Create variable names in loop - wolfram-mathematica

My aim is to create a lot of functions f_i in a loop. These functions depend on parameters a[[i]], which can be taken from array A = {a1, a2, ...}. In order to eliminate the influence of the interator i, which leads to the situation when all functions are the same, I aspire to create variable names for each iteration.
The example: suppose I have got the array W = {1,2,3, ..., 100} and I should create variables w1 = 1, w2 = 2, ..., w100 = 100. I am trying to do this with the help of a for-loop:
loc[expr1_, expr2_] :=
ToExpression[StringJoin[ToString[expr1], ToString[expr2]]];
For[i = 1, i <= 100, i++,
loc[w, i] = W[[i]];
When I need to see which value variable wk contains, then wk is not defined. But loc[w, k] = k is known.
How can I define variables wi? Or is there another way to create functions in a loop?
Thanks in advance

The way you are using {} leads me to believe that you have prior experience with other programming languages.
Mathematica is a very different language and some of what you know and expect will be wrong. Mathematica only uses {} to mean that is a list of elements. It is not used to group blocks of code. ; is more often used to group blocks of code.
Next, try
and see that that returns
I understand that there is an intense desire in people who have been trained in other programming languages to use For to accomplish things. There are other ways o doing that for most purposes in Mathematica.
For one simple example
where I used z instead of w just to be certain that it wasn't showing me a prior cached value of w2
You can even do things like
which returns

Ordinarily, you will use indexed variables for this. E.g.,
ClearAll[x, xs]
n = 4
xs = Array[Indexed[x, #] &, 4]
Example use with random data:
mA = RandomInteger[{0, 99}, {n, n}]
vb = RandomInteger[{0, 99}, n]
Solve[mA.xs == vb, xs]
This is just for illustration; one would ordinarily use LinearSolve for the example problem. E.g., MapThread[Rule, {xs, LinearSolve[mA, vb]}].

It would be simpler to use a function variable, e.g. w[1], but here is a method to define w1 etc.
Note Clear can clear assignments using string versions of the symbols.
W = {1, 2, 7, 9};
Clear ## Map["w" <> ToString[#] &, W]
Map[(Evaluate[Symbol["w" <> ToString[#]]] = #) &, W];
Symbol /# Map["w" <> ToString[#] &, W]
{1, 2, 7, 9}
Alternatively, with a function variable . . .
Map[(w[#] = #) &, W]
{1, 2, 7, 9}
Also, using the OP's structure
Clear ## Map["w" <> ToString[#] &, W]
W = {1, 2, 3, 4};
loc[expr1_, expr2_] := StringJoin[ToString[expr1], ToString[expr2]]
For[i = 1, i <= 4, i++, Evaluate[Symbol[loc[w, i]]] = W[[i]]]
Symbol /# Map["w" <> ToString[#] &, W]
{1, 2, 3, 4}
Note Evaluate[Symbol[loc[w, i]]] = W[[i]]] has the advantage that if the data at W[[i]] is a string it does not get transformed as it would by using ToExpression.


manipulating one element in a list in mathematica

I have a list of 200 data points. I want to select one value, and change the data using the manipulate function to create a bad data point, and observe the effects on the graph.
My recent attempts included creating a variable i, and assigning like:
myarray[[80,2]] = i;
and then use manipulate as such:
Manipulate[Curve[myarray], {i, 0, 5}]
This is not giving the desired output, however. It doesn't really make sense to me to put it like that, but I don't see the alternative way. Any help on this particular problem would be greatly appreciated!
Making up some data and a Curve function :-
myarray = Transpose[{Range[10], Range[10]/2}];
Curve[myarray_] := ListLinePlot[myarray]
Manipulate[myarray[[8, 2]] = i; Curve[myarray], {i, 0, 5}]
To complement Chris Degnen's answer, which shows a good approach, here is an explanation for why your original code failed.
Manipulate, like Module, acts as a scoping construct. For this reason the i used by Manipulate (the manipulation variable) is not the same i as set with myarray[[80, 2]] = i; -- it exists in a different Context:
Manipulate[Context[i], {i, 0, 5}]
(* FE` *)
Here is a minimal example of the problem:
ClearAll[x, i]
x = i;
Manipulate[{x, i}, {i, 0, 5}]
(* {i, 2.24} *)
One way around this is to use Block, but you need to use a different name for the manipulate variable:
ClearAll[x, i]
x = {1, 2, i};
Manipulate[Block[{i = ii}, x], {ii, 0, 5}]
(* {1, 2, 1.41} *)

Efficient alternative to Outer on sparse arrays in Mathematica?

Suppose I have two very large lists {a1, a2, …} and {b1, b2, …} where all ai and bj are large sparse arrays. For the sake of memory efficiency I store each list as one comprehensive sparse array.
Now I would like to compute some function f on all possible pairs of ai and bj where each result f[ai, bj] is a sparse array again. All these sparse arrays have the same dimensions, by the way.
Flatten[Outer[f, {a1, a2, ...}, {b1, b2, ...}, 1], 1]
returns the desired result (in principle) it appears to consume excessive amounts of memory. Not the least because the return value is a list of sparse arrays whereas one comprehensive sparse array turns out much more efficient in my cases of interest.
Is there an efficient alternative to the above use of Outer?
More specific example:
{SparseArray[{{1, 1, 1, 1} -> 1, {2, 2, 2, 2} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 1, 1, 2} -> 1, {2, 2, 2, 1} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 1, 2, 1} -> 1, {2, 2, 1, 2} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 1, 2, 2} -> -1, {2, 2, 1, 1} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 2, 1, 1} -> 1, {2, 1, 2, 2} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 2, 1, 2} -> 1, {2, 1, 2, 1} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 2, 2, 1} -> -1, {2, 1, 1, 2} -> 1}],
SparseArray[{{1, 2, 2, 2} -> 1, {2, 1, 1, 1} -> 1}]};
list = SparseArray[%%]
Flatten[Outer[Dot, list, list, 1], 1];
list1x2 = SparseArray[%%]
Flatten[Outer[Dot, list1x2, list, 1], 1];
list1x3 = SparseArray[%%]
etc. Not only are the raw intermediate results of Outer (lists of sparse arrays) extremely inefficient, Outer seems to consume way too much memory during the computation itself, too.
I will propose a solution which is rather complex but allows one to only use about twice as much memory during the computation as is needed to store the final result as a SparseArray. The price to pay for this will be a much slower execution.
The code
Sparse array construction / deconstruction API
Here is the code. First, a slightly modified (to address higher-dimensional sparse arrays) sparse array construction - deconstruction API, taken from this answer:
ClearAll[spart, getIC, getJR, getSparseData, getDefaultElement,
HoldPattern[spart[SparseArray[s___], p_]] := {s}[[p]];
getIC[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[2, 1]];
getJR[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[2, 2]];
getSparseData[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[3]];
getDefaultElement[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 3];
makeSparseArray[dims_List, jc_List, ir_List, data_List, defElem_: 0] :=
SparseArray ## {Automatic, dims, defElem, {1, {jc, ir}, data}};
The following functions produce iterators. Iterators are a good way to encapsulate the iteration process.
makeTwoListIterator[fname_Symbol, a_List, b_List] :=
With[{indices = Flatten[Outer[List, a, b, 1], 1]},
With[{len = Length[indices]},
Module[{i = 0},
fname[] := With[{ind = ++i}, indices[[ind]] /; ind <= len];
fname[] := Null;
fname[n_] :=
With[{ind = i + 1}, i += n;
indices[[ind ;; Min[len, ind + n - 1]]] /; ind <= len];
fname[n_] := Null;
Note that I could have implemented the above function more memory - efficiently and not use Outer in it, but for our purposes this won't be the major concern.
Here is a more specialized version, which produces interators for pairs of 2-dimensional indices.
make2DIndexInterator[fname_Symbol, i : {iStart_, iEnd_}, j : {jStart_, jEnd_}] :=
makeTwoListIterator[fname, Range ## i, Range ## j];
make2DIndexInterator[fname_Symbol, ilen_Integer, jlen_Integer] :=
make2DIndexInterator[fname, {1, ilen}, {1, jlen}];
Here is how this works:
Out[15]= {a,d}
Out[16]= {a,e}
Out[17]= {b,d}
We can also use this to get batch results:
Out[19]= {{a,d},{a,e}}
Out[20]= {{b,d},{b,e}}
, and we will be using this second form.
SparseArray - building function
This function will build a SparseArray object iteratively, by getting chunks of data (also in SparseArray form) and gluing them together. It is basically code used in this answer, packaged into a function. It accepts the code piece used to produce the next chunk of data, wrapped in Hold (I could alternatively make it HoldAll)
accumulateSparseArray[Hold[getDataChunkCode_]] :=
Module[{start, ic, jr, sparseData, dims, dataChunk},
start = getDataChunkCode;
ic = getIC[start];
jr = getJR[start];
sparseData = getSparseData[start];
dims = Dimensions[start];
While[True, dataChunk = getDataChunkCode;
If[dataChunk === {}, Break[]];
ic = Join[ic, Rest#getIC[dataChunk] + Last#ic];
jr = Join[jr, getJR[dataChunk]];
sparseData = Join[sparseData, getSparseData[dataChunk]];
dims[[1]] += First[Dimensions[dataChunk]];
makeSparseArray[dims, ic, jr, sparseData]];
Putting it all together
This function is the main one, putting it all together:
sparseArrayOuter[f_, a_SparseArray, b_SparseArray, chunkSize_: 100] :=
Module[{next, wrapperF, getDataChunkCode},
make2DIndexInterator[next, Length#a, Length#b];
wrapperF[x_List, y_List] := SparseArray[f ### Transpose[{x, y}]];
getDataChunkCode :=
With[{inds = next[chunkSize]},
If[inds === Null, Return[{}]];
wrapperF[a[[#]] & /# inds[[All, 1]], b[[#]] & /# inds[[All, -1]]]
Here, we first produce the iterator which will give us on demand portions of index pair list, used to extract the elements (also SparseArrays). Note that we will generally extract more than one pair of elements from two large input SparseArray-s at a time, to speed up the code. How many pairs we process at once is governed by the optional chunkSize parameter, which defaults to 100. We then construct the code to process these elements and put the result back into SparseArray, where we use an auxiliary function wrapperF. The use of iterators wasn't absolutely necessary (could use Reap-Sow instead, as with other answers), but allowed me to decouple the logic of iteration from the logic of generic accumulation of sparse arrays.
First we prepare large sparse arrays and test our functionality:
arr = {SparseArray[{{1,1,1,1}->1,{2,2,2,2}->1}],SparseArray[{{1,1,1,2}->1,{2,2,2,1}->1}],
In[50]:= list=SparseArray[arr]
Out[50]= SparseArray[<12>,{6,2,2,2,2}]
In[51]:= larger = sparseArrayOuter[Dot,list,list]
Out[51]= SparseArray[<72>,{36,2,2,2,2,2,2}]
In[52]:= (large= sparseArrayOuter[Dot,larger,larger])//Timing
Out[52]= {0.047,SparseArray[<2592>,{1296,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}]}
In[53]:= SparseArray[Flatten[Outer[Dot,larger,larger,1],1]]==large
Out[53]= True
In[54]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[54]= 21347336
Now we do the power tests
In[55]:= (huge= sparseArrayOuter[Dot,large,large,2000])//Timing
Out[55]= {114.344,SparseArray[<3359232>,{1679616,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}]}
In[56]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[56]= 536941120
In[57]:= ByteCount[huge]
Out[57]= 262021120
In[58]:= (huge1 = Flatten[Outer[Dot,large,large,1],1]);//Timing
Out[58]= {8.687,Null}
In[59]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[59]= 2527281392
For this particular example, the suggested method is 5 times more memory-efficient than the direct use of Outer, but about 15 times slower. I had to tweak the chunksize parameter (default is 100, but for the above I used 2000, to get the optimal speed / memory use combination). My method only used as a peak value twice as much memory as needed to store the final result. The degree of memory-savings as compared to Outer- based method will depend on the sparse arrays in question.
If lst1 and lst2 are your lists,
Do[Sow[f[#1[[i]], #2[[j]]]],
{i, 1, Length##1},
{j, 1, Length##2}
] &[lst1, lst2];
] // Last // Last
does the job and may be more memory-efficient. On the other hand, maybe not. Nasser is right, an explicit example would be useful.
EDIT: Using Nasser's randomly-generated arrays, and for len=200, MaxMemoryUsed[] indicates that this form needs 170MB while the Outer form in the question takes 435MB.
Using your example list data, I believe that you will find the ability to Append to a SparseArray quite helpful.
acc = SparseArray[{}, {1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}]
Do[AppendTo[acc, i.j], {i, list}, {j, list}]
I need Rest to drop the first zero-filled tensor in the result. The second argument of the seed SparseArray must be the dimensions of each of your elements with a prefixed 1. You may need to explicitly specify a background for the seed SparseArray to optimize performance.

Understanding module argument modification in Mathematica

If I do the following in Mathematica
f[l_] := Module[{}, l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3]; l]
f[{{}, 3}]
I get an error:
Set::setps: "{{},3} in the part assignment is not a symbol. "
Even l={{}, 3};f[l] gets the same error. But I can do f[l_] := Module[{}, {Append[l[[1]], 3],l[[2]]}] or l = {{}, 3}; l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3]; l.
What is your explanation?
There are multiple problems here:
Attempting Part assignment on a non-Symbol, just as the error message states.
Attempting to manipulate a named replacement object as though it were a symbol.
The replacement that takes place in this construct:
f[x_] := head[x, 2, 3]
Is analogous to that of With:
With[{x = something}, head[x, 2, 3]]
That is, the substitution is made directly and before evaluation, such that the function Head never even sees an object x. Look what happens with this:
x = 5;
f[x_] := (x = x+2; x)
During evaluation of In[8]:= Set::setraw: Cannot assign to raw object 5. >>
Out[]= 5
This evaluates as: (5 = 5+2; 5) so not only is assignment to 5 impossible, but all instances of x that appear in the right hand side of := are replaced with the value of x when it is fed to f. Consider what happens if we try to bypass the assignment problem by using a function with side effects:
ClearAll[f, x, incrementX]
incrementX[] := (x += 2)
x = 3;
So our incrementX function is working. But now we try:
f[x_] := (incrementX[]; x)
incrementX did not fail:
Rather, the the value of x was 5 at the time of evaluation of f[x] and therefore that is returned.
What does work?
What options do we have for things related to what you are attempting? There are several.
1. Use a Hold attribute
We can set a Hold attribute such as HoldFirst or HoldAll on the function, so that we may pass the symbol name to RHS functions, rather than only its value.
SetAttributes[heldF, HoldAll]
x = {1, 2, 3};
heldF[x_] := (x[[1]] = 7; x)
<pre>{7, 2, 3}</pre>
<pre>{7, 2, 3}</pre>
We see that both the global value of x, and the x expression returned by heldF are changed. Note that heldF must be given a Symbol as an argument otherwise you are again attempting {1, 2, 3}[[1]] = 7.
2. Use a temporary Symbol
As Arnoud Buzing shows, we can also use a temporary Symbol in Module.
x = {1, 2, 3};
proxyF[x_] := Module[{proxy = x}, proxy[[1]] = 7; proxy]
proxyF[{1, 2, 3}]
{7, 2, 3}
{7, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
3. Use ReplacePart
We can also avoid symbols completely and just use ReplacePart:
x = {1, 2, 3};
directF[x_] := ReplacePart[x, 1 -> 7]
{7, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
This can be used for modifications rather than outright replacements as well:
f[l_] := ReplacePart[l, 1 :> l[[1]] ~Append~ 3]
f[{{}, 3}]
{{3}, 3}
f[{{}, 3}] // Trace
and you see that the value of l is inserted into the l[[1]] = Append[l[[1]], 3] bit before evaluation. So mma is attempting to evaluate this: {{}, 3}[[1]] = {3}
This may do something like you want
f[l_] := Module[{},
Append[l[[1]], 3]~Join~Rest[l]
(the idea is to avoid assigning to parts of l, since l will be evaluated before the assignment is attempted)
If you do want to use Part in your Module, you may want to consider using a temporary variable:
f[l_List] := Module[{t = l}, t[[1]] = Pi; t]
In[] := f[{1, 2, 3}]
Out[] = {Pi, 2, 3}

repeat a function n times in Mathematica

I want to repeat a function n times on a table, For n=2 I have the following code, How can I be sure that the function had run twice since my fc is differend every time?
smat = Table[{9, 8, 10}, {3}]
f[x_?Table] := ReplacePart[
x, {{2, 1} -> x[[2]][[1]] - #, {2, 2} -> x[[2]][[2]] + #}] &# fc[x[[2]][[1]]];
fc[k_?NumericQ] := Count[RandomReal[{0, 1}, k], x_ /; x < .1]
Nest[f, smat, 2]
This is probably what you want:
smat = Table[{9, 8, 10}, {3}]
ClearAll[f, fc];
f[x_List] :=
x, {{2, 1} -> x[[2]][[1]] - #, {2, 2} -> x[[2]][[2]] + #}] &#
fc[k_?NumericQ] := Count[RandomReal[{0, 1}, k], x_ /; x < .1]
Nest[f, smat, 2]
ClearAll clears any previous definitions for those symbols (just in case). f[x_?Table] won't work; you want f[x_List], which means that the argument has a List head (Table is not a Head, and ? isn't what you want here).
I am not sure I have really answered your question though...
EDIT: To be clear, f[x_?something] means "apply something to x and, if it returns True, evaluate the right hand side of the := that follows. Look up PatternTest in Mathematica's documentation for more.
Acl covered the problems with the code pretty well, so I won't. To answer your question, though, I'd first separate your functions f and fc in separate cells, with fc being declared prior to f, and preface each cell with Clear[<function name>]. Now, to test if f is being applied twice, temporarily replace fc with
fc[_]:= a
or use another "dummy" value other than a, but it should be symbolic to increase readability. As a point of note, {1,2,3} + a == {1 + a, 2 + a, 3 + a}, so if f is applied twice, each term in x[[2]][[1]] and x[[2]][[2]] will have 2 a added to it.
Now, if you are unsure if fc is working correctly by itself, I'd apply it to a number separate cases without f, first.

Generate a list in Mathematica with a conditional tested for each element

Suppose we want to generate a list of primes p for which p + 2 is also prime.
A quick solution is to generate a complete list of the first n primes and use the Select function to return the elements which meet the condition.
Select[Table[Prime[k], {k, n}], PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
However, this is inefficient as it loads a large list into the memory before returning the filtered list. A For loop with Sow/Reap (or l = {}; AppendTo[l, k]) solves the memory issue, but it is far from elegant and is cumbersome to implement a number of times in a Mathematica script.
For[k = 1, k <= n, k++,
p = Prime[k];
If[PrimeQ[p + 2], Sow[p]]
][[-1, 1]]
An ideal solution would be a built-in function which allows an option similar to this.
Table[Prime[k], {k, n}, AddIf -> PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
I will interpret this more as a question about automation and software engineering rather than about the specific problem at hand, and given a large number of solutions posted already. Reap and Sow are good means (possibly, the best in the symbolic setting) to collect intermediate results. Let us just make it general, to avoid code duplication.
What we need is to write a higher-order function. I will not do anything radically new, but will simply package your solution to make it more generally applicable:
tableGen[f_, iter : {i_Symbol, __}, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[#,sowTag]] &[f[i]], iter],sowTag]];
The advantages of using Do over For are that the loop variable is localized dynamically (so, no global modifications for it outside the scope of Do), and also the iterator syntax of Do is closer to that of Table (Do is also slightly faster).
Now, here is the usage
In[56]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
Out[56]= {3, 5, 11, 17, 29}
In[57]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 3, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 1] &]
Out[57]= {}
In[58]:= tableGen[Prime, {i, 10}]
Out[58]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}
This version is closer to the syntax you mentioned (it takes an expression rather than a function):
SetAttributes[tableGenAlt, HoldAll];
tableGenAlt[expr_, iter_List, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[#,sowTag]] &[expr], iter],sowTag]];
It has an added advantage that you may even have iterator symbols defined globally, since they are passed unevaluated and dynamically localized. Examples of use:
In[65]:= tableGenAlt[Prime[i], {i, 10}, PrimeQ[# + 2] &]
Out[65]= {3, 5, 11, 17, 29}
In[68]:= tableGenAlt[Prime[i], {i, 10}]
Out[68]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}
Note that since the syntax is different now, we had to use the Hold-attribute to prevent the passed expression expr from premature evaluation.
Per #Simon's request, here is the generalization for many dimensions:
SetAttributes[tableGenAltMD, HoldAll];
tableGenAltMD[expr_, iter__List, addif : Except[_List] : (True &)] :=
Module[{indices, indexedRes, sowTag},
SetDelayed ## Prepend[Thread[Map[Take[#, 1] &, List ## Hold ### Hold[iter]],
Hold], indices];
indexedRes =
If[# === {}, #, First##] &#
Last#Reap[Do[If[addif[#], Sow[{#, indices},sowTag]] &[expr], iter],sowTag];
SplitBy[indexedRes ,
Table[With[{i = i}, Function[Slot[1][[2, i]]]], {i,Length[Hold[iter]] - 1}]],
It is considerably less trivial, since I had to Sow the indices together with the added values, and then split the resulting flat list according to the indices. Here is an example of use:
{i, j, k} = {1, 2, 3};
tableGenAltMD[i + j + k, {i, 1, 5}, {j, 1, 3}, {k, 1, 2}, # < 7 &]
{{{3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}}, {{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6}}, {{5, 6}, {6}}, {{6}}}
I assigned the values to i,j,k iterator variables to illustrate that this function does localize the iterator variables and is insensitive to possible global values for them. To check the result, we may use Table and then delete the elements not satisfying the condition:
DeleteCases[Table[i + j + k, {i, 1, 5}, {j, 1, 3}, {k, 1, 2}],
x_Integer /; x >= 7, Infinity] //. {} :> Sequence[]
Out[126]= {{{3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}}, {{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6}}, {{5, 6}, {6}}, {{6}}}
Note that I did not do extensive checks so the current version may contain bugs and needs some more testing.
Note the important bug-fix: in all functions, I now use Sow with a custom unique tag, and Reap as well. Without this change, the functions would not work properly when expression they evaluate also uses Sow. This is a general situation with Reap-Sow, and resembles that for exceptions (Throw-Catch).
EDIT 4 - SyntaxInformation
Since this is such a potentially useful function, it is nice to make it behave more like a built-in function. First we add syntax highlighting and basic argument checking through
SyntaxInformation[tableGenAltMD] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_, {_, _, _., _.}.., _.},
"LocalVariables" -> {"Table", {2, -2}}};
Then, adding a usage message allows the menu item "Make Template" (Shift+Ctrl+k) to work:
tableGenAltMD::usage = "tableGenAltMD[expr,{i,imax},addif] will generate \
a list of values expr when i runs from 1 to imax, \
only including elements if addif[expr] returns true.
The default of addiff is True&."
A more complete and formatted usage message can be found in this gist.
I think the Reap/Sow approach is likely to be most efficient in terms of memory usage. Some alternatives might be:
DeleteCases[(With[{p=Prime[#]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],p,{}] ] ) & /# Range[K]),_List]
Or (this one might need some sort of DeleteCases to eliminate Null results):
FoldList[[(With[{p=Prime[#2]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],p] ] )& ,1.,Range[2,K] ]
Both hold a big list of integers 1 to K in memory, but the Primes are scoped inside the With[] construct.
Yes, this is another answer. Another alternative that includes the flavour of the Reap/Sow approach and the FoldList approach would be to use Scan.
result = {1};
Scan[With[{p=Prime[#]},If[PrimeQ[p+2],result={result,p}]]&,Range[2,K] ];
Again, this involves a long list of integers, but the intermediate Prime results are not stored because they are in the local scope of With. Because p is a constant in the scope of the With function, you can use With rather than Module, and gain a bit of speed.
You can perhaps try something like this:
Clear[f, primesList]
f = With[{p = Prime[#]},Piecewise[{{p, PrimeQ[p + 2]}}, {}] ] &;
primesList[k_] := Union#Flatten#(f /# Range[k]);
If you want both the prime p and the prime p+2, then the solution is
Clear[f, primesList]
f = With[{p = Prime[#]},Piecewise[{{p, PrimeQ[p + 2]}}, {}] ] &;
primesList[k_] :=
Module[{primes = f /# Range[k]},
Union#Flatten#{primes, primes + 2}];
Well, someone has to allocate memory somewhere for the full table size, since it is not known before hand what the final size will be.
In the good old days before functional programming :), this sort of thing was solved by allocating the maximum array size, and then using a separate index to insert to it so no holes are made. Like this
x=Table[0,{100}]; (*allocate maximum possible*)
Table[ If[PrimeQ[k+2], x[[++j]]=k],{k,100}];
x[[1;;j]] (*the result is here *)
Here's another couple of alternatives using NextPrime:
pairs1[pmax_] := Select[Range[pmax], PrimeQ[#] && NextPrime[#] == 2 + # &]
pairs2[pnum_] := Module[{p}, NestList[(p = NextPrime[#];
While[p + 2 != (p = NextPrime[p])];
p - 2) &, 3, pnum]]
and a modification of your Reap/Sow solution that lets you specify the maximum prime:
pairs3[pmax_] := Module[{k,p},
Reap[For[k = 1, (p = Prime[k]) <= pmax, k++,
If[PrimeQ[p + 2], Sow[p]]]][[-1, 1]]]
The above are in order of increasing speed.
In[4]:= pairs2[10000]//Last//Timing
Out[4]= {3.48,1261079}
In[5]:= pairs1[1261079]//Last//Timing
Out[5]= {6.84,1261079}
In[6]:= pairs3[1261079]//Last//Timing
Out[7]= {0.58,1261079}
