API Platform Raw Query - api-platform.com

Anyone knows how to get raw query working in API platform controller/handler,
I am trying to do something like,
$temp_table_query = $this->entityManager->createQuery('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {temp_validation_code_table} LIKE {validation_code}');
$qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
$qb = $qb->select('LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE {$file} INTO TABLE {temp_validation_code_table} (code) SET offer = {$offer}');
Trying to load file data into a temporary table for validation before inserting in actual db table

This needs to be done using the underlying Doctrine PDO abstraction (Doctrine\DBAL\Connection), which can be obtained via $entityManager->getConnection();.
First however, you need to make sure that the underlying PDO connection is configured to allow LOAD LOCAL INFILE (by setting PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE to true). This can be done by providing the following Doctrine configuration (in doctrine.yaml):
1001: true # This sets PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE to true
Be warned that allowing LOAD LOCAL INFILE possibly introduces security vulnurabilities.
Given I have a file named example.csv containing the following CSV data:
I can then insert this data using the Doctrine PDO abstraction:
// Local path to the CSV file
$file = __DIR__ . '/example.csv';
// Obtaining the PDO connection
$connection = $this->entityManager->getConnection();
// Creating the temporary table
$connection->executeStatement('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foobar (id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL)');
// Inserting the CSV data
$connection->executeStatement("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$file' INTO TABLE foobar FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'");


How to export lines db table to csv file with phpspreadsheet

In laravel 5.7 with "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.6" app I need to export lines db table to csv file, like :
$dataLines= [
['field1'=>'000000000', 'field2'=>1111111111111],
['field1'=>'11000000000', 'field2'=>221111111111111],
['field1'=>'31000000000', 'field2'=>321111111111111],
$spreadsheet = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet();
$writer = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Csv($spreadsheet);
But with code above I have empty file and I did find not way to write content of $dataLines array.
Also as I need to write 1 row as fields name and next rows from db,
have I to prepare 1st row with fields name and rest rows (only values without fields name) manually ?
Are there some mothods to make it automatically ?

Moving data to HBASE using Pig

I tried moving 851 data in my hbase for that i created hbase using below command
create 'customers', 'customers_data'
i moved the files using pig script. My pig script is
STOCK_A = LOAD '/user/cloudera/xxx' USING PigStorage('|');
data = FILTER STOCK_A BY ( $0 matches '.*MH.*');
MH_DATA = FOREACH data GENERATE $1, $3, $4;
STORE MH_DATA into 'hbase://customers' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('customers_data:firstname, customers_data:lastname, customers_data:age');
i got 851 data using my pig command. My data is
but when i try to put this data in hbase using below command
PIG_CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/hbase/hbase.jar:/usr/lib/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh4.4.0.jar /usr/bin/pig /home/cloudera/remot/pighl7
data that is getting stored in HBASE is
\xB5~\x5C& column=customers_data:firstname, timestamp=1478700582076, value=george
\xB5~\x5C& column=customers_data:lastname, timestamp=1478700582076, value=22
I cant find my 851 records as well as the third parameter. I don't know what i am doing wrong.
Please help
I think you have missed giving alias in the generate statement (for safer side i have casted your tuples into chararray)
also at the end give name for you store relation
MH_DATA = FOREACH data GENERATE (chararray)$1 AS firstname , (chararray)$3 AS lastname, (chararray)$4 AS age;
STORE_IN_HBASE = STORE MH_DATA into 'hbase://customers' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('customers_data:firstname, customers_data:lastname, customers_data:age');
for more information follow this link:
After doing a lot of research and trail and error when i changed the row key from name to timestamp i solved my problem, As i am using using row key which is having same name as of others it always updates it.

Yii2- Not able to insert/delete rows using console controller

I am trying to implement email queue in my project which uses CRON.
I am adding a row in one table and deleting a row from another table using CreateCommand of yii2. Database is mysql.
The entire code is executed and it does not display any error. But the rows are not added or deleted from the database.
I have also tried doing the same thing using ActiveRecords but it does not work. Hence I have used CreateCommand.
Below is the code which I am using -
$connection = \Yii::$app->db;
$result = $connection->createCommand()->insert('email_queue_completed', $arrInsert)->execute();
->delete('email_queue', ['id' => $mail->id])
$arrInsert is an array containing key value pairs of values to be inserted.

How to read hbase current and previous versions data from Hive

I want to read all the data from hbase table using Hive.
Should be able to read all the Current and previous versions data from hbase
You can specify the number of version you get for Scan and Get and it will retrieve them:
HTable cTable = new HTable(TableName);
Get res = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(key));
//set no. of version that you want to fetch.
res.setMaxVersions(verNo); <--
Result fetchRow = cTable.get(res);
NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long,byte[] >>> allVersions = fetchRow.getMap();
Note: Versioning is by default disabled while creating table.
So, you need to enable it.
create 'employee',{NAME=>"myname",Versions=>2},'office' //Here versioning is enabled for column "myname" as "2" and no versioning for column "office"
describe 'employee' // show you versioning information.
alter 'employee',NAME=>'office',VERSIONS =>4 // Alter
// Put and scan the table - it will show new and old value
put 'employee','1','myname:name','Jigyasa1'
put 'employee','1','myname:name','Jigyasa2'
put 'employee','1','office:name','Add1'
put 'employee','1','office:name','Add2'
scan 'employee',{VERSIONS=>10}
For Hbase-hive integration follow the ref. link :

MySQL/php: I created database and tables, when I try an INSERT I have #1146

I'm writing an installation script in php, this script has to ask the user some data and then store them in a XML file and on a database.
Here is the procedure:
1) Insert data;
2) Save configuration data (such as database name,user,password,host,port) in a XML file
3) Using those data to install a database (I have an empty dump I use to create it)
4) Insert in the "admin" table the first user data (taken from the form in point 1)
Now, everything works fine until point 4.
When I try to access the database MySql always returns my an error #1146 saying that the table doesn't not exists.
This is my custom JSON log:
"Reason":"SELECT * FROM bbscp_admin_user; || Table 'adb.bbscp_admin_user' doesn't exist",
Obviously I checked both with phpMyAdmin and mysql (from cli) and I can say that both DB and Table DO exists.
Here is the part where I create the DB: [this works fine]
$Install = Install::getInstance();
$sqlscript = str_replace("__DBNAME__",
$connection = mysqli_connect($config_info['dbhost'],
) or die("Unable to connect! Error: ".mysql_error());
if(mysqli_query($connection,'CREATE DATABASE '.$config_info['dbname'].';')){
echo 'Database successfully createad';
Here the part where I populate the database from the dump (it only add the tables)
$connection = mysqli_connect($config_info['dbhost'],
) or die("Unable to connect! Error: ".mysql_error());
if(mysqli_multi_query($connection, $sqlscript)){
echo 'Database successfully imported';
Now the decisive part, I open a connection with the database (using a library that I've developed in the past years and has always worked fine)
$DB = new Database(Install::getInstance());
$Q = new Query();
$query = $Q->addNewUser($config_info['nickname'],
0); // this just returns the query string I need
// the query in this case is:
// INSERT INTO bbscp_admin_user
// (nickname,password,firstname,lastname,mail,confirmed)
// VALUES (the ones above);"
$res=$DB->startQuery($query); // THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS RETURNED
// this function only wraps the mysqli_query and returns a custom JSON
I've tried a lot of solution.. The tables DO exists but every query I try to invoke at this point doesn't work because apparently "table doesn't exist" (even using mysqli function instead of mines).
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long question! :-)
During this days I've changed a lot of code, I tried using different implementation using functions, objects, redirects but none of them seems to work.
The thing is always the same:
It creates the database
Returns the error code when trying to add the user
If I refresh the page it correctly adds the user
