Is there a hook for reacting to a catching up Axon projection? - spring-boot

I want to implement a Axon projection providing a subscription query. The projection persists entities of a specific based on the events (CRUD). The following should happen if a replay of the projection is executed:
Inform about a empty collection via the subscription query.
Process the events until the projection catches up with the event store.
Inform about the current state of the entities via the subscription query.
My intention is that the subscription query should not inform about many events in a very short time and I want to prevent informing about many intermediate positions (e.g. create and delete a specific entity, it should not be used in the subscription query, because it is not available after catching up).
Currently I cannot implement the third step, because I miss a hook for reacting to the moment when the Axon projection is catching up again.
I use Axon v4.5 and Spring Boot v2.4.5.

At the moment, the Reference Guide is sadly not extremely specific on how to achieve this. I can assure you though that work is underway to improve the entire Event Processor section, including a clearer explanation of the Replay process and the hooks you have.
However, the possible hooks are stated as it is (you can find them here).
What you can do to know whether your event handlers are replaying yes/no, is to utilize the ReplayStatus enumeration. This enum can be used as an additional parameter to your #EventHandler annotated method, holding just two states:
This enumeration allows for conditional logic within an event handler on what to do during replays. If an event handler for example not only updates a projection but also sends an email, you'd want to make sure the email isn't sent again when replaying.
To further clarify how to use this, consider the following snippet:
public void on(SomeEvent event, ReplayStatus replayStatus) {
if (replayStatus == REGULAR) {
// perform tasks that only may happen when the processor is not replaying
// perform tasks that can happen during regular processing and replaying
It's within the if-block where you could invoke the QueryUpdateEmitter, to only emit updates when the event handler is performing the regular event handling process.


Axon - Synchronous Saga / Command Validation - Uniqueness

I'd like to create a synchronous saga process from sendAndWait command on REST controller to #Endsaga (including middle steps).
The #Endsaga only would be reached after query-side (separated project) send an event (success or failure from read-store query-side), informing Saga about whats happened.
This is part of a validation process to uniqueness email customer using saga pattern described on link below:
I'm not sure how to properly make this configuration in Axon.
Can you help me?
My personal opinion is that option 2 (from the article you have mentioned) is the most pragmatic. I would not agree with cons mentioned for DB on the Command side.
For checking uniqueness, I would use a small command side projection (within command component/package). In Axon, this would be a regular Event handler that will handle events and populate a small table in a denormalized way so you are able to use it for uniqueness checking in your command handler latter.
This event handler/processor should be of type Subscribing (
Subscribing event processors will use the same transaction to store event and projection. That is why it is important to use this particular type of event processor here. It is immediately consistent.
Do not expose Axon queries API on top of this repository (projection), simply inject this repository into your aggregate handlers to chek uniqueness. This way the projection API will be only available to your command component to use it and not exposed to the outside world.

Axon How can I add an event listener/interceptor to intercept events before they reach their handlers?

I have a projection class (to build a read model) and I want to add an interceptor for its events in a way that if the id passed in the event leads to a null object (non-existent in my db) then I want to block it, otherwise let it pass.
This way I will escape adding a null checker on EVERY event handler.
public void onEvent(Event event) {
Entity entity = getEntity(event.getId());
if(entity!=null){ // what I don't want to add on every event handler
I found that axon provides an interface called EventListener but I'm not sure how to work with it and I'm not sure if this will be intercepting ALL of my events or if I will be able to intercept select events.
There is no mention anywhere for this interface but in the official documentation (with no actual examples or so)
You are right on the part the the Reference Guide still needs some improvements #bleh10 - I can assure you, they're being worked on, the team is just spread out relatively thin.
In absence of the sought after example, I think I can give you some guidance.
What you're looking for is a MessageHandlerInterceptor implementation, specifically for the EventMessage type. As the naming suggests, it intercepts messages prior to being handled, which corresponds perfectly with the question you've posed.
Secondly, you obviously need a place to configure these. Within an Axon application, the technical aspect of delivering events to your #EventHandler annotated methods, is the Event Processor. As such, it is in charge of ensuring the Event Messages flowing through it are intercepted as desired.
Hence, the place to configure your EventMessage MessageHandlerInterceptor, is on the EventProcessor implementation you've chosen. To ensure a given Event Handling Component is set in a specific EventProcessor, you can specify it's Processing Group by annotating the class with the #ProcessingGroup annotation.
From there on, you can easily configure specific properties for your Event Processor by utilizing the EventProcessingConfigurer. More specifically, I'd suggest to use the EventProcessingConfigurer#registerHandlerInterceptor(String, Function<Configuration, MessageHandlerInterceptor<? super EventMessage<?>>>) method for this.
The first String parameter is meant to describe the name of your Processing Group. The second is a Function which receive the Axon Configuration and should output a MessageHandlerInterceptor which can deal with the EventMessage class.
Hope this helps you out!

DDD dealing with Eventual consistency for multiple aggregates inside a bounded context with NoSQL

I am currently working on a DDD Geolocation application that has two separate aggregate roots inside one bounded context. Due to frequent coordinate updates I am using redis to persist my data which doesn't allow rollbacks.
My first aggregate root is a trip object containing driver (users), passengers (list of users), etc.
My second aggregate root is user position updates
When a coordinate update is sent I will generate and fire a "UpdateUserPostionEvent". As a side effect I will also generate and fire a "UpdateTripEvent" at a certain point, which will update coordinates of drivers/passengers.
My question is how can I deal with eventual consistency if I am firing my "UpdateLiveTripEvent" asynchronously. My UpdateLiveTripEventHandler has several points of failure and besides logging an error how can I deal with this inconsistency?
I am using a library called MediatR and the INotificationHandler which is as far as I know is "Fire and Forget"
Edit: Ended up finding this SO post that describes exactly what I need (saga/process manager) but unfortunately I am unable to find any kind of Saga implentation for handling events within the same BC. All examples I am seeing involve a sevice bus.
Same or different Bounded Context; with or without Sagas; it does not matter.
Why a event handling fail? Domain rules or Infrastructure.
Domain rules:
A raised event handled by an aggregate (the event handler use the aggregate to apply the event) should NEVER fail by Domain Rules.
If the "target" aggregate has Domain Rules that reject the event your aggregate design is wrong. Commands/Operations can be rejected by Domain rules. Events can not be rejected (nor Undo) by Domain rules.
A event should be raised when all domain rules to this operation was checked by the "origin" aggregate. The "target" aggregate apply the event and maybe raises another event with some values calculated by the "target" aggregate (domain rules, but not for reject the event; events are unrejectable by domain rules; but to "continue" the consistency "chain" with good responsibility segregation). That is the reason why events should have sentences in past as names; because already happened.
Event simulation:
Agg1: Hey buddies! User did this cool thing and everything seems to be OK. --> UserDidThisCoolThingEvent
Agg2: Woha, that is awesome! I'm gonna put +3 in User points. --> UserReceivedSomePointsEvent
Agg3: +3 points to this user? The user just reach 100 points. That is a lot! I'm gonna to convert this User into VIP User. --> UserTurnedIntoVIPEvent
Agg4: A new VIP User? Let's notify it to the rest of the Users to create some envy ;)
Fix it and apply the event. ;) Even "by hand" if needed once your persistence engine, network and/or machine is up again.
Automatic retries for short time fails. ErrorQueues/Logs to not loose your events (and apply it later) in a long time outage.
Event sourcing also helps with this because you can always reapply the persisted events in the "target" aggegate without extra effort to keep events somewhere (i.e. event logs) because your domain persistence is also your event store.

Event sourcing: splitting event in more detailed

While user registration process in my domain several actions occur: user created (with email/password or with linked social network account), user login is done.
I have (see) two options how to register the events:
One UserRegistred event (which contains all the info, password hashes, external social accounts)
Multiple events UserCreated, UserPasswordSet, UserExternalAccountLinked, UserLoggedIn
Events from second option (UserPasswordSet, UserExternalAccountLinked, UserLoggedIn) may appear on their own later while performing corresponded operations.
I understand that question and options may be subjective, but I would like hear opinions of experienced ES/DDD users about the issue.
I don't claim to be experienced, but I think it's simpler output multiple events rather than having a complex simple event.
The pros are:
Simplicity - projections (including the aggregate itself) and other event handlers don't need to understand a complex UserRegistered event as well as the fine grained events
Less churn on the event schemas - e.g. if you change details of your authentication events, fewer event types will need to change (since there's no UserRegistered event to change)
Clarity - the events better capture the sequence of state changes involved in user registration
I can think of a minor con:
Non-atomic registration. It's likely projections could handle a single user registered event and atomically create the read model in a state that the client can immediately query. If you have multiple events, the read model might handle them one by one, meaning the user may be temporarily in a half-registered state, that you might not want to handle in your clients.
This can be avoided by having your read projection consume all available events and make its update in a single transaction, so that the sequence of events causes only a single transaction commit, and hence you never see a half-registered user. This is more efficient in any case, but might not be that simple, depending on your read store.
Alternatively, you can automatically filter out half-registered users when querying the service

what is the difference between event listerners and subscribers in symfony2 [duplicate]

I'm working in the Symfony2 framework and wondering when would one use a Doctrine subscriber versus a listener. Doctrine's documentation for listeners is very clear, however subscribers are rather glossed over. Symfony's cookbook entry is similar.
From my point of view, there is only one major difference:
The Listener is signed up specifying the events on which it listens.
The Subscriber has a method telling the dispatcher what events it is listening to
This might not seem like a big difference, but if you think about it, there are some cases when you want to use one over the other:
You can assign one listener to many dispatchers with different events, as they are set at registration time. You only need to make sure every method is in place in the listener
You can change the events a subscriber is registered for at runtime and even after registering the subscriber by changing the return value of getSubscribedEvents (Think about a time where you listen to a very noisy event and you only want to execute something one time)
There might be other differences I'm not aware of though!
Don't know whether it is done accidentally or intentionally.. But subscribers have higher priority that listeners -
From doctrine side, it doesn't care what it is (listener or subscriber), eventually both are registered as listeners -
This is what I spotted.
You should use event subscriber when you want to deal with multiple events in one class, for example in this symfony2 doc page article, one may notice that event listener can only manage one event, but lets say you want to deal with several events for one entity, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... if you use event listener you would have to code several event listener, one for each event, but if you go with event subscriber you just have to code one class the event susbcriber, look that with the event subscriber you can manage more than one event in one class, well thats the way i use it, i preffer to code focused in what the model business need, one example of this may be went you want to handle several lifecycle events globaly only for a group of your entities, to do that you can code a parent class and defined those global methods in it, then make your entities inherit that class and later in your event susbcriber you subscribe every event you want, prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist etc... and then ask for that parent class and execute those global methods.
Another important thing: Doctrine EventSubscribers do not allow you to set a priority.
Read more on this issue here
Both allow you to execute something on a particular event pre / post persist etc.
However listeners only allow you to execute behaviours encapsulated within your Entity. So an example might be updating a "date_edited" timestamp.
If you need to move outside the context of your Entity, then you'll need a subscriber. A good example might be for calling an external API, or if you need to use / inspect data not directly related to your Entity.
Here is what the doc is saying about that in 4.1.
As this is globally applied to events, I suppose it's also valid for Doctrine (not 100% sure).
Listeners or Subscribers
Listeners and subscribers can be used in the same application indistinctly. The decision to use either of them is usually a matter
of personal taste. However, there are some minor advantages for each
of them:
Subscribers are easier to reuse because the knowledge of the events is kept in the class rather than in the service definition.
This is
the reason why Symfony uses subscribers internally;
Listeners are more flexible because bundles can enable or disable each of them conditionally depending on some configuration value.
From the documentation :
The most common way to listen to an event is to register an event
listener with the dispatcher. This listener can listen to one or more
events and is notified each time those events are dispatched.
Another way to listen to events is via an event subscriber. An event
subscriber is a PHP class that's able to tell the dispatcher exactly
which events it should subscribe to. It implements the
EventSubscriberInterface interface, which requires a single static
method called getSubscribedEvents().
See the example here :
