Google Classroom Share Button - Body Parameter - google-classroom

the Google Classroom SHARE BUTTON body parameter has stopped working since the launch of the enriched text option. Have a look at the sample below. It worked before the release of the new functionality, it stopped them.
Any help? Thanks a lot!
<g:sharetoclassroom url="http://url-to-share" title="Title" body="What you need to explain to stutent" size="32"></g:sharetoclassroom>


Is there a way to clear chat history in Webchat which uses DirectlineJS and not React

As per the below github issues link for Chatbot and BotFramework.
We can clear chat history by assigning a new instance to store variable, which triggers a DIRECT_LINE/DISCONNECT action. Now this works in React Webchat. But, I have tried in Web-chat Java script version and the issue seems to still persist, i.e., when the store variable is replaced the previous chats are not removed.
Any confirmation from the community will be relieving as there are many open issues in Botframework github that its confusing. I'm sharing a few that I found out.
If No, can this be achieved in some other way? any suggestions will be helpful.
I was able to resolve it. So, just replacing the variable will not work. You need to render the store variable to update/replace it in webchat.js code.
await window.WebChat.renderWebChat(
store: widgetStore
The BotFramework-WebChat repo provides a sample that demonstrates precisely how to do this. The sample is 04.api/h.clear-after-idle. The readme also includes some caveats to be aware of.

Google Analytics not sending any events or custom dimensions data to dashboard

I am using this module: version 3.1
It is using Google Analytics 4. Drupal version 8.9.x
We followed the documentation to create some custom dimensions and added in the Google Analytics configuration accordingly.
When view the page source, I see code is added there:
gtag("config", "G-MESUREMENT-KEY", {
"custom_map": {
gtag("event", "custom", {
"user_company":"TEST Company",
"user_role":"authenticated, member_administrator, administrator",
Using some Chrome GA debugger "GTM/GA", I see parameter is passing there. In the request "Pay Load" of Chrome debugger it shows its sending the values:
BUT I don't see the data when I open DebugView in the GA dashboard! And Interesting part is, some chrome debugger like "Google Analytics Debugger 2.8" when enabled, which seems open a debugger and connect to GA dashboard, DebugView is showing the events and parameters data. So there must be something which restricting or refusing to connect with GA Dashboard to push the data.
Reads lot of documentation, did lot of test but failed to find a reason for that. The site is fully login protected but event /user/login page which is accessible to all, not sending the data at all.
If some one can shed some light on the issue, it will really really help for me. Thanks in advance.
Actually this is my mistake of my understanding. All data is pushing to GA dashboard no confusion. The reason why I don't see data when creating a comparison report based on custom dimension parameters is due to "scope" difference.
So if you want to create a report based on event scoped parameters, please go to Engagement->Events, and if you want to create a report based on user scoped parameters, please go to Audience tab, but user scoped report will not show data if captured users record is less than 10.
A documentation for reference:

Generate Report in Plugin (Dynamics 365)

i gust curious maybe someone heard about solution how to get Report (SSRS Report) in Plugin (i want to export it in pdf from CRM and save in Sharepoint).
I have tried following solution:
this one is not working anymore because of authentication. I tried to authentificate my user in WebClient inside plugin but no luck. Maybe someone know how to do it
There is an excellent article/blog posted by Bob Guidinger for Generating Report and sending Email for D365 Online.
Once you get first step running, you can extend it to perform you specific operation.
Blog mentioned about Azure function and plugin (combination).
Scheduling Reports in Dynamics 365 - Part 1
I tried this for one of my project and it worked fine with me. This shall be a bit learning curve if you do not know how to create azure functions and some small parts.
Happy Coding!!
Make sure to upvote, Accept if this helps!!

Is it possible to get another person's UI in Google Apps Script?

In Google Apps Script when you use the property: DocumentApp.getUi(), it gets the UI of the person who is using it. If you used DocumentApp.getUi().alert(), then it would send an alert to the person who is using the script. I am wondering if there is maybe a way to alert another person's UI in Google Apps Script and not the person who is using the script. Here is a sample of my code:
.alert("Your access is being removed.")
Now it would be wonderful and imagine all the possibilities if that were possible! Someone please help!
It is not possible to access the UI of any browser except the one which invoked the function. This is also why time driven triggers cannot display UI modals (they are executing nonlocally).

how to send a request to google home\assistant like IFTTT+webhooks

Please direct me the right way. I'm stuck with some documentation issue. Going to code a small service with Google HOME for everyone to add a new phrase and make a POST request or answer with specific "TEXT" (like IFTTT run with WEBHOOKS) (fe: "Hey Google switch my kitchen light" -> service will send POST request to my own HTTP server). I know that IFTTT works but - I would to code the target service for tiny cases with fast response.
I tried to understand all Google Assistant layers - but still no luck and didn't find the clear path.
What I learned are:
1. connect to Google Account using OAuth 2
2. .... save the phrase and action for that in my DB - it's ok and simple way
3. ...??? how to send and to where? in (json?) a specific format
4. receive the answer from google home to understand the right case and make my action.... (for example: turn on\off the kitchen light)
It should be not so hard as I can image.... anyway Please help :).
Appreciate your time and answers and have a nice day!
To learn about extending the Google Assistant, you should look into the documentation for Actions on Google:
Although it also seems like you want to use it for Smart Home:
You can run the Smart Home sample if you want to see how it works:
