script doesn't promt message if called from another script - bash

I have the following example:
if [ argument==c1 ]; then
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash $DOCKERNAME -c 'read -rp "username:" user'
This is working fine if I call it like ./ (means I was asked to give a username).
If I call this script from another one and redirect the output to a file, nothing will be prompted to the console! The script sits there waiting for the input but the user doesn't see anything:
mkdir -p $LOG_DIR
./ c1 >"$LOG_DIR"/result.txt
Any hints?

You are redirecting the prompt to the log file. Probably use tee instead of a plain redirection.
mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" # notice quoting
./ arg1 arg2 | tee "$LOG_DIR"/result.txt
You will still probably have some issues with buffering. I'm thinking passing the input as an argument to the Docker container would be a better design.
# ^ notice fixed spacing
if [ argument = c1 ]; then
# ^ ^ notice fixed spacing
read -r -p "username: " username
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash $DOCKERNAME -c "user=$username"
It's slightly weird that Docker outputs the standard error from the shell within the container to standard output, too, but that's what it does. I don't think there is an easy way to change that.

as i said, the script is working well if i don't redirect the output to a file, means that the user will be asked to provide some input in the console.
But if i redirect the output to the file, the text "username:" will be as well redirected to the file and the user doesn't see anything.


Couchbase script with combination of cbq and cbimport commands is not working

I am trying to write a script file which will export some data using [cbq][1] commands and then import those data into target cluster via [cbimport][2] commands. I want to enhance the script in such a way that it can export huge data and import on another cluster.
However in my local machine, it is failing. Actually script is getting stuck in the SELECT command of the cbq command.
Can someone suggest me how to do it. Below is the test script which I am using:
echo "Hello World"
cbq -u Administrator -p Administrator -e "http://localhost:8093";
\REDIRECT temp.txt;
SELECT * FROM `` where id="106" --output="temp.txt";
cbimport json -c http://{target-cluster}:8091 -u Administrator -p Administrator -b -d file://C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\temp.txt -f list -g %docId%;
Below is the response of above script:
$ ./
Hello World
Connected to : http://localhost:8093/. Type Ctrl-D or \QUIT to exit.
Path to history file for the shell : C:\Users\myuser\.cbq_history
And getting stuck here for very long time.
Specifically for this script of yours, you have a semi-colon terminating the cbq invocation after the URL, so it is simply in interactive mode.
You would want to try:
echo "Hello World"
cbq -u Administrator -p Administrator -e "http://localhost:8093" --output="temp.txt" -s "SELECT * FROM `` where id='106'"
# add processing to convert from redirected output to cbimport format
cbimport json -c http://{target-cluster}:8091 -u Administrator -p Administrator -b -d file://C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\temp.txt -f list -g %docId%
as the 3 commands in your script. (Note no use of double quotes in the statement, since the chosen quotes for the shell are double quotes. You could invert this choice too.)

Clear last bash command from history from executing bash script

I have a bash script, which uses expect package to ssh into a remote server.
My script looks like this:
while getopts "p:" option; do
case "${option}" in
/usr/bin/expect -c "
spawn ssh
expect {
\"Password*\" {
send \"$PASSWORD\r\"
I run it like ./ -p <my-confidential-password>
Now once you run it and log in successfully and exit from the remote server, I can hit up-arrow-key from the keyboard and can still see my command with password in the terminal. Or I simply run history it shows up. Once I exit the terminal, then it also appears in bash_history.
I need something within my script that could clear it from history and leave no trace of the command I ran (or password) anywhere.
I have tried:
Clearing it using history -c && history -r, this doesn't work as the script creates its own session.
Also, echo $HISTCMD returns 1 within script, hence I cannot clear using history -d <tag>.
P.S. I am using macOS
You could disable command history for a command:
set +o history
echo "$PASSWORD"
set -o history
Or, if your HISTCONTROL Bash variable includes ignorespace, you can indent the command with a space and it won't be added to the history:
$ HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
$ echo "Hi"
$ echo "Invisible" # Extra leading space!
$ history | tail -n2
7 echo "Hi"
8 history | tail -n2
Notice that this isn't secure, either: the password would still be visible in any place showing running processes (such as top and friends). Consider reading it from a file with 400 permissions, or use something like pass.
You could also wrap the call into a helper function that prompts for the password, so the call containing the password wouldn't make it into command history:
runwithpw() {
IFS= read -rp 'Password: ' pass
./ -p "$pass"

Allow user input in second command in bash pipe

I'm looking for how I might allow user input in a second command in a bash statement and I'm not sure how to go about it. I'd like to be able to provide a one-liner for someone to be able to install my application, but part of that application process requires asking some questions.
The current script setup looks like:
curl <url/to/> | bash
and then does:
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script requires root to run. Restarting the script under root."
exec sudo $0 "$#"
exit $?
git clone <url_to_repo> /usr/local/repo/
bash /usr/local/repo/.setup/
which in turn calls a python3 script that asks for input.
I know that the the curl in the first line is using stdin and so that might make what I'm asking impossible and that it has to be two lines to ever work:
wget <url/to/>
You can restructure your script to run this way:
bash -c "$(curl -s 2>/dev/null)"
My test.bash is really just
echo foo
python -c 'x = raw_input("wololo:");print(x)'`
To demonstrate that stdin can be read from in this way. Sure it creates a subshell to take care of curl but it allows you to keep reading from stdin as well.

Assign output to variable for command run under different user on OSX

I run a bash python command as current user, by doing this:
su $USER -c 'python3 -m site --user-site'
This works properly and prints the following:
I want to assign this output to a variable, so I'm using "$(command)":
target="$(su $USER -c 'python3 -m site --user-site')"
At this point, the OSX terminal hangs and has to be killed. Using backticks instead of "$(command)" leads to same result.
However, if I run the command without user, everything works as it should:
target="$(python3 -m site --user-site)"
echo target
output: /Users/standarduser7/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages
How can I assign the output from a command run as the current user to a variable?
I don’t think it’s hanging; I think it’s showing a blank (prompt-less) command-line and is waiting for input. When I key in the user password, it returns this result:
and this is what ends up being stored in the target variable. A quick parameter substitution can rectify this anomalous output:
The other solution (credit given to this answer) is to create a file descriptor as a copy of stdout, then tee the command to the copy, which then allows stdout to be piped to grep in order to process the output:
exec 3>&1 # create a copy of stdout
target=$(su $USER -c "python -m site --user-site" | tee /dev/fd/3 | grep -o '\/.*')
exec 3>&- # close copy

Why can't I redirect text to a text file?

I'm writing a bash shell script that has to be run with admin permissions (sudo).
I'm running the following commands
sudo -u $SUDO_USER touch /home/$SUDO_USER/.kde/share/config/kcmfonts > /dev/null
sudo -u $SUDO_USER echo "[General]\ndontChangeAASettings=true\nforceFontDPI=96" >> /home/$SUDO_USER/.kde/share/config/kcmfonts
The first command succeeds and creates the file. However the second command keeps erroring with the following:
cannot create /home/username/.kde/share/config/kcmfonts: Permission denied
I can't understand why this keeps erroring on permissions. I'm running the command as the user who invoked sudo so I should have access to write to this file. The kcmfonts file is created successfully.
Can someone help me out?
Consider doing this:
echo "some text" | sudo -u $SUDO_USER tee -a /home/$SUDO_USER/filename
The tee command can assist you with directing the output to the file. tee's -a option is for append (like >>) without it you'll clobber the file (like >).
You don't need to execute the left side with elevated privs (although it is just echo, this is a good thing to form as a habit), you only need the elevated privs for writing to the file. So with this command you're only elevating permissions for tee.
sudo -u $SUDO_USER echo "some text" >> /home/$SUDO_USER/filename
sudo executes the command echo "some text" as `$SUDO_USER".
But the redirection is done under your account, not under the $SUDO_USER account. Redirection is handled by the shell process, which is yours and is not under the control of sudo.
Try this:
sudo -u $SUDO_USER sh -c 'echo "some text" >> /home/$SUDO_USER/filename'
That way, the sh process will be executed by $SUDO_USER, and that's the process that will handle the redirection (and will write to the output file).
Depending on the complexity of the command, you may need to play some games with escaping quotation marks and other special characters. If that's too complex (which it may well be), you can create a script:
$ cat
echo "some text" >> /home/$SUDO_USER/filename
$ sudo -u $SUDO_USER ./
Now it's the ./ command (which executes as /bin/sh ./ that will run under the $SUDO_USER account, and it should have permission to write to the output file.
