Encoding program in prolog - prolog

I am currently working on an encoding program in prolog.
In the first place I want to cut a word in pieces
For example: friends should look like:
For the moment I have something like this but can't understand why is the program not working when I try on a word.
It is always answering false.
L1 = [X1,X2,X3],
couper([_,_|[]] , []).
couper([] , []).
couper([_|[]] , []).

Your program seems to work:
?- atom_chars(alpha,L),couper(L,Triplets).
L = [a, l, p, h, a],
Triplets = [[a, l, p], [l, p, h], [p, h, a]] ;
Although it can be written easier:
couper([_,_] , []). % Only two chars left or only two to begin with
couper([_] , []). % Only one char to begin with
couper([] , []). % No chars to begin with

You can also try:
?- findall([A,B,C], append(_,[A,B,C|_],[f,r,i,e,n,d,s]), T).
T = [[f, r, i], [r, i, e], [i, e, n], [e, n, d], [n, d, s]].
As a rule:
couper(L, T) :-
findall([A,B,C], append(_, [A,B,C|_], L), T).
?- couper([f,r,i,e,n,d,s], T).
T = [[f, r, i], [r, i, e], [i, e, n], [e, n, d], [n, d, s]].
?- couper([e,x,a,m,p,l,e,s], T).
T = [[e, x, a], [x, a, m], [a, m, p], [m, p, l], [p, l, e], [l, e, s]].
?- couper([t,w,o], T).
T = [[t, w, o]].
?- couper([t,o], T).
T = [].
NOTE In Prolog, uppercase letters are variables. Thus, the predicate must be called with a list of lowercase letters (perhaps, this is the cause of your problem).


A Prolog program for permutation parity

I wrote this small program in Prolog.
odd_even_flip(odd, even).
odd_even_flip(even, odd).
% flip_one, for A = a, B = b, P = [a, .., b, ..], gives M = [b, .., a, ..]
flip_one(A, B, P, M) :-
append([A|As], [B|Bs], P),
append([B], As, L),
append([A], Bs, R),
append(L, R, M).
permutation_parity([X|L], [X|P], R) :- permutation_parity(L, P, R).
% abc
permutation_parity([X|L], [Y|P], R) :-
X \= Y,
flip_one(Y, X, [Y|P], M),
permutation_parity([X|L], M, Res),
odd_even_flip(Res, R).
permutation_parity([], [], even).
I expect it to find the parity of a permutation P of list L. The few queries that assert that a given permutation of a given list is indeed even or odd worked fine.
However, from my experience with Prolog, I would expect that permutation_parity([a, b, c], X, Y). would show me all permutations of [a, b, c] but that is not happening.
Rather, I get X = [a, b, c], Y = even. and that is all.
I tried to add member(Y, L) in the rule that follows %abc as I was thinking that will help Prolog to know how to instantiate X in permutation_parity([a, b, c], X, Y) but that helped to no avail.
If someone could help me see what I am missing it would be great. Thanks in advance.
You only need to use unification to correctly instantiate the variable X (assuming that permutation_parity/3 is called with a proper list as its first argument). So I suggest you modify your code as follows:
permutation_parity([], [], even).
permutation_parity([X|Xs], [X|Zs], P) :-
permutation_parity(Xs, Zs, P).
permutation_parity([X|Xs], Zs, P) :-
permutation_parity(Xs, Ys, Q),
flip_first([X|Ys], Zs),
odd_even_flip(Q, P).
flip_first(L0, L1) :-
append([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], L0),
append([Y|Xs], [X|Ys], L1).
odd_even_flip(odd, even).
odd_even_flip(even, odd).
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], Permutation, Parity).
Permutation = [c, a, b],
Parity = even ;
Permutation = [b, c, a],
Parity = even ;
Permutation = [b, a, c],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [c, b, a],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [a, c, b],
Parity = odd ;
Permutation = [a, b, c],
Parity = even.
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], [a,c,b], Parity).
Parity = odd ;
?- permutation_parity([a,b,c], Permutation, even).
Permutation = [c, a, b] ;
Permutation = [b, c, a] ;
Permutation = [a, b, c].
perm_parity(L0, L1, P) :-
same_length(L0, L1),
permutation_parity(L0, L1, P).
The predicate same_length/2 is defined in SWI-Prolog as follows:
same_length([], []).
same_length([_|T1], [_|T2]) :-
same_length(T1, T2).
?- perm_parity(L, [a,b,c], P).
L = [b, c, a],
P = even ;
L = [c, a, b],
P = even ;
L = [b, a, c],
P = odd ;
L = [c, b, a],
P = odd ;
L = [a, c, b],
P = odd ;
L = [a, b, c],
P = even.

How can I get my maze program to create and print two route-lists to the console?

link(entry, a).
link(a, b).
link(b, c).
link(c, d).
link(d, e).
link(b, e).
link(e, f).
link(f, c).
link(f, exit).
route(1, 2) :-
member(1, [entry,a,b,c,d,e,f,exit]),
member(2, [entry,a,b,e,f,exit]).
route(X, Z, [entry,a,b,c,d,e,f,exit]) :- route(X, Z,[R],[entry,a,b,c,d,e,f,exit]).
route(X, Z, [exit,f,e,d,c,b,a,entry], [entry,a,b,c,d,e,f,exit]) :-
reverse(X, Y, [exit,f,e,d,c,b,a,entry], [entry,a,b,c,d,e,f,exit]),
route(Y, Z),
Despite hours of reading, I am struggling to understand how I can make my program generate and display the listed paths in the console window. Is there anyone who can provide advice? I have basically no programming experience, prolog is probably the bulk of my knowledge, and that's insufficient.
route(X, Y, [X, Y]) :- link(X,Y).
route(X, Y, [X | TY]) :-
link(X, T),
route(T, Y, TY).
With route as above, the following code searches for the path in increasing order of length.
?- length(X, _), route(entry,exit, X).
X = [entry, a, b, e, f, exit] ;
X = [entry, a, b, c, d, e, f, exit] ;
X = [entry, a, b, e, f, c, d, e, f, exit] ;
X = [entry, a, b, c, d, e, f, c, d, e, f, exit] ;
X = [entry, a, b, e, f, c, d, e, f, c, d, e, f, exit]
Since we did not constrain route predicate to disallow repeated nodes, we have loops at higher lengths of the path.
The following works SWI-Prolog check if your system has dif/2. Using maplist here allows us to do increasing path length search.
route(X, Y, [X, Y]) :- link(X,Y).
route(X, Y, [X|TY]) :-
link(X, T),
maplist(dif(X), TY), % X is different from all nodes in TY
route(T, Y, TY).
If you do not have dif use \+ member(X, TY) after the route(T, Y, TY).
This gives
?- route(entry, exit, X).
X = [entry, a, b, e, f, exit] ;
X = [entry, a, b, c, d, e, f, exit] ;
After the couple of solutions it will loop endlessly. If you want that to stop that happening you can constrain the length of path to number of existing nodes
?- between(2, 8, N), length(X, N), route(entry, exit, X).
N = 6,
X = [entry, a, b, e, f, exit] ;
N = 8,
X = [entry, a, b, c, d, e, f, exit] ;

Generate all words of length N and form a list with them in Prolog

Given the letters [a, b, c] generate the list containing all the words of length N, formed out of this letters.
For example:
?- generate(2, L).
should output:
L = [aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc].
At first, this seemed like a pretty simple problem, but I've discovered that none of my implementations work.
This is the second implementation, the one that kind of works.
letter(X) :- member(X, [a, b, c]).
generateWord(0, []) :- !.
generateWord(N, [H|T]) :-
NextN is N - 1,
generateWord(NextN, T).
generateAtomicWord(N, Word) :-
generateWord(N, WList),
atomic_list_concat(WList, Word).
maxSolutions(N, R) :- R is N ** 3.
generate(N, CurrentList, ResultList) :-
maxSolutions(N, R),
length(CurrentList, L),
L =:= R,
append(CurrentList, [], ResultList), !.
generate(N, CurrentList, ResultList) :-
generateAtomicWord(N, NewWord),
\+ member(NewWord, CurrentList),
append(CurrentList, [NewWord], NewList),
generate(N, NewList, ResultList).
generate(N, ResultList) :-
generate(N, [], ResultList).
It kind of works because when given N = 3 the program outputs:
L = [aaa, aab, aac, aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc|...]
My first implementation is different, but I can't make it work on any case.
letter(X) :- member(X, [a, b, c]).
generateWord(0, []) :- !.
generateWord(N, [H|T]) :-
NextN is N - 1,
generateWord(NextN, T), !.
generateAtomicWord(N, Word) :-
generateWord(N, WList),
atomic_list_concat(WList, Word).
maxSolutions(N, R) :- R is N ** 3.
generate(N, [H]) :- generateAtomicWord(N, H).
generate(N, [H|T]) :-
generate(N, T),
length(T, TailLen),
maxSolutions(N, M),
(TailLen =:= M -> !;
generateAtomicWord(N, H),
\+ member(H, T)).
This one just outputs:
L = [aa]
and when requested for the rest of the solutions it cycles.
The problem must be solved without using predicates such as:
findall, findnsol, bagof, setof, etc...
that find all the solutions.
I've added the tag backtracking because it does resemble a backtracking problem, but I've no idea what a standard implementation might look like in Prolog.
It kind of works because when given N = 3 the program outputs:
L = [aaa, aab, aac, aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc|...]
That is not an error, that is the Prolog interpreter that displays the list in a shorter way. If you hit w when it shows the output, it will show the full list. For more information see this answer.
That being said, you make it too hard. You can first make a predicate that will unify a variable with all possible atoms:
letter(X) :- member(X, [a, b, c]).
word(0, []).
word(N, [C|W]) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N-1,
word(N1, W).
Now we can generate all possibilities with findall/3 [swi-doc], and use for example maplist/3 [swi-doc] with atomic_list_concat/2 to convert the list to a single atom:
words(N, L) :-
findall(W, word(N, W), Ws),
maplist(atomic_list_concat, Ws, L).
For example:
?- words(0, L).
L = [''].
?- words(1, L).
L = [a, b, c].
?- words(2, L).
L = [aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc].
?- words(3, L).
L = [aaa, aab, aac, aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc|...].
We can generate a list of lists ourselves by updating a "difference" list until all possible words are generated:
wordlist(N, L) :-
wordlist(N, [], L, []).
wordlist(0, R, [W|T], T) :-
reverse(R, W),
wordlist(N, C, L, T) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N-1,
wordfold([a,b,c], N1, C, L, T).
wordfold([], _, _, L, L).
wordfold([C|CS], N1, CT, L, T) :-
wordlist(N1, [C|CT], L, L2),
wordfold(CS, N1, CT, L2, T).
For example:
?- wordlist(0, L).
L = [[]].
?- wordlist(1, L).
L = [[a], [b], [c]].
?- wordlist(2, L).
L = [[a, a], [a, b], [a, c], [b, a], [b, b], [b, c], [c, a], [c|...], [...|...]].
You then still need to perform atomic_list_concat on it. I leave that as an exercise.

Prolog creating a list of sets from ith elements of lists

I have list structure
Length of L can be greater than 2.I want to unite the elements of list so that L or a NewL become
This is probably what you want:
unite([[],[]], []).
unite([[X|Ls], [X|Rs]], [X|Rest]) :- unite([Ls, Rs], Rest).
unite([[L|Ls], [R|Rs]], [[L,R]|Rest]) :- L \= R, unite([Ls, Rs], Rest).
However, I agree with #false because this is a strange API and there are a lot of unhandled edge cases.
What you're requiring is an aggregation schema. I think I got it:
unite(Ls, [E|Es]) :-
aggreg(Ls, E, Ns),
unite(Ns, Es).
unite(_, []).
aggreg(L, E, LLs) :-
maplist(first, L, Fs, LLs),
setof(X, member(X, Fs), S),
( [E] = S -> true ; E = S ).
first([E|Es], E, Es).
?- L=[[a,b,c,d],[a,f,c,h],[a,f,c,g]],unite(L,U).
L = [[a, b, c, d], [a, f, c, h], [a, f, c, g]],
U = [a, [b, f], c, [d, g, h]] ;
L = [[a, b, c, d], [a, f, c, h], [a, f, c, g]],
U = [a, [b, f], c] .
I think that a cut after the first solution would be well placed (use once/1 for that).
Note that the schema it's rather general: just substitute in setof/3 some more applicative task (if any) than unification (you could call into your DB, for instance).

Replace elements of a list in Prolog

I have a predicate variablize/3 that takes a list and replaces each item, in turn, with a variable, example:
% ?- variablize([a,b,c], X, L).
% L = [[X, b, c], [a, X, c], [a, b, X]]
Now I am trying to extend this predicate to accept a list of variables, example:
% ?- variablize([a,b,c], [X,Y], L).
% L = [[X, Y, c], [X, b, Y], [a, X, Y]]
My code so far is:
replace_at([_|Tail], X, 1, [X|Tail]).
replace_at([Head|Tail], X, N, [Head|R]) :- M is N - 1, replace_at(Tail, X, M, R).
replace_each([], _, _, [], _).
replace_each([_|Next], Orig, X, [Res|L], N) :-
replace_at(Orig, X, N, Res),
M is N + 1,
replace_each(Next, Orig, X, L, M).
variablize(I, X, L) :- replace_each(I, I, X, L, 1).
Any pointers? Do I extend replace_at/4 to have a list of indexes that should be skipped?
A simplified, builtin based way of implementing variablize/3
variablize(I, X, L) :-
bagof(R, U^select(U, I, X, R), L).
put in evidence that instead of select/4 we could have a distribute/3 that applies replacements of elements of X, when X becomes a list. select/4 can be implemented in this way
myselect(B, I, X, R) :-
append(A, [B|C], I), append(A, [X|C], R).
and this form is convenient because we have the part to the right of input list I, where I suppose you need to distribute remaining variables. Then a recursion on X elements should do:
distribute(I, [X|Xs], L) :-
append(A, [_|C], I),
distribute(C, Xs, R),
append(A, [X|R], L).
distribute(I, [], I).
distribute/3 behaves this way:
?- distribute([a,b,c,d],[1,2],X).
X = [1, 2, c, d] ;
X = [1, b, 2, d] ;
X = [1, b, c, 2] ;
X = [a, 1, 2, d] ;
X = [a, 1, c, 2] ;
X = [a, b, 1, 2] ;
variablize_l(I, X, L) :-
bagof(R, distribute(I, X, R), L).
give us:
?- variablize_l([a,b,c],[X,Y],L).
L = [[X, Y, c], [X, b, Y], [a, X, Y]].
I initially wrote this way, for here the evidence of separating the distribution phase from list construction:
replace_v([_|T], X, [X|T]).
replace_v([L|T], X, [L|R]) :-
replace_v(T, X, R).
variablize(I, X, L) :-
bagof(E, replace_v(I, X, E), L).
variablize(L1,L2,L) :-
combination(X,1,[A]) :-
combination([A|Y],N,[A|X]) :-
N > 1,
M is N - 1,
combination([_|Y],N,A) :-
N > 1,
var_count([V|R],N) :-
N is N1 + 1,
var_count([A|R],N) :-
