Global HTTP Header Manager with http script of uploading file - jmeter

Im writing script which have https request for uploading file. For this script I need to overwrite 'Content-Type' from global http header manager.
Is there any way to perform this in jmeter?

As per HTTP Header Manager documentation:
JMeter now supports multiple Header Managers. The header entries are merged to form the list for the sampler. If an entry to be merged matches an existing header name, it replaces the previous entry. This allows one to set up a default set of headers, and apply adjustments to particular samplers.
HTTP Header Manager respects JMeter Scoping Rules so if you need to override a header - add another HTTP Header Manager as a child of the Sampler which header you need to "override"


Capture Cookie from Response Header in Login and use it to all subsequent steps in Request Headers

I cannot modify anything on to add next line because I run my scripts from a remote machine in which I don't have access to.
I am able to capture the Cookie using a Regular Expression Extractor from RESPONSE HEADER in Login and save it in a variable 'Cookie_cp'. I tried adding 'Cookie_cp' on HTTP Cookie Manager and also tried adding it on HTTP Header Manager, but JMeter sends the cookie only on REQUEST BODY, but not the REQUEST HEADER.
Another issue is that 'Cookie_cp' is being captured from second step's RESPONSE HEADER and applied to third step, while I need this cookie to be applied only from Login to all other steps.
Any help please?
JMeter sends the cookie(s) in the Cookie header, not in the request body, if you're using View Results Tree listener to inspect the request and it shows the cookie in the "Request Body" tab it's kind of misleading.
In fact JMeter does send the cookie(s) in the Cookie header, you can double check it using a sniffer tool like Wireshark
If you want to send the cookie (or any other header) with all the requests starting from second one you can:
Put these requests under a Simple Controller
Add HTTP Cookie Manager (or HTTP Header Manager) at the same level as these requests
Both Cookie and Header manager obey JMeter Scoping Rules so the header(s) will be added to all Simple Controller's children

How can you add a header to a specific request in JMeter?

I've got a test fragment that makes a few requests, which work fine. I now want to add a new PUT request that uploads a file to a an azure storage account container. I currently get a 400 with an error that a mandatory header hasn't been included. After a little research it appears I need the 'x-ms-blob-type' header with a value of 'BlockBlob'.
This is where my issue lies. I've added an HTTP Header Manager to that particular request, but the header doesn't seem to get added. There is a Header Manager at the fragment level, that is used to apply generic headers to all requests, but this header manager is just for that request. I was expecting the 2 to be merged, but it looks like no headers are being applied to that particular request.
Your expectation is correct, HTTP Header Managers obey JMeter Scoping Rules and top-level headers are being recursively merged to the local HTTP Header Managers.
So try looking at Request -> Request Headers tab of the View Results Tree listener and see what headers are being sent
Additionally you can enable debug logging for JMeter's HTTP components by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file
<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
and upon JMeter restart you should see the outgoing headers in jmeter.log file
You can also add header manager at request level as JMeter gives preference to the request level header manger even it is present at test plan level.
For reference see the attached snapshots.

Unable to click parameters tab in Jmeter 5.2.1

I am trying to pass an authorization header along with a request body to an HTTP request in Jmeter. When i pass a parameterized body, I am not able to click on the parameters tab to pass a header, and if I add the header first, the body data tab becomes non-clickable. Please help.
Parameters are being used for the URL Parameters or for the Query String.
Use HTTP Header Manager to pass an authorization header along with your request body in JMeter.
Just right click on your HTTP sampler and then add HTTP Header Manager from the config element.
In Header Manager, You can add multiple header information along with the request.

In JMeter, how can I correlate/parameterize from HTTP Header Manager?

My HTTP Request has child HTTP Header Manager. The HTTP Header Manager has dynamic values, and other parameters depending on search on GUI application. See picture. The xsrf-token is dynamic, and auditlog varies depending on my search by vEnl. I am using JMeter 4.0. The HTTP Requests are GET, and therefore cannot use the checkbox "Use multipart/form-data for POST" either. How can I correlate/parameterize in this situation?
Use Regular Expression Extractor in the response of whatever request which has the right value for this Header Manager. Name it for example :testDynaVar
Then use ${testDynaVar} in auditlog's value. The parameter value will be passed to this header manager.
You need to extract this xsrf-token from the previous response using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor, save it into a JMeter Variable and substitute recorded hard-coded value with this variable in the HTTP Header Manager, check out How to Load Test CSRF-Protected Web Sites article for example implementation.
HTTP Header Manager can evaluate JMeter Variables in the runtime and substitute the placeholders with the respective values:
with regards to this auditlog header your question doesn't contain enough information to come up with the proper configuration, from the first glance you can parameterize this ctime argument using __time() function

Jmeter- Overwrite Global HTTP Header Manager over HTTP Header Manager available with Http Request Sampler

For my application when I record , each HTTP request has required Headers that are maintained at individual HTTP Header Manager.
Now an Authentication token is also managed in the Header manager for every request after login. For multiple users I pass variable for this Authentication token. To make this happen I need to edit in every Header(or I do it opening jmx file in Notepad++ and then replacing all). But is there any way like using a global HTTP header manager that will override over Sample lever Headers.
As per Using JMeter's HTTP Header Manager article:
JMeter now supports multiple Header Managers.
The header entries are merged to form the list for the sampler. If an entry to be merged matches an existing header name, it replaces the previous entry, unless the entry value is empty in which case any existing entry is removed. This allows one to set up a default set of headers, and apply adjustments to particular samplers.
If you don't like the situation you can uncheck "Capture HTTP Headers" box in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
If all headers are same throughout the script then you can remove all individual headers which are currently child of http request samplers and keep only one header manager outside of all request which will act as a global header manager and it will pass values to all requests
