J meter - Mobile app recording - SSL HandshakeException - performance

I am getting below responce in result tree when record mobile app using j meter javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

You need to install JMeter's self-signed certificate onto your "mobile" device, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Once done depending on your "mobile" operating system:
iOS: enable full trust for root certificates
Android: amend network_security_config.xml file like this:
<base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<certificates src="system" />
<certificates src="user" />
then re-build your "mobile app" in debug mode and replace the version installed on the device


Relative framework paths, the Hardened Runtime and Notarization

After successfully notarizing my app around a dozen times and it working just fine, it now goes through notarization without a hitch and then crashes on launch with:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #loader_path/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder
Referenced from: /Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Vitamin-R 3
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder: code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder'
/Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder: code signing blocked mmap() of '/Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder'
/Applications/Vitamin-R 3.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ShortcutRecorder.framework/Versions/A/ShortcutRecorder: stat() failed with errno=1
file system relative paths not allowed in hardened programs
Thing is I'm not sure where exactly the runtime path for a framework is determined.. I keep the framework in ~/Libary/Frameworks/ on my development machine, but then it's copied into the app bundle and I'm not quite sure what determines the path at runtime..
Any help would be appreciated.
This could be a codesign certificate issue... Fix it by:
Open Keychain Access: My Certificates > "Right Click" Certificate > get info > Trust > When using this certificates > Use System Defaults
I had exactly the same issue. The solution was to add the framework to the 'Copy Files' build step as well. There you can define the destination to 'Frameworks'.

Appcelerator: remote connect WebView to Chrome

Some time ago I was able to remote debug a webview in Chrome to debug html-errors. But now, it isn't working anymore on my Android-phone, I'm not able to connect (In Chrome: More Tools > Developer Tools > Remote Devices ... where my remote devices says "connected".
The lines I added (in varying composition) to tiapp.xml:
< property name="appc-security-debugger-detect">false< /property>
< application android:debuggable="true" />
< disable_error_screen>true< /disable_error_screen>
Solved the problem.
In tiapp.xml, these two elements needs te be in this order:
<application android:theme="#style/Theme.AppCompat.NoTitleBar"/>
<application android:debuggable="true"/>
... instead of:
<application android:debuggable="true"/>
<application android:theme="#style/Theme.AppCompat.NoTitleBar"/>
... looks like a bug to me.

Open a web page inside an Windows app with Cordova?

I'm trying to use this solution to open web page inside may Cordova Windows application by changing:
<content src="index.html" />
<content src="http://" />
but for for some reason I get this big error in compilation:
Platform : anycpu
fest.xml(24,41): error APPX1404: File content does not conform to specified sch
ema. The 'StartPage' attribute is invalid - The value 'www/
8080/war/index.html' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://schema
s.microsoft.com/appx/2010/manifest:ST_FileName' - The Pattern constraint failed
. [C:\windowsProject\test1\platforms\windows\CordovaApp.Windows80.jsproj]
I'm using Cordova 4.3.0 and my target paltform is Windows

Bundle invalid payload reason: 0x80070570

Wix 3.6. I'm trying to run a bundle :
<Bundle Name="Setup" Version="" Manufacturer="Bentley" UpgradeCode="37d68094-0b98-4b16-bfbe-7f0d3015064a">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
<MsiPackage SourceFile="path/to/MyMsiFileWhichIsFine.msi" Cache="yes" Compressed="no" InstallCondition="1"/>
Result from execution :
0x800b0109 A certification chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
The log file says :
Detected partially cached package: MyMsiFileWhichIsFine.msi, invalid payload: MyMsiFileWhichIsFine.msi, reason: 0x80070570
I signed this msi. The bootstrapper was also signed using (cf this link):
insignia -ib Setup.exe -o engine.exe
signtool engine.exe (extra parameters excluded for simplicity)
insignia -ab engine.exe Setup.exe -o Setup.exe
signtool Setup.exe
One possibility is the msi was created externally rather than using Heat.exe that comes as part of WIX. I've had similar issues when I was trying to work with VB6 files, and had to add in flags to ignore those checks. But in your case, Bootstrapper might not be able to interpret the msi correctly. How did the msi get created? Did you use Heat? Can you post the Heat lines if so?
I found a solution ! I just skip the signing verification like this :
<ExePackage SourceFile="MyPath\MyFileToLaunch.exe" Compressed="no" SuppressSignatureVerification="yes"/>

Unzip/zip ipa file causes install problems

I have been wrestling with resigning an iOS app (ipa file) provided by a third party. As documented in many other places I am following the process:
copy embedded.mobileprovision
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The same file will load sometimes and not others. In trying to isolate the problem I have simply unzipped the ipa, then rezipped it. The new ipa file is slightly different to the original but everything inside the original and the new ipa is identical. When I try to install the new ipa file it fails with:
Could not install application on device. Error: A signed resource has been added, modified or deleted.
Looking in the console log of the device I get the following messages:
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620393
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
preflight_application_install: Could not verify executable at
iPad1 installd[843] : 00403000
install_application: Could not preflight application install
iPad1 mobile_installation_proxy[876] :
handle_install: Installation failed
Given that nothing inside the ipa file has changed, which is where I thought all the signing information was, why won't the rezipped file install?
Some more info, the error above occurs installing the rezipped ipa file using the iPhone Configuration Utility running under Windows. The rezipped ipa file installs using iTunes but gives the following errors in the console log for the device:
iPad1 installd[918] : entitlement 'aps-environment' has value
not permitted by a provisioning profile
iPad1 installd[918] : entitlement 'application-identifier' has
value not permitted by a provisioning profile
