How do i consult these queries in prometheus? - performance

I'm trying to setup some graphs using prometheus with grafana in a home lab using a single node kubernetes deployed using minikube. I also have some stress test to use on the cluster. I want to measure the results of the stress test using prometheus, so i need help with the following queries:
Cpu usage of the node/cluster and from and individual pod by given name, in a period of time (ie 5min).
Memory usage of the node/cluster and from and individual pod by given name, in a period of time (ie 5min).
Disk or file system usage of the node/cluster and from an individual pod by given name, in a period of time (ie 5min).
Latency from an individual pod by given name, in a period of time (ie 5min).
If any can help with that, or know a grafana dashboard for that (i've already tried the 737 and the 6417) or give a hint of which metrics i need to consult (i've tried rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total[5m]) and this gives me some sort of result for the cpu usage query for the whole node).

You can use Prometheus's labels to get metrics for a specific pod:
CPU (you don't have to provide all labels, you can select only one if that's unique:
sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod=~"<your_pod_name>", container=~"<your_container_name>", kubernetes_io_hostname=~"<your_node_name>"}[5m])) by (pod,kubernetes_io_hostname)
sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{pod=~"<your_pod_name>", container=~"<your_container_name>", kubernetes_io_hostname=~"<your_node_name>"}) by (pod,kubernetes_io_hostname)
kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kubernetes_io_hostname=~"<your_node_name>$", persistentvolumeclaim=~".*<your_pod_name>"}
You can collect it in your application (web server)? via Prometheus client (application level)


Can Influxfb handle 1000s of checks?

I am building an application with InfluxDB. I need to monitor sensor data from many thousands of sensors, and I need to set up alerts and notifications for each one of them. This results in several thousands of checks.
When I started creating checks, Influx started choking at about 500 running checks. Is this expected? Am I working against how Influx is supposed to be used here?
Additional info:
My series cardinality is low, <50.
The database in question had no actual data in it, so the checks ran on an empty database.
Influx runs in docker, and the container went from about 2% cpu usage to closer to 400% when the checks were saved.

What can cause a Cloud Run instance to not be reused despite continuous load?

My Spring-Boot app runs as expected on Cloud Run when I deploy it with max-instances set to 1: It receives a constant stream of pubsub messages via push, and makes anywhere from 0 to 5 writes to an associated CloudSQL instance, depending on the message payload. Typically it handles between 20 and 40 messages per second. Latency/response-time varies between 50ms and 60sec, probably due to some resource contention.
In order to increase throughput/ decrease resource contention, I'm looking to experiment with the connection pool size per app-instance, as well as the concurrency and max-instances parameters for my cloud run app.
I understand that due to Spring-Boot, my app has a relatively high cold-start time of about 30-40 seconds. This is acceptable for how this service is used.
I'm experiencing problems when deploying a spring-boot app to cloud run with max-instances set to a value greater than 1:
Instances start, handle a single request successfully, and then produce no more logs.
This happens a few times per minute, leading me to believe that instances get started (cold-start), handle a single request, die, and then get started again. They are not being reused as described in the docs, and as is happening when I set max-instances to 1. Official docs on concurrency
Instead, I expect 3 container instances to be started, which then each requests according to max-concurrency setting.
Billable container time at max-instances=3:
As shown in the graph, the number of instances is fluctuating wildly, once the new revision with max-instances=3 is deployed.
The graphs for CPU- and memory-usage also look like this.
There are no error logs. As before at max-instaces=1, there are warnings indicating that there are not enough instances available to handle requests (HTTP 429).
Connection Limit of CloudSQL instance has not been exceeded
Requests are handled at less than 10/s
Finally, this is the command used to deploy:
gcloud beta run deploy my-service --project=[...] --image=[...] --add-cloudsql-instances=[...] --region=[...] --platform=managed --memory=1Gi --max-instances=3 --concurrency=3 --no-allow-unauthenticated
What could cause this behavior?
Some month ago, in private Alpha, I performed tests and I observed the same behavior. After discussion with Google team, I understood that instances are over provisioned "in case of": an instances crashes, an instances is preempted, the traffic suddenly increase,...
The trade-off of this is that you will have more cold start that your max instances values. Worse, you will be charged for this over provisioned cold start -> this is not an issue because Cloud Run has a huge free tier that covers this kind of glitches.
Going deeper in the logs (you can do it by creating a sink of Cloud Run logs into BigQuery and then by requesting them), even if there is more instances up than your max instances, only your max instances are active in the same time. I'm not sure to be clear. With your parameters, that means, if you have 5 instances up in the same time, only 3 serve the traffic at the same point of time
This part is not documented because it evolves constantly for find the best balance between over-provisioning and lack of ressources (and 429 errors).
#Steren #AhmetB can you confirm or correct me?
When Cloud Run receives and processes requests rapidly, it predicts how many instances it needs, and will try to scale to the amount. If a sudden burst of requests occur, Cloud Run will instantiate a larger number of instances as a response. This is done in order to adapt to a possible higher number of network requests beyond what it is currently serving, with attempts to take into consideration the length of time it will take for the existing instance to complete loading the request. Per the documentation, it is possible that the amount of container instances can go above the max instance value when it spikes.
You mentioned with max-instances set to 1 it was running fine, but later you mentioned it was in fact producing 429s with it set to 1 as well. Seeing behavior of 429s as well as the instances spiking could indicate that the amount of traffic is not being handled fluidly.
It is also worth noting, because of the cold start time you mention, when instances are serving the first request(s), by design, the number of concurrent requests is actually hard set to 1. Once things are fully ready,only then the concurrency setting you have chosen is applied.
Was there some specific reason you chose 3 and 3 for Max Instance settings and concurrency? Also how was the concurrency set when you had max instance set to 1? Perhaps you could try tinkering up further the concurrency (max 80) and /or Max instances (high limit up to 1000) and see if that removes the 429s.

Long duration soak tests in jmeter

Jmeter tests are run in master slave fashion with around 8 slave machines. However with the remote batching mode set to MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH, I am not able to run tests for more than 64 hours. Throughput is around 450 requests per minute, and per slave machine it results in the creation of jtl files that are around 1.5 gb. All 8 slaves are going to send this to the master (1.5 gb x 8) and probably the I/O gets too much for the master to handle. The master machines memory is at 16 gb ram and has disk storage of around 250 gb. I was wondering if the jmeter distributed architecture has any provision to make long running soak tests possible without any un explained stress on the master machine. Obviously I have the option to abandon master slave setup and go for 8 independent nodes, however I'll in that case run into complications with respect to serving data csv files ( which I currently serve using simple table server plugin from the master m) and also around aggregating result files. Any suggestions please. It would be great to be able to run tests atleast for around 4 days (96 hours or so).
I would suggest to go for an independent JMeter workers + external data collector setup.
Actually, the JMeter right-out-of-the-box "distributed scaling" abilities are weak, way outdated & overall pretty ridiculous. As well as it's data collection/agregation/processing abilities.
This situation actually puzzles me a lot - mind you, rivals are even worse, so there's literally NOTHING in the field (except for, perhaps, some SaaS solutions trying to monetize on this gap).
But is is what it is...
So that's about why-s, now to how-s.
If I were you, I would:
Containerize the JMeter worker
Equip each container with a watchdog to quickly restart the worker if things go south locally (or probably even on schedule to refresh it ultimately). Be that an internal one, or external like cloud services have - doesn't matter.
Set up a timeseries database - I recommend InfluxDB, it's an excellent product & it's free in basic version (which is going to be enough for your purposes).
Flow your test results/metrics into that DB - do not collect them locally! You can do it right from your tests with pretty simple custom listener (Influx line protocol is ridiculously simple & fast), or you can have external agent watching the result files as they flow. I just suggest you not to use so called Backend Listner to do the job - it's garbage, it won't shape your data right, so you'd have to do additional ops to bring them to order.
If you shape your test result/metrics data properly, you've get 'em already time-synced into a single set - and the further processing options are amazingly powerful!
My expectation is that you're looking for the StrippedAsynch sampler sender mode.
As per the documentation:
samples are temporarily stored in a local queue. A separate worker thread sends the samples. This allows the test thread to continue without waiting for the result to be sent back to the client. However, if samples are being created faster than they can be sent, the queue will eventually fill up, and the sampler thread will block until some samples can be drained from the queue. This mode is useful for smoothing out peaks in sample generation. The queue size can be adjusted by setting the JMeter property asynch.batch.queue.size (default 100) on the server node.
remove responseData from successful samples, and use Async sender to send them.
So on slave node add the following line to file:
and on the master node define asynch.batch.queue.size, to be as high to not to have impact onto JMeter's throughput (won't slow it down) and as low to not to overwhelm the master. I would start with 1000.
Another option is using StrippedDiskStore but you will have to manually collect serialized results after test completion (make sure that slave processes will not shut down because the results will be deleted when slave process finishes)
You could use JMeter PerfMon Plugin to monitor memory and network usage on master and slaves.

prometheus query for continuous uptime

I'm a prometheus newbie and have been trying to figure out the right query to get the last continuous uptime for my service.
For example, if the present time is 0:01:20 my service was up at 0:00:00, went down at 0:01:01 and went up again at 0:01:10, I'd like to see the uptime of "10 seconds".
I'm mainly looking at the "up{}" metric and possibly combine it with the functions (changes(), rate(), etc.) but no luck so far. I don't see any other prometheus metric similar to "up" either.
The problem is that you need something which tells when your service was actually up vs. whether the node was up :)
We use the following (I hope one will help or the general idea of each):
1. When we look at a host we use node_time{...} - node_boot_time{...}
2. When we look at a specific process / container (docker via cadvisor in our case) we use node_time{...} - on(instance) group_right container_start_time_seconds{name=~"..."}) by(name,instance)
The following PromQL query must be used for calculating the application uptime in seconds:
time() - process_start_time_seconds
This query works for all the applications written in Go, which use either or client libraries, which expose the process_start_time_seconds metric by default. This metric contains unix timestamp for the application start time.
Kubernetes exposes the container_start_time_seconds metric for each started container by default. So the following query can be used for tracking uptimes for containers in Kubernetes:
time() - container_start_time_seconds{container!~"POD|"}
The container!~"POD|" filter is needed in order to filter aux time series:
Time series with container="POD" label reflect e.g. pause containers - see this answer for details.
Time series without container label correspond to e.g. cgroups hierarchy. See this answer for details.
If you need to calculate the overall per-target uptime over the given time range, then it is possible to estimate it with up metric. Prometheus automatically generates up metric per each scrape target. It sets it to 1 per each successful scrape and sets it to 0 otherwise. See these docs for details. So the following query can be used for estimating the total uptime in seconds per each scrape target during the last 24 hours:
avg_over_time(up[24h]) * (24*3600)
See avg_over_time docs for details.

Questions Nagios Monitoring

I am a beginner for Nagios and have read the documentation here.
However, I still have some questions and appreciate if you can please help me:
1) What are the different metrics that nagios captures? I know, it captures CPU, network, disk metrics etc. But I am looking for more detailed information like CPU idle time, CPU busy time etc?
2) If say for CPU, Nagios captures 5 metrics, where can I get the meaning of each metric captured by Nagios?
3) Can I export the metrics captured by Nagios in a CSV file or to an external database?
4) Can we collect custom metrics?
5) How these metrics are captured by Nagios i.e the mechanism or working of Nagios?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I feel that your questions are somewhat generic. Nagios captures snaphots of data over by frequent sampling. You can always access nagios logs and build your own set of detailed information if you are looking to mine for historical data like busy time and idle time. Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana stack springs to mind.
As far as your third question is concerned, Yes it is possible to get csv outputs for availability. In the nagios/cgi-bin/avail.cgi GET request pass &csvoutput as a parameter and you will get the csv format availability reports for all hosts.
Please check this link for more info :
and also:
Link 2
