I'm working on a way to overwrite a folder if it already exists, with confirmation. Here is my code(along with the part I'm stuck on):
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set network = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
username = network.userName
userprofile = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%")
If fso.FolderExists(userprofile + "\foldername") = False Then
fso.CreateFolder(userprofile & "\foldername")
End If
If fso.FolderExists(userprofile + "\foldername") = True Then
overwrite = msgbox("The directory that foldername uses(" & userprofile + "\foldername) is unavailable. Overwrite?",4+16+4096,"")
if overwrite = vbYes then
overwrite2 = msgbox("THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING. Any files in " & userprofile + "\foldername will be PERMANENTLY LOST. Continue?",4+16+4096,"")
if overwrite2 = vbYes then
'overwriting folder goes here
End If
if overwrite2 = vbNo then
End If
if overwrite = vbNo then
End If
The "overwriting folder goes here" is where I need help. Thanks!
When you say overwrite folder is the intention to delete all existing content? If so could you delete the folder first and then recreate it?
if overwrite2 = vbYes then
strFolderPath = userprofile & "\foldername"
fso.DeleteFolder strFolderPath, true
End If
Good day! I have this script that opens up an access application.
This script works on several users but one. This user is getting this error
"Error 80070002: The system can not find the file specified".
I'm quite sure there is nothing wrong with my script as only one person is encountering this issue.
Could there be a computer setting or update that is causing this problem?
Everything works except for the Open File part.
And this is for some computers/user only. Most of the Computer/users can execute this without any problem.
Thanks in advance!
Here's the script
'Find user name
Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
userName = WshNetwork.UserName
Set WshNetwork = Nothing
'Find version of master file
Set folder = objfso.GetFolder(folderPath)
For Each file In folder.Files
If InStr(file.Name, "AMSDshbd_M") = 1 Then
masterVersion = Mid(file.Name, 11, (InStrRev(file.Name, ".") - 11))
Exit For
End If
'Find version of user file, if it exists
isUserFile = 0
For each file In folder.Files
If InStr(file.Name, "AMSDshbd_" & userName) = 1 Then
isUserFile = 1
userVersion = Mid(file.Name, (Len(userName) + 10), (InStrRev(file.Name, ".") - (Len(userName) + 10)))
Exit For
End If
'Copy the file if no user file exists or if the user version is not current
sourceFile = folderPath & "AMSDshbd_M" & masterVersion & ".accde"
targetFile = folderPath & "AMSDshbd_" & userName & "_M" & masterVersion & ".accde"
isCopyNeeded = 1
if isUserFile = 1 then
if userVersion = masterVersion then
isCopyNeeded = 0
end if
end if
if isCopyNeeded = 1 then
objFSO.CopyFile sourceFile, targetFile, True
end if
'Open the file
sComTxt = Chr(34) & microsoftAccessFile & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & targetFile & Chr(34)
'objShell.Run sComTxt
objShell.Run sComTxt,,true
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
I figured out what happened. the variable "microsoftAccessFile" is the path to the MS Access EXE, some of the users have a different path to this Access EXE that's why it doesn't work for them. I identified the path where their Access EXE is stored and changed the script for them and it works now. Thanks for pointing out the variable
This is the script I have written and I have mentioned the issue I am facing below.
Option Explicit
Dim FSO, WSH, RunDefaultProfile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
UPF = Wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%")
PF = Wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles(x86)%")
RunDefaultProfile = """" & PF & "\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" & """" & _
" -CreateProfile default"
' Create the Default profile if it not exists
If NOT FSO.FolderExists (UPF & "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\c4ssju9t.default") Then
WSH.Run RunDefaultProfile
End if
Now the challenge I am facing is, Firefox creates a random .default folder on each machine and I can't use my If NOT FSO.FolderExists condition. Also I want store the .default folder name if already exists. I will use that to run other commands and expand my script.
The path to the profile is stored in the file %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini. You can read it from the file like this:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
configdir = sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox")
inifile = fso.BuildPath(configDir, "profiles.ini")
If fso.FileExists(inifile) Then
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(inifile)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
line = f.ReadLine
If Left(line, 5) = "Path=" Then
relPath = Split(line, "=")(1)
Exit Do
End If
End If
This will get the first profile path from the INI file (if it exists).
You can then use it like this to create a missing profile:
profileExists = False
If Not IsEmpty(relPath) Then
profile = fso.BuildPath(configdir, relPath)
profileExists = fso.FolderExists(profile)
End If
If Not profileExists Then sh.Run RunDefaultProfile
I'm trying to use a relative path to reference a cab file named wsusscn2.cab from a VBscript. For some reason, it's not working. The wsusscn2.cab is located in the same directory as the script. Based on the documentation I've read, this SHOULD work, but doesn't:
Set UpdateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set UpdateServiceManager = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager")
Set UpdateService = UpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService("Offline Sync Service", "..\wsusscn2.cab")
Set UpdateSearcher = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
WScript.Echo "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF
UpdateSearcher.ServerSelection = 3 ' ssOthers
UpdateSearcher.ServiceID = UpdateService.ServiceID
Set SearchResult = UpdateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0")
Set Updates = SearchResult.Updates
If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "There are no applicable updates."
End If
WScript.Echo "List of applicable items on the machine when using wssuscan.cab:" & vbCRLF
For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1
Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title
Generates this error: The system cannot find the path specified.
try this:
Set UpdateService = UpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService("Offline Sync Service", "../wsusscn2.cab")
but be sure that this cab is in the folder one level above the page you calling for it, that is what you have there.
or if cab in the same folder do it like this:
Set UpdateService = UpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService("Offline Sync Service", "wsusscn2.cab")
It appears that the .AddScanPackageService() method does not allow relative paths within it's methods. To repair this, while still maintaining flexible code. You can make the path of the script location via Wscript.ScriptFullName and append it infront of wsussc2.cab. This will maintain the path of the script. So it should work as long as the script and .cab file are together.
Set UpdateService = UpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService("Offline Sync Service", Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) & "wsusscn2.cab")
When I hit this, I wondered if it might've been service permissions vs file location, but nope, just absolute file paths needed.
I used the FileSystemObject's GetAbsolutePathName function to determine the full path, which allows you to throw random relative paths in (like "..\reports\something\blah.cab" or just "local.cab" if you so desire.)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CabFileArg = Wscript.Arguments(0) ' (cscript updatecheck.vbs wsusscn2.cab)
CabFileAbs = fso.GetAbsolutePathname(CabFileArg)
Then the usual stuff, just using CabFileAbs instead.
Set UpdateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set UpdateServiceManager = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager")
Set UpdateService = UpdateServiceManager.AddScanPackageService("Offline CAB", CabFileAbs , 1)
Set UpdateSearcher = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
… etc
I'm struggling... used google and have come up with no answers to this one!
I have a code that I'm intending to run at user logon which will find a shortcut and update the shortcut location to reflect some network changes - but the shortcut has spaces in it and VBS won't find the full target path... HELP!!!
The current target of the shortcut is:
\\LANG-APPS2\Mandata\Warehouse\Programs\StartApp.exe /sWH /ip192.168.73.124
But it will only return the bit up to .exe - it misses the last bit of /sWH /ip192.168.73.124
Here's my script:
On Error Resume Next
wscript.echo "Checking Warehouse Shortcut..."
Dim fso, folder, files, sFolder
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sFolder = Shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set files = folder.Files
For each folderIdx In files
fullname = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(folderIdx)
Set shortcut = Shell.CreateShortcut(fullname)
shortTarget = LCase(shortcut.TargetPath)
shortWorkPath = shortcut.WorkingDirectory
lnkFind = ".lnk"
lnkSearch = instr(fullname, lnkfind)
if lnkSearch > 0 then
srvFind = "lang-apps2\mandata\warehouse\programs\startapp.exe"
srvSearch = instr(shortTarget, srvFind)
if srvSearch > 0 then
pracFind = "Practice"
pracSearch = instr(fullname, pracFind)
if pracSearch > 0 then
wscript.echo "Warehouse Practice Shortcut Needs Updating!"
wscript.echo "Please wait while I sort that out for you......"
shortcut.TargetPath = """\\Lang-man\Warehouse\Programs\StartApp.exe /sWHPRAC /ip192.168.73.134"""
shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "\\Lang-man\Warehouse\Programs"
wscript.echo "Warehouse Practice Shortcut Updated!"
wscript.echo "Warehouse Live Shortcut Needs Updating!"
wscript.echo "Please wait while I sort that out for you......"
shortcut.TargetPath = """\\Lang-man\Warehouse\Programs\StartApp.exe /sWH /ip192.168.73.134"""
shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "\\Lang-man\Warehouse\Programs"
wscript.echo "Warehouse Live Shortcut Updated!"
end if
end if
end if
set shortTarget=nothing
set shortWorkPath=nothing
set shortcut=nothing
wscript.echo "Finished"
From the description of the TargetPath property on MSDN (bold added by me):
This property is for the shortcut's target path only. Any arguments to the shortcut must be placed in the Argument's property.
I'm want to do the equivalent of what is described here from a script. Basically, I want to take ownership of the file, and set the permissions to OWNER/Full Control.
It seems to me that using WMI from a vbs script is the most portable way. That is, I'd like to avoid xcacls, icacls and other tools that either require a download, or are supported only on some versions of windows.
After googling around, I found this code for taking ownership:
'connect to WMI namespace on local machine
Set objServices =
'get a reference to data file
strFile = Wscript.Arguments(0)
Set objFile = objServices.Get("CIM_DataFile.Name='" & strFile & "'")
If objFile.TakeOwnership = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "File ownership successfully changed"
Wscript.Echo "File ownership transfer operation"
End If
The pieces I'm still missing is setting the permissions, and having it work on relative paths.
Since you're already using TakeOwnership in the CIM_DataFile class, I'd assume you could just use ChangeSecurityPermissions to change the permissions, which is in the same class.
And you might be able to use GetAbsolutePathName to convert your relative paths to absolute paths before you use them.
Taking the hints from ho1's answer, I googled around some more, and eventually came up with this:
This script finds the current user SID, then takes ownership and changes the permissions on the file given in argv[0] to Full Control only to current user.
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}")
Function GetCurrentUserSID
' Get user name '
Set colComputer = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
' Looping over one item '
For Each objComputer in colComputer
currentUserName = objComputer.UserName
Set AccountSIDs = GetObject("Winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_AccountSID")
For Each AccountSID In AccountSIDs
AccountKey = AccountSID.Element
Set objAccount = GetObject("Winmgmts:"+AccountKey)
strName = objAccount.Domain & "\" & objAccount.Name
If strName = currentUserName Then ' that's it
SIDKey = AccountSID.Setting
Set SID = GetObject("Winmgmts:" + SIDKey)
GetCurrentUserSID = SID.BinaryRepresentation
Exit For
End If
End Function
Function LimitPermissions(path, SID)
Set objFile = objWMI.Get("CIM_DataFile.Name='" & path & "'")
Set Trustee = GetObject("Winmgmts:Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_
Trustee.SID = SID
Set ACE = getObject("Winmgmts:Win32_Ace").Spawninstance_
ACE.AccessMask = 2032127 ' Full Control
ACE.AceFlags = 3
ACE.AceType = 0
ACE.Trustee = Trustee
Set objSecDescriptor = GetObject("Winmgmts:Win32_SecurityDescriptor").SpawnInstance_
objSecDescriptor.DACL = Array(ACE)
objFile.ChangeSecurityPermissions objSecDescriptor, 4
End Function
Function TakeOwnership(path)
Set objFile = objWMI.Get("CIM_DataFile.Name='" & path & "'")
TakeOwnership = objFile.TakeOwnership
End Function
' Main '
strFilename = Wscript.Arguments(0)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(strFilename)
SID = GetCurrentUserSID
TakeOwnership path
LimitPermissions path, SID