Google Cloud Search Query via Node.js Error: This project doesn't have Cloud Search's Query API Enabled - google-api

I am working on Google Cloud Search API to search documents stored in Google Drive. I have Google Workspace account and few documents stored in Google Drive. I am able to search using Google Cloud search console but facing issue using below node.js code for searching using API.
Issue: I am able to generate the access token but get below error for search query:
Error: This project doesn't have Cloud Search's Query API Enabled,
and/or the Cloud Search Platform license has not been assigned to the
user account calling the Query API
var {google} = require("googleapis");
var serviceAccount = require('C:/nodejstest/key/serviceAccountKey.json');
// Specify the required scope.
var scopes = [
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT({
email: serviceAccount.client_email,
key: serviceAccount.private_key,
scopes: scopes,
subject: ''
// Use the JWT client to generate an access token.
jwtClient.authorize(function(error, tokens) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error making request to generate access token:", error);
} else if (tokens.access_token === null) {
console.log("Provided service account does not have permission to generate access tokens");
} else {
var accessToken = tokens.access_token;
console.log('accessToken= ' + accessToken)
// Include the access token in the Authorization header.
const service = google.cloudsearch({version: 'v1'});{
auth: jwtClient,
requestBody: {
requestOptions: {
searchApplicationId: 'searchapplications/default',
debugOptions:{enableDebugging: true}
query: 'My query'
}).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Unexpected error with cloud search API.');
In above code I am passing workspace admins email id as subject.
I followed steps mentioned at below link
Configure access to the Google Cloud Search REST API
Perform Google Workspace domain-wide delegation of authority

Go to the google console then select the your project.
Then search for Cloud Search API then enable it.
Also make sure that your service account have access on Cloud Search Indexing API


How to use google reseller api using service account

I want to access Google reseller api to get customers and subscriptions using google service account key but not able to do it. Below is my code snippet:
async function runSample() {
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
keyFile: "../server/credentials/serviceAccountKey.json",
scopes: ["",
// Acquire an auth client, and bind it to all future calls
const authClient = await auth.getClient();
google.options({ auth: authClient });
// Do the magic
const res = await reseller.subscriptions.list();
Here I want to get list of the subscription from google reseller console. I referenced above code from google documentation. Here I am getting the error 'Authenticated user is not authorized to perform this action.' and reason given is 'Insufficient permissions'.
errors: [
message: 'Authenticated user is not authorized to perform this action.',
domain: 'global',
reason: 'insufficientPermissions'
If I try to access cloud channel service api I can using the same service account key but it is giving error for reseller api.
I have given service account the owner, cloud workstation admin and service account admin role access.
I have also added scopes in domain wide delegation(dwd).
What else permission do I need?
In order to use a service account it must first be configured though your google workspace account Create a service account
You must also denote in your code the name of the user who your service account has been configured to impersonate.
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
keyFile: "../server/credentials/serviceAccountKey.json",
clientOptions: {
subject: ''
scopes: [""

Accessing Google API from aws lambda : Invalid OAuth scope

I am still struggling with Google's terminology of apis and services but my goal is to have automated functions via aws lambda which act on a G Suite Account (domain?) or more specific on users of this domain.
For now I just want to list all users of that domain. I run this code locally for testing.
What I have done:
I created a service account
I downloaded the json key file which contains the private key, private key id and so on
I enabled G Suite Domain-wide Delegation.
I delegated domain-wide authority to the service account from the GSuite Account
I added the following scopes for the client in the GSuite Admin Console:
This is the implementation:
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
keyFile: "credentials.json",
const service = google.admin({ version: "directory_v1", auth });
domain: "",
maxResults: 10,
orderBy: "email",
(err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error("The API returned an error:", err.message);
const users =;
if (users.length) {
users.forEach((user) => {
console.log(`${user.primaryEmail} (${})`);
} else {
console.log("No users found.");
I am not sure why I have to add the scopes in the GoogleAuth object but I took this from the google documentation.
When I run this I get the following error:
The API returned an error: invalid_scope: Invalid OAuth scope or ID token audience provided.
The Directory API can only be used by admins
A Service account is not an admin
If the service account shall act on behalf on the admin, you need to
enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation (as you already did)
impersonate the service account as the admin by setting the user to be impersonated
In general, when you are using a service account you need to build the authentication flow, as explained in the documentation, that is you need to create JSON Web Token (JWT) specifying the user to impersonate.
A sample code snippet for Javascript:
const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
user // User who will be impersonated (needs to be an admin)
await jwtClient.authorize();
return jwtClient;

Can't get oauth token from google smart home action sync intent in aws lambda

I am using aws lambda function for google smart home action. I used aws api gateway for fulfillment url to reach lambda. I can successfully handle google assistant's intents with below code:-
const {smarthome} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = smarthome();
app.onExecute((body, headers) => {
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
app.onQuery((body, headers) => {
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
app.onSync((body, headers) => {
console.log("body: "+JSON.stringify(body));
console.log("headers: "+JSON.stringify(headers));
return {
requestId: 'ff36...',
payload: {
// ...
exports.handler = app;
On hard coding device details in this function, It can successfully reflect in google home app. But to get actual devices of user I need to get oauth token from "SYNC" intent. But all I got from this code is this output:-
body: {"inputs":[{"intent":"action.devices.SYNC"}],"requestId":"5604033533610827657"}
headers: {}
Unlike "Discover Directive" of Alexa's skill, which contains token in request.directive.endpoint.scope.token, google's intent doesn't seems to carry it. For O Auth, I am using AWS Cognito which works fine with Alexa Account linking and for google home too it can successfully link the account and show devices which I hardcode in lambda function.
As per this answer, the token is in
I've tried that and got nothing. It shows
"Cannot read property 'substr' of undefined".
The lambda handler in the Actions on Google client library assumes that the request headers are present at event.headers within the input event parameter of a Lambda Proxy Integration. If you have a custom Lambda integration or have otherwise modified the input mapping, you may need to edit your mapping template to ensure the headers are placed where the client library expects.

Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token, but id token works

I am getting invalid signature while using to validate my azure ad access token. My id token, however, validates just fine!
I have seen and tried the solutions suggested in
Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token
but neither works for my access token.
The access and Id token is generated via Adal.js:
var endpoints = {
"": ""
var configOptions = {
tenant: "<ad>", // Optional by default, it sends common
clientId: "<app ID from azure portal>",
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
endpoints: endpoints,
window.authContext = new AuthenticationContext(configOptions);
Why can I validate my ID token, but not my access token?
Please refer to thread :
but if look at the Jwt.Header you will see a 'nonce'. This means you need special processing. Normal processing will fail.
So if nonce includes in access token , validate signature with or JwtSecurityToken won't success .
If anyone else has invalid signature errors, you should check this comment :
Solved the issue for my configuration.
Essentially, if you are getting access tokens to access your own resource server and not the Graph API, your scopes parameter should be [CLIENT_ID]/.default (and if you are using the access token to access the Graph API, you don't need to validate the token yourself)
Thanks to Nan Yu I managed to get token that can be validated by any public jwt validator like
(couldn't put my comment in the comments section under Nan Yu's answer because its too long).
So as I understand the point from the discussion mentioned by Nan Yu that by default Azure AD generates tokens for Microsoft Graph and these tokens use special signing mechanism so that it is not possible to validate signature using public validators (except Microsoft's validator which most probably knows what mysterious special handling means :) ).
To get access token not for Microsoft Graph that can be validated using public validators I had to:
Remove any Microsoft Graph related scopes (by default I had only one scope configured User.Read so removed it in appConfig > API permissions)
create a custom scope for your application (appConfig > Expose an API > Add scope ...) this scope will look like api://{application-id}/scope-name
add just created scope in the application API permissions (appConfig > API permissions > Add api permission > My APIs > select your application > Delegated Permissions > Check your scope > Add permission)
then use this scope in your openid client scopes, in my case I have: openid offline_access {application-id}/scope-name
Note that in the openid client config newly created scope is used without api:// prefix (offline_access I have to enable refresh_token can be ignored if refresh token mechanism is not used)
Well thanks to #Antoine I fix my code. Here I will let my personal vue.js plugin that is working for everybody else reference:
import { PublicClientApplication } from '#azure/msal-browser'
import { Notify } from 'quasar'
export class MsalService {
_msal = null
_store = null
_loginRequest = null
constructor (appConfig, store) {
this._store = store
this._msal = new PublicClientApplication(
auth: {
clientId: appConfig.auth.clientId,
authority: appConfig.auth.authority
cache: {
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
this._loginRequest = {
scopes: [`${appConfig.auth.clientId}/.default`]
async handleResponse (response) {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', response)
const accounts = this._msal.getAllAccounts()
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', accounts)
if (accounts.length > 0) {
this._msal.acquireTokenSilent(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token silent success
// Call API with token
// let accessToken = accessTokenResponse.accessToken;
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
// Acquire token silent failure, and send an interactive request
if (error.errorMessage.indexOf('interaction_required') !== -1) {
this._msal.acquireTokenPopup(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token interactive success
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
// Acquire token interactive failure
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
async login () {
// this._msal.handleRedirectPromise().then((res) => this.handleResponse(res))
// await this._msal.loginRedirect(this._loginRequest)
await this._msal.loginPopup(this._loginRequest).then((resp) => this.handleResponse(resp))
async logout () {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', [])
await this._msal.logout()
// "async" is optional;
// more info on params:
export default ({
}) => {
const msalInstance = new MsalService(
app.appConfig, store
Vue.prototype.$msal = msalInstance
app.msal = msalInstance
PD: using quasar framework
If you are using msal.js library with react, add this to your auth configuration.
scopes: [`${clientId}/.default`]
Editing scopes fixed issue for me

Is it possible to access Google Cloud Datastore API via gapi javascript client?

Does anyone have any example code for accessing google cloud datastore API using gapi javascript client?
var clientId = '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>';
var datasetId = '<YOUR_DATASET_ID>';
var scopes = ' \';
{client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false},
function(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
gapi.client.load('datastore', 'v1beta1', function() {
'datasetId': datasetId
}).execute(function(resp) {
Keep in mind that since Google Cloud Datastore has no ACL support, the javascript client will have full read/write access to the whole dataset.
