Dynamic 'Like' in oracle (Spring) - spring

Hi I am trying to use a parameter in the 'like' however, when I call the method it generates error, I have tried these ways and all generate error
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM BOOK l WHERE l.NAME LIKE LIKE '%'||:search||'%'", nativeQuery = true)
List<BookEntity> findByParam(#Param("search") String search);
Error: ORA-00936: missing expression
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM BOOK l WHERE l.NAME LIKE %:search%", nativeQuery = true)
List<BookEntity> findByParam(#Param("search") String search);
Error: ORA-00911: invalid character
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM BOOK l WHERE l.NAME LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT('%',:search),'%'), nativeQuery = true)
List<BookEntity> findByParam(#Param("search") String search);
Error: ORA-00904: "CHARLIE": invalid identifier
I would appreciate your help

Try directly binding the entire wildcard expression to the :search placeholder
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM BOOK l WHERE l.NAME LIKE :search", nativeQuery=true)
Collection<Book> findByName(#Param("search") String search);
In your calling code, you would use this snippet:
String search = "%CHARLE%";
List<Book> books = yourJpaRepository.findByName(search);


pgp_sym_decrypt not working with JPA nativeQuery. Always throw error

Hi I'm working on a Spring Boot Project using PSQL. I have a model that is implemented pgcrypto like this,
read = "pgp_sym_decrypt( msisdn::bytea, 'mypassword' )",
write = "pgp_sym_encrypt( ?, 'mypassword' )"
private String msisdn;
In my JPArepository every function like find(), findAll(), findBySomthing(..) work perfectly. The result decoded my msisdn record correctly.
But it's not working on a navtiveQuery. For example in my JPArepository,
#Query(value = "SELECT id, pgp_sym_decrypt( msisdn::bytea, 'mypassword' ) as msisdn FROM tbl_payments ORDER BY id ASC;", nativeQuery = true)
List<MyClass> test();
It always throws error
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
But the query is correct because I already copied it to do a query directly on Database.
Do I need anything extra to work with JPA nativeQuery ?
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Your query:
#Query(value = "SELECT id, pgp_sym_decrypt( msisdn::bytea, 'mypassword' ) as msisdn FROM tbl_payments ORDER BY id ASC;", nativeQuery = true)
List<MyClass> test();
just add \:\: at :: in bytea
Improved query:
#Query(value = "SELECT id, pgp_sym_decrypt( msisdn\\:\\:bytea, 'mypassword' ) as msisdn FROM tbl_payments ORDER BY id ASC;", nativeQuery = true)
List<MyClass> test();

How to use Spring boot JPA native query with join unrelated entities

I have a custom model for order and item that will hold minimum data than the actual entity class
class OrderMinimalModel {   
long id;   
String comment;   
List<ItemMinimalModel> items;
class ItemMinimalModel{   
long id;   
String name;
Query I am looking for
#Query( value = "SELECT O.id as orderId, O.comment as orderComment, I.id as itemId, I.name as itemName FROM order O "
+ " left join item I on I.order_id = O.id"
+ " WHERE O.status = 1 ",nativeQuery = true)
List<OrderMinimalModel > findAllOrderMinimal();
But I am getting bellow error
org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.AbstractJpaQuery$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap] to type [com.example.model.OrderMinimalModel]
Maybe I am doing wrong.

JpaRepostory existsXXX method don't working properly

I need to check is user with a specified id and token exists. Tokens are stored in #ElementCollection set. I tried to write a derived query method in my repository like this:
boolean existsByIdAndTokensContains(long id, String token);
But that isn't working (returns false for right input values).
When I tried to specify query explicitly it start working right:
#Query("select (count(u) > 0) from users as u where u.id = :id and :token member of u.tokens")
The most strange that Hibernate logs are looking similar for both queries:
For the derived query:
/* select
users as generatedAlias0
and (
:param1 member of generatedAlias0.tokens
) */ select
userentity0_.id as col_0_0_
users userentity0_
and (
? in (
users_tokens tokens1_
) limit ?
For the explicit query:
/* select
(count(u) > 0)
users as u
u.id = :id
and :token member of u.tokens */ select
count(userentity0_.id)>0 as col_0_0_
users userentity0_
and (
? in (
users_tokens tokens1_
And when I tried to query generated query, result contained the right user.
What am I do wrong?
I would think you need to implement an Attribute Converter to convert the id into a Boolean. This way it will know how to map a not null Id to a true value.
Ok, I found the solution.
For my Set of tokens:
#Column(name = "token", nullable = false)
#CollectionTable(name = "users_tokens", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "user_id"),
uniqueConstraints = #UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"user_id", "token"}))
private final Set<String> tokens;
Works the similar query but without Contains:
boolean existsByIdAndTokens(long id, String token);
I don't know is it a bug, but this works for me.

How to solve SQLException - Data conversion error in Spring Boot

I have two tables that are connected via class name (1:n).
Domain: Product (1)
Domain: HistoryPrice (n)
public class Product extends AbstractBaseDomain<Long> {
#Size(min = 2, max = 50)
#Column(name ="name", unique = true)
private String name;
#Table(name = "historyPrice")
public class HistoryPrice extends AbstractBaseDomain<Long> {
#JoinColumn(name ="product")
private Product product;
This is my repository
public interface HistoryPriceRepository extends JpaRepository<HistoryPrice, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT h.product " +
"FROM history_price h " +
"INNER JOIN product p ON h.product = p.name " +
"WHERE p.name = :name", nativeQuery = true)
List<?> findProductByName(#Param("name") String name);
This is my Controller
#PostMapping(value = "/historyPrice")
public String searchForProducts(Model model, #RequestParam String namePart) {
List<?> productList = historyPriceService.findProductName(namePart);
model.addAttribute(HISTORYPRICE_VIEW, productList);
This is my SQL output of my table creation:
2019-04-11 18:39:20 DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - create table history_price (id bigint not null, version integer, price decimal(19,2) not null, valid_since timestamp not null, product bigint not null, primary key (id))
2019-04-11 18:39:20 DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - create table product (id bigint not null, version integer, current_price decimal(19,2) not null, manufacturer varchar(50), name varchar(50), primary key (id))
This is my shortened error that I always get:
Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not extract ResultSet
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Datenumwandlungsfehler beim Umwandeln von "HAMMER"
Data conversion error converting "HAMMER"; SQL statement:
SELECT h.product FROM history_price h INNER JOIN product p ON h.product = p.name WHERE p.name = ? [22018-197]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:357)
at org.h2.message.DbException.get(DbException.java:168)
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "HAMMER"
at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
I do not know whether my problem is in my repository or somewhere else.
Maybe someone can give me a the right solution or a good hint.
Thank you very much.
The problem indicated by your stacktrace is your join. You try to join h.product which is the id of the product object internally to h.product.name which is a string. Spring tries to parse the string as number afterwards thus resulting in the NumberFormatException.
I assume you want to get the HistoryPrice objects. Thus you have three options in your repository:
Use native query as you do now but fix tablenames and join, I assume this could work:
"SELECT h.* " +
"FROM historyPrice h " +
"INNER JOIN product p ON h.product = p.id " +
"WHERE p.name = :name"
Use a JPQL query:
"SELECT h " +
"FROM historyPrice h " +
"INNER JOIN product p " +
"WHERE p.name = :name"
Use the method name to let spring data generate your queries:
List<HistoryPrice> findAllByProductName(String name);
do you have any stack ?
Can you copy the error ?
In your log stack you should see some caused by label which will give you the place where the exception is throwed
It seems in the native query you are trying to equate a product object with a string name.
#Query(value = "SELECT h.product " +
"FROM history_price h " +
"INNER JOIN product p ON h.product.name = p.name " +
"WHERE p.name = :name", nativeQuery = true)
List<?> findProductByName(#Param("name") String name);
If the Product Entity contains a name variable, then the above query might execute.

Spring Data and Native Query with pagination

In a web project, using latest spring-data (1.10.2) with a MySQL 5.6 database, I'm trying to use a native query with pagination but I'm experiencing an org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.InvalidJpaQueryMethodException at startup.
UPDATE: 20180306 This issue is now fixed in Spring 2.0.4 For those still interested or stuck with older versions check the related answers and comments for workarounds.
According to Example 50 at Using #Query from spring-data documentation this is possible specifying the query itself and a countQuery, like this:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
Out of curiosity, In NativeJpaQuery class I can see that it contains the following code to check if it's a valid jpa query:
public NativeJpaQuery(JpaQueryMethod method, EntityManager em, String queryString, EvaluationContextProvider evaluationContextProvider, SpelExpressionParser parser) {
super(method, em, queryString, evaluationContextProvider, parser);
JpaParameters parameters = method.getParameters();
boolean hasPagingOrSortingParameter = parameters.hasPageableParameter() || parameters.hasSortParameter();
boolean containsPageableOrSortInQueryExpression = queryString.contains("#pageable") || queryString.contains("#sort");
if(hasPagingOrSortingParameter && !containsPageableOrSortInQueryExpression) {
throw new InvalidJpaQueryMethodException("Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination in method " + method);
My query contains a Pageable parameter, so hasPagingOrSortingParameter is true, but it's also looking for a #pageable or #sort sequence inside the queryString, which I do not provide.
I've tried adding #pageable (it's a comment) at the end of my query, which makes validation to pass but then, it fails at execution saying that the query expects one additional parameter: 3 instead of 2.
Funny thing is that, if I manually change containsPageableOrSortInQueryExpression from false to true while running, the query works fine so I don't know why it's checking for that string to be at my queryString and I don't know how to provide it.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Update 01/30/2018
It seems that developers at spring-data project are working on a fix for this issue with a PR by Jens Schauder
My apologies in advance, this is pretty much summing up the original question and the comment from Janar, however...
I run into the same problem: I found the Example 50 of Spring Data as the solution for my need of having a native query with pagination but Spring was complaining on startup that I could not use pagination with native queries.
I just wanted to report that I managed to run successfully the native query I needed, using pagination, with the following code:
#Query(value="SELECT a.* "
+ "FROM author a left outer join mappable_natural_person p on a.id = p.provenance_id "
+ "WHERE p.update_time is null OR (p.provenance_name='biblio_db' and a.update_time>p.update_time)"
+ "ORDER BY a.id \n#pageable\n",
/*countQuery="SELECT count(a.*) "
+ "FROM author a left outer join mappable_natural_person p on a.id = p.provenance_id "
+ "WHERE p.update_time is null OR (p.provenance_name='biblio_db' and a.update_time>p.update_time) \n#pageable\n",*/
public List<Author> findAuthorsUpdatedAndNew(Pageable pageable);
The countQuery (that is commented out in the code block) is needed to use Page<Author>
as the return type of the query, the newlines around the "#pageable" comment are needed to avoid the runtime error on the number of expected parameters (workaround of the workaround). I hope this bug will be fixed soon...
This is a hack for program using Spring Data JPA before Version 2.0.4.
Code has worked with PostgreSQL and MySQL :
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1 ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}",
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} is for Pageable.
countQuery is for Page<User>.
Just for the record, using H2 as testing database, and MySQL at runtime, this approach works (example is newest object in group):
#Query(value = "SELECT t.* FROM t LEFT JOIN t AS t_newer " +
"ON t.object_id = t_newer.object_id AND t.id < t_newer.id AND o_newer.user_id IN (:user_ids) " +
"WHERE t_newer.id IS NULL AND t.user_id IN (:user_ids) " +
"ORDER BY t.id DESC \n-- #pageable\n",
countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM t WHERE t.user_id IN (:user_ids) GROUP BY t.object_id, t.user_id",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<T> findByUserIdInGroupByObjectId(#Param("user_ids") Set<Integer> userIds, Pageable pageable);
Spring Data JPA 1.10.5, H2 1.4.194, MySQL Community Server 5.7.11-log (innodb_version 5.7.11).
I am adding this answer just as a placeholder for those users who are using more recent versions of Spring Boot. On Spring Boot 2.4.3, I observed that none of the workaround were necessary, and the following code worked straight out of the box for me:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value="SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1", nativeQuery=true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
The countQuery definition was not necessary, and a call to Page#getTotalElements() in fact already was returning the correct count, as returned by JPA's own internal count query.
The above code is extremely powerful, offering pagination made via a native query, yet which return results into actual Java entities (rather than the ugly and bulky List<Object[]>, which sometimes is necessary).
Try this:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1 ORDER BY /*#pageable*/",
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
("/* */" for Oracle notation)
I have exact same symptom like #Lasneyx. My workaround for Postgres native query
#Query(value = "select * from users where user_type in (:userTypes) and user_context='abc'--#pageable\n", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> getUsersByTypes(#Param("userTypes") List<String> userTypes, Pageable pageable);
I use oracle database and I did not get the result but an error with generated comma which d-man speak about above.
Then my solution was:
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(current, rowCount);
As you can see without order by when create Pagable.
And the method in the DAO:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1 /*#pageable*/ ORDER BY LASTNAME",
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
I could successfully integrate Pagination in
as follows.
value = “SELECT * FROM Users”,
countQuery = “SELECT count(*) FROM Users”,
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findAllUsersWithPagination(Pageable pageable);
Both the following approaches work fine with MySQL for paginating native query. They doesn't work with H2 though. It will complain the sql syntax error.
ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}
ORDER BY a.id \n#pageable\n
Using "ORDER BY id DESC \n-- #pageable\n "
instead of "ORDER BY id \n#pageable\n" worked for me with MS SQL SERVER
This worked for me (I am using Postgres) in Groovy:
#RestResource(path="namespaceAndNameAndRawStateContainsMostRecentVersion", rel="namespaceAndNameAndRawStateContainsMostRecentVersion")
PARTITION BY name, provider_id, state
ORDER BY version DESC) version_partition,
FROM mydb.mytable
(name ILIKE ('%' || :name || '%') OR (:name = '')) AND
(namespace ILIKE ('%' || :namespace || '%') OR (:namespace = '')) AND
(state = :state OR (:state = ''))
) t
WHERE version_partition = 1
SELECT id, version, state, name, internal_name, namespace, provider_id, config, create_date, update_date
PARTITION BY name, provider_id, state
ORDER BY version DESC) version_partition,
FROM mydb.mytable
(name ILIKE ('%' || :name || '%') OR (:name = '')) AND
(namespace ILIKE ('%' || :namespace || '%') OR (:namespace = '')) AND
(state = :state OR (:state = ''))
) t
WHERE version_partition = 1
public Page<Entity> findByNamespaceContainsAndNameContainsAndRawStateContainsMostRecentVersion(#Param("namespace")String namespace, #Param("name")String name, #Param("state")String state, Pageable pageable)
The key here was to use: /*#{#pageable}*/
It allows me to do sorting and pagination.
You can test it by using something like this: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/entities/search/namespaceAndNameAndRawStateContainsMostRecentVersion?namespace=&name=&state=published&page=0&size=3&sort=name,desc
Watch out for this issue: Spring Pageable does not translate #Column name
Create your custom repository:
public interface ProductsCustomRepository extends JpaRepository<ProductResultEntity, Long> {
value = "select tableA.id, tableB.bank_name from tableA join tableB on tableA.id = tableB.a_id where tableA.id = :id
and (:fieldX is null or tableA.fieldX LIKE :fieldX)",
countQuery = "select count(*) from tableA join tableB on tableA.id = tableB.a_id where tableA.id = :id
and (:fieldX is null or tableA.fieldX LIKE :fieldX)",
nativeQuery = true
Page<ProductResultEntity> search(#Param("id") Long aId,
#Param("fieldX") String keyword, Pageable pageable
Create View as query of:
create view zzz as select * from tableA join tableB on tableA.id = tableB.a_id
Generate ProductResultEntity from that zzz view (and delete view zzz when have done)
Test call function and enjoy it:
productsRepository.search("123", "%BANK%", PageRequest.of(0, 5, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.ASC, "id")));
public class ProductResultEntity {
private Long id;
private String bank;
#Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
#Column(name = "bank_name", nullable = false)
public String getBank() {
return bank;
public void setBank(String bank) {
this.bank = bank;
It does work as below:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "select * from (select (#rowid\\:=#rowid+1) as RN, u.* from USERS u, (SELECT #rowid\\:=0) as init where LASTNAME = ?1) as total"+
"where RN between ?#{#pageable.offset-1} and ?#{#pageable.offset + #pageable.pageSize}",
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
For me below worked in MS SQL
#Query(value="SELECT * FROM ABC r where r.type in :type ORDER BY RAND() \n-- #pageable\n ",nativeQuery = true)
List<ABC> findByBinUseFAndRgtnType(#Param("type") List<Byte>type,Pageable pageable);
I'm using the code below. working
#Query(value = "select * from user usr" +
"left join apl apl on usr.user_id = apl.id" +
"left join lang on lang.role_id = usr.role_id" +
"where apl.scr_name like %:scrname% and apl.uname like %:uname and usr.role_id in :roleIds ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}",
countQuery = "select count(*) from user usr" +
"left join apl apl on usr.user_id = apl.id" +
"left join lang on lang.role_id = usr.role_id" +
"where apl.scr_name like %:scrname% and apl.uname like %:uname and usr.role_id in :roleIds",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<AplUserEntity> searchUser(#Param("scrname") String scrname,#Param("uname") String uname,#Param("roleIds") List<Long> roleIds,Pageable pageable);
Removing \n#pageable\n from both query and count query worked for me.
Springboot version : 2.1.5.RELEASE
DB : Mysql
You can use below code for h2 and MySQl
#Query(value = "SELECT req.CREATED_AT createdAt, req.CREATED_BY createdBy,req.APP_ID appId,req.NOTE_ID noteId,req.MODEL model FROM SUMBITED_REQUESTS req inner join NOTE note where req.NOTE_ID=note.ID and note.CREATED_BY= :userId "
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM SUMBITED_REQUESTS req inner join NOTE note WHERE req.NOTE_ID=note.ID and note.CREATED_BY=:userId",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<UserRequestsDataMapper> getAllRequestForCreator(#Param("userId") String userId,Pageable pageable);
You can achieve it by using following code,
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users u WHERE ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> getUsers(String name, Pageable pageable);
Simply use ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} and pass page request to your method.
#Query(value = "select " +
//"row_number() over (order by ba.order_num asc) as id, " +
"row_number() over () as id, " +
"count(ba.order_num),sum(ba.order_qty) as sumqty, " +
"ba.order_num, " +
"md.dpp_code,md.dpp_name, " +
"from biz_arrangement ba " +
"left join mst_dpp md on ba.dpp_code = md.dpp_code " +
"where 1 = 1 " +
"AND (:#{#flilter.customerCodeListCheck}='' OR ba.customer_code IN (:#{#flilter.customerCodeList})) " +
"AND (:#{#flilter.customerNameListCheck}='' OR ba.customer_name IN (:#{#flilter.customerNameList})) " +
"group by " +
"ba.order_num, " +
"md.dpp_code,md.dpp_name ",
countQuery = "select " +
"count ( " +
"distinct ( " +
"ba.order_num, " +
"md.dpp_code,md.dpp_name) " +
")" +
"from biz_arrangement ba " +
"left join mst_dpp md on ba.dpp_code = md.dpp_code " +
"where 1 = 1 " +
"AND (:#{#flilter.customerCodeListCheck}='' OR ba.customer_code IN (:#{#flilter.customerCodeList})) " +
"AND (:#{#flilter.customerNameListCheck}='' OR ba.customer_name IN (:#{#flilter.customerNameList})) ",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<Map<String, Object>> nativeQueryDynamicPageAndSort(#Param("flilter") Flilter flilter, Pageable pageable);
no need to add ?#{#pageable},
the problem I got is when I use
row_number() over (order by ba.order_num asc) as id,
the input sort won't work
when I change to
row_number() over () as id,
the dynamic input sort and pagination are both okay!
This is a group by query with a row id.
Replacing /#pageable/ with ?#{#pageable} allow to do pagination.
Adding PageableDefault allow you to set size of page Elements.
