How to store a part of log into a file using LogStash - elasticsearch

I'm processing a log file with the help of logstash aggregate filter with grok having multiple patterns.
Now while processing the logs I want to extract a part of the log with some regex and store it into a file.
For example, let's say my log is :
id:0422 time:[2013-11-19 02:34:58] level:INFO text:(Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry)
In this log the text will be different at every time.
I have a regex with help of it I can match a part of text that can occure in logstash
So if I find something in that text with help of that regex while logstash indexing into elastic I want to store it into some file or something
Is it possible to achieve this?

There are different solutions for this:
create a filter using ruby code that will be triggered to write in a specific format when you have all the event data together
create a separate output which will be triggered based on an if statement to a file, this will be the preferred way of working as it is clear that it is an output.
Depending on the fact if you want to send all data or not, or have it look different or not you might need to use the clone function in order to clone the event into two different ones which can be manipulated apart from each other using tags.


Am I misunderstanding something about using the List and Fetch combination?

I am trying to understand the combination of List and Fetch processors.
I have a directory with three JSON files and I get the ListAzureDataLakeStorage to list them. But when I connect a FetchAzureDataLakeStorage with which I intend to take only one of the files, the Fetch takes the same file three times. In summary, it takes the file whose azure.filename matches with the value that I put in the File Name property, but as many times as there are files in the listed directory.
I really want to use a single List and connect three Fetches to it, each one to take a different file, and thus use them for different streams.
In each Fetch I put in the "File Name" property the name of the file that I want to take. For example:
File Name: fileName1.json
I have also tried putting in "File Name" with Expression Language the following:
FileName: $ {azure.filename: equals ('fileName1.json')}. But this option causes a 404 empty body error.
But there is no way. Am I misunderstanding something about using the List and Fetch combination?
If you are statically entering file names and you want to respond to each one differently, then the ListX processors aren't very beneficial to your flow.
The easier option would be to use a GenerateFlowFile processor with the appropriate schedule to trigger a corresponding FetchX processor.
If you're only doing this for 3 files, it's not too much manual overhead. You could also achieve something similar using RouteOnContent/Attribute.

Kibana (elasticsearch visualization) - how add plot based on sub-string of field?

I have a field in my logs called json_path containing data like /nfs/abc/123/subdir/blah.json and I want to create count plot on part of the string abc here, so the third chunk using the token /. I have tried all sorts of online answers, but they're all partial answers (nothing I can easily understand how to use or integrate). I've tried running POST/GET queries in the Console, which all failed due to syntax errors I couldn't manage to debug (they were complaining about newline control chars, when there were none that I could obviously see or see in a text editor explicitly showing control-characters). I also tried Management -> Index Patterns -> Scripted Field but after adding my code there, basically the whole Kibana crashed (stopped working temporarily) until I removed that Scripted Field.
All this elasticsearch and kibana stuff is annoyingly difficult, all the docs expect you to be an expert in their tool, rather than just an engineer needing to visualize some data.
I don't really want to add a new data field in my log-generation code, because then all my old logs will be unsupported (which have the relevant data, it just needs that bit of string processing before data viz). I know I could probably back-annotate the old logs, but the whole Kibana/elasticsearch experience is just frustrating and I don't use it enough to justify learning such detailed procedures (I actually learned a bunch of this stuff a year ago, and then promptly forgot it due to lack of use).
You cannot plot on a sub string of a field unless you extract that sub string into a new field. I can understand the frustration in learning a new product but to be able to achieve what you want you need to have that sub string value in a new field. Scripted fields are generally used to modify a field. To be able to extract sub string from a field I’d recommend using Ingest Node processor like grok processor. This will add a new field which you can use to plot in Kibana visualizations..

Best way to get script output into elasticsearch?

I wrote a Python program to parse an internal website to retrieve a number of metrics. The script spits out something like this:
12 456 785.3 .12 23145
Each value contains a unique performance metric. I'm now looking for ways to get this data into elasticsearch so I can start making use of it. There are several input plug-ins:
And I'm curious which one folks are using to get script data into elasticsearch? Should I funnel it to syslog and grok it from there? Anyone using meetup? Any other solutions that I may be missing? I read numerous posts / websites and the solutions they proposed seem extremely complicated for this super simple job.
If this is a custom script for just this task, I'd change the script to generate JSON and use the Python Elastic SDK to insert the document in Elastic. Alternatively, your script could output JSON to stdout and you could have a simple bash script that does a curl to insert the document in Elasticsearch.

Logstash drop lines in file

I am wondering if it is possible for logstash to ignore first 2 lines of a file? I have looked in many places and the only solution seems to be using an if to check if the line is certain text, and if so drop .. but this seems extremely inefficient as I know for a fact I only need to drop first 2 lines and dont need to "if..then" check millions or even thousands of lines that follow.
The simple answer is no, not with the existing versions. The logstash file input only has an option for start_postition => beginning.
If you feel strongly about it, you could always fork the file input, update it with a start_position => skip_lines, add another parameter to specify how many lines, and then submit a pull request back to Elastic and it might get implemented.

How to read data in logs using logstash?

I have just started log stash, i have log files in that log file whole object is printed in the logs, Since my object is huge i cant write the grok patterns to the whole object and also i expecting only two values out of those object. Can you please let us know how can i get that?
my logs files looks like below
2015-06-10 13:02:57,903 your done OBJ[name:test;loc:blr;country:india,]
This is just an example my object has lot attributes in int , in those object i need to get only name and acc.
You can use the following pattern for the same
GREEDYDATA us defined as follows -
The key lie in understanding greedydata macro.
It eats up all possible characters as possible.
Logstash patterns don't have to match the entire line. You could also pull the leading information off (date, time, etc) in one grok{} and then use a different grok{} to pull off just the two fields that you want.
