Why Elasticsearch uses PUT instead of POST for creating index? - elasticsearch

As far as I know, POST is usually used for changing the state of the server, and PUT usually for updating the information. If I am creating a new index, should it not be POST instead of PUT? PUT does make sense when creating a document as it changes the state of data.

Your statement
As far as I know, POST is usually used for changing the state of the server, and PUT usually for updating the information.
does conform to the conventional HTTP vs CRUD semantics:
HTTP method
CRUD equivalent
Let the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request.
Set the target resource’s state to the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request.
However, the PUT spec also stipulates that:
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be
created or replaced with the state defined by the representation
enclosed in the request message payload
As such, PUT can (and is) used in Elasticsearch to both create an index AND update its
[settings and mappings].
Also, keep in mind that it's rarely just a matter of strict adherence to the semantics. One of the creators of ES put it this way:
It's all about REST semantics.
And our understanding of the semantics at the time when we made the APIs. And backwards compatibility constraints. And whatever "feels" natural to the person who implemented the API.
Where it makes a lot of sense Elasticsearch maps the HTTP verbs to
useful things. But when it doesn't make a ton of sense we just go with
whatever verb feels good rather than trying to be super strict about
REST. Also, we don't do linked data, instead relying on you to build
links from context. I'm told that is particularly non-REST. But it is
what we do.


Defining two separate API endpoints for essentially the same logic just for the sake of avoiding REST anti-patterns?

Suppose we have a M:M relationship between a User model and a Project model in a project management SaaS. Naturally we have a pivot table mapping users to projects. An entry is deleted either if the user leaves or if the project manager removes that user from the project.
Even though the final result is essentially the same (i.e., the entry is deleted), I imagine it would be better to distinguish between these two actions by defining two separate API endpoints as follows:
user leaves project
route DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}
action UserProjectController#destroy($id) where $id refers to the project
project manager removes user
route DELETE /projects/{id}/participants/{id}
action ProjectParticipantController#destroy($id) where $id refers to the user
Should I ignore Cruddy by Design and RESTful design principles and simply define leave() join() remove() actions instead and use verbs in the URIs? like so:
POST /projects/{id}/join
POST /projects/{id}/leave
POST /projects/{id}/participants/{id}/remove
join,leave,remove are arguably RPC rather than REST. Pivot tables etc are how the domain is implemented and are irrelevant to the caller of the API, which works at the domain level. How do the URLs map to your domain model?
If Project has one or more User why not just use
to manage everything about Project and Participant instances?
User is in a Project but only if
has been called.
DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}
looks like it's deleting the Project instance owned by a User as the Project object has participants but the User doesn't use that terminology. Perhaps it would be:
DELETE /users/{id}/projects/{id}/participants
for consistency with the domain model.
However it seems much easier to just use Project to manage Project instances. Removing a User from a Project using the User API seems a convenience that complicates the backend and doesn't really match the Project terminology. That would mean only having UserController and ProjectController classes.
You would have to consider whether a Participant id is the same as a User id and whether the pivot table handles that but that won't affect the API. The API should be an intuitive representation of your domain model.
Something to consider: how would you do it on the web?
Even though the final result is essentially the same (i.e., the entry is deleted), I imagine it would be better to distinguish between these two actions by defining two separate API endpoints
So on the web, you might well have two different forms that are used to "achieve the same result", but that doesn't necessarily mean that the forms should target different resources.
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
POST /foo
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"One resource or two resources" isn't a question of right or wrong, but rather a question of trade-offs.
POST /projects/{id}/join
POST /projects/{id}/leave
POST /projects/{id}/participants/{id}/remove
That's also "fine"; again, it's a question of trade offs. The machines don't care that your identifiers have a verb in the URI.
They do, somewhat, care whether or not the identifier for reading is the same as the identifier for writing. See RFC 7234.
But it's perfectly reasonable to say that having semantically significant URI spellings in the access log or browser history are more important to our long term success than cache-invalidation.
Keep firmly in mind that DELETE - in the context of HTTP - does not mean the same thing as DELETE in the context of SQL; we're talking about two different name spaces with their own semantics.
HTTP DELETE is of the transfer of documents over a network domain. The fact that the implementation of your handler includes a SQL DELETE is completely irrelevant.
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect.
It is OK to use POST.

What is the point of having PATCH, POST, PUT types when we use repository save methods for all?

As a newcomer to spring I would like to know the actual difference between:-
My understanding is PUT is for update but then we have to get the element by its id and then save() it. Similarly the save() method is again used by Post which automatically replaces by its identifier(PRIMARY). In my application I am able to use three of these methods interchangeably.
What is the point of having PATCH, POST, PUT types when we use repository save methods for all?
HTTP method tokens are used to define request semantics in such a way that general purpose components (browsers, reverse proxies, etc) can exploit the information to do intelligent things.
The easiest of these is that PUT has idempotent semantics; if an http response is lost, a general purpose component knows that it may autonomously retry sending the request. This in turn gives you a bit of extra reliability over an unreliable network, "for free".
The fact that your origin server uses the same persistence mechanism for each is an implementation detail, something deliberately hidden behind the "uniform interface".
The difference between PATCH and POST is subtle; PATCH gives you an unambiguous way to designate that the enclosed entity is a patch document, and offers a mechanism for discovering which patch document formats are understood by the origin server, neither of which you get from POST alone.
What's less clear, at least to me, is whether PATCH semantics allow an intermediate component to do something intelligent with a request - in other words, do the additional constraints (relative to POST) allow intermediaries to do anything interesting?
As best I can tell, the semantics of a PATCH request are more specific, but not actionably more specific -- certainly not as obviously as we have in the case of safe or idempotent request semantics.
POST is for creating a brand new object.
PUT will replace all of an objects properties in one go.
Leaving a property empty will empty the value in the datastore.
PATCH does a partial update of an object.
You can send it just the properties which should be updated.
A PATCH request with all object properties included will have the same effect as a POST request. But they are not the same.
The HTTP method is a convention not specific to Spring but is a main pillar of the REST API specification.
They make sure the intent of a request is clear and both the provider and consumer are in agreement of the end result.
Kind of like the pedals or gear shift in our cars. It's a lot easier when they all work the same.
Switching them up could lead to a lot of accidents.
For us as developers, it means we can expect most REST APIs to behave in a similar way, assuming an API is implemented according to or reasonably close to the specification.
POST/PUT/PATCH may look alike but there are subtle differences.
As you mention the PUT and PATCH methods require some kind of ID of the object to be updated.
In an example of a combined POST/PUT/PATCH endpoint, sending a request with an object, omitting some of its properties. How does the API react?
Update only the received properties.
Update the entire object, emptying the omitted properties.
Attempt to create a new object.
How is the consumer of the endpoint to know which of the three actions the server took?
This is where the HTTP method and specification/convention help determine the appropriate course of action.
Spring may facilitate the save method which can handle both creation, updates and partial updates. But this is not necessarily the case for other frameworks in Java or other languages.
Also, your application may be simple enough to handle POST/PUT/PATCH in the same controller method right now.
But over time as your application grows more complex, the separation of concerns makes your code a lot cleaner, more readable and maintainable.

Proper RESTful way to create children in Laravel (Parent / Child) relationships

Not sure this is specific to Laravel but what is the proper RESTFUL way to handle creating a child of a parent with Laravel. For example I have a Car that can have many Drivers (hasMany) and Drivers belong to one Car (belongsTo). If I want to create a Driver whose parent is Car #1 does the CarController.php have the responsibility to create the driver: /car/1/driver/create or do I use /driver/create/car/1 and keep the responsibility within DriverController.php?
Right now I'm doing /driver/create/1 (where #1 represents the Car) which feels wrong but I'm not clear about what the RESTFUL way should be. TIA.
There really isn't a proper way of implementing nested resources in REST as it doesn't really care. There are arguments for and against nested resources, however, there are some generally accepted implementations and the agreement that whatever you decide on, be consistent.
I utilise nested resources, but only a single level of nesting and no more. So for example:
GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/{driverId}
However, I would avoid the following:
GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/{driverId}/incidents
If you have multiple nested resources, consider obtaining the nested resource through the parent resource:
GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/ // Get all drivers for the car
GET /drivers/{driverId}/incidents // Get all incidents for the driver
Arguably nested resource URLs can convey more meaning than a single resource URL at a glance. e.g.
GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/{driverId} // more meaningful
GET /drivers/{driverId} // less meaningful
With the second URL above, I do not know which car the requested driver is associated with until the resource is returned. That being said /drivers/{driverId} can still be applicable and useful to have depending on your use case.
A use case for a /drivers endpoint would be if you can create new drivers that are not yet associated with a car.
In response to your question of how to create a driver, I would consider the following use cases;
Create a driver without an association to a car
POST /drivers
Create a driver with an association to a car
POST /cars/{carId}/drivers
POST /drivers
For the POST /drivers endpoint you would use a DriverController and pass your Driver information to the store method. The validation rules in the store method would allow for an optional car_id parameter as part of the request. This would allow you to either associate a driver with a car at creation, or not.
For the POST /cars/{carId}/drivers endpoint, you would use a CarDriverController (or a DriverController in a Cars subfolder if often seen) and pass your Driver information to the store method. A car_id paramter would not be required in the request as the associated car would be obtained from the {carId} passed in the URL.
For updating your driver resources, you can follow the same principle just amending your HTTP verbs and creating the appropriate routes.
PUT /drivers/{driverId}
PUT /cars/{carId}/drivers/{driverId}
If you decided to implement both methods for creating drivers and you find duplicate code, consider refactoring it to a service.
Update 1
For #2 POST /cars/{carId}/drivers is the store endpoint does that make GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/create the create endpoint? And similarly for POST /drivers creation endpoint GET /drivers/cars/{carId}?
If you're working with blade views and following the Laravel conventions then your form to create a new driver for a given car would be found at GET /cars/{carId}/drivers/create or GET /drivers/create.
And it sounds like relationships should always get a separate controller.
Ideally yes as most applications are nothing more than CRUD and so everything can be mapped to one of the 7 controller actions. This keeps things clean and simple and responsibilities separate.
Take a look at this video by Adam Wathan which explains how to map what you think are custom actions to one of the 7 basic Laravel actions. Bit lengthy at 40 minutes but well worth a watch.
POST /cars/1/driver.
no interest in specifying the action (create). the method (post) already does it.

Search methods in FHIR

I'm working on extracting patients info in FHIR server however, I've came across two types of searching methods that were somewhat different. What is the difference between the search method of
Bundle bundle = client.seach().forResource(DiagnosticReport.class)
GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?result.code-value-
It's very confusing as it seemed that there isn't much that is mentioned about these two search methods. Can i achieve the same level of filtering with the first method compared to the url method?
The first is how to perform a search using the Java reference implementation. The latter explains what the actual HTTP query looks like that hits the server (and also specifies some additional search criteria). Behind the scenes the Java code in the first example is actually making an HTTP call that looks similar to the second example. The primary documentation in the FHIR specification deals with the HTTP call. The reference implementations work differently based on which language they are and are documented outside the FHIR specification on a reference implementation by reference implementation basis.

Changing hyperledger-composer resource definition

So as a project matures it will almost certainly be necessary to modify attributes of the resource definitions to cope with additional requirements.
Let's use two trivial examples - to add a country code to a client address, or to remove a middle initial and swap in a middle name field instead.
Currently if the resource definition changes, composer won't read whatever values are extant in the repository. I didn't exhaustively try all combos, but have had to reconstitute my blockchain at least twice because of this problem.
Is there a way to mark fields either as "new" or "deprecated" to get past this that I overlooked? It will be hard to make a case to move a system that can't be changed forward to production.
In the same vein it doesn't seem to like empty or null strings much (at least for participant attributes). Having an "optional" override somewhere would save a lot of extra bounds checking in my application. Is there one of those I missed too?
So you can use the APIs or REST to expose the legacy data? You may be referring to Playground above (its not really a tool for looking at production data, its for model prototyping/sandbox/testing type stuff).
On optional question - can just add that the field is optional in the model - example here -> https://github.com/hyperledger/composer-sample-networks/blob/master/packages/pii-network/models/pii.cto#L20
