Response code is 404 in spring boot application - spring

package controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
#RequestMapping("users") //localhost:8080/users
public class UserController {
public String getUser()
return "get the user";
public String creteUser()
return "create user";
public String updateUser()
return "update user";
public String deleteUser()
return "delete user";
This is the code, I don't what's wrong with it. Application is running fine still getting no response. I have added all required dependencies.

Try checking the mapping again, there might be an incorrect URI while making the request.
Create UserNotFoundException class. It is a checked exception. Spring Boot auto-configures some default exception handling.
It would be good if we define a standard exception structure that is followed by across all the RESTful Services.


I get 404 error when I try endpoint on localhost

When I try GET on localhost:8080/path I get 404 error.
public Controller {
public String getString() {
return "hello";
project structure looks like this:
Project is generated with Spring Initializr with spring web and lombok and nothing else.
You are using JAX-RS with Spring Boot. You must use Spring MVC
public Controller {
public String getString() {
return "hello";
You should start with reading the documentation:

How can I add textbox/textfield in my swagger page built in Spring boot?

I am trying to auto-generate the swagger page for a RestAPI in Spring Boot using annotations.
Code of Controller:
#Api(value="UserManagementAPI", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class UserManagementController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
#ApiOperation(value="add a pro",consumes="application/json")
#RequestMapping(value = "/getUser", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public static List<UserDetails> getUser(#PathVariable(name="id") String id) throws UserException
return UserHelper.getUserByEmail(id);
#ComponentScan({ "userManagement"})
public class Application {
public Docket simpleDiffServiceApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).groupName("userManagement").apiInfo(apiInfo()).select()
// .paths(PathSelectors.any())
// Will also include the basic error controllers by default
// Exclude basic error controllers
private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder().title("Business Location Service")
.description("Spring Boot REST APIs for Business Location Service")
.contact(new Contact("EntSol-IoT (Niche Technology Delivery Group)", "",
In the swagger page, I can see all my APIs. But there are more. It is showing all possible method type (e.g POST, GET, PUT etc.) though in Controller I only wrote GET method.
Another issue is that there is no Textbox in the swagger page under the API where I can search for the id. May be I am missing something. I have been trying to resolve it for past two days. But couldn't help myself. Thanks in advance.
I got the problem. Your getUser method is declared as static. Please remove static, for it to work.
public List<UserDetails> getUser(#PathVariable(name="id") String id) throws UserException { }

#RequestMapping not working in Spring Boot

Controller class.
public class Controller {
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
Application class
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Added all the necessary dependency when running the application shows the
Hello World
of index.xml
When I change to http://localhost:8081/check/ it gives
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /check
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
How can I understand the flow of Spring Boot application?
You need to put the Http method on your method, here I am assuming you are doing a GET request
public class Controller {
#GetMapping // you forgot to put http method here
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
Note: GetMapping is only available if you are using Spring 4.3 or above else use #RequestMapping(value = "/url", method = RequestMethod.GET)
Your controller should be like this:
public class Controller {
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
It seems
#RequestMapping(value="/check") is not working.
switch to
though as per documentation it should work.

Spring RequestMapping with root path (/{custom})

Let's say my website name is:
When a user types, I want to show index.html.
When a user types, I want the server catches the request at the controller.
Here is what I did in the HomeController:
public class HomeController {
#RequestMapping(value={"/"}, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getHome() {
return "index.html";
And, the CustomController should catch the request
public class CustomController {
#RequestMapping(value={"/{custom}"}, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getCustom(#PathVariable String custom) {
// Do something here..
However, it throws an error: Circular view path [index.html]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/index.html] again. It's because the CustomController catches the GET request: after the HomeController returns the string: index.html.
I did some research like this:
public class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addResourceHandler("/assets/**").addResourceLocations("classpath:/assets"); // My asset
} // It's not working
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
registry.addViewController("/").setViewName("forward:/" + FileNames.INDEX);
} // This also not working
And changing the annotation from #Controller to #RestController in the CustomController is not an option.
Also, I don't have JSP files in the project - they are plain *.html files.
I am using Spring 1.3.3 release, so please help me out.
This solution works with ui-router (AngularJS library). Also, you have to change $resourceProvider setting:
// In your app module config
$resourceProvider.defaults.stripTrailingSlashes = false;
Then, in the Spring server codes, you can do this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{custom:[^\\.]*}")
public String redirect(#PathVariable String custom) {
// Do something here...
return "forward:/";
Found the solution at this link:

How do I create a 404 controller using Spring Boot?

I'd like to return a custom 404 error using SpringBoot, but I'd like to be able to add some server-side logic to it, not just serve a static page.
1. I switched off the default whitelabel page in
2. I added a Thymeleaf error.html under resources/templates
This works by the way. The page is served, but no controller is called.
3. I created a class Error to be the "Controller"
package com.noxgroup.nitro.pages;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class Error {
public String index() {
System.out.println("Returning Error");
return "index";
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing Returning Error printed anywhere in the console.
I'm using the Embedded Tomcat with Spring Boot. I've seen various options, non of which seem to work including using #ControllerAdvice, removing the RequestMapping, etc. Neither work for me.
The servlet container is going to pick up the 404 before it can get to Spring, so you'll need to define an error page at servlet container level, which forwards to your custom controller.
public class CustomizationBean implements EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "/error"));
Easiest way I found was to implement the ErrorController.
public class RedirectUnknownUrls implements ErrorController {
public void redirectNonExistentUrlsToHome(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
public String getErrorPath() {
return "/error";
