implemented into Spring Data Elasticsearch, but nothing prevents you from using the TransportClient you feed into ElasticsearchTemplate for calling that endpoint.

Elastic Search Java Rest Client support for query template

I am not able to find any support for query templates in Elastic Search Java REST Client (High Level). Does it exists? Or is there a way to use REST client with query templates?

Using SolrJ REST-API to query data in a Spring Application

I have solr running at http://localhost:8983/solr/ . I have a Spring MVC app running at http://localhost:8080/login.jsp .
I would like to be able to Query only the solr data from my spring app. What is the best way to go about this? Does someone have a simple running example?
Integrate Solr with Spring using SolrJ.
SolrJ is the Solr Java Client Library which will allow you to query Solr and get back the results in java objects which you can use as Model objects with Spring MVC.
You can easily create a Repository which interacts with Solr using Solrj.
Also, secure the Solr Collections so that no one can access Solr from direct URL without authentication.
The Solrj Client with the Spring MVC app can query SOlr with Authentication.
You can also use spring-data-solr to do so. It should integrate quite nicely into an existing spring MVC application.
