How can I sort an array of small integers in less than O(nlogn) knowing that all the integers can fit in only one bite and I have infinite memory to use?
If input is bounded to lets say your specification (1 byte) and you have infinite memory, you can use this advantage to sort not based on comparions. One such algorithm is the Key-indexed counting with the complexity of O(n). Refer to this explanation for the detailed guide how it works.
Well if you had infinite hardware acting in zero time on a finite, but unknown number of small integers then you could create an array of logic units f that perform:
define f(x, y):
return (x, y) if x <= y else (y, x)
The arrayed connections of these functional units whould produce its input in sorted order at the outputs of the last row, in zero time!
It's fun to sometimes think of having infinite resources acting in zero time :-)
An example implementation in C++
(totally untested code)
void SmallSort(std::vector<unsigned char>& small) {
std::array<int, 256> counter;
for(auto i : small) {
// fill the array
int idx = 0;
auto cur = small.begin();
for(auto i : counter) {
next = cur + i;
fill(cur, next, idx++);
cur = next;
Suppose that I have an RGB image matrix and I want to apply some spatial filters on it.
In general I want to apply element-wise operations (note that it's a college assignment and I'm not permitted to use any built-in functions available in the Image Processing toolbox). I decided to write the filters as functions and then apply bsxfun to these functions on the image.
A simple example would be this:
I want to add 50 to all gray levels of an image and then replace all gray levels with above 200 with 200. Here's my code:
test is a function in this form:
function Out = test(in,a)
if in>a
Out = in;
This code won't work because in the second line "in > a" is a matrix having 0's and 1's (I mean all of the elements are not 1 and should not be) so the debugger won't branch into the if statement.
Could you guide me how to write this function and how to apply spatial and fourier analyses on the image, without affecting the performance and run-time speed?
Here's a couple of suggestions:
First of all, you don't need to add 50 to each layer of the RGB matrix individually. You can just do:
b = b + 50;
Why do you reshape b before passing it to bsxfun? The size of the output of bsxfun is the same as your image's, there's really no need in reshaping here anything.
Regarding your test function, note what the official documentation of bsxfun states:
A binary element-wise function of the form C = fun(A,B) accepts arrays A and B of arbitrary but equal size and returns output of the same size. Each element in the output array C is the result of an operation on the corresponding elements of A and B only. fun must also support scalar expansion, such that if A or B is a scalar, C is the result of applying the scalar to every element in the other input array.
So bsxfun performs singleton expansion and "inflates" its two input arrays to the same size, and then applies the specified function to the inflated arrays. The element-wise function fun operates, in fact, on the arrays, not scalars. I don't see any actual gain in employing bsxfun here.
That said, you can simplify your code as shown in Dan's suggestion, or implement it as a function:
function out = test(in, a);
out = in;
out(in > a) = a;
I assume that if you were using the value 210 instead of 200, you'd like to cap all gray levels with 210 as well, so you should really be using a instead of a hard-coded value 200. You could also write your function like so:
function out = test(in, a)
out = min(in, a);
and then invoke it with:
d = test(b, 200);
instead of the more complicated d = bsxfun(#test, b, 200).
Another alternative is to use arrayfun:
d = arrayfun(#(x)test(x, 200), a);
d = arrayfun(#test, a, 200 * ones(size(a)));
in which arrayfun will apply test element-wise, and the test function would need to operate only on scalars. However, arrayfun usually runs slower than loops, let alone vectorized operations.
For spatial analysis, check out conv2 just like Dan suggested (or implement your own 2-D convolution, for the sake of practice). For Fourier analysis, consider using the fft2 and ifft2 functions in the frequency domain.
Hope this helps!
So for the example you posted you can just take advantage of the fact that most operators in matlab work on matrices natively:
c = a + 50;
c(c > 200) = 200;
It's as simple as that.
For the filtering, if you are allowed, I would have a look at the conv2 function. You can do spatial filtering this way without transforming to the frequency domain (remeber, multiplication of a filter in the frequency domain is the same as convolution in the spatial domain). So for example a basic low pass filter:
lpf = ones(5)./25;
c(:,:,1) = conv2(b(:,:,1), lpf);
c(:,:,2) = conv2(b(:,:,2), lpf);
c(:,:,3) = conv2(b(:,:,3), lpf);
I was wondering if it is possible to use NMinimize from mathematica with an objective function, which contains random variables? E.g. I have a function with parameters which follow a distribution (normal and truncated normal). I want to fit its histogram to data that I have and constructed an objective function which now I need to minimize (so, the objective function depends on the mus and sigmas of the parameters and need to be determined). If I run my code, there is an error message: It claims the parameter for the NormalDistribution needs to be positive (If I plug in numbers for the mus and sigmas of my objective functionby hand, i don't get an error message).
So, I am wondering if it is not possible for NMinimize to handle a non-analytic function.
Here, I give you an example code (please note that the original function is more complicated)
listS and listT are both lists of event times. I want to fit the curve of my statistical model for the times (here, a very simple one, it consists of a truncated normal distribution) to the data I have.
For this I compare the survival curves and need to minimize the sum of the least squares.
My problem is that the function NMinimize doesn't seem to work. (Please note, that the original objective function consists of a more complicated function with parameters that are random variables)
(* Both lists are supposed to be the list of times *)
SurvivalS[listeS_, x_] := Module[{res, survivald},
survivald = SurvivalDistribution[listeS];
res = SurvivalFunction[survivald, x];
Residuum[listeT_, listeS_] :=
Table[(SurvivalS[listeT, listeT[[i]]] - SurvivalS[listeS, listeT[[i]]]), {i,
1, dataN}];
LeastSquare[listeT_, listeS_] :=
Total[Function[x, x^2] /#
listeS]];(* objective function, here ist is the sum of least square *)
objectiveF[mu_, sigma_] :=
Piecewise[{{LeastSquare[listeT, listeS[mu, sigma]], mu > 0 && sigma > 0}},
20 (1 + (sigma + mu)^2)];
pool = 100; (* No. points from MonteCarlo *)
listeS[mu_, sigma_] := RandomVariate[TruncatedDistribution[{0, 1}, NormalDistribution[mu, sigma]],pool];(* simulated data *)
listeT = Sort[RandomVariate[TruncatedDistribution[{0, 1}, NormalDistribution[.5, .9]],60]]; (* list of "measured" data *)
dataN = Length[listeT];
NMinimize[objectiveF[mu, .9], {{mu, .4}}]
The error message is: "RandomVariate::realprm: Parameter mu at position 1 in NormalDistribution[mu,0.9] is expected to be real. >>"
I have a problem involving a collection of continuous probability distribution functions, most of which are determined empirically (e.g. departure times, transit times). What I need is some way of taking two of these PDFs and doing arithmetic on them. E.g. if I have two values x taken from PDF X, and y taken from PDF Y, I need to get the PDF for (x+y), or any other operation f(x,y).
An analytical solution is not possible, so what I'm looking for is some representation of PDFs that allows such things. An obvious (but computationally expensive) solution is monte-carlo: generate lots of values of x and y, and then just measure f(x, y). But that takes too much CPU time.
I did think about representing the PDF as a list of ranges where each range has a roughly equal probability, effectively representing the PDF as the union of a list of uniform distributions. But I can't see how to combine them.
Does anyone have any good solutions to this problem?
Edit: The goal is to create a mini-language (aka Domain Specific Language) for manipulating PDFs. But first I need to sort out the underlying representation and algorithms.
Edit 2: dmckee suggests a histogram implementation. That is what I was getting at with my list of uniform distributions. But I don't see how to combine them to create new distributions. Ultimately I need to find things like P(x < y) in cases where this may be quite small.
Edit 3: I have a bunch of histograms. They are not evenly distributed because I'm generating them from occurance data, so basically if I have 100 samples and I want ten points in the histogram then I allocate 10 samples to each bar, and make the bars variable width but constant area.
I've figured out that to add PDFs you convolve them, and I've boned up on the maths for that. When you convolve two uniform distributions you get a new distribution with three sections: the wider uniform distribution is still there, but with a triangle stuck on each side the width of the narrower one. So if I convolve each element of X and Y I'll get a bunch of these, all overlapping. Now I'm trying to figure out how to sum them all and then get a histogram that is the best approximation to it.
I'm beginning to wonder if Monte-Carlo wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Edit 4: This paper discusses convolutions of uniform distributions in some detail. In general you get a "trapezoid" distribution. Since each "column" in the histograms is a uniform distribution, I had hoped that the problem could be solved by convolving these columns and summing the results.
However the result is considerably more complex than the inputs, and also includes triangles. Edit 5: [Wrong stuff removed]. But if these trapezoids are approximated to rectangles with the same area then you get the Right Answer, and reducing the number of rectangles in the result looks pretty straightforward too. This might be the solution I've been trying to find.
Edit 6: Solved! Here is the final Haskell code for this problem:
-- | Continuous distributions of scalars are represented as a
-- | histogram where each bar has approximately constant area but
-- | variable width and height. A histogram with N bars is stored as
-- | a list of N+1 values.
data Continuous = C {
cN :: Int,
-- ^ Number of bars in the histogram.
cAreas :: [Double],
-- ^ Areas of the bars. #length cAreas == cN#
cBars :: [Double]
-- ^ Boundaries of the bars. #length cBars == cN + 1#
} deriving (Show, Read)
{- | Add distributions. If two random variables #vX# and #vY# are
taken from distributions #x# and #y# respectively then the
distribution of #(vX + vY)# will be #(x .+. y).
This is implemented as the convolution of distributions x and y.
Each is a histogram, which is to say the sum of a collection of
uniform distributions (the "bars"). Therefore the convolution can be
computed as the sum of the convolutions of the cross product of the
components of x and y.
When you convolve two uniform distributions of unequal size you get a
trapezoidal distribution. Let p = p2-p1, q - q2-q1. Then we get:
> | |
> | ______ |
> | | | with | _____________
> | | | | | |
> +-----+----+------- +--+-----------+-
> p1 p2 q1 q2
> gives h|....... _______________
> | /: :\
> | / : : \ 1
> | / : : \ where h = -
> | / : : \ q
> | / : : \
> +--+-----+-------------+-----+-----
> p1+q1 p2+q1 p1+q2 p2+q2
However we cannot keep the trapezoid in the final result because our
representation is restricted to uniform distributions. So instead we
store a uniform approximation to the trapezoid with the same area:
> h|......___________________
> | | / \ |
> | |/ \|
> | | |
> | /| |\
> | / | | \
> +-----+-------------------+--------
> p1+q1+p/2 p2+q2-p/2
(.+.) :: Continuous -> Continuous -> Continuous
c .+. d = C {cN = length bars - 1,
cBars = map fst bars,
cAreas = zipWith barArea bars (tail bars)}
-- The convolve function returns a list of two (x, deltaY) pairs.
-- These can be sorted by x and then sequentially summed to get
-- the new histogram. The "b" parameter is the product of the
-- height of the input bars, which was omitted from the diagrams
-- above.
convolve b c1 c2 d1 d2 =
if (c2-c1) < (d2-d1) then convolve1 b c1 c2 d1 d2 else convolve1 b d1
d2 c1 c2
convolve1 b p1 p2 q1 q2 =
[(p1+q1+halfP, h), (p2+q2-halfP, (-h))]
halfP = (p2-p1)/2
h = b / (q2-q1)
outline = map sumGroup $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (comparing fst)
$ concat
[convolve (areaC*areaD) c1 c2 d1 d2 |
(c1, c2, areaC) <- zip3 (cBars c) (tail $ cBars c) (cAreas c),
(d1, d2, areaD) <- zip3 (cBars d) (tail $ cBars d) (cAreas d)
sumGroup pairs = (fst $ head pairs, sum $ map snd pairs)
bars = tail $ scanl (\(_,y) (x2,dy) -> (x2, y+dy)) (0, 0) outline
barArea (x1, h) (x2, _) = (x2 - x1) * h
Other operators are left as an exercise for the reader.
No need for histograms or symbolic computation: everything can be done at the language level in closed form, if the right point of view is taken.
[I shall use the term "measure" and "distribution" interchangeably. Also, my Haskell is rusty and I ask you to forgive me for being imprecise in this area.]
Probability distributions are really codata.
Let mu be a probability measure. The only thing you can do with a measure is integrate it against a test function (this is one possible mathematical definition of "measure"). Note that this is what you will eventually do: for instance integrating against identity is taking the mean:
mean :: Measure -> Double
mean mu = mu id
another example:
variance :: Measure -> Double
variance mu = (mu $ \x -> x ^ 2) - (mean mu) ^ 2
another example, which computes P(mu < x):
cdf :: Measure -> Double -> Double
cdf mu x = mu $ \z -> if z < x then 1 else 0
This suggests an approach by duality.
The type Measure shall therefore denote the type (Double -> Double) -> Double. This allows you to model results of MC simulation, numerical/symbolic quadrature against a PDF, etc. For instance, the function
empirical :: [Double] -> Measure
empirical h:t f = (f h) + empirical t f
returns the integral of f against an empirical measure obtained by eg. MC sampling. Also
from_pdf :: (Double -> Double) -> Measure
from_pdf rho f = my_favorite_quadrature_method rho f
construct measures from (regular) densities.
Now, the good news. If mu and nu are two measures, the convolution mu ** nu is given by:
(mu ** nu) f = nu $ \y -> (mu $ \x -> f $ x + y)
So, given two measures, you can integrate against their convolution.
Also, given a random variable X of law mu, the law of a * X is given by:
rescale :: Double -> Measure -> Measure
rescale a mu f = mu $ \x -> f(a * x)
Also, the distribution of phi(X) is given by the image measure phi_* X, in our framework:
apply :: (Double -> Double) -> Measure -> Measure
apply phi mu f = mu $ f . phi
So now you can easily work out an embedded language for measures. There are much more things to do here, particularly with respect to sample spaces other than the real line, dependencies between random variables, conditionning, but I hope you get the point.
In particular, the pushforward is functorial:
newtype Measure a = (a -> Double) -> Double
instance Functor Measure a where
fmap f mu = apply f mu
It is a monad too (exercise -- hint: this very much looks like the continuation monad. What is return ? What is the analog of call/cc ?).
Also, combined with a differential geometry framework, this can probably be turned into something which compute Bayesian posterior distributions automatically.
At the end of the day, you can write stuff like
m = mean $ apply cos ((from_pdf gauss) ** (empirical data))
to compute the mean of cos(X + Y) where X has pdf gauss and Y has been sampled by a MC method whose results are in data.
Probability distributions form a monad; see eg the work of Claire Jones and also the LICS 1989 paper, but the ideas go back to a 1982 paper by Giry (DOI 10.1007/BFb0092872) and to a 1962 note by Lawvere that I cannot track down (
But I don't see the comonad: there's no way to get an "a" out of an "(a->Double)->Double". Perhaps if you make it polymorphic - (a->r)->r for all r? (That's the continuation monad.)
Is there anything that stops you from employing a mini-language for this?
By that I mean, define a language that lets you write f = x + y and evaluates f for you just as written. And similarly for g = x * z, h = y(x), etc. ad nauseum. (The semantics I'm suggesting call for the evaluator to select a random number on each innermost PDF appearing on the RHS at evaluation time, and not to try to understand the composted form of the resulting PDFs. This may not be fast enough...)
Assuming that you understand the precision limits you need, you can represent a PDF fairly simply with a histogram or spline (the former being a degenerate case of the later). If you need to mix analytically defined PDFs with experimentally determined ones, you'll have to add a type mechanism.
A histogram is just an array, the contents of which represent the incidence in a particular region of the input range. You haven't said if you have a language preference, so I'll assume something c-like. You need to know the bin-structure (uniorm sizes are easy, but not always best) including the high and low limits and possibly the normalizatation:
struct histogram_struct {
int bins; /* Assumed to be uniform */
double low;
double high;
/* double normalization; */
/* double *errors; */ /* if using, intialize with enough space,
* and store _squared_ errors
double contents[];
This kind of thing is very common in scientific analysis software, and you might want to use an existing implementation.
I worked on similar problems for my dissertation.
One way to compute approximate convolutions is to take the Fourier transform of the density functions (histograms in this case), multiply them, then take the inverse Fourier transform to get the convolution.
Look at Appendix C of my dissertation for formulas for various special cases of operations on probability distributions. You can find the dissertation at:
I wrote Java code to carry out those operations. You can find the code at:
Autonomous mobile robotics deals with similar issue in localization and navigation, in particular the Markov localization and Kalman filter (sensor fusion). See An experimental comparison of localization methods continued for example.
Another approach you could borrow from mobile robots is path planning using potential fields.
A couple of responses:
1) If you have empirically determined PDFs they either you have histograms or you have an approximation to a parametric PDF. A PDF is a continuous function and you don't have infinite data...
2) Let's assume that the variables are independent. Then if you make the PDF discrete then P(f(x,y)) = f(x,y)p(x,y) = f(x,y)p(x)p(y) summed over all the combinations of x and y such that f(x,y) meets your target.
If you are going to fit the empirical PDFs to standard PDFs, e.g. the normal distribution, then you can use already-determined functions to figure out the sum, etc.
If the variables are not independent, then you have more trouble on your hands and I think you have to use copulas.
I think that defining your own mini-language, etc., is overkill. you can do this with arrays...
Some initial thoughts:
First, Mathematica has a nice facility for doing this with exact distributions.
Second, representation as histograms (ie, empirical PDFs) is problematic since you have to make choices about bin size. That can be avoided by storing a cumulative distribution instead, ie, an empirical CDF. (In fact, you then retain the ability to recreate the full data set of samples that the empirical distribution is based on.)
Here's some ugly Mathematica code to take a list of samples and return an empirical CDF, namely a list of value-probability pairs. Run the output of this through ListPlot to see a plot of the empirical CDF.
empiricalCDF[t_] :=
Finally, here's some information on combining discrete probability distributions:
I think the histograms or the list of 1/N area regions is a good idea. For the sake of argument, I'll assume that you'll have a fixed N for all distributions.
Use the paper you linked edit 4 to generate the new distribution. Then, approximate it with a new N-element distribution.
If you don't want N to be fixed, it's even easier. Take each convex polygon (trapezoid or triangle) in the new generated distribution and approximate it with a uniform distribution.
Another suggestion is to use kernel densities. Especially if you use Gaussian kernels, then they can be relatively easy to work with... except that the distributions quickly explode in size without care. Depending on the application, there are additional approximation techniques like importance sampling that can be used.
If you want some fun, try representing them symbolically like Maple or Mathemetica would do. Maple uses directed acyclic graphs, while Matematica uses a list/lisp like appoach (I believe, but it's been a loooong time, since I even thought about this).
Do all your manipulations symbolically, then at the end push through numerical values. (Or just find a way to launch off in a shell and do the computations).
How can I convert a uniform distribution (as most random number generators produce, e.g. between 0.0 and 1.0) into a normal distribution? What if I want a mean and standard deviation of my choosing?
There are plenty of methods:
Do not use Box Muller. Especially if you draw many gaussian numbers. Box Muller yields a result which is clamped between -6 and 6 (assuming double precision. Things worsen with floats.). And it is really less efficient than other available methods.
Ziggurat is fine, but needs a table lookup (and some platform-specific tweaking due to cache size issues)
Ratio-of-uniforms is my favorite, only a few addition/multiplications and a log 1/50th of the time (eg. look there).
Inverting the CDF is efficient (and overlooked, why ?), you have fast implementations of it available if you search google. It is mandatory for Quasi-Random numbers.
The Ziggurat algorithm is pretty efficient for this, although the Box-Muller transform is easier to implement from scratch (and not crazy slow).
Changing the distribution of any function to another involves using the inverse of the function you want.
In other words, if you aim for a specific probability function p(x) you get the distribution by integrating over it -> d(x) = integral(p(x)) and use its inverse: Inv(d(x)). Now use the random probability function (which have uniform distribution) and cast the result value through the function Inv(d(x)). You should get random values cast with distribution according to the function you chose.
This is the generic math approach - by using it you can now choose any probability or distribution function you have as long as it have inverse or good inverse approximation.
Hope this helped and thanks for the small remark about using the distribution and not the probability itself.
Here is a javascript implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation.
* Returns member of set with a given mean and standard deviation
* mean: mean
* standard deviation: std_dev
function createMemberInNormalDistribution(mean,std_dev){
return mean + (gaussRandom()*std_dev);
* Returns random number in normal distribution centering on 0.
* ~95% of numbers returned should fall between -2 and 2
* ie within two standard deviations
function gaussRandom() {
var u = 2*Math.random()-1;
var v = 2*Math.random()-1;
var r = u*u + v*v;
/*if outside interval [0,1] start over*/
if(r == 0 || r >= 1) return gaussRandom();
var c = Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(r)/r);
return u*c;
/* todo: optimize this algorithm by caching (v*c)
* and returning next time gaussRandom() is called.
* left out for simplicity */
Where R1, R2 are random uniform numbers:
This is exact... no need to do all those slow loops!
Use the central limit theorem wikipedia entry mathworld entry to your advantage.
Generate n of the uniformly distributed numbers, sum them, subtract n*0.5 and you have the output of an approximately normal distribution with mean equal to 0 and variance equal to (1/12) * (1/sqrt(N)) (see wikipedia on uniform distributions for that last one)
n=10 gives you something half decent fast. If you want something more than half decent go for tylers solution (as noted in the wikipedia entry on normal distributions)
I would use Box-Muller. Two things about this:
You end up with two values per iteration
Typically, you cache one value and return the other. On the next call for a sample, you return the cached value.
Box-Muller gives a Z-score
You have to then scale the Z-score by the standard deviation and add the mean to get the full value in the normal distribution.
It seems incredible that I could add something to this after eight years, but for the case of Java I would like to point readers to the Random.nextGaussian() method, which generates a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 for you.
A simple addition and/or multiplication will change the mean and standard deviation to your needs.
The standard Python library module random has what you want:
normalvariate(mu, sigma)
Normal distribution. mu is the mean, and sigma is the standard deviation.
For the algorithm itself, take a look at the function in in the Python library.
The manual entry is here
This is a Matlab implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation:
Function randn_box_muller.m:
function [values] = randn_box_muller(n, mean, std_dev)
if nargin == 1
mean = 0;
std_dev = 1;
r = gaussRandomN(n);
values = r.*std_dev - mean;
function [values] = gaussRandomN(n)
[u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n);
c = sqrt(-2*log(r)./r);
values = u.*c;
function [u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n)
r = zeros(n, 1);
u = zeros(n, 1);
v = zeros(n, 1);
filter = r==0 | r>=1;
% if outside interval [0,1] start over
while n ~= 0
u(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
v(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
r(filter) = u(filter).*u(filter) + v(filter).*v(filter);
filter = r==0 | r>=1;
n = size(r(filter),1);
And invoking histfit(randn_box_muller(10000000),100); this is the result:
Obviously it is really inefficient compared with the Matlab built-in randn.
This is my JavaScript implementation of Algorithm P (Polar method for normal deviates) from Section 3.4.1 of Donald Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming:
function normal_random(mean,stddev)
var V1
var V2
var S
var U1 = Math.random() // return uniform distributed in [0,1[
var U2 = Math.random()
V1 = 2*U1-1
V2 = 2*U2-1
S = V1*V1+V2*V2
}while(S >= 1)
if(S===0) return 0
return mean+stddev*(V1*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(S)/S))
I thing you should try this in EXCEL: =norminv(rand();0;1). This will product the random numbers which should be normally distributed with the zero mean and unite variance. "0" can be supplied with any value, so that the numbers will be of desired mean, and by changing "1", you will get the variance equal to the square of your input.
For example: =norminv(rand();50;3) will yield to the normally distributed numbers with MEAN = 50 VARIANCE = 9.
Q How can I convert a uniform distribution (as most random number generators produce, e.g. between 0.0 and 1.0) into a normal distribution?
For software implementation I know couple random generator names which give you a pseudo uniform random sequence in [0,1] (Mersenne Twister, Linear Congruate Generator). Let's call it U(x)
It is exist mathematical area which called probibility theory.
First thing: If you want to model r.v. with integral distribution F then you can try just to evaluate F^-1(U(x)). In pr.theory it was proved that such r.v. will have integral distribution F.
Step 2 can be appliable to generate r.v.~F without usage of any counting methods when F^-1 can be derived analytically without problems. (e.g. exp.distribution)
To model normal distribution you can cacculate y1*cos(y2), where y1~is uniform in[0,2pi]. and y2 is the relei distribution.
Q: What if I want a mean and standard deviation of my choosing?
You can calculate sigma*N(0,1)+m.
It can be shown that such shifting and scaling lead to N(m,sigma)
I have the following code which maybe could help:
n <- 1000
u <- runif(n) #creates U
x <- -log(u)
y <- runif(n, max=u*sqrt((2*exp(1))/pi)) #create Y
z <- ifelse (y < dnorm(x)/2, -x, NA)
z <- ifelse ((y > dnorm(x)/2) & (y < dnorm(x)), x, z)
z <- z[!]
It is also easier to use the implemented function rnorm() since it is faster than writing a random number generator for the normal distribution. See the following code as prove
n <- length(z)
t0 <- Sys.time()
z <- rnorm(n)
t1 <- Sys.time()
function distRandom(){
return x;