Partial data is getting generated in html report - jmeter

jtl file contains 2 testcase but when i generate html report using the same only the data of latest entry is populating in html report,
Command used for Report generation:
sh -g /home/sadha/Documents/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/logs/log.jtl -f -o /home/sadha/Documents/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin/Output/
Getting below message in terminal after executing above command,
File '/home/sadha/Documents/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/logs/log.jtl' does not contain the field names header, ensure the* properties are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read incorrectly when generating report
JTL data:
1619015828359,121,aws_sns,200,,Thread2 2-1,text,true,,422,592,1,1,,117,0,66
1619015831675,137,solutionsinfini,200,,Thread2 2-1,text,true,,422,600,1,1,,130,0,65
Below is the screenshot of html report

You need to have the same Results File Configuration for JMeter instance(s) which:
run the test
generate the reporting dashboard
any inconsistencies will result in failure or data loss
Particularly in your case the "problematic" property which doesn't match is, try modifying your command to set this property to false via -J command-line argument as:
sh -g /home/sadha/Documents/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/logs/log.jtl -f -o /home/sadha/Documents/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin/Output/
in order to make the change permanent put the following line to file of your JMeter installation:
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide


Saving an external ID to result file in Jmeter

I have an external data in my test data that is an id that I would like to be able to write to the the result file that is generated when I run this command:
./jmeter -n -t /home/usr/jmeter/script.jmx -l /home/usr/jmeter/scriptjtl
The id will not be used for any request, but the trackid is necessary to include i troubleshooting errors. Example of how the track_id can look: kJbc1W1YupprLcB8YZE0gla1T8APE7Td
Is there some possible away to save the track ID in the result file as a parameter or in any other way?
If you have this track_id extracted into a JMeter Variable you can use sample_variables property in order to add it to the .jtl results file, amend you command line as:
./jmeter -Jsample_variables=track_id -n -t /home/usr/jmeter/script.jmx -l /home/usr/jmeter/scriptjtl
once script finishes you will see an extra column called track_id containing the respective values for the ${track_id} variable for each Sample Result
In order to make the change permanent add the next line to file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Jmeter: How to create HTML dashboard in jmeter using saved summary csv file

I am using following command to generate HTML dashboard:
jmeter -g C:/Users/E01659/Desktop/feb28/feb28_10_3600.csv -o C:/Users/E01659/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.1/bin/sonali/
Following error is coming: File
'C:\Users\E01659\Desktop\feb28\feb28_10_3600.csv' does not contain the
field names header, ensure the* properties
are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read
incorrectly when generating report An error occurred: Mismatch between
expected number of columns:17 and columns in CSV file:11, check your* configuration or check line is complete
From the error message, it is clear that - CSV file created earlier don't have the header as the first line. When you want to create the APDEX Dashboard from CSV file, JMeter expects that files are created with correct Save Service Configuration. You can change Result file config which are present in jmeter.propertes file.
You may need to change the line as below, so that file created has the headers name as required = true
The command you're using is correct, the reason of failure is mismatch of the .jtl file contents and what JMeter expects it to be.
If you got this feb28_10_3600.csv file from execution on another JMeter installation - make sure that JMeter's result save configuration on the machine where you're trying to generate the report is identical to the JMeter installation where JMeter was running.
Inspect the associated JMeter properties and amend them to for 100% match, once done you should be able to normally generate the dashboard.
If you still experience the differences update your question with first 2-3 lines of your .jtl results file.
You are receiving this error (most likely) due to a corrupt line at the end of your file. Just execute a 'tail ' to see the last few lines. Most likely, your last line is missing columns due to an abrupt stop in the test. Once you delete the problematic line, you should be able to generate the HTML report.

JMeter SMTP Sampler - is it possible to use parameterization with in "attach files" option?

am using JMeter 4.0 and I have been trying to parameterize the filename in "Attach files" option with no success. I am required to use attachments of varying sizes and with each loop a random pdf file (from the set of files saved locally in d drive) to be attached with the email.
I am using a CSV data set config for parameterization and see no issues in using the parameters in Subject line of within the Message.
However, when used with the attach files option, the JMeter test fails to execute with FileNotFoundException as the variable name is substituted as such instead of the pdf filename. Is there a solution?
Error Message: D:\Data_Jmeter\${AttachFile}.pdf (The system cannot find the file specified)
I cannot reproduce your problem using the following settings:
Where ${path} is set via User Defined Variables on Test Plan level and resolves into "bin" folder of my JMeter installation
The same situation for ${path} variable originating from the CSV Data Set Config
So I would recommend to double check if your ${AttachFile} variable is defined, you can do this using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination

Not able to generate html report in JMeter using Commandline

I want to generate html report from the csv file that is created. I am using BlazeMeter to record the test which gives me .jmx file.
When I give:
sh jmeter -n -t /home/Annie/JMeter/vDC1.jmx -l /home/Annie/JMeter/a.csv
I am getting a csv file where there is no header.So when trying to generate a html report it shows:
File '/home/Annie/JMeter/a.csv' does not contain the field names header, ensure the* properties are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read incorrectly.
I tried the solution found in:
Getting Header error in JMeter when trying to get HTML report
Its still showing the same error. However its showing the html report.
Is there anything else to be done?

Jmeter - running command line arg -l doesn't log headers

Does anyone know if it is possible when using the -l switch on command line to execute, if you can log the headers in the .jtl file as well? I've actually named mine as .csv (read somewhere it doesn't matter) but no headers are appearing.
If this is not possible, can someone please tell me the what the headings should be?
If you're looking for HTTP request and response headers:
Storing headers in "csv" mode is not supported, you will have to switch to "xml" mode
It is unclear whether you look for "request" or "response" headers.
Kindly find the instructions on how to switch JMeter to store results in XML format and "tell" JMeter to store request and response headers:
Command-line mode:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/script.jmx -l /path/to/results/file.jtl
Unattended mode:
Locate file in /bin folder of your JMeter installation
Add the next 3 lines to the file:
and after JMeter restart the properties will get applied.
If you're looking for printing field names in CSV mode like like timeStamp,elapsed,label,responseCode,responseMessage,threadName,success,grpThreads,allThreads,Latency,Connect etc.
Command-line mode:
jmeter -n -t ....
Unattended mode: add the next line to file
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for comprehensive information on different JMeter properties and ways of setting and/or overriding them
See this post on how to add headers to csv output file.
You need to configure it in the (Command switch won't work with this since it has to be defined first):
Configuring result file data when running JMeter in non-GUI mode
The print_field_names is by default false.
Edit file in the Jmeter home directory, and set:
# Results file configuration
# This section helps determine how result data will be saved.
# The commented out values are the defaults.
# legitimate values: xml, csv, db. Only xml and csv are currently supported.
# Only applies to CSV format files:
And run from command line:
\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t C:\Jmeter\Tests\Test.jmx -l Results.csv
Output example:
11:49:16;32;Get the Agent ID;500;SM play 10 calls per user 1-1;false;0;1;1;0;1;1;HOST1
