Using Developer Command Line in Build events (or bat files) - visual-studio

I want to compile a resource before building, hence using the build event before building.
I want to open the "Developer command prompt" and run rc.exe myFile.rc
In my build event, pre-build, I can simply add
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17134.0\x86\rc.exe" $(ProjectDir)TestFile1.rc
The issue is that there are a number of folders in that bin, 10.0.otherNumbers... so this line works on my computer, but not necessary on other computer or in the future.
Is there a macro, like $(DevEnvDir) for the right path here?
Something like:
"$(DeveloperCommandPrompt)\rc.exe" $(ProjectDir)TestFile1.rc
Or a way to enter developer Command prompt from the ordinary command prompt, as it would be needed in a bat file


Command prompt from C: drive, how to start executable in another drive?

I have a Windows machine with the current user in C:\Users\User.
I have an executable in another drive, let's say at D:\Folder\MyProg.exe.
Opening command prompt, it starts in the directory C:\Users\User
I type the command: start D:\Folder\MyProg.exe or D:\Folder\MyProg.exe
The exe fails to open, with a pop-up: MyProg has encountered an error
In order to run start the .exe from command prompt, I have to cd to the other directory and then start the exe.
Opening command prompt, it starts in the directory C:\Users\User
I type the command: cd /d D:\Folder && start MyProg.exe
The exe successfully opens.
Is there a better way to, from C:, start an executable in another drive?
Windows 10 Pro, v1809 (I don't think the version really matters)
My real use case is industrial automation, but one can observe the same result with convert.exe (cnet download link)
As commented by #Mofi, I realized the answer is most likely this:
But some programs are not good coded. Such programs depend on files in directory of the program and do not use appropriate code to reference those files from within the program with program files path, but use instead a relative path
As he instructed in the next comment, start provides a /d parameter that lets you specify a startup directory. Thus, a concise command would be:
start "" /d D:\Folder MyProg.exe
Note: the "" is for the <Title> field. The .exe I am opening is a GUI application (not a console application), so it is not necessary in this case, I just included in case other viewers find this useful in their application.
I have a Windows machine with the current user in C:\Users\User.
I have an executable in another drive, let's say at D:\Folder\MyProg.exe.
Opening command prompt, it starts in the directory C:\Users\User I type the command: start D:\Folder\MyProg.exe The exe fails to open.
In order to run start the .exe from command prompt, I have to cd to the other directory and then start the exe.
Maybe not. Try:
PATH D:\Folder;%Path%

How to open a file in a specified program using window comand prompt

How can I open a file from the command prompt in a specified program rather than the default program for opening the file.
like in MAC terminal
open main.js -a "Sublime Text"
currently I only do
start filename.extension
which opens the file in the default program.
please what command can I use to achieve this?
With Windows, you type application first.
So with Notepad, which is on the Windows path, you can type
notepad filename.extension
By 'Windows Path' I mean a list of directories that Windows looks in for your application. If your app is in one of those folders, then you only have to type the application name. If your app isn't, then you need the full path to the application.
Most of the Windows native apps (like Notepad, MSPaint, etc) are automatically on the path. However apps that are installed afterwards sometimes don't update the path and you need the full path. You can usually get this by right-clicking on the application and getting properties. Often you'll need quote marks - specifically if there are spaces in the path, which there usually are because "Program Files", so:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" filename.extension
Note the quote marks go around the path to the application file itself - not all the way to the end of the line. An easy way to check that you've got the full path to the file is with the dir command:
dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Some applications expect instructions about what to do with the file, and you may need to figure out what else to put on the command line. Usually google will tell you this.
For example, to execute an SQL script, with one tool I use, just putting the filename on the command line won't work, you do something like:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\psql.exe" -U user -d dbName -f filename.extension

How to run application from command prompt with arguments?

I have an application named DriveMaster which I want to run from command line with different arguments. The application is residing in:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970\DriveMaster.exe\"
Now in Windows - Run, if I open command prompt and want to give a command like:
DriveMaster /
This should be able to launch DriveMaster with that particular script.
How can I do this? What should I need to add in the Environment variables so that I can run the application from command prompt?
In Windows 7:
In the menu Start click Computer
In the context menu, select System Properties
Select Advanced System Settings -> tab Advanced
Select Environment Variables Menu System Variables to find the PATH variable and click it.
In the editing window, change the PATH, adding value: ; C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970
Open Run and type: DriveMaster /
That's all.
When you're in the command prompt the working directory is given in the prompt:
Here, I'm in the folder C:\Users. If I want to run a program or a script in the folder I'm currently in, I can use its name alone (e.g. DriveMaster). If the program is outside my working directory, I can't call it like that because there could be many DriveMasters in different folders throughout my computer. I can either change my directory to be the one that has this program, or I can specify where in the filesystem it's located.
Changing the directory and running:
C:\Users> cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970\"
C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970> DriveMaster
Specifying the full path:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970\DriveMaster"
(I need to use quotes here because the folder names have spaces and my command prompt may not know if it's part of the folder name or the beginning of another command or argument.)
On the same line I call the program, I can choose a number of arguments (also called options, switches, flags) to change the way to program behaves. If my program accepts another file and wants it in the form /s: and-then-the-filename, that file also needs to be in my working directory. If it lives somewhere else, I can use the full specification, like I've done above.
Environment variables are a little more complicated of a topic, but there is one we might be interested in here. The Path environment variable is a list of folders that the command prompt will look in when you try to use names of files that aren't in your working directory. If I know I'm going to be using this program frequently and like where it is, I can add its folder to my Path so that I can access it with just DriveMaster in the future:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970
(If I mistype that command, though, I could break other things in a way that would be hard to fix.)
In a file name drivemaster.bat whch would be located at some point in the path,
#echo off
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970\DriveMaster.exe" /
where would need to be quoted and supplied with a full pathname if it's not in the current directory.
Oh you want to type DriveMaster /
Then use
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ULINK DM2012 PRO NET\v970\DriveMaster.exe" %1
in that script in place of the original "c:..." line.
edit : removed stray terminal backslash from ...exe

Visual Studio 2010 - Post-build event - cd "$(ProjectDir)" exits with code 1 when project is loaded from a network drive

I have a solution running in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
As part of the solution I have a post-build event where the first line is:
cd "$(ProjectDir)"
The post build event works fine when the project is loaded locally.
I have setup my laptop with the TFS workspace mapped to a network drive. The solution builds and the website runs just fine - except for the features relying on the post-build event. I have removed all of the Post-build event except the change directory line.
This is the error I get when I build: The command "cd "\\[ComputerName]\b$[ProjectPath]\"" exited with code 1.
The solution is residing solely on the network drive, and it build and runs. I can navigate to the directory in an explorer window without any problems (I saved the network credentials).
The only thing I can find through searching is that exit code 1 means that the path is incorrect, but I can copy and paste the path from the error into an explorer window and browse the directory on the network drive.
Any ideas why the change directory command wont work?
CD is a command used by your shell command interpreter (CMD.EXE).
You cannot pass a CD \\server\share command to CMD.EXE.
Instead I suggest to map your share name to a drive letter like (from the command prompt)
NET USE Z: \\server\share /PERSISTENT:YES
Now you could write a batch file that uses your Z: drive and executes the commands required
For example
CD Z:\projectfolder\bin\release
copy *.exe z:\projectfolder\distribution /Y
You could also pass the predefined macros to this batch file as arguments and use them inside the batch file.

Visual Studio 2003 pre build script can't find 'svn' command

I'm using a script to get the subversion head revision number from a subversion repository derived from the script found at The script works fine when called from a normal command line, but when calling the same batch file as pre-build-event with path $(ProjectDir)/../getSVNRev.bat the command svn is unknown.
The path to svn.exe is in the standard system %Path% but it seems that VS uses another path. I echoed the %Path% variable in the batch file and the %Path% seems to be set to the VC++ binary path. I added the path to svn.exe to the VC++ binary path, got that echoed, but still the svn.exe was not found.
I even copied svn.exe and all dlls into system32 but still, the command svn was unknown to the VS command line.
Are there any other locations I should add the path, so that the pre-build event on VS.NET 2003 recognizes svn.exe?
I think you want to go to Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories, then make sure that "Show directories for" is set to "Exectuable Files" and your platform is set to Win32, then add the directory with the executable to the list, or just add $(Path) to the list so that your system paths end up in there.
