How to prepare the JSON payload from the response in JMeter - jmeter

I am getting response from one API and need to prepare the payload from that response.
For example the response as like
"data": {
"total_count": 5,
"userIds": [1,2,3,4,5]
Need to make the payload from the response to other API like
"users": [
"user_id": 1,
"invite_amount": 100,
"user_id": 2,
"invite_amount": 100
"user_id": 3,
"invite_amount": 100
"user_id": 4,
"invite_amount": 100
"user_id": 5,
"invite_amount": 100
Above payload need to send to the another API

Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns the above JSON
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def userIds = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).data.userIds
def payload = [:]
def users = []
userIds.each { userId ->
def user = [:]
user.put('user_id', userId)
user.put('invite_amount', 100)
payload.put('users', users)
vars.put('payload', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(payload).toPrettyString())
That's it, you will be able to refer the generated payload value as ${payload} where required
More information:
JsonSlurper and JsonBuilder
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Have a look at this link
Basically you need to use JMeter JSON Extractor


JMeter - How to add data to request body in every loop?

I'm working with an API that returns response in the following format:
"products": [
"name": "ABC"
"id": "ABCDEFG"
"name": "XYZ"
"id": "LMNOPQ"
} ]
The number of products varies and so does the number of IDs generated. I need to extract all id values which I'm doing using a JSON extractor and setting the match number to -1.
I need to pass these ID values in this request:
"products": [
"id": "id1"
"id": "id2"
} ]
If there are 5 IDs then the request needs to contain 5 id values.
I've tried using loops but I can't figure out how to add a { "id": } to the request body on every iteration of the loop. Is there any way to simulate this?
Instead of using JSON Extractor you could do everything with JSR223 PostProcessor and extract the IDs and build the next request body in one shot.
Example code:
def ids = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).products.collect { product -> }
def payload = [:]
def products = []
ids.each { id ->
products.add([id: id])
payload.put('products', products)
vars.put('payload', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(payload).toPrettyString())
You will be able to refer generated value as ${payload} where required.
More information:
Apache Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

How to handle JSON array response while using APIConsumer?

Using the APIConsumer contract we can feed data from API to the smart contract.
Eg: If the server response is:
"RAW":{"ETH":{"USD":{"VOLUME24HOUR": 10000,}}}
Then, data can be obtained as:
request.add("get", URL);
request.add("path", "RAW.ETH.USD.VOLUME24HOUR");
Similarly, If the server response contains some JSON array,
"results": [
"id": 9865,
"id": 9869,
"rank": 2
"id": 9866,
"rank": 3
Then in this case is there a way to get the id of the rank 1 i.e results[0]["id"]?
To get results[0]["id"] your path in the request needs to be
request.add("path", "");

How to mention array of object in hasura graphql action type?

How to define the Action type in Hasura graphql(console) for below given API response?
"data": [
"name": "Jordan Smith",
"id": 101,
"location": "Florida",
"speciality_id": 214
"name": "Cathy Morphy",
"id": 104,
"location": "london",
"speciality_id": 214
"count": 2 }
If you have control over what's in your API response, and can change it to just return an array of objects (what's inside data), then something like this should work:
type Query {
doctors(specialty_id: Int, search: String, limit: Int, offset: Int): [Doctor]
type Doctor {
name: String
id: Int
location: String
specialty_id: Int
If you don't have control over the API response, you'll need another layer (e.g. a serverless function or another server endpoint to request the data and transform the response into the format Hasura Actions can handle).
See also:

How to iterate through the contents of a Json object

On the JSR223 assertion in Jmeter, I need to validate only the inner part of the JSON returned.
I followed this thread to get an idea on the validation.
​How can I write JSON schema validation for JMeter run in TeamCity
Basically my Jmeter sampler returns the json as follows. On my schema, the validation should be for items, service and requestId. No validation should be performed for "payload".
"payload": [
"items": [
"code": "487482378",
"description": "Alpha Co",
"valid": true
"code": "92901128365",
"description": "Beta Co",
"valid": true
"service": "entities",
"requestId": "d190219"
This is my current code in the js223 sampler:
var schemaPath = '/path/entities-schema.json'
var rawSchema = new org.json.JSONObject(new org.json.JSONTokener(, 'UTF-8')))
var schema = org.everit.json.schema.loader.SchemaLoader.load(rawSchema)
schema.validate(new org.json.JSONObject(prev.getResponseDataAsString()))
You can remove the "unwanted" part of the response using JSR223 PostProcessor like:
def before = prev.getResponseDataAsString()'Before: ' + before)
def response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(before)
def after = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(response.payload.items).toPrettyString()'After: ' + after)
prev.setResponseData(after, 'UTF-8')
Once done you can use your JSON Schema validation approach against the new content without elements you don't need.
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

laravel/codeception : test if json response contains only certain keys

I have a json array coming from my api as response:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "abc"
I am using laravel for api and laravel-codeception for testing.
public function getAll(ApiTester $I)
I have to test if the response contains only id and name key (not any other key) example this response should fail the test.
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "abc",
I have found $I->seeResponseContainsJson(), but it checks if JSON is present or not. It does not check if JSON response contains only specified keys.
